RA i | dtey MOUNT e By R.A.R. Spring fashion note—Penn- sylvania State patrol cars, be- ginning in the spring, will no VOL. 71. NO. 32. Donegal Offers Library Meeting ~ BULLETIN Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1972 gi TEN CENTS CHARLES M. ROYE longer be the traditional The annual meeting of the green and white: . Measles Shots board of directors of the Mt. ] Joy Library Center will be | | N P | They wii be blue % gold: Thro 6th Grade held on Monday ring. Jan. mp oy ew afro man Some 375 new cars will be delivered in the new color combination, beginning a two- year phase-out of the G & W The Donegal School District will be offering measles shots for all children, kindergarten through sixth grade, some- 17, at the library, beginning at 8 p.m, Interchurch Sets Charles M. Roye, Columbia R7, has been named a Mount Joy Borough police patrol- man. night, council authorized use of the United Disposal, Inc., grounds at Elizabethtown, a landfill operation. A month variety. ie en TeUaNY: bes heen He was elected Monday ago council authorized use of I 5 : night, Jan. 10, as Borough the Lancaster disposal author- Announcement last week of health department. Council Program Council held its monthly ity but it was Le that the purchase of a new ambul- ance by the Friendship Fire company points up the extent of good work that the ambul- ance committee of that organ- ization has been doing. oo © © The vehicle—a new Cadil- lac—will cost something more than $17,000. ® © ® But the ambulance commit- tee already has something like Both vaccines, one for the German measles or three day measles, and one for regular or seven-day measles, will be given, In October of 1970, the dis- trict gave the rubella measle vaccine, This was the German or three-day measle vaccine. Most pupils received this shot. The school is now stres- sing the rubeola or regular measle shot. For Year 1972 Ten community church pro- grams, sponsored by the Mt. Joy Interchurch Council, are scheduled for the year 1972, it was announced this week. The program lineup includ- es a wide range of activities from Easter Dawn services to Thanksgiving eve services and includes a Men's Commun- meeting in the assembly room of the Borough building. Roye, age 34, will report for duty as soon as it is con- venient for him to leave his present employer. A veteran of four years of service in the United States Navy, Roye had assignments as a Shore Patrol officer. La- ter he worked in New York and currently is employed as a guard at the Lancaster Co. a considerable saving could be made by using the nearer landfill, which is a state ap- proved operation. It was esti- mated that a year’s use would be $2,000 cheaper than Lan- caster. Borough crewmen have been using the Elizabethtown site for the past week on a test basis and have found it satisfactory, it was reported by Borough Manager George $13,000 available to pay down School nurses will check a on i Ji Prison Ulrich o transacti »ach ehild’s aql COT chedule for the year In * 3"; ; LE ; on the transaction. eaci child's health record i do g y He lives on Kinderhook A request by Jay reider ® © 6 end advise parents of these pir es: 15. Week ot Py road to rezone property at the Red Tha O Jidn’ i ; oi . an. 19—Week o rayer : : : ern a i That amount didn’t come children who need either or c Employment of Roye brings Rose Dairy Bar from Resident that for Christian Unity - Chiques easily. A huge part of both -of these shots. A permis- the Mc ~ rye ats esc ale y. i oe ; the Mount Joy poli rece to A to Comirthercial was place big total came from the sale sion form will be sent home United Methodist church - full strength 2, Dre ion > in the hands a > > ed of old paper collected slowly in the near future 7:30 p.m. Chief J Brice Kline ign 70 o9 mission 98. fg JL WE SEM = a ’ A "uc \i1lne and tv :O0MmMinission. and methodically over many If there are any questions Jan. 23 — Week of Prayer other patrolmen iy Firricr $ Zerphey. rtresident menths about the program, parents for Christian Unity - Mt. Plea- tarot we aj g Go 1 SH a es of a FOU h > A : i Te . ? b " : : C n a re i ne i >0r i Junci as ® o.0 should check with their fami- sant Brethren in Christ new es ficer Jor the 3} e left named representative of the . fal?” oo v = C 1 heme rch hel Bde * v - J 4 ic And, that collction has ly doctor or the school nurs- Church - 7:30 p.m. by the retirement of Mike body to the Community Coun been done by a relatively few es, it is pointed out by the March 3 — World Day of Good, who served the rr al Boones » Groff is to be : : men who are in charge of school health department. Prayer - Church of God - 1:00 Ee) a a a tans te 4 n Et to 3:00 p.m munity many years, including ternate, the project. TT % , : a ariod Q as chief of tl Apo Manage Ul ic} ani at pro] a is 1 0 } ne de- Manager rich said that y March 31 — Good Friday - 2 P s : : : ia 9 . e Na £ ANNUAL MEETING Se : Trinity Lutheran church 1 pa ‘tment. letters are being mailed this Elsewhere in this issue 0 The annual membership Erin ’ He Rove was employed after he week, notifying employers of the Bulletin the Community meeting of the Mount Joy Li- to 3 p.m. was recommended bv the Mt. the 1972 Occupational Privi- Council reports that some 400 brary Center will be held on April 2 — Easter Dawn - Jou Evil Sarvics Colas on lege Tax. Tax rolurn Lots people attended the commu- Monday evening, Jan, 17, at Florin Church of the Breth- x > SS1C rE nity’s first Christmas “Music in the Park” program, pre- sented in the form of a sing. 9 ® 8 It was not a particularly good night but people turned out and the Community Coun- 8 p.m. at the Library. This meeting is open to the public. PARENTS SUPPER A Parents Supper will be held by the Mount Joy Troop 35 Girl Scouts on Saturday ren - 6 a.m. April 9 — Men’s Commun- ion Breakfast - Glossbrenner United Methodist church - 7 a.m. May 28 — Outdoor Vespers - Memorial Park - 7:00 p.m. and by Mayor Clark G. Ber- rier. The new officer automatiz- ally is employed on a proba- tionary period of six months. In other business Monday » included. The manager also said that a recently purchased borough truck is expected to be deliv- ered within a few days. A lenghty discussion heard but no action was taken on a proposal to close Ice Avenue cil was well pleased. They evening, Jan. 15, at the St. July 9 — Outdoor Vespers Dy iG Te were pleased sufficiently that Mark’s United Methodist - Memorial Park - 7:00 p.m. : ; i Aug. 13 — Outdoor Ves- Vo-Tech Sets bacco company to build a it’s a good bet that the same thing will be tried again. ® © » A personal note about the borough’s new police officer hired Monday night. Charles Roye is a single man, at pres- ent, but there is a distinct hint of the coming sound of wedding bells. An attractive young woman accompanied the new officer to Monday night’s council meeting and gave every indication of be- ing well pleased when the vote actually was taken to confirm his employment in Mount Joy. Leisure Club Meets The Leisure Club of Mount Joy met Monday, Jan. 10th, with 65 members present. Officers for the year were sworn in as follows: President, Mrs. Eva Groff; vice president, C. R. Sheldon, second vice president, Mrs. Floyd Gilbert; first secretary, Nedra Brandt; asst. secretary, Lena Eshelman; recording secretary, Clint Eby; assistant secretary, Mrs. Maude Frey; treasurer, Mrs. Miriam Gain- er; asst. treasurer, Mrs. Kath- ryn Zink, After the business meeting church beginning at 6 p.m. Mrs. Jerry Young is the troop leader. The girls will cook spaghetti and serve the meal for their parents. pers - Memorial Park - 7 p.m, Nov. 22 — Thanksgiving Eve - Mennonite church - 7:30 p.m. Horner Talks Because it is easier for the federal government to levy taxes than it is for local gov- ernment, the power drift of government will continue to move to Washington, Jack Horner, Elizabethtown, told Mount Joy Rotarians Tuesday noon at their weekly lunch- eon meeting, held at Hostet- ters. Horner, for eight years a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, ex- plained that there is a tough- er resistance to tax increases on the local level than at the federal fountainhead. Because local lawmakers receive more pressure, they Rotarians tend to pass the burden of problem solving upward from local to county to state to the federal. Problem solving usually in- volves money, he said, so the natural flow of power follows the willingness and the easi- est path of tax raising. This he offered as one of the trends he sees in govern- ment. He looked back to a statement made by Governor Scranton which now sounds prophetic, he recalled. The former governor said that “State government is having its final test.” The state, Hor- ner now observes, has now (Turn to page 12) Indians Win Loop Battle life with a re- Donegal’s Coming to sounding boom, for any Indian thus far. Donegal jumped into a 22- Open House An Open House has been planned by the staff of the Mount Joy Vo-Tech school from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Jan, 21. With special emphasis plac- ed on freshman classes, it is the school’s hope that stu- dents and parents will utilize this opportunity to tour the facilities and to communicate with the staff The Open House is design- ed to coincide with the course selection process of new stu- dents for the ’72-73 school year, processing and storage room. An on-thesite conference between borough and com- pany officials was held and problems of drainage, respon- sibility, etc. were discussed. Council understands that the company, which has said that it wants to expand its Mount Joy operation, would erect a one-story structure over the present street, com- pletely closing the passage- way to traffic. No price for the land was mentioned. Before the street could be closed, a public hearing is necessary. Council is awaiting further details of the tobacco com- rany’s proposals. Jaycees Arrange Program The Mount Joy Jaycees are announcing plans for their ac- tivities for the 1972 year’s Jaycee week, For the first time ever, the local Jaycees will hold a prayer breakfast at the Saint Mark’s U. M. church Sunday, Jan. 16, beginning at 7 a.m.. All local citizens have been invited to attend. The Reverend Henry Har- On Wednesday evening, the Jaycees and interested local citizens will visit the new vo- cational technical school. Each year the group visits some local industry or busi- ness, The American Flags will be displayed on Mount Joy’s Main street Thursday and the Jaycee special advertisement will be featured in the Mount Indians Tuesday night, Jan. 15 lead at the quarter and rison will be the main speak- Joy Bulletin, Pat Moran and Jofresimers one Solved and 11, won their first county widened slightly at the half er. Joe Heckert is the local Bob Koser are co-chairman Ingo games Joy y © league game of the season to 37-31. The 3rd period was chairman for the event. for this year’s display. There also was singing by the group. The next meeting wiill be held Feb. 14. IN THE HOSPITAL John M. Bowman, Colum- bia avenue, was removed on Tuesday, Jan. 11, to the Gen- eral hospital for observation and treatment. ® © ® Oscar Hendrix, Donegal Springs Road, was admitted to the St. Joseph’s hospital, last week, where he will un- dergo surgery. He is in room 239. and their second of the cur- rent hardwood campaign. Manheim Central was the victim, 75 to 63, as Cliff Bet- ty unleashed a 23-point attack and Rick Baker hit for a solid 16. Casey Krause had 13 and Drew Hostetter, 12, to round out a better balanced scoring machine than the Tribe has floored thus far this season. Betty’s total—on 10 field- ers and three of five free toss attempts—was his best scor- ing punch in any one game thus far and was second best even as both clubs scored 18 points. In the final frame, Donegal continued to move ahead, counting 20-14. While the varsity was win- ning, the JV’s, who have been having as good a season as their older brothers have been having poor, fell in a high-scoring prelim, 70-47. Friday night, Jan. 14, the Indians will be back in the hardwood war, entertaining Hempgfeld. Tuesday, Jan. 18, Coach Mi- lan Grove and his lads go to Ephrata. On Monday, January 17, the Annual Bosses night will be held at the Central House. The Jaycees invite their boss- es and one will be named as the “Boss of the Year.” Phil Loht, an outstanding Lancast- er Jaycee is to be the main speaker. Stan Koser is chair- man for this event. On Tuesday, Jan. 18, Chair- man Clair Snook and Presi- dent John Harnish officially will recognize Library night by contributing a Jaycee Flag contract and a new book to the Mount Joy Library, Finally, on Saturday, Jan. 22 some local man, aged 21 to 35, will receive the Distin- guished Service Award as the most outstanding young man in the community during the past year. Last year’s recipient was Andrew Reymer. Leo Moore was Jaycee chairman for this event. The banquet will be held at the Mount Joy Legion begin- ning at 6:30 p.m. Grover Gouker, a past state Jaycee president, will be the featured speaker. CAOLP Juul a IapAuS- uN 4
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