June 12 July 17 - August 18 EVENING SESSION June 19 - August 10 TERM 1 - July TERM {I Everybody Reads The FOR SALE Nor Ma: Hen Sq VOLV Ne Sp le $5 Sq Tre J ael Blue sha Hat Ma 2A { 17 Tu 502 J s€ Gibson Zenith vtag — Service and Sales, ny’s El ectric, are Manheim. Ch ing arge Plan. 43 Market Use our Re 12-1-¢ Factory Fabri ic Outlet— rial Summer weight doub- nit polyester, 2 yards for 95. First quality. He: ny’s Electric, Me are, anheim See at Market 12-1¢ 43 t rugs shted Lustr npooer jware, heim, TIO S 9 a.m. iture, Ww. right. if clk e. Re $1. Ix They'll be aned with nt electric ngenecker’s 39 Market Square, Pa to 8 pi dishes, Ferdinand, 12-1c SALE — June 2, 3, 4, n. Antiques, clothing ete. Manheim. 12-1c ntique Nails. Ww Call 939 VW, i. $200. $30; 4d "in Tem ooden 665-36¢ good Utilit ouble springs, after 4:3 t, L Yel 7 y and 4 12-1c table 362. runs trailer, 6’x maple bed $15. Call 12-1c ‘6’ Str. condition. body, A A SE LL SAS ET history, 14 LDOOO0000 Classifieds: Fifty used Portables $9 and up; cabinets $14 and up, zig zag $29 and up. American and foreign makes. Expert service all makes. Radio dispatch trucks, 50 mile radius, $3.50 house calls, No mileage charge. Big discount. Famous zig zag. Open daily 10 to 11. Sundays 10 - 6. Call dealer 944-1401. 11-3p “Everything for the Knitter”. Lessons available. Marie’ Yarn & Handmade Gifts. 13 N. Main St., Manheim. Hours: Daily 9-5:30 except Tues. 9- 12; Friday 9-9. Also at Root’s every Tuesday. 11-tfe SPINET CONSOLE PIANO may be purchased by small monthly payments, see it lo- cally, write Cortland Music Co., P. O. Box 35, Cortland, Ohio 44410. 11-4p Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex, $1.69 — Lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 At your drugstore. 8-10c FOR RENT ee FOR RENT: Two - bedroom mobile home, located near Mz anhe im. C all 665 >-43: 19, 12 2¢ FOR RENT: Viliage Green Apartments, east Willow St, Elizabethtown, 1 and 2 bed- room apts., featuring total el ectric living, wall- to-1 vall car pet/ fully equipped G.E. Kit chen, laundry facilities and individually controlled Car- rier air conditioning & heat- ing. Immediate occupancy. Rental office open 1 to 5 Sat Fey a & 5 | ww? EDMAN BR A a re JOY ROAD PHONE ED 90 71 EEO CE ™ EF Bes a DEiEl y Im. p. MANHEIM 665-2778 72.2¢ mathematics, education, psychology, religion and philosophy and sociology. sewing machines. - TAT ra ETNA A eae eR SRE Ee oor A tes tf oaEa pen ERENCE CEE NNER NA RENNER EEN Elizabethtown College Summer Session 60 courses in art, biology, business, modern languages, science, physics and earth Glasser Schools Without Failure seminar. Developmental Reading Laboratory. For more information, contact the Director of Summer Session, Eliabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Penna. 17022. Telephone 367-1151. urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on Tuesday and Thursday. Call 367-4769 or 838-4271 for infor- mation. 38tfe HELP WANTED FEMALE Secretary. Typing, shorthand, general office. Call 653-1401. 12-1c Waitress wanted for parttime work and weekends. Age 13 or over. Apply at Lincoln Restaurant, East Main street, Mount Joy. 12-3c Waitress needed Saturdays & Sundays. Evening work. Call 665-4908. Beat 1 heaping tablespoon of vanilla ice cream with 2% cups of cranberry. juice til light and frothy for an after- noon pick up. The world’s hardest nut is the babasso, found in Brazil. A 2.,750-pound nugget was once found in Mexico. »” CENTER-CUT Swiss Cheese —— English, physical science chemistry, music, policial Services Offered Will do ironing in my home. Call 665-5062. 12-1c ROHRER’'S BOOK STORE and SODA FOUNTAIN 11 S. Main St., Manheim — Tyndale Living Bible — Open Daiiy 9:30 - 9 Saturday - 9:30 - 5 Small concrete jobs done in Manheim-Lititz-E. Petersburg area, Ph. 665-6654 or 665-4997. 5-8¢ Miscellaneous Union Square School Reunion will be held at Kauffman’s Park in Manheim Pavilion #3 on Sunday, June 11, at 2 p.m. Hope to see you there. 12-2¢ Bus trip to New York City. Sightseeing and boat ride and YEEnEERena ERNE ANNENEN RENEE SERENE ANS ASRS ERASER ASAE EREENT, ——1 WEDNESDAY, CHUCK ROASTS MAY 31, shopping, June 10, Call 653 4402 or 367-6324. 9-4¢ or — Card of t Thanks : I would like to thank the Joy cee-ettes and all the others who helped make it possible for me to become the Mount Joy Memorial Day Princess Joi Shearer, 12-1¢ We wish to extend our heart-- felt thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, flowers and other kind expressions of sympa thy extended to us during our recent loss of our fa ther and great grandfather and great great grandfather. The family of Edwin K. Stauffer 12-1¢ With sincere appreciation, we gratefully thank all our neigh bors, our other very kind friends and our relatives for their many Kkindnesses to us and to our beloved mother and grandmother during her illness and at the time of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Ellis and family. 12-1¢ With deep appreciation we sincerely thank all our rela tives, our neighbors and our other very kind friends for their many kindnesses to us and to Mrs, Milford, our dear wife and mother, during her illness and at the time of her death. Leonard Milford and family. 12.1¢ OPEN ROAD INDOOR SHOWROOM Travel Trailer-Motor Home Saie & Rental See them all at H. E. LEHMAN, INC. B.D. 3 Manheim, Pa, Quarter Mile North of Turnpike Exit 20 on Route 72 Phone 665-3566 CENTER-CUT FRESH Hamburg Patties HOMECURED SLICED Aa d\siald) FRESH FROM THE DELI. CASE POTATO SALAD MACARONI SALAD BAKED BEANS CREAM SLAW TZ TOR Bol SALAD HAM SALAD IE 29 f A 4 4 ¢ so wd CHI 101 N. Main St. sw MANHEIM ui Photte 655.2028 ACRE DEERE NESE EERE EERIE NEE RES EERE ER Ee EEA aa 0 0 A ES NE AREA ENR EEN MRE EER NER E ERNE EEE ERNE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers