WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 PAGE 3 3 oi j 5 : - ; NEE NENA EEN ENE SEAN ANNAN NEN NE or s ad rrr e— a ENR Lawn and Garden Equipment : MPS | FORD RIDING ! : LAWN TRACTORS and GARDEN TRACTORS . y Stop in today and see us about a Rotary Tiller, KET New or Used ~ WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL — NAUMAN’S REPAIR SHOP EB ) 872 MOUNT JOY ROAD MANHEIM, PA. | Phones: Shop - 665-2070 — Residence - 665-4401 HOURS: — Mon., Wed., and Thurs., 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Sat. 8 am. - 3 p.m, Closed Fri.,, Sun. & Holidays 5-2¢ g » & buys Pr Aigo ey hese ERVESS| just a sample s of our arly Bird Values ! : hs IF ~ ER ROTARY | AGWAY COBBLER SEED POTATOES | FIELD SEEDS AND SEED OATS { FLEeTRIC | AGWAY SEED CORN — All N. strain XR = 16" Wide Cut Several outstanding varieties 767-724-834 ys pa d A \ Also LAWN SEED BEL WEED CONTROL CHEMICALS Atrizene (Attrex) - Lasso - Weedone ( “ _ % Full line of FERTILIZER for field, garden & lawns : a i BALE TWINE JOHN E. MELHORN 34 DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD. MOUNT JOY | Phone 653-4485 62¢ | fad | WITH REMOTE SWITCH TERRIFIC BUY AT THIS LOW PRICE! s,vtect ith non bearive. - and -this not only helps pre- he can, you should find your Powerful Briggs & Stratton engine has convenient remote control, DELUXE ELECTRIC. cord ip \ . 3a { . 1 : - . 2 vents the formation of a film. paint as fresh as when you easy recoil starter. 6” radial disc wheels have nylon bearings. per; rear safety deflector. Roller - = " = = - - w " » w " i» - u ——— wy Before replacing the lid on ure, then after hammering on w » m = - rs: : ; ” If storing the paint for the sea- left it. w . g b x Chrome-plated safety handle folds flat for easy storage, toting. bearings on 7” wheels. .45.88 pl = " " w | " - u mu o = ” - pl - = = - a a paint can breathe lightly in- the lid tightly turn he can 0 to the can on top of the paint, upside down. Upon reopening son, follow his same proced- —— Wet and snowy weather is a particularly bad time to be ] OPEN ROAD driving on bald tires, the Tire INDOOR SHOWROOM Indusiry Safety Council ad- 1 rs Travel Trailer-Motor Home | Vises. When two or more ( j . Sale & Rental tread grooves are down to the See them all at safety minimum of 1/16 inch H. E. LEHMAN, INC. -in depth the tire should be re- R.D.3 Manheim, Pa, | placed immediately. - 2. Sr: : wv, © ~ YouR RE >= a "19D ea. NO TN B6e BUY NEW GARDEN TOOLS NOW AT BIG SAVINGS! QUIK-GRO GRASS SEED (A) LAWN BRUME—sweep-type with 22 spring-tempered teeth. For quick lawn cover! Blend of (B) BAMBOO RAKE—steel band locks 26 teeth in flexible head. creeping fescue, domestic and (C) DIRT SHOVEL—for lawn and garden. Handy size. Ash handle. ~~ perennial rye. Crabgrass free. (D) BOW RAKE—14" steel head with 14 curved teeth, ash handle. (E) GARDEN HOE—64" wide steel blade with sharp cutting edge. RIDING 2388s 5 H.P. 26” MOWER 1 vo Quarter Mile North of ee. has —K Tarspike EB 20 The hardest task in life is ; on hots to refuse to b S a Phone 665-3566 30 Jeluse 40 be tempiad IY D-| = 4 LARRY FERRARI alt TELEVISION and CONCERT ORGANIST | Manheim Central Sr. High School j SUNDAY, APRIL 30, - - - 3:00 p.m. C . Sponsored by Lancaster County Multiple Sclerosis Society BOX OFFICE OPEN 2:00 P, M. ADULTS $2:00 CHILDREN (under 15 years) $1.25 fa Master of Ceremonies BOB KELLER of WLYH-TV Channel 15 4 ® 4.SPEED TRANSMISSON PT iy ® EASY SPIN STARTER ® FLOATING 26” DECK e DISC BRAKE 3 i | e 13” PNEUMATIC REAR TIRE 1 11” SEMI-PNEU- $s MATIC FRONT CX} § | | 'BECAU MOTHE 2) 1 SE R 2 2] | LIKES NICE THINGS , , 0 @® ORTHO © TRU TEMPER @ SCOTTS 3 Ff Choose a Hallmark card for Mother that puts Lawn & Garden Lawn & Carden Tools Lawn Products $1 i into just the right words your affection for Products 4 | her...a smart Sr Ser, fond iad, | ® ONION SEIS | @ PLANT FOOD £1 3 message or colorful Contemporary style. : ! 4 There’s a perfect Hallmark tribute for every ® GARDEN SEED POTTING SOIL x i favorite lady in yourlife “when you care enough | Loose & Packets © PEAT MOSS @ x | to send the very best.” | : ' f SLOAN'S PHARMACY Il ¥ 1yur - nights :! EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY . ? i 3 IR 7 FRI. = till ; R H PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE PHONE: 665-2491 J i 39-41 MARKET SQ. MANHES NEERING NEN IEENEN EEE EEN ANNE NNN SNE EEE ENN NEE INNEEEEERNNEN 3 . EE — 5 6 5 3 0 0 0 RA,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers