IT’S EVERYBODY'S JOB! “A - Twa, Mother Nature. does her part in bringing Beauty to Our: Comunity every Spring, but the transforma- tion isn’t Complete unless we Clean Up, Paint Up, Fix Up and Plant ‘Up our homes and properties. Z. Let's: make Mount Joy a Community we can be proud: of! It will: be if we all do our part. It's a chal- lenge for every man , woman and child to do his part! X-UP WEEKS IN MOUNT JOY OFESSIONAL HELP FOR YOUR NEEDS! t An Important Spring Clean Up Item BOX STORAGE There are a great many ways that we can Help You with aint-Up, Fix-Up SPONSORED BY AMBER OF COMMERCE utiful Town To Live and Work In” Your Spring Cleaning GINDER CLEANERS TIED TO YOUR FURNACE? : Time to Convert to Cas cr Oil Heating Automatic Gas or Oil Heat relieves you of the wo k and worry rce Wishes To Congratulate All nesses Who Have Made Major Of Their Properties In Our Com- of furnace tending . . . Keeps your home comfortably, uniformly § heated. Let us install a gas or oil heating unit in your furnace. é The cost is low. Also equipped to do excavating and air compres- ! saor jobs. FURNACES CLEANED AND REPAIRED | H. S. MECKLEY & SONS | ET pr, WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 653-4678 MOUNT JOY, PA. g—- MR. ‘and MRS. HOME OWNER CLEAN-UP TIME IS....PAINT-UP TIME The SICO Company Year. ¥ BLOCKAID PAINT — For Basement Walls RUST - OLEUM PAINT — Stops Rust POLYURETHANE PLASTIC FLORENAMEL PAINT floor & deck Disiributors OF A Pativleun Products NEW HOMOGENIZED SPRED SATIN—2600 colors to choose from CITGO RIES TT #e PAINT AND CLEAN-UP SUPPLIES PHONE 653-1411 HOSTETTER HARDWARE, Inc, 93 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE 653-1861 MOUNT JOY MOUNT JOY STREET, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. BR 39 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-4939 $8 8 50 NORTH SPRUCE ST., ELIZABETHTOWN PHONE 367-1270 (8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers