e Joy others nssible Mount ncess 12-1¢ heart -- ‘lends, es for other ympa luring ar fa father ther. in K. 12-1¢ nh, we neigh kind 3s for to us other g her f her ee W. 12-1¢ n we rela 1 our for a Vy & DNNEENF AERSENEREER REL EEE EER ENE EE EEE EERE EER Ww Ad AEN BEEENAGEEEN ARNE EEE SERENE ERANNE AR ENEREN NDE RRR] a idk Pid & » 8 seid a a i A ve oh “Turkey for spring” is the economy tip of the season Turkey provides a favorite flavor for all ages that is highly nutritious (highest in protein, high in niacin and riboflavin) and a dieter’s dream (lowest in fat and cholesterol content) but it’s also an economical meat to serve—as low in price today as it was 15 years ago. With such a list of credentials turkey should be served often in every home. It’s truly spring’s best meat buy! Spring Turkey With Vegetables 1 Thaw, turkey at room temperature, allowing 1 hour per pound. 2. Remove plastic bag. Remove neck and giblets from cavi- es; rinse furkey ard drain. 3. Stuff as desired and fasten legs either by tying or tuck- ing under skin band. Neck skin should ron to back and wings twisted to rest under turkey. 4. To roast, place turkey breast-up on small rack in shal- low roasting pan. Brush with melted butter, if desired. If roast meat thermometer is used, insert into thick part of thigh. Roast at 325°F. Time chart below is guide to length of cooking time. About 11% hours before turkey should be done, place pared carrots and potatoes around base of turkey, turning to coat each with drippings. Continue roasting until thermometer registers 180-185°F., when turkey is done. NOTE: A “tent” of foil placed loosely over the turkey will control the degree of brown-ness and may be removed the last half hour for final browning. ies : K ¥ i ; hy, Aa Ra x #: TIME CHART FOR ROASTING STUFFED TURKEY Preheated oven 325°F. Ready-to-cook Weight 8 to 12 pounds 12 to 16 pounds Approximate Cooking Time 315 to 41% hours 41% to 51% hours 16 to 20 pounds 51% to 614 hours 20 to 24 pounds 614, to 7 hours NOTE: Because turkeys vary in conformation, variety, etc., cooking times can be only approximate. Thus, it is well to allow an extra half hour of roasting time in case the turkey needs that extra cooking time. Unstuffed turkeys require approximately 15 hour less roasting time. That time because otherwise T h~va to get in touch with you to The job of a Congressman, fication numbers. saves as I see it, is to serve his constituents by listening to them and then going to work on their behalf. Whether it’s dealing with national issues or giving someone a helping hand, the important ingredi- ent is personal contact. There are a number of ways you can participate. set those numbers before 1 can proceed with looking in 10 your problem. The new Postal Service policy of using area post- marks rather than postmarks for each community makes it important for you to include Writing your Congressman YOUT address on any corres is one of the best ways of getting your voice heard in national affairs, Letters I re. ceive from constituents are read carefully, the opinions expressed are noted, and in most cases a reply iS prepar- ed. The only mail that does not noted, and in most cases a reply is prepared. The only does. not get a res ponse is when I think it pret- ty apparent that the writer does not expect an answer. be answered. It used to be that my staff could trace an individual’s address by refer: ring to the postmark, so we were able to answer letters where the return address was missing. But the new system of postmarking means it will be impossible to find out how to get back to you if you fail to give us an idea of where to reply. Of course, writing a letter is not the only way of bring- ing your opinions and prob- lems to my attention. My full time District Office in the Lancaster Post Office is When someone in the 16th District has a problem with the Federal Government, a letter is often the best way of requesting my help in pondence that you expect to there for you to visit and to take your calls, Either way, the staff will let me know what you had to say. -You al so are welcome to visit and/ or call my Washington Office, but for most people that's a good deal more inconvenient, We make an attempt to come to you periodically =o that if you can’t come to us, you still have an opportunity to tell your congressman what you think or ask for his help. My staff makes regular visits to post offices throughout the District to meet with con- stituents, These visits are publicized in advance so that you will know when my rep- resentative is going to be near you. And, I don’t mean to imply that you are limited to deal- ing with my staff. If you want to see me personally, I hold regular weekly office hours in the District that are open to everyone by appoint- ment. The appointment is necessary only to assure that I'll be in the office when you come to talk. In other words, my staff and I try to be available to you because you're what the Congressional job is about. All you have to do is write, call or stop in and chat, and you will be a part of getting that job done the right way. solving that problem. I have found if I have the details of your case in writing, it is us- ually easier to explain to the Federal agency involved how ildhunt is involving Lan- you should be helped. Childhunt is ir caster County! Childhunt is a state-wide campaign design- ed to locate, identify and place in school or training program, an estimated 50,000 Pennsylvania mentally retard- ed children, between the ages of 5 and 21. Mahlon Gochnauer, presi- dent of Lancaster Association for Retarded Children stated, When you do write about a problem, make sure you send me all of the facts you can remember, because every little detail helps in getting favorable action. Also, if the case involves the military or Social Security, be certain to send along the proper identi- Your Headquarters A & “= “aa 35 I) Hr TR Nm o> y i “Not all parents of mentally retarded children realize that the Right to Education guar- antees a program of public education and training to every mentally retarded child, no matter how severe his handicap. We are trying to find these children, and help their parents to enroll them in an educational program.” Parents of mentally retard- ed children and interested ci- tizens who know of mentally retarded children between “ Seek Names of Retarded Children the ages of 5 and 21 who are not in school or training pro- grams are being asked to contact Lancaster Association for Retarded Children at 394- 5251. PLAY TAG Back-to-school means lost clothing for kids. Remember to tag not only coats, but his boots and mittens, too. more annoying than to have someone repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said. —Scott Keller Nothing is — The Forget-Me-Not is the Alaska State flower. Some parts of the Grand Canyon are 7,000 feet deep. The number centillion is a one followed by 600 zeros. Mi Po | itl | nt a 1 GOL EN TOUCH OF HOSPITALITY BY JANE ASHLEY I] ’ For Graduation Gifts — WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF * Cameras * Toiletries * Film * Candy And Hallmark Cards To Express Your Congratulations! SLOAN'S PHARMACY EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE \ Try The Unusual — Shrimp Indonesian [ No need to travel East to eat exotic foods. You can cook good oriental dishes in your own kitchen. ? Shrimp Indonesian [V4 cup corn oil 15 cup halved blanched V> cup chopped onion iid almonds hit | : 4 teaspoan while pepper tablespoons chopped green . : | 2 Bj op Phed. gle V4 teaspoon dried basil leaves 14 teaspoon ground thyme 1 pound cleaned frozen shrimp, thawed 2 tablespoons corn starch 1 recipe Coconut Milk Heat oil in skillet over medium heat. Add onion and green onion. Saute, stirring frequently, until tender. Add tomatoes, green pepper, almonds, pepper, basil and thyme. Bring to boil. Add shrimp. Boil 2 minutes. Mix corn starch with 2 tablespoons Coconut Milk. Add to remaining Coconut Milk. Stir into shrimp mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute, Serve over rice. Makes 6 servings. Note: To make Coconut Milk, mix together 1 (3 14-ounce) can (flaked coconut with 1 143 cups milk in saucepan. Heat over low {heat until mixture foams, about 2 minutes. Pour into sieve and ' 3 cups cubed tomatoes 24 cup green pepper, cut in strips ™N press out liquid,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers