The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 25, 1972, Image 1

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    e Deaths
Funeral services for Huber
Oberholtzer, 69, former resi-
dent, were held Monday, Jan,
17, from Erb’s Mennonite
church and burial was made
in the church cemetery.
Officiating were Bishop H.
Howard H. Witmer, the Rev.
Joseph Boll and Rev, Martin
R. Nolt.
Oberholtzer passed away
Friday, Jan. 14, unexpectedly
at 6:45 p. m. at the United
Zion Home, Lititz R2. He had
been under a doctor’s care for
some time,
He lived for several years
on West Wood street
He was self-employed be-
fore his retirement as a land-
scaper and tree sprayer. He
was the husband of Mary S.
Sauder Oberholtzer, also a
resident of the United Zion
He was a member of Erb’s
Mennonite church, Lititz R2.
Born in Clay Twp., he was a
son of the late Israel and Ella
Huber Oberholtzer.
He is survived by his wid-
ow, four sons, Wilmer S.. of
Lititz; Raymond S. Douglas-
ville, Pa.; Earl S. Columbia
R2; Vernon S., Delrane, N. J.
four daughters, Reba S., wife
of Richard S. Campbell, Man-
heim R3; Marian S., wife of
Cloy M. Risser, Lancaster; Mi-
riam S., wife of Harold H.
Shaffner, Mount Joy R2; Ruth
S. wife of Clark G. Berrier,
Conestoga R2; 15 grandchil-
dren and a brother, Isaac Ob-
erholtzer, Columbia R2.
Mrs. Mae R. Naylor, 83, of
29 W. Market street, Marietta,
died Wednesday, Jan. 19, at
Fairview Manor Convalescent
Home, Columbia. She was the
widow of George Ray Naylor.
Born in Marietta, she was
adaughter of the late Armour
R. and Christina Weaver Mec-
Kain. She was a life-long resi-
rent of Marietta and a life
member of Zion’s Lutheran
church, Marietta.
‘She is survived by a daugh-
ter, Gladys, wife of P. Lin-
wood Rettew, Sr., Marietta
and two sisters, Mrs. Wm.
Nagle Sr., Marietta and Mrs.
Sarah Seitz, Marietta; two
grandchildren and 3 great-
Services were held Satur-
day from the Smedley funeral
home and burial was made in
the Marietta cemetery.
Carryl Emmett Stauffer, 67,
Spring City, Chester County,
Pa., died unexpectedly Friday
morning, Jan. 21 at his apart-
ment in Downey, Calif. He
had been under a doctor's
Stauffer began his career in
education as a history teacher
and coach at the former Mt.
Joy high school. He later
taught in Manheim Twp. be-
fore becoming a district su-
perintendent in Chester coun-
ty. His last post was as prin-
cipal of Owen Roberts school
near Pottstown.
He was a veteran of World
War II and played an active
role in reorganizing the Lan-
caster County National Guard
He was a member of the
Sons of the American Revol-
ution, the Lancaster Historic-
al Society, and the United
Church of Christ, Columbia.
He was also a member of
Lamberton Lodge 476 F&AM,
Born in Columbia, he was
a son of the late Arthur and
Barbara Kob Stauffer.
He is survived by his wid-
ow, Ruby Driver Stauffer, a
son, Shannon Stauffer, Dow-
ney, Calif., six grandchildren,
and two brothers. Nevin, of
Columbia and Reiff, Kingston,
~ Mrs. Emory N. Mumma, the
former Ruth Benedict, died
Jan. 19 in the Bryn Mawr
hospital. She was 76 and liv-
ed at 707 Great Springs Rd.,
Bryn Mawr,
She was a member of the
Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount J oy
VOL. 71. NO. 33
Voting Begins
For Sweethearts
Voting is now open for the
Sweetheart King and Queen!
Ballot boxes are available at
National Central bank, Union
National bank, Martin's Ap-
——_— cm
Mr. and Mrs. Lin Heisey,
Elizabethtown R1, announce
th.e engagement of their
daughter, Miss Ellene Kay
Heisey, to James Richard
Musser, 443 W. Orange street,
The bride-elect was gradu-
ated from Elizabethtown high
school and attendéd Elizabeth-
town college. She is employ-
ed by Avis Rent-A-Car at the
Harrisburg International Air-
port, Middletown.
Mr. Musser is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Musser,
214 Marietta Ave., Mt. Joy.
He was graduated from
Donegal high school and is a
junior English major at F&M
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Green, 582 Wood street, an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Sharon
M. Green, to Delbert R. Flow-
ers Jr.
The bride-elect was gradu-
ated frcm Donegal high
school and Bloomsburg State
college with a B.S. in second-
ary education and English.
Mr. Flowers is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Flowers,
371 Chocolate avenue.
He was gaduated from Don-
egal high school and is serv-
ing in the U. S. Amy.
Women’s Club of Bala-Cyn-
wyd, St. Luke’s United Meth-
odist church, Bryn Mawr, and
a former member of Emerg-
ency Aid of Pennsylvania.
Surviving are two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Kathryn Atkinson
of Villanova, Pa. and Mrs.
Marcia Hodges of Orinda, Cal-
ifornia, her mother, a sister
and a brother of Erie, Pa.
Her husband Emory, was a
former resident of Mount Joy
Burial was made in Cross
Roads Brethren in Christ
Mrs. Dora Gutschall Neid-
igh, 98, died Wednesday, Jan.
19, at the Pleasant View Rest
Home, Manheim R3. She for-
merly lived on Manheim R4.
Born in Perry county, she
was the daughter of the late
Jeremiah and Mary Baker
Gutschall. She was the wid-
ow of the late I. Howard Nei-
She was a member of
Church of God.
Survivors include the fol
lowing children: Mrs. Huldah
Arndt, Elizabethtown R. D;
Roff J. Neidigh, Lititz; Mrs.
Nellie Young, Manheim; Mrs,
Florence M. Heisey., Eliza-
bethtown; Rhoda Z., wife of
Samuel Shertzer, Sr. Salunga;
Effie M. wie of Ray Baker,
Manheim; Minnie G., wife of
Glenn Huntzberger, Elizabeth-
town R.D.; Arthur W. Neid-
igh, of Elizabethtown.
Also surviving are 24 grand-
children, 52 great grandchil-
and 13 great great
grandchildren, and a sister,
Mrs. Grace Isenberger, Calif-
ornia, :
Services were held from the
Mount Joy Church of God on
Saturday afternoon and bur-
ial was made in Eberle's
parel, Jack Horner Shoes, Hy-
Lo Discount and Hostetter’s
Hardware (formerly Newcom-
er’s Hardware). The voting is
by penny-a-vote and will con-
tinue until Friday, Feb. 11 at
7:30 pm." ;
The boy or girl with the
most votes will be crowned
Sweetheart King and Queen
on Feb. 12 at 10:30 a.m. in
the social room of the First
Pesbyterian church.
The King and Queen each
will receive a savings bond,
compliments of the Joycee-
The contest is held annual-
ly for the benefit of the Don-
egal Dental Clinic. General
co-chairmen for the contest
are Mrs. Stephen Getty and
Mrs. Dennis Fackler,
Vo-Tech Ball Games
On Friday, Feb. 25, the Mt.
Joy Vo-Tech school will pre-
sent its annual Faculty-Stu-
dent basketball game. The
game will be held at Man-
heim Central gym, beginning
at 8 p.m.
In last year’s tilt, the facul-
ty came from behind to over-
take the students in the wan-
ing moments of the game.
This year’s contest will be
two-fold. The girls will play"
the faculty for the first half
and the boys will finish up
the contest in the second half.
The public is invited.
% Weddings
Miss Virginia Allen, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H.
Allen, Sharpsville, and Jef-
frey Paul Witman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul B. Witman, of
Mount Joy R2, exchanged
wedding vows Saturday, Jan.
15 at 2 p.m. at St. Bartholo-
mew'’s Catholic church,
Sharpsville, with the Rev.
Arthur Leon officiating.
Miss Carol Kreider served
as maid of honor, and Miss
Patti Lally was bridesmaid.
Paul Witman served as best
man for his son. Ushers were
Thomas O’Connor, Carl Lib-
hart and Dennis Unroe.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of ecu crepe with scoop neck-
line trimmed in matching lace
over long sleeves. The gown
made by the bride, included a
headdress of ecru lace and
sweetheart roses. She carried
a single white rose.
A reception followed at the
St. Bartholomew Social Cen-
The bride was graduated
from Sharpsville high school
and attended California State
A graduate of Donegal high
school, the bridegroom attend-
ed Manchester college, North
Manchester, Ind., and is enrol-
led at Elizabethtown college.
The counle will reside at
Mount Joy R2.
The marriage of Miss Lin-
da Fave Keyes to Jay Wesley
Hess, took place Saturday,
Jan. 22, at 4 p.m. at the Zion
Evangelical church in Hazel-
ton. The Rev Benj. E. Hess,
uncle of the bridegroom, offi-
ciated at the double ring cere-
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Raloh M. Keyes
of Ardmore, Okla. She was
graduated from Admore high
school and Southern Oklaho-
ma Vo-Tech Center, and was
employed by Southwestern
Bell Telephone Co.
The bridegroom is the son
of Mrs. Pauline E. Hess, 101
‘pite the
Albert Newlin Wins DSA
Albert C. Newlin, 220 East
Main street, received the
1972 Distinguished Service
Award, given each year by
the Mount Joy Jaycees.
The honor was presented
Saturday nite, Jan, 22, as the
School Board
Accepts New
Riverview Bldg.
Riverview elementary school
— 40 months after ground
was broken—has been accep-
ted officially by the Donegal
Action to assume responsi-
bility was taken Thursday
night, Jan. 20, as the Done-
gal School Board held its
monthly meeting in the D.H.
S. library.
Acceptance was voted des-
fact several items
are not completely satisfact-
ory to the school officials.
Although most were term-
ed “minor” some were placed
in the category of being
“something we have to learn
to live with.”
The item probably most
permanently unsatisfactory is
a water drainage condition
along one of the driveways,
which is an annoyance each
time there is inclement wea-
Another item more typical
of the unsatisfactory matters
is a problem with door locks
in some areas.
School board members felt
that at this point it is more
important to accept the build-
ing and to claim additional
state funds for the finished
building than to wait and to
battle with persons believed
to be responsible,
The building, which has a
state rated capacity of 910
pupils, was erected at a cost
of $1,182,992.
Joani Little, Donegal high
school student, has been awar-
ded the “DAR Good Citizen”
award for Donegal H. S. She
was one of several girls chos-
en by her classmates in a pre-
liminary nomination. From
these nominations, she was
selected by faculty members
of D. H S
She will receive the Good
Citizen's Pin and a Certificate
from the Donegal Chapter of
the DAR. Joani is now eligi-
ble to compete for state and
national awards.
Cheer Club
Listed below is the name of,
a shut-in, an elderly person,
or some other member of our!
community to whom a card or|
a message of any kind would |
mean much. Your thoughtful-|
ness will be deeply appreciat- |
ed by them and their famil- |
ies. |
Mrs, May Raffensperger
90 East Main Street
Mount Joy, Pa.
Mrs. Raffensperger has been
housebound for a number of
months. A daughter, Mrs. Ar-
thur Heinhart, lives on Done-
gal Springs Road.
New Haven street, Mount Joy
and Landis E. Hess, Manheim
R2. He attended Donegal high
school and is employed by
Lester P. Eshelman, masonry
The couple will
live in
Jaycees held their annual DS-
A banquet and brought to a
climax their local observance
of their yearly observonce of
of National Jaycee week.
The banquet was held at
the American Legion.
Newlin was presented the
award by Andy Reymer, 1971
winner of the honor,
Besides Newlin, the Jaycees
recognized: Bill Zimmerman
and Mary Hoffmaster for
their contributions to the
community during the past
Speaker for Saturday’s ban-
quet was Grover Gouker, past
Jaycee state president.
Mayor Clark Berrier offici-
ally opened the week hy pro-
claiming Jaycee Week in the
On Sunday, 70 local men
attended the first Jaycee pray-
er breakfast. Rev. Henry
Harrison of Maranatha Evan-
gelistic Productions gave the
morning message. Following
the breakast, eight local Jay-
cees worshipped together at
the First Presbyterian church
led by Rev. Steven Getty,
himself a Jaycee.
Monday night, eight men
entertained their bosses at
the Central House to announ-
ce the outstanding boss of
the year.
Jaycee Jim McNiff’s boss
was named winner of the
“Boss of the Year” award. He
is Richard Graff, manager of
the Armstrong carpet plant at
Marietta. Graff, an Armstrong
employe for 22 years, was cit-
ed on the strength of an essay
written by MeNiff, who is
production planning manager.
The banquet was attended
by 22 persons with Larry
Gainer, master of ceremonies,
and Phil Laht, past Lancaster
Jaycees president, as the main
Tuesday evening marked
Library night when- chairman
Clair Snook presented a book
and flag contract to Al New-
lin, president of the Mount
Joy library association. Fol-
lowing the presentation, John
Harnish and Larry Gainer
spoke to the local Joycee-ettes
at the Jaycee headquarters..
Wednesday night featured a
visitation. to the Mount Joy
vocational Technical School
with ten people representing
the club.
On Thursdav the flags were
displayed on Main street,
Luke and Barbara Ann (Mil-
ler) Brubaker, Mount Joy RI1,
a son, Tuesday, Jan. 18, at the
Lancaster General hospital.
Theodore and Kathleen (Fo-
gie) Fisher, Mount Joy Rl, a
son, Jan. 20, at the Lancastre
St. Joseph’s hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish
of 52 Terrace avenue, an 8
pound, 12-ounce son, Monday
morning at 7:11 o’clock at
the General hospital.
Mrs. Harnish is the former
LaVon Manning,
Ronald and Floria (Gutsh-
all) Leaman, Mount Joy R2,
a son, Monday, Jan, 24, at St.
Joserh’s hospital.
Emergency Medical
Dr. James Elvin
Ioan AuS- ul 4