I | Now In Progress AT Tol-T * 6 SOUTH CHARLOTTE STREET “ON THE SQUARE” 0- Teen Shop MANHEIM, PA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1972 Ty ea —-_ ,e ei i ak ——— au APPLES — Golden Delicious TWO SIZES STAYMANS - THREE SIZES DELICIOUS NICE SELECTION OF CITRUS FRUITS LETTUCE — BLEACHED CELERY ANDERSON PRETZELS (seconds) 7 lbs $2.25 CHOCOLATE BITS - 2 lbs, $1.05 - 5 lbs, $2.25 IRISH COBBLER POTATOES — 50 LBS. $2.00 EGG SALE: Lg. 2 Doz, $1: 2 Doz, Not Classified 75¢ 3 Dozen Crax, 85c HOME MADE BROOMS - $1.95 AND $2.25 WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Mon. Tues, Wed. Sat, - 8-6; Thur,, Fri, 8-8, Closed Sun. 1% MILE WEST OF FLORIN, PHONE 653-5661 2 cra * : the * Nurserymen advises. Cutting ; Maintaining good healthy from your local retail nursery HH soil and cutting grass to a i! prope 3 Ip kee ii proper length can help Pp FOR DAD center. bgrass out of your lawn, American As3ociation of :. lengths for bluegrass type have a checkup once a year BLUE LUSTRE CARPET SHAMPOO Deep cleans and brightens colors, Restores that soft plush feel to carpeting! Usa in your carpet shampooer, Oleee RENT ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER $1 PER DAY WITH PURCHASE OF BLUE LUSTRE STOP IN AT GRAHAM'S BEFORE YOU BUY APPLIANCES & PAINTS 20 Market Square MANHEIM 665-5501 = A bumper system for autos that can effectively cushion a car in collisions up to 10 miles per hour was recently devel- oped. The bumper’s inventors say the two-stage system con- sists of rubber springs back- ed up by a grid of aluminum. Mild shocks are absorbed by the rubber; more intense col- lisions crush the grid whecih can de replaced, The voice of the duck-billed platypus has been described as sounding like the growl of an angry puppy. y January Remount Sale $10.00 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD MOUNTING WITH ANY REMOUNTING OF DIAMOND OR PRECIOUS STONE Your Diamond Is Registered In Your sence i HEISEYS HM | JEWELRY STORE 5 N. Main St. Manheim, Pa. Phone 665-6575 SHOP THE CLASSIFIED WAY tha or “: lawns should be no lower n 21% inches; the bermuda ily’s. zoysia type lawns, 2 to nmc— inches. Additional advice Congressman sees U. N, lawn care cen be obtained failure on narcotics, UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY — MAYTOWN Your Hometown Bank Leading The Way In Local Services COMPARATIVE CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 1970 to December 31, 1971 Dec. 31, 1970 Dec. 31, 1971 RESOURCES Loans ond DICCORITES =... od ot ae iB Oe ee $10,871,985.53 $12,354.425.25 US Government SeCULIEIEs . i. i ivtnsnnvivsvns rinsing. ot 254414105 2.631,140.63 Other Bongs and SECUIItIon . vcs evi vn iinmsn sinrdns Bervwnie comuns 2,406,672.65 2.974,943.87 Cosh and. Due from Bare 0. . c.i cco iirmrsssnrssinns ting sii vans 1,742,073.50 1,730,651.63 Banking House, Furniture & Fixtures ........... ...............0 000 198,871.33 185,309.62 { OIRO ROS ORIT CRE ices ivan: semi innssniinssss sohnns soi as nams Seto 13,317.32 124,453.03 | | $17,780,662.28 $20,000,924.03 { LIABILITIES 4 Copal or, . vf ii i rs ee Cea Sav $ 125,000.00 125,000.00 j SUE a ah es eid dia ad ed aaa ae 900,000.00 1,000,000.00 3 United Profle. ei si i ge Re a 439,461.54 396,555.63 4 BOSReUes Th a iT Re i Rr aR Ea eed 189,429.47 182,370.45 1 Depasiiss 0 emi i ee en ea A 15,921,275.30 17.859,440.93 BoE Payable or hh a ee Ts 200,000.00 TRUST DEPARTMENT RESOURCES (Not included in above) IIa rE RS cr a a Ere sh ek Li aa $ 3,429,182.00 4,067,355.26 Corporate Trust Funds... .....i.covn..iviiivinns mensmenen ss Other=JAab Res. 4... 5... iii. i ans cnrn nbs sani vealed iy 205,495.97 237,557.02 $17,780,662.28 $20,000,924.03 9,159,000.00 5,058.,500.00 Tr $ 8,588,182.00 $ 9,125,855.26 ALVIN J. REIST, Vice President | MERVIN S. ARNOLD, Vice President JOHN H. HOFFMAN, JR., Cashier & Secretary LESTER G. HOSTETTER, Trust Officer AMOS F. LICHTY, Operations Manager MARTIN S. MUSSER, President MERVIN S. ARNOLD C. BERNERD GRISSINGER CARL R. HALLGREN WILBUR C. HIESTAND CLYDE H. HOTTENSTEIN OFFICERS WILLIAM E. EBY, Assistant Cashier | CHARLES E. REIST, Assistant Cashier & Auditor GERALD L. LINDEMUTH, Manager, Maytown Office Assistant Cashier DENNIS F. FACKLER, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS Member Federal Reserve System ROBERT P. McGINLEY MARTIN S. MUSSER CLARENCE S. NEWCOMER ALVIN J. REIST DONALD H. WOLGEMUTH ARNOLD, BRICKER, BEYER & BARNES, SOLICITORS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. A message for daddies from the American Cancer Society: for your sake and the fam-
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