Ly Classifieds Everybody Reads The FOR SALE 2 used gas water heaters, $8 each; 1 apartment-size gas range, $12; Locust posts, 60c each. Phone 665-4350, T-1c Reel type power mower. Good. condition, $25. Phone 665-4068. 7-1¢ Sofa and matching chair. Best offer. Phone 665-3662. 7-1c Camp Trailer, sleeps four. Ph. 665-3021 after 4:30 $200. tre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Longenecker’'s Hardware. 39 Market Square, Manheim, Pa. 7-1c Millions of rugs have been cleaned with Blue Lustre. It's America’s finest. Rent electric shampooer $1. Graham's, 20 Market Square, Manheim, Pa, 7-1c Special Notice Gilbert's Store R.D. 1, Wrightsville, Pa., at Long Level 30% OFF Entire Store Stock. Open Thurs. & Fridays 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7-2c New Factory Fabric Outlet— Can be seen at 408 W. Ferd- inand St., Manheim. 7-c — Double Knit, Polyester ma- terial - Kettle Cloth, Imported It’s inexpensive to clean rugs Irish Linen, Cotton Fabrics at and upholstery with Blue Lus- Henny’s Electric. 43 Market AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 AM.—FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M.—FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE—MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M, FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2184 Square, Manheim. T7-1c A busy weekend ahead? Plan to purchase home baked goodies from Boy Scout troop 39 on Fri, Apr. 28. 4 p.m. at Greer’s Jewelry store, Mount Joy. 8-1c Building Lots. Corner and ad- Joining. Total 165 ft. front x 180 ft. deep. Atop hill over- looking Manheim. Phone 665- 3142. 5-3¢ Two Goats. One 2 years old, one 8 months. Nice. Call 665- 3856. 7-1c Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex, $1.69 — Lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98. At you drugstore. 45-10p FOR RENT FOR RENT: Village Green Apartments, east Willow St., Elizabethtown. 1 and 2 bed- room apts., featuring total el- ectric living, wall-to-wall car- pet, fully equipped G.E. kit- chen, laundry facilities and individually controlled Car- rier air conditioning & heat- ing. Immediate occupancy. Rental office open 1 to 5 Sat- urday and Sunday; 4 to 8 on Tuesday and Thursday. Call 367-4769 or 838-4271 for infor- mation. 38tfe HELP WANTED — ae — WANTED: Man to do yard work. Apply in person after 6 p.m. at 232 S. Market, Mount Joy. 6-3c Man to assist in managing plumbing and heating store in central Elizabethtown. Knowledge of plumbing and heating work preferred. Abil- ity to sell important. Phone 5023. 49-tfc UBLIC SALE QF = Real Estate, Household Goods TO BE HELD SAT., APRIL 29, 1972 AT 41 W. HUMMELSTOWN ST., ELIZABETHTOWN LOT OF LAND, 22x180 feet, more or less, thereon erected half of a 21 Story Frame Dwelling containing 7 rooms and bath; oil fired hot water heat with summer-winter hookup. To view property call Elizabethtown 367-1116. Also to be sold at same time and place: Monarch combination gas & coal range, maple table, 6 chairs, maple buffet, Frigidaire refrigerator, kitchen step stool, elect. clock, waffle iron, elec. iron, toaster, china closet with mirror in back, high chair, 3-pc. living room suite, wall card table, small stand, large mirror, end table, round table, table & floor lamps, table lamp with paint- ed shade, 9x12 rugs, throw rugs, 2 Hoover sweepers, maple davenport & chair, parlor table, stool, chairs, rocking chairs, round table, occasional arm chair, two slope top desks, 1 maple; sewing basket, carpeted box, coal oil lamp, lantern, jardinieres, clothes rack, low bureau, Simmons bed, spring, innerspring mattress, oak bureau with mirror, Empire bureau, small stand, ward- ee i pene Services Offered Bronzed Baby Shoes, uncon- ditionally guaranieed. Free information. Millers, Box 173 Manheim, Pa. 17545. 6-4c APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR Tractor Trailer Driver AND Warehouse Utility Man Some tractor trailer driving experience desirable but not required. All trips driven within 60-mile radius. Benefits Include: Paid Holidays Vacation and Retirement Plan Employee and Family Hospitalization ® APPLY AutoKraft Box Corp., No.8 MARKET & FRANK STS. MOUNT JOY Boz by any other pen name, robe, single bed, box spring, mattress; vanity with mir- was Charles Dickens! ror, bureau with mirror, 5-pc. bedroom suite, inner- spring & mattress, blanket chests, trunks, utility cabin- el, fernery. Scotts mower, 7-ft. aluminum ext. ladder, step lad- der, gard~n tools, hose, hand sprayer, worktable, Speed Queen wrincer washer, ironing board, galvanized tubs, baskets ~rbage can, cut & pressed glass, dishes, cook- ing utensils, jars, crocks, articles too numerous to men- tion. Sale to start at 11 a.m. Real Estate to be offered at 2:30 P.M. Conditions will be made known by Estate of James S. Rutherford COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK, Executor HENRY F. GINGRICH, ATTORNEY DUPES & GERBERICH, AUCTIONEERS S. KRAYBILL, P. MILLER, CLERKS 6-2c rian BUYING enn Realty Inc (forme Rick 665-2401 Christian lady desires house- work, with supervision, Call 653-4449. 7-1c Small concrete jobs done in Manheim-Lititz-E. Petersburg area, Ph. 665-6654 or 665-4997. 5 8c Electrical appliance repair ser- vice for home and shop. 35 O.d Market St., Mount Joy. C Nagel. 5-4c E. & R. Window Washing Service. Residential and com- mercial, Call 653-1283. 2-5p Income Tax Service—individ- ual, farmers, small business. Phone 665-6525. 49-Tc Miscellaneous Two-car garage to be torn down for lumber. 212 Orch- ard St., Manheim, 665-2883. = Cu Card of Thanks — rn With our grateful apprecia- tion we sincerely = thank all our relatives, our neighbors and our other very kind friends for their many expres- sions of sympathy and other kindnesses to us in the loss of our loved one. The Family of Warren W. Bates 7-1c APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR JOB OPENING AS FOLLOW: Offset Press Apprentice OFFICE PHONES: 653-1478 397-8174 7-1c Benefits Include: 5 Paid Holidays In Memorium Vacation and Retirement Plan : Employee and Family In Loving Memory of our H Htalizati dear son and brother ospitalization CALVIN E. NOLT ® Who died May 1, 1970 in in South Viet Nam. Long are our hearts — With Sweet Memories filled, Like the Vase in which Roses have once been distilled. You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will. But the scent of the Roses will hang round it still. The Christian R. Nolt Family 7-1c WANTED Men and Women For Asparagus Processing For Day Work on processing line at East Petersburg Plant APPROXIMATELY APRIL 24 TO JUNE 16 CALL MANHEIM OFFICE - PHONE 898-2206 BETWEEN 9:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. APPLY AutoKraft Box Corp., No.8 MARKET & FRANK STS. MOUNT JOY John F. Cope Co., Inc. WANTED! | APPLY TO { { { { ; JOHN JACZYNSKI 653-1181 { { Shoe Company MOUNT JOY | 6-3c WEST MAIN STREET ) } 3 p p AT p . } Gerberich - Payne | } : b j } y SELLING £ 112 SOUTH MAI STREET \ MANHEIM, PENNA, } rly Manheim-Doncgal Rcalty Co's) Call and ask for: Hershey, Sales Rep A HOME PHONE: 665-3797 _
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