WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 QPP POORER FARMERS! Beginning May First, you must carry Work- men’s Compensation Insurance if you pay over $150 for labor or pay for 20 or more days of labor. EE DS OS™ 323 WEST MAIN STREET We have a good company (A. M. Best rating A+ 5A) that writes this coverage and gives a 10% dividend at the end of the year. If you must buy the coverage why not save some money! Call us for an appointment at your convenience. Ray N. Wiley Agency, Inc. MOUNT JOY. PENNA. PHONE 653-1481 @O@ LEEORRERHMHPEPRELEEREREECEPELCRCEOOR Three Place In Contest Three Centerville Jr. high school students placed in the Second Annual Boys’ Orator- ical contest sponsored by the Hempfield Optimist Club, school. Stan D. Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hyman, 834 Hillaire Rd., Lancaster, cap- tured first place. He will now advance to the Zone Compe- tition scheduled later this this month in Reading. Second place this month in Reading. Second place was won by Michael G. Shaub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Shaub, of 5985 Reeves Rd., East Peters- burg, Jonathan Crothers, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crothers, 2901 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, placed third. All three winners are 8th grade students and will be a- warded trophies at a later date. The contest, with its official topic, “Our Challenge: Invol- vement,”” was conducted at the Mount Joy Legion follow- ing the regular Optimist club dinner meeting. The politicians are busy men this year saving us from the politicians, COUNTY MULTIPLE fT Ad sponsored by Graham's, Manheim Larry Ferrari TV and Concert Organist Playing the Conn - Theatre organ - Three manual At Manheim Central Senior High School SUNDAY, APR. 30, "72 3:00 P.M, sf Jt Organ courtesy of Reifsnyder’s, Lancaster CONCERT SPONSORED BY LANCASTER cel Fons Tickets available at GRAHAM'S, 20 Market Square also by calling 665-2285 al BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 2:00 P. M, ADULTS $2.00 — CHILDREN (15 and under) $1.25 SCLEROSIS SOCIETY VEER AEE NNER MEER ER NEE NEE EEE EAE EE NEN EE EEE NEESER EEE YEAGER EN nen, EXPLANATION Some girls think the cur- rent style swim suits are im- modest, and others have beau- tiful figures. @ | @ © 1 @ @Y © Q © © Q Q @ © | WHITEWALLS or BLACKWALLS § ( { { {i 4 { § 4 s ; 4 {: {¢ { i {If 4 3 {F 1K {8 {& { B§ { ES {F {8 4 { Open Thursday and Friday Evenings bE You're ON THE nh Hillis Bargains in Some Discontinued Styles! Check our low prices on retreads too! Firestone DLC-100° NEW TREADS RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE BODIES * From The OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES Any Size Listed q 17.7514 7.00-13 6.85-15 | 7.35.14 7.75-15 6.50-13 § 72 6.9514 7.3515 : aes Al pri rices s plus 37¢ to 55¢ e Fe . Tax, sa Tractor to the Largest See ! {| Batteries to fit ANYTHING! =] Smallest Garden SWEIGART FIRESTONE PHONE 665-2258 329 WEST HIGH ST. MANHEIM Order Now STEAMED Hard-Shell CRABS doz. $395 POTATO & MACARONI SALAD Ib. 49- MT. HOPE Cream Cheese Ib. 896- DIXIE With disposable liners PKG. OF 2 with 20 Liners Coffee Mugs T-BONE STEAKS b. $29 xs SEERNGENSS rt MANES NE AENEAN IANS ERSREERILSEENNEEER EC ANDRE NNER FRESH ROCK FISH b. GG. CIDER IN OLD FASHIONED BROWN JUG (Collector's Item) 69- Baked Beans AND Cream Slaw Ib. 49- CHICKEN AND HAM SALAD $Y 29 LEAN, FRESH CHIPPED LEAN, TENDER Beef Cubes Ib. 1 19 STEAKS Ib. $ % 39 FRESH NEW RED POTATOES £ bs. 239. Ib. 79: CENTER-CUT Chuck Roasts Ib. 79 ROUND and SIRLOIN STEAKS 6 $19 Hamburg Patties SUNDAY HOURS ~~ 8:00 to SHAW’S MARKE 101 N. Main St. =v MANHEIM = Phone 665-2025 7 ng v a ARBRE EES RENEE LEAN EEE EEE EEE NEE NEE EEE NEUEN ERNE EL ENE NEE EE EEE ENN E EEE EEE,
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