WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 phy, “Who Owns America?”, Hickel says: “The polluters Must Include Pollution “The cost of protecting the forever be included in Walter J. Hickel. Pop Davis ANTIQUE AUCTION - Furniture MON. EVE., MAY 1 AT 6:00 P.M. Located at the Landisville fire hall, 315 Main Street, Landisville, Penna. Adams plates & Desserts, Carnival glass, Am- berina, Hen on nests, Ducks on nests, glass bulldog, iron dogs, glass paper weights, blue glass, Amber glass, Ironstone china, cream & sugars, Mount Joy Centennial plate, Shirley Temple glass, Carnival water set, 40” high Calendar clock, weight clock, shelf clock, pot belly (egg) stove, pewter pitcher, shaking forks, lanterns, Rayo lights, large copper kettle, copper wash boiler, rawhide whip, large Penna. R. R. calendars, hanging store oil lights, iron ladles, forks, spatulas, large agate coffee pot, ink jugs, fire place set, tin ware, brass keg spigot, carbide lights, sleigh bells, 2 Salunga Centennial Indian banks, 2 wash bowl & pitcher sets, large 1893 sale bill, oval tin roast pans, bread pans, pie pans, Rohrer’s shot glass, amber quart bottle, Coin Collection, Dinner bell, butter churns, iron pot, oak hall rack with mirror, victrola, old records, oak commode, metal commode, old cradle, arm chairs, treasure chest, hand made walnut uphols- tered chairs, reverse paintings on glass, ball store scales, two high chairs. Sale by Raymond M. & Mary N. Davis CONDUCTED BY J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE R. D. 1, MANHEIM, PA. OMAR LANDIS & GIRVIN BROS., AUCTS. PHONES 665-4806 - 665-5054 - 569-9492 6-2c PUBLIC SALE Real Estate, Aatigue: and Household Goods SATURDAY, MAY 13, ,72 11:00 A. M. Located about 1 mile west of Maytown, Pa., along Route 241, about 1 mile east of Reich's Church. 12 ACRE FARM Barn hang 2 acres of tobacco, Stripping room and cellar 23 STORY FRAME DWELLING Large 8room house and bath, basement, attic, oil furn- ace, with hot air heat, electric hot water heater, new water pump, storm windows and doors. To inspect this property call 653-5689. Roll top desk, dry sink, 6-leg drop-leaf table, blank- et chests, hall rack, plank chairs & rocker, cane chairs. wash stands, wood box, bureaus, beds, wardrobes, side board, desk with bookcase, kitchen cabinet, G. E. Re- frigerator with freezer on top, G. E. Chest Freezer, RCA T.V., washer, glassware, pewter plate, china flow blue tea pot, Currier & Ives, Little Daisy, Shelf Clock, Household Appliances, pictures & frames, meat bench, mattresses, blankets, rugs, porch swing, books, crocks, butcher furnace, corn sheller, platform scales, step 1ad- der, tobacco lath, iron troughs, milk cans, and many other items too numerous to mention. Real Estate to be offered at 2:00 p.m. Sale by Bertha M. Trout Rober L. ARNOLD, BRICKER, BEYER & BARNES, ATTY'’S. H. (ABE) SHAFFNER, AUCTIONEER DIFFENDERFER & REIST, CLERKS Food stand by the Friendly Circle of Reich's Ciel r -3¢ environment must now and the cost of any item,” says form- er Secretary of the Interior Writing in his autobiogra- of the past were providing goods and services for the public, oblivious to the en. vironmental consequences of their actions. I cannot blathe them. Even 20 years ago, the industrial and municipal efflu- ent being discharged into public waters was in most cases too little to pollute. Na- ture has a built-in system to break and clear away pollu- tion. “But today it is a different VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS George R. Miller, 79, of Marietta Melvin S. Fisher, 74, of Salunga Elam W. Hollinger, Jr., 49, Manheim Clay M. Stauffer, 70, Mt. Joy R2 Brian Keith Herr, 8, of Rheems C. Eugene Manuel, 56 of Manheim * * * BIRTHS A son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gulden, East Peters- burg A son to Mr. and Mrs, Charles P. Brandi, Manheim A son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerlach, ‘Bainbridge A son to Mr. and Mrs. John Bevan, Landisville A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RichardHenry, Neffsville Clothing will often leave lint on frechly varnished sur- faces that have not fully hard- ened. Rub these spots with a cloth moistened with turpen- tine or mineral spirits, then follow with furniture polish. Public Sale! Of Valuable Real Estate Garage Equipment - Tools Thurs., Apr. 27, *72 At 10 A.M. Sharp At 150-152 West Market Street, Marietta, Pa. The undersigned admr. of John R. Shireman Estate will offer at public sale the follow- ing Real Estate at 150-152 W. Market St., consisting of a lge. 3 Story Brick House with 10 rooms & bath, oil hot water heat, gas hot water heater, open stairway, fire- place, house is in good condi- tion, Attached Garage with Showroom, Office and Parts Room, large work area, paved lot in back, 3,000 & 4,000 gas tanks & 2 pumps in front. Men’s & Ladies rest rooms, oil hot air heat; open for in- spection on Sat., April 15 at | 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. pointment Terms 10% down, balance in 30 days, other conditions on day of sale. Will be offered at 2 P.M. also Marquette 8 motor analy- zer, Marquette generator-alter- or by ap- nator and regulator tester. model T-201, several floor jacks, Heinwerner 1%2 ton bumper jack, model 55, Bish- man tire changer, model 880, . wheel balancer, tow bar, air compressor, steam jenny, car air lift, headlight screen and tester, 1 ton chain hoist, car stands, creepers, work bench- es, drills, new & used wheels, tires. A general line of small carpenter tools, chemicals, desk, safe, file cabinet, 2 Na- tional cash registers, swivel & other chairs, candy case, dis- play counter, parts bins, cigar- ette machine, clocks, etc., ete. Also 1947 DODGE 4-Dr. SDN. restored and in A-1 condition, and many other items used in the garage business, Not res- ponsible for accidents on day of sale. Refreshments avail- able Terms Cash. Shireman Administrator JACOB A. GILBERT, AUCT. DONALD H. NIKOLAUS, Attorney 6-2¢ phone 426-3279. | The Goliath beetle weighs story. Many of our rivers and lakes have passed the level of almost ¥% of a pound. tolerance and even the oceans are in danger, Today's pollu- ters cannot avoid the issue of A ® environmental responsibility, F R Oovin The additional cost to pro- tect the environment,” Hick- CALL el emphasizes in ‘Who Owns Charles E. Groff America?” “must now and 653-1357 MOUNT JOY forever be included in the cost of any item. I believe this expense is acceptable to consumer, who is now willing to pay a few cents per month to insure that the production of goods not pollute the en- vironment.” PUBLIC SALE OF sn ANTIQUES and HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., APRIL 29th, 1972 10:00 A. : Located at 133 East High Street, Elizabethtown, Pa. Dutch cupboard, Roll top Desk, Jelly Cupboards, Blanket Chest with old hinges, Plank Rockers, Side Board, Extension Table, Spinning Wheel Chair, 9-Leg. Table with drop leaf, Bar Chair, Cedar Chest, Rockers, Chest of Drawers, Shift Robe. Love Seat, Sofa Bed, Tables, G.E. Automatic Washer, G.E. Dryer, G.E. Re- frigerator, freezer on top; Emerson Air Conditioner, R.CAA. T.V., Electrolux Sweeper, Window Fan, Magna- vox-Record Player and Radio, Glassware, Dishes, Cop- per Tea Kettle, Powder Horn, Check Writer, Lantern, Jugs, Shelf Clock, Lap Robe, Linens, Trunks, Tools, Lawn Roller, Garden Tools, Rotary Mower, Sears Motor Scooter, and many other items too numerous to men- tion. Sale by Besse Hertzler Estate H. (ABE) SHAFFNER, AUCTIONEER PHONE 653-5689 Food Stand Food Stand PUBLIC AUCTION CF cee ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS | and FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, MAY 6 10:30 A. M. 7-1c Located 1 mile East of Mountville, Pa. Tura left on farm lane at Manor View Nursery. RS. Prussian Teapot Creamer and Sugar forks, oil lamps, apple seeder, radios, elock, small chest, tinware, agate bucket, dishes, Nippon china, Ger- man dishes, glass bucket, iron spatult, elephant § ABC plate, cream and sugar, pots, pans, 12 gauge shot gun, candle holders, vases, lamps, jars, bottles, large mortis and pestal. Tobacco sizing boxes, small corner cupboard, § corner cupboard, old tools, wooden planes, draw- | ing knives, broad axe, post axe, old chest, large iron kettles, meat bench, butchering tools, crocks, gf Jugs, two l-horse sleighs, blanket chest, copper wash boiler, old small accordion, 2 library tables, small tables, 2 wicker porch rockers, double beds, rope bed, drop leaf table, 2 plank seat chairs, rock- ing chairs, stuffed chair, Rare Revolving Library, with peaked roof. Horse equipment, harness, ete.; fence stretcher, plow sled, harrow, milk cans, shovels, 1-horse wag- on, peg harrow, wagon wheels, scalding trough, potato grader, potato digger, 3 tobacco wagons, tobacco planter, grain drill, corn planter, sawbuck, wagon seats, corn sheller, tobacco press, tobacco § lath, wheat cradle, hay rake. 4 Farm equipment will be sold first. Sale by ; : Harry E. Shiffer § CONDUCTED BY J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE R. D. 1, MANHEIM, PENNA. OMAR LANDIS & GIRVIN BROS, AUCTS. PHONE 665-4306 - 665-5054 - 569-9492 Food stand by Mountville Ladies Adult Bible Class 3 T72c 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers