LEGAL NOTICES ORPHANS COURT DIVISION AUDITING NOTICES To all Claimants, Beneficiar- ies, Heirs and Next of Kin, and other persons interested: NOTICE IS given that the following accounts in deced- ent’s incompetents, minors’ and trust estates have been filed in the office of the Reg- ister of Wills or Clerk of Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County and will be presented to said Orphans” Court for audit and confirmation and for distribution of the balanc- es shown therein to. the par- ties legally entitled tHereto on MAY 1, 1972 at ten o'clock a. m.,. in the courtroom of the” Orphans’ Court Division ‘of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County on the 4th floor of the Courthouse in the City of Lan- caster, Pa. 1. ALLISON, L. ETHYL, de- ceased, 414 of 1971. 1st & final acct., Zana A. Kehm and Janet ‘Allison Wilson, exore" MM. GG. 8S. & 8B, Attys. : 2. BALTOZER, JOSEPH G., dec’d, 1058 of 1971. 1st & final acct., Union National Mount Joy Bank, exor. Alspach” & Ryder, Attys. 3. BECHTEL, ADA K., dec’d 1196 of 1970. 1st & final acct., Arthur R. Bechtel, exor. Horner, Atty. 4, BUCHER, WILLIAM P., dec’d. 940 of 1971. 1st & final acct., James Bernard Bucher and Louise Bucher Cullinan, exors. Sam Fer- guson Musser, Atty. 5. BUCHWALTER, OMAR N., dec’d. 576 of 1971. 1st & final acet., Buchwalter, Amos DM. Buchwaiter and Ada Reba Bachman, exors; A. R. H. & A. Attys. 6. BUCKWALTER, FREE- LAND H.,- dec’d. 243 of 1971. Account of impoun- ded funds in the hands of Eiam H. Buckwalter, Christian B. Zimmerman, Christian H. Shirk, and Henry H. Martin, admrs c.t.a. Wentz & Weaver, Attys. - 7. CALL. AVAIE, JANE, de- ceased; 1008 of 1971. 1st & final acct. The Common- wealth National Bank, ex- ecutor. A. & R. Attys. 8. CASS, JOSEPH K. IV. alkla ‘JOSEPH HERR CASS, TV; alkla: JOSEPH KERR CASS, decd, 933 of 1971, 1st & final acct., Joseph K. Cass, III, exor. A. R H & A, Attys.® 9. COXEN, EMMA GENE, dec’d, 264 of 1970. 1st & final acet., The Fulton Na- tional Bank of Lancaster, exor. B. S. C. & M. Attys. DACHS, FRANK H., de- ceased, 1027 of 1971. 1st & final acct.,:: The Com- monwealbh National Bank and Helen D. Herr, exors. Richard M. Martin, Atty. DICKSON, J. L., alkla J. LESTER DICKSON, dec’'d 867 of 1971. 1st & final acct., Elmer Dickson and Gwyn Dickson, executor. Hassel & Yost, Attys. ECKENRODE; HAROLD J., dec’d. 990 of 1971. 1st & final acect., John W. Ec- kenrode, Jr., exor. A.&R Attys. EICKER, MARY KATH- ERN, dec’d, 718 of 1971. 1st & final acct., National Central Bank, exor. Blank & Nikolaus, Attys. ESHLEMAN. SUSANNA HORNBERGER, dec’d, 868 of 1971. 1st & final acect., Clarence Ludwig Horn- berger, exor. S. R. & B., 10. 11, 12, 13. 14. Attys. 15. GEISENBERGER, JAC- QUES H.,, decd, 34 of 1870. 1st & final aect., The Fulton National Bank of Lancaster and Jacques H. Geisenberger, Jr., co- exors. G.Z. P. & G., At- torneys. GILBERT, KENNITH M., dec’d. 858 of 1967. 1st & final acct. Neola M. Gil- bert, Admrx. W. B. & H., Attys. GLASS, STELLA G., de- ceased. 967 of 1971 1st & final acct., Alma G. Eberly, Grace Hehnly, Lester S. Glass, & Eugene S. Glass, exors. Bare, Atty. GOODELL, RUTH LYNN, dec’d. 189 of 1971. 1st & 16. 17. 18. Gladys I.° pt 20. 21. 22. 23. - acct. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 317. 38. 39. 40. 4]. 9. final acct., Robert Hilliard Goodell, exor. William B. Arnold, Atty. GROFF, LIZZIE L., dec'd, 739 of 1970. 2nd & final acct.,, Alma M. Bucher, extx. Wenger & Byler, At- torneys, GROFF, RUSSEL S., de- ceased, 1266 of 1969. Ac- count of impounded funds in the hands of Helen E. Rutter. Anna E. Savitz & Ilard R. Gehman, exors. Wentz & Weaver, Attys. HACKBARTH, ELIZA- BETH OHMIT, decd, 69 of 1970. 2nd & final acct., Paul R. Beshler, exor. B. S. C. & M., Attys. HALDEMAN, RUTH MAE, dec’d, 902 of 1971. 1st & flnal acct., The Common- wealth National Bank, ex- ecutor. Horner, Atty. HEISEY, ANNA M., dec’d, 1068 of 1971. 1st & final Elizabethtown Trust Company, exor, A. & R. Attys. HERR, HENRIETTs J. dec’d, 404 of 1971. 1st & final acct., John C. Herr, exor., with Guardian ac- count attached. William B. Arnold, Atty. HERSHEY, ENOS G., de- ceased, 1011 of 1971. 1st & final acct., Cora L. Her- shey, Elsie H. Diem and Warren G. Hershey, exors. B.S. C.&M, Titys. HERZOG, MYRTLE M., dec’d, 776 of 1971. 1st & final acct., Elizabeth Staub admrx, c.t.a. Rohrer, At- torney HOUSER, THOMASC. S., dec’d, 1175 of 1970. 1st & final acct., Louise H. Mc- Garvey and Virginia H. Esterly, exors. M. G. S. & B., Attys. - KAUFFMAN, HELEN H., dec’'d, 8 of 1971. 1st & fi- nal acct., Glenn L. Steph- an admr. Eby, Jr., Atty. LONG, RUTH., decd, 11- 46 of 1971. 1st & final acct,’ David R. Long, exor. A. B. B. & B., Atty.s MARKLEY, RUSSELL F., alkla R. F. MARKLEY, dec’d, 1409 of 1970. 1st & final acct., The Fulton National Bank of Lancas- ted, .exor. B. S. C. & M., Attys. MARTZALL, JOHN, dec’d, 190 of 1971. 1st & final acct.,, Eiva M. Martzall, exix. W, & B. Attys. McWILLIAMS, WILLIAM decd, 1157 of 1970. 1st & final acct., Linn L. Reist and Kathryn McWilliams, exors. S. R. & B., Attys. MELLINGER, B. Z., alka BENJAMIN Z. MELLING- ER, dec’d, 761 of 1968. Account of impounded funds in the hands of Wil- bur H. Mellinger.Dorothy L. Lantz, and Janet 1. Martin, exors. Wentz and Weaver, Attys. MILLER, GEORGE R., dec’d, 951 of 1971. 1st & final acct., George R. Mil- er, Jr., exor. Reese, Atty. MOORE, LOUISE ROY, dec’d, 760 of 1970. 2nd & final acct., National Cent- ral Bank, successor by consolidation to Lancaster County Farmers National Bank & Miriam R. Shep- ard, exors. B. S$. C. & M,, Attys. : PARRISH, EMMA L., de- ceared, 281 of 1970. 2nd & final acct., Eileen G. Garden, admz, Lombardo & Hummer, Attys. PONTIUS, MARY KATH- ARINE, dec’d, 247 of 1970 Ist & final acct., S. G. Pontius, exor. W. B. & H., Attys. SENTZ, MARY ELIZA- BETH, dec’d, 942 of 1971. 1st & final acct., National Central Bank, exor. R. M. H. & H., Attys. ULRICH, WILLIAM T., dec’d, 25 of 1971. 1st and final .acet., Dolores F. Long, admrx. Miller and McKinsey, Attys. VON NIEDA, DORIS VIR- GINIA, decd, 1413 of 1970. 1st & final acct., Stanley Von Nieda, Jr., and Sarah Moore Ja- mison, exors. W. & B. Attys. WEIDLER, SUSAN DIL- LER, a/k/a SUSAN DIL- LER OVERLY, dec’d, 628 of 1981. 1st & final acct., National Central Bank, successor by consolidation to The Lancaster County National Bank, trustee for use of H. Clay Weidler. ® Legal Notices i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE On or before 3:00 p.m. E.D.- S.T. Thursday, June 8, 1972 undersigned will receive seal- ed bids in the offices of “the School District in the high school on Pennsylvania Trav- el Route 141 in East”Donegal Township for the old Mariet.- ta Elementary School in The Borough of Marietta on the south side of West Walnut Street. For copies of the bid form or for inspection, contact Ralph E. Coleman, Director of Business at the school dis- trict office (P. O. Box 297, Mount Joy, Pa., 17552; tele- phone 653-1447). Immediate possession upon settlement available. Other terms and conditions appear in form of sealed bid. DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT By Dorothy J. Meade, Secretary Shirk, Reist and Buckwalter, Attorneys 7-6¢ W. Lloyd Snyder, Jr., At- torney. WEIDMAN, JOHN B., de- ceased, 1067 of 1969. 1st & final acct., Miriam B. McCarte, exix. Z. &. G., Attys. BERNARD V. SANTANIELLO Register of Wills & Clerk of Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas. 42. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 — a — a ——— a —— a ———————— a ———— — —— EPHRAIM R. AWAD, M. D. WILL BE IN GENERAL PRACTICE At 75 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. (Formerly the offices of Dr. John S. Gates) ON MONDAY, MAY 1, 1972 PHONE 653-4152 — | OFFICE HOURS—Daily, Except Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m, | and 6 to 8 p.m. h Saturday - 9 to 12 and 1 to 3. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT ) ar ——————— ———————— —————— ————————— ~~ P00000000600000¢ 1500000000000 000y $00000000000000000¢ iii tite I III II III III I New Store Hours! 2222220020 2: Daily 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. BECK BROS. FURNITURE STORE Now Owned by HARRY'S FURNITURE & AUCTION 11 NORTH MAIN STREET, - 665-5500 - MANHEIM 33332252 2s 242% 3 222232222 TD — i yes 3a gst: When y depart Answering recording phone . =] E=A Boa ECA ° Gode-a-phone takes over... your calls and Here's a desk-top message center for businessmen who don’t want to miss phone calls. Code-a-phone answers on the first ring, greets callers and tapes their messages. Available with remote control feature that permits play-back of calls on any tele- . at home or in a public booth. Other options include secretarial accessories for transcribing dictation. Call our business office about instaliation. 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