WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1972 Timely Tips for Women by Doris W. Thomas Caring For Outdoor Furnituer outdoor 41y - \ tips for groom Is your Follow summer To water, lacquer spray to maintain the Wash wrought iron and steel furniture. Use steel wool to remove any rust spots, then clean these areas with mineral spirits, Touch up these places first. with metal primer, then an outdoor en- amel for metal. these fun. ciean aluminum and wipe furn then rinse You can also wash redwood and hardwood furniture. Give redwoods a yearly coating of NEW HOMES FOR SALE With unusual view. Two-story four-bedrooms .Large country kitchen with oak cabinets. Formal dining room. Family room with large fireplace. Two and a half baths. Wall to wall carpet throughout. Elec- tric heat. EXTRA LARGE TWO CAR GARAGE. Situat- ed on a large lot. Location Pleasant View Estates, 1 mile from Manheim-Mt. Joy exit of Route 283. CALL DAVID G. HEISEY BUILDER PHONE 367-7783 ELIABETHTOWN 10-3c furniture dry. Apply car summer? for a busy furniture ready for ng your outdoor with soap and wax or a clean iture, wash it natural lustre of the aluminum. penetrating sealer. Then wax furniture. Painted hard wood may need a coat matching outdoor enamel, the of Give ratten and wicker fur niture frequent dusting but only wash it once a year. If a strand of rattan or wicker has unraveled, soak it in wa ter. Then rewind it. Next, apply one of the following protective coatings — liquid wax, enamel paint, marine varnish; or spray lacquer. Remove the old paint first. Use a soapy sponge to clean plastic and plastic-covered pieces. To clean very soiled plastic, add a little chlorine bleach to the soap and water, Test color plastics first for color-fastness by using the solution on a hidden space. Rinse off plastics with a clean sponge and water. Remember to give your furniture similar care next fall before you store it for the winter. If you do, your furniture will be ready for the following summer. SEASON MEMBERSHIP RATES Available PINCH POND SWIMMING POOL Phone 665-9504 Safe Play Area For Children With a little thought, time and energy, you can provide a safe play yard that costs very little, if any money, and appeals to your children, f'nere are generally and ends around the house that will lend themselves to he magic of a sew and ham mer. The objects and imagination. Let your children take part in creating the play equip- ment. Having helped, even in mall way, the children are likely to take more interest in the care and upkeep of the yard and its. equipment. Some of the best toys for younger children usually are simple house hold objects such as pots and pans, old brooms, and mops and card- board boxes. These items are temporary but so are the in- terest spans of the young. Take a few precautions when you construct home- made toys to make sure they are safe. Check wooden toys for splinters, And be sure all toys are free from sharp objects such as staples in box- es and sharp areas on metal toys. To be safe and fun, a child’s play area doesn’t have to in- clude costly equipment. They will get just as much enjoy- ment from items you make or common household gadgets & tools. Lope odds best toys are simple the child's own Epicurean touch for com- pany: marinate cooked frozen artichoke hearts in French dressing and add to a tossed green salad. To a chemist, a ruby is nothing more than a red cor- undum with chromic oxide impurities. = Celetrating 45 “SRE | Indianapolis 500 victories on Fi tres restone racing PUBLIC SALE Household Goods, Antiques and Coins TO BE HELD SAT., JUNE 3, 1972 10:00 A.M, Located 3180 West Oak St. Lebanon, Pa. Betwee; Casino Roller Rink and Lebanon Country Club. Hotpoint refrigerator: 4-burner electric stove, 18 ft. freezer, extension table with 3 boards, 2 tables (6 and 4 boards), 3 platform rockers (like new) 3 clothes trees, china closet, side board, Singer sewin machine, 3-pc. bedroom suite, , metal clothes closet] 6 plank bottom chairs, 3 wash stands, bureau with loa handles, beds, flour chest, wood box, 3 blanket chests cane seated: chairs and rockers, plank bottom rocker ® dry sink with top, 2 wringer type washing machine: Estate heatrola, small AM-FM radio, old 8-day clocl small iron kettle, butcher kettle, 2 kerosene lamp butchering ladles, eel gig, Electrolux sweeper: old his cuit and cracker boxes, butter mold, homemade soar old shawls, woolen caps, old dress (1900), lots of flow er planters, canned fruit, lots of bedding, flowered fee bags, dress material — by the yard, home made quilts new and used rugs, dishes, pots: pans, all sizes crocks jugs. Garden tools, step ladder, dog house, lawn mower, 24” girls bicycle, Old Coins from fair to x-fine fron 1795; silver dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, 3 cen pieces, Y2 cents, some large paper money, and India: heads. Old indenture (yr. 1835), large and small books: (yr. 1800's), and many items not listed. Sale to begin at 10 am. and coins will be sold at : p.m. Lunch stand. drop le: 8 Terms by: < - Ada W. Brandt Estate Elsie B. Snavely & Lillian Kreider, Executricesit RUFUS GEIB & RAYMOND MILLER, AUCTS. PUBLIC SALE Real Estate and Complete Line of Shoe Manufacturing Equipment a THUR. EVE., JUNE 15, "72 5:30 P.M. 1 Located at South King Street, Maytown, Pa., near’ Arnold's Garage. . if 4 1 $ * ] 1} Story Brick Dwelling | Modern kitchen, living room: 3-bedrooms, with tile § bath, oil furnace with baseboard heat, hot water heat- 8 Co a ah ny Rl LEE NE mw t puts The tire tha petween you an The Fireston two armor belts a single cord will tow a a a STEEL tire trouble e 500 steel Belt has of steel sO - TRADE TODAY! | i. ~ WE'LL BUY ALL THE UNUSED... - i MILEAGEIN YOUR PRESENT TIRES tough a car. A great low cost, fine quality tire buy! Firestone CHAMPION" Our popular full 4-ply nylon cord tire. $ 3 All sizes similarly low priced Blackwalls & Whitewalls | 9 ways To f= 1 EW 95 6.00-13 or 6.50-13 Blackwall Plus $1.61 or $1.75 Fed. Ex. tax and tire off your car, aE EE EE EE EE EEE "a ne nanan nn" 329 WEST HIGH STREET weigart Firestone PHONE 665-2258 A EERE ER EEE RR REE EEE EE EE EE MANHEIM, PA. eee er, hardwood floors, storm windows, block building, § size 54 x 60. To inspect this property call 653-5689. Real estate to be offered at 7:00 p-m. Sale by The Union National Mt. Joy Bank HAROLD (ABE) SHAFFNER, 717 - 653-5689 C. HL. WOLGEMUTH, AUCTIONEERS DIFFENDERFER & REIST CLERKS ’ Food Stand PUBLIC SALE OF — TOOLS, ANTIQUES and HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., JUNE 3, 1972 AT 10:00 A.M. Located just outside of Mount Joy in the Vil- lage of Stauffertown. Turn north at the light off Rit. 230 at the Union National Bank, Mount Joy. Just beyond the bridge on the Mount Joy-Man- heim Road. NICE CLEAN MERCHANDISE OLD COINS and PAPER MONEY Sale by . Anna Fishburn HARRY FISHBURN, Deceased C. H WOLGEMUTH and H. SHAFFNER, AUCTS. - PH. 665-5664 11-2¢c
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