JAYCEES What Are The Mount Joy Jaycees? We are a young men's organization, age 21 to 35. Our goal is to develop leadership skills through community involvement... . Jaycees learn by doing, and by doing we make a better community. What Projects Do The Jaycees Run ?? APPLE BUTTER SUNDAY—in cooperation with the Penna. Jaycees we sell jars of Apple Butter to fund camperships for retarded children. 75 PLUS BANQUET—in cooperation with the Joycee-ettes we host those over 75 to a banquet and an evening of entertainment. SHIPS LOG—is our chapter newsletter that we edit and publish each month. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TOUR—each year we host the Messiah Children to a shopping spree. F LAG RENTALS—we install, display and maintain the American Flag 9 holidays a year, to cooperatingbusinesses. MEMORIAL DAY FESTIVAL—a carnival held Memorial Day. Profits help fund Jaycee and Joycee-ettes projects. HEADQUARTERS —we operate and maintain our own meeting hall at East Main street. SOUNDS FROM HOME—in cooperation with W.S.B.A. we record tapes and send them to service-men overseas. COVE PARK—a recreation area for picnics and small parties operated by the Jaycees. SOCIALS—we have several socials each year, which include dancing and a | Jaycee Picnic. SPEAK UP JAYCEES—helps improve your Speaking Skills. These projects represent a large portion of our Project Programs. Without a doubt we offer something of interest for every individual. But .. . if you're interested in something the Mount Joy Jaycees are not involved with, then we want you to pre- pare a project plan and sell your ideas to our elected Board of Directors. Unlike most groups that run the same projects year after year, we are striving to improve our pregramming to better fulfill the needs of Mount Joy and the many interests of our members . ASSOCIATE MEMBERS @® JIM SHANK PHIL SINEGAR CLAIR SNOOK RON WAGNER DICK HALLGREN JOHN HARNISH RON HAWTHORNE JOE HECKERT MEMBERS ® CLAYTON AUMENT GEORGE ALBERT JEFF BROWN JAY KAYLOR BOB WEAVER RAY BAIR RON COOKE JAY KRETZING LEROY HOUDESHEL GERALD HOSTETTER ROBERT DERR DAVE MARTIN BOB KOSER DICK LESHER BOB ESHLEMAN JIM McNIFF JEFF MECKLEY JERRY LUTZ DENNIS FACKLER TOM MECKLEY BOB ROTE BOB MACKISON LARRY GAINER LEO MOORE STAN KOSER O. K. SNYDER KEN GINDER PAT MORAN DAVE STONESIFER JIM THORBAHN JIM GINGRICH TOM MORAN RICK BREAULT DON YINGST BILL GROVE ANDY REYMER STEVE GETTY RON McCLELLAN IF you are between the age of 21 to 35 shoulder you be a JAYCEE ? We think you should ! ‘Better Yourself and Mount Joy JOIN Hostetter's Kinsey's Kunkle Oil Service Red Rose Dairy Bar R. D. 1, MOUNT JOY 653-5878 Dining Service, Inc. 363 N. Barbara St. 653-5911 Archery Products ,Inc 411 WEST MAIN ST 653-5524 Rutt's Appliances 10 EAST MAIN ST 653-1688 Paul's Furniture “Quality Furniture At Warehouse Prices” R.D. 2, Manheim 898-2291 Norman Z. Heisey NEW & USED CARS 319 East Main St. 653-4740 Albert C.Newlin Interiors Furniture - Carpet - Custom Lamps & Accessories 653-2021 Draperies - 8 W. Main St, - 66 W. Main St. .. Hostetter's Hardware WEST MAIN ST. 653-1841 Sipling’s Pet Shop TROPICAL FISH and PET SUPPLIES ..653-1293 RayN.WileyAgency, Inc. Sheetz Real Estate 323 W. Main St, — 653.1481 Mt Joy Tile & Linoleum Co. ARMSTRONG CARPET 653-4493 Brenneman Electric 624 WEST MAIN ST. 653-5123 147 MANHEIM STREET 658-5611 Yingst Auto Sales ‘Your Key to Quality Insurance’ 525 W. Main St. - 6531131 Cm “Home of Pre-Owned Cars” 124 W. MAIN ST - 653-1131 Stehman'’s IGA Food Market “At IGA we Really care” 734 West Market St. - 653-4378
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