SE eo Deaths JOHN H. WILLIAMS John H. “Mick” Williams, 72, formerly of Mount Joy, died Monday afternoon, May 28, at Cherry Street Guest Home, Columbia. He was a lifetime resident of Lancast- er county and was employed |, as a lineman for PP&L Co. for 27 years. : Born in Lancaster, he was the son of the late John and Anna Welsh Williams. He was married to Thelma L. Helm Williams. He was a member of Mount Joy Friendship Fire Co. In addition to his wife, he is survived by nine children: Gladys, wife of Cleveland Judd, Mountville; John How- ard Williams Jr., Keystone, Ariz: Robert C. Williams, of Mount Joy; Amer M. Wil- liams, York; Richard E. Wil- liams. Lancaster; Theodore D. Williams, Manheim; Doris Jean, wife of James Weid- man, Newark, Del.; Ronald E. Williams, Mount Joy; Patri- cia Ann, wife of John Mus- ser. Elizabethtown; 22 grand- children: two sistérs: Ella, wife of Amer Kreider, Mount- ville; and Mrs. Mary Bauman of Pequea. Services were arranged for Thursday, June 1, from the Sheetz. funeral home with burial in the Eberle cemetery. SARA M. SMITH Mrs. Sara M. Smith, 72, of Mount Joy R1, died at Saint Joseph's hospital Sunday, May 28, at 8 p. m. after a brief illness. Born in West Hempfeld Township, she was a lifelong resident of the area. She was the daughter of the late Alon- zo and Mary Miller Cassatt. She was a member of the Newtown United Methodist church, Her survivors include her husband William B., a niece and a nephew. Services were held Wed- nesday, May 31, from the Sheetz funeral home and bur- ial was made in the Silver Spring cemetery. MINNIE MUMMERT Minnie Mummert, 89, died Thursday, May 25 at the Leh- mna Nursing Home, Rheems, after a lengthy illness. Born in Mount Joy, she was a daughter of the late Israel and Melinda Bartles Mummert and was a lifelong resident of Mount Joy. She was a member of Trinity Lu- theran church, Mount Joy. Survivors include a daugh- ter. Miriam, wife of Lee W. Ellis, Mount Joy, five grand- children, 14 great-grandchild- ren and three great great- grandchildren. Services were held Satur- dav, May 27, from the Heilig funeral home and burial was made in the Mount Joy ceme- tery. SARA G. HUMMEL Mrs. Sara G. Hummel, 68, of 19 West Main St., died at 9:40) p.m. Monday, May 29. at her home, after a lengthy illness. She was the wife of Fred L. Hummel. She resided in Mount Joy for the past eight months. Prior to moving to Mt. Joy, she was a resident of Eliza- bethtown. Mrs. Hummel was a retir- ed seamatress and had been employed by Donegal Indus- tries, Mount Joy RD. She was a member of the Brethren in Christ church, Elizabethtown. Born in Middletown, she was a daughter of the late John and Lizzie Ginder My- €rs> In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son and four daughters, Charles C. Hummel of Olean, N. Y; Janot A., wife of Donald J. Marley, Hatfield; Doris M, of Arthur Shaud Jr., of Wg (Turn to page 16) ... WEDDINGS :-- WALTER — DOLAN The marriage of Miss Cyn thia Ann Dolan to Lawrence Paul Walter, Indianapolis, Ind., took place Saturday, May 27, at 10 am. at: the Bellarmine Chapel of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, with the Rev. Leo Klein offic iating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Do- lan, 410 Birchland Avenue, Mount Joy. She was graduated from Lancaster Catholic H. S. and attended Edgecliff college, at Cincinnati, Ohio, The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Walter, Evansville, Ind. He was graduated {rom Xavier university and has completed his first year at the University of Indiana Medical School, Indianapolis, Ind. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of ivory silk or- ganza trimmed with Schiffli embroidery. Mrs. William Burnett, sis- ter of the bride, Athens, O., was matron of honor. Brides maids were Miss Karen Sha- ver, Nashville, Tenn, and Miss Kathie Langen, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Serving as best man was David Powers of Charleston, West Va. Ushers were Dennis Walsh, Chicago, Ill., and Rich- ard Tuchfarber, Cincinnati, Ohio. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Mike Fink Restaurant, Cov- ington, Kentucky. The couple will live in In- dianapolis, Ind. WELCOMER — SHUMAN The marriage of Miss Dana Lee Shuman to Donald R. Welcomer took place Satur- day, May 27, at 1 p.m. at the United Church of Christ, with Rev. Paul N. Marsteller offic- iating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Shuman, 707 Petersburg Rd. She was graduated from Manheim Twp. high school. She is employed by Slayma- ker Lock Co. The bridegroom is the son of Welcomer, 112 S. River street, Maytown, _He was graduated from Donegal high school, and served in the U. S. Army for three years. He is employed by Standard Oil of California. as a retail representative. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of white sata peau trimmed with Venise lace and a bow. Mrs. Sandy Nauman of Eph- rata was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Sue Ann Shuman, sister of the bride, and Miss Judy Ann McCue, Conestoga. Serving as best man was Robert Welcomer, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Richard Price, Bainbridge, and Robert Roaten, Maytown. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Evans’ Banquet room, Manheim. The couple will live in Mt. Joy. McCARTY — SMITH The marriage of Miss Su- zette Olynn Smith to Howard Earl McCarty Jr. took place Saturday, May 20 at 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran church, Mount Joy, with the Rev. Lester Koder officiating The bride is the daughter of Mr.~and Mrs. Owen C. Smith, 219 West Donegal St., Mount Joy. She was graduated from Donegal high school. She is employed by Armstrong Cork Co. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McCar- ty, 117 W. Walnut St, Mari- etta. He was graduated from Donegal high school and is employed by Armstrong Car- pet plant. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of Spanish lace trimmed with seedpearls. Miss Deboroh Swingler of Marietta was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ruth Simione, sister of the bride- groom, Falmouth; Miss Nancy Padilione, Lancaster, and Miss Sheri Smith, sister of the bride. Anthony Simione, Jr., Falmouth, was ringbear- er, Serving as best man was Dennis Eisenhower of Mount Joy. Ushers were: Michael McCarty: brother of the bride- groom; Ronald McCarty, bro- ther of the bridegroom, and Scott Zeller, Mount Joy. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the church. The couple will live in Mt. Joy. HAMILTON — KAUFFMAN The marriage of Miss Pa- tricia Ann Kauffman to. Mich- eal Paul Hamilton took place Saturday, May 20, at 2 p.m. at the First Church of God, Elizabethtown, with the Rev. William Groff officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Kauffman, Elizabethtown RI. She was graduated from Elizabethtown Area H. S..and is employed by Donegal In- dustries, Inc., Mount Joy. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamil- ton Jr., 122 Harter St., May- town. He was graduated from Donegal high school. He is serving in the U.S. Army Re- serves. He is employed by Keefer’s IGA, Inc., E-town. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a flcor- length gown of white taffeta and chiffon trimmed with lace and ruffles. Miss Linda Godsey of Har- risburg was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Susan Halk, Elizabethtown; Miss Doris Dunkelberger, Eliza- bethtown. and Miss Susan Hamilton, sister of the bride- groom. Flower girl was Miss Susan Ernst, York, Todd Kauffman, brother of the bride, was the ringbearer, Serving as best man was Randy Hamilton, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were James Good and Keith Arn- old, both of Maytown, and Steve Heistand, Milton Grove. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the church. The couple will live at Mt. Joy Rl. BOLL — HESS Miss Lou Ann Hess, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Hess, 15 S. Harter St., May- town, became the bride of Dennis Marlowe Boll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Boll, of 301 N. Locust St., Elizabeth- town, at 1:30 p.m. Saturday May 20 at St. Paul’s United Methodist church: Elizabeth. town, with the Rev. Thomas S. May and the Rev. Rodney H. Shearer officiating. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride was atten ded by Miss Deborah Boll, sis- ter of the bridegroom, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Susan Kriner and Miss Cindy Risser. Flower girl was Miss Dyana Lynn Smith. James Shreiner served as best man. Ushers were Steve Shireman and Larry Roush Douglas Miller was ringbear- er. The bride was attired in a floor-length gown of nylon organza with a bodice of ven- ise lace. Her Camelot cap of lace, trimmed with nylon or- ganza roses and seed psarls, held a veil of silk illusion. She carried a cascade of white roses and ivy centered with lavender orchid. A reception was held in the church social room. Follow- ing a wedding trip to the Po- conos, the couple will reside at 13 East High St., Elizabeth- town. The bride was graduated from Donegal high school and Emlie’s Hairdressing Acade- PAGE 6 _—_— [— — Engagements [oe g— GINDER — ROWBOTTOM Mr. and Mrs. John S. Row- bottom, Mercer, announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Mary Carol Rowbottom, Pit'sburgh, to Douglas A. Gin- der, Coraopolis. The bride-elect was gradu- ated from Mercer high school and Robert Morris college, in Pittsburgh. She is employed by the Allegheny County Board Assistance, Pitts- burgh. Mr. Ginder is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Z. Gind. er of 398 S. Market Ave. He was graduated {from Donegal high school and Rob- ert Morris college, where he received a B.S. in marketing and business administration. of WELSH — MATTERA Mrs. Matilda M. Mattera, 13 E. Market St., Marietta, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Mary J. Mattera, to Kenneth O. Welsh of 408 S. Front St., Wrights- ville. She is also the daughter of James P. Mattera, 231 E. Market St., Marietta. The bride-elect attends Donegal high school and the Mount Joy Vo-Tech school, where she is studying cosmet- ology. Mr. Welsh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob O. Welsh, 328 S. Front St., Wrightsville. He attended Eastern York high school and served in the U. S. Marine Corps for two years. He is employed by the U. S. Lock and Hardware, at Columbia. GOHN — LENOX William C Lenox, 27 Pop- lar St., Mount Joy, announces the engagement of his daugh- ter, Miss Rebecca J. Lenox, to Dennis W. Gohn. She is also the daughter of the late Mrs. Ruth Easton Lenox. The bride-elect was gradu- ated frem Donegal H, S. and attended Elizabethtown col- lege. She is employed by the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. Mr. Gohn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gohn of 18 N. Pine St., Marietta. He was graduated’ from Donegal high school and El- ectrical Engineers School, Vir- ginia, and served in the U. S. Army for two years. He is employed by Sauders Mach- ine Co., Landisville. my. She is employed at the Village House of Beauty, in Rheems. The bridegroom is a gradu- ate of Elizabethtown H. S. and is attending Elizabeth- town college. He is employ- ed by K-Wood Products Co., Elizabethtown. WEACHTER — SHANK The marriage of Miss Deb- ra Ann Shank to Donald James Weachter took place Saturday: May 20 at 2 p.m. at the Zion Evangelical Luth- eran church, Manheim, with the Rev. Ronald Weagley offi- ciating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Shank, Mount Joy R2. She was graduated from Manheim Central high school and attended Thompson In- stitute, Harrisburg. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Weachter, 66 N. Clay street, Manheim. : He was graduated from the Manheim Central high school and attended Electronic Insti- tute, Harrisburg. He is em- ployed by Armstrong Carpet Plant, Marielta. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of Cluny lace over taffeta. Mrs. Sherri Barto, Marietta was matron of honor. Brides- maids were Miss Linda M. Weachter, sister of the bride- groom, and Miss Diane Shank sister of the bride. Flower girl was Miss Kathy Parson, Manheim. 5 Serving as best man was Edward R. Patches of Penryn WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1972 Fourth Graders Honor Mothers Students in Mrs. Vera Al- bert’s fourth grade at Grand- view School recently present- ed a special program in honor of their mothers, Sam Clark and Joyce New- comer met all guests at the door. Kelly O'Leary was the announcer. Detha Noll recit- ed two poems. Sherri and Mitch playd a trumpet duet. Keven Eshleman played a piano solo. Jaylee Kennedy did a baton twirling act with a record. Gary Eshleman played a trumpet duet. LaRue Hess did a baton twirling act with a record. Mark Wagner played a trombone solo. Rob. in and Sam played a flute & clarinet solo, Then they had three plays. The first play was “The Five Brothers”, Mary Jane Haldeman was the narrator; Wayne Hartman, first brother; Mark Underwof- fller, second brothers, Keven Risser, third brother; Jerry Williams, fourth brother; Wayne Cunningham, Fifth brother; Gary Eshleman was the curtain man; Sherri Kin- sey and Mark Underkoffler were stage managers. Kathy Condon recited a paragraph on History of Mother’s Day. The second play is Special Delivery Doug Kline: was the father; Debbie Brenaman, the mother; LaRue Hess, Betty; Jaylee Kennedy, Alice; Leroy Derr, Robert; and Mitch Mummaw, Georgie, Gary was the curtain man and Sherri and Mark U. were stage managers. The whole class sang a song for the mothers, The third play entitled a sur prise for Mother Kevin Esh- leman was the father; Mary Eberle, Mother; Donna Zeller, Peggy; Mark Wagner, Joe Kathy Keener, Shirley; Robin Snyder, Joyce; & Cleve Gar- dner, Bill. Gary was the curtainman and Sherri and Mark U. were stage managers. Carol Aspach told about the gifts. Each child gave their mo- ther a gift. The gift we gave our mothers were films of us. By Sherri Kinsey Ushers were John R. Becker, Manheim, and Robert C. West of Manheim. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the church. The couple will live in Rheems. KOSER — SIMMONS The marriage of Miss Kath- leen Ann Simmons to Robert Dennis Koser took place Sat- urday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Catholic church, Marietta. Te bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bish, 108 Essex St., Marietta. She is also the daughter of the late Winfield Simmons. She was graduated from Donegal high school. She is employed by Donegal Mutual Insurance Co., Marietta, as a keyboard operator. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Koser, 222 Birchland avenue. He was graduated from Donegal high school. He is employed by Armstrong Car- pet Plant, Marietta. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of cotton embroi- ered eyelet lace trimmed with appliqued daisies. Miss Amy Lynn Simmons, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were: Miss Margaret Koser, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Beverly K immich, Columbia, and Miss Jacqueline Bish,, sister of the bride, Junior brides- maid was Miss Lori Simmons, sister of the bride. Daryl Ko- ser, Akron was ringbearer. Serving as best man was Gary English of Mount Joy. Ushers were: Donald Pickle, Marietta; William Hackenbe- ry, Mount Joy, and Charles Gibble, Manheim RD. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Hostet- ters Banquet Hall, Mount Joy. The couple will live in Mt. Joy.
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