ERE RE NRE NE RA REERSEIS “Yet when I was a child, - would come. , AsseeninVOGUE “In those days, it seemed i 155 SOUTH CHARLOTTE ST. _ MANHEIM n as if the year was maybe 10 PHONE 665-2385 oS hip ny: hore times as long as it does to me Bow. OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE “Other older folks agree with me, so what is the psy- chological explanation?” TIME PSYCHOLOGY We have an axiom of psy- chology which reads: : Filled time passes swiftly as you live it, but seems very long in retrospect. A corollary of that axiom also states: Empty time passes very slowly as you live it, but seems unduly short as you glance backward into the past, And this explains why Ma- tilda, plus most of us older folks, feel that the years are zipping past. (Continued on Next Page AMF Ski-daddler : SNOWMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES SALES & SERVICE | NEW & USED TRAILERS UNTIL 9 P.M. NOW THRU DECEMBER 24th, COME IN AND BROWSE ANY ‘EVENING Nostalgic Needlework S10 BEAUTIFUL POINSETTIAS Wreaths ® Center Pieces I thought Christmas never P AMS POSY SHOP go ¥ A soft crepeshirt. Made fashionably old- fashioned with 3 i airy crocheted collar and sleeve inserts. Gently shirred Nauman’ S Repair Shop : RR SR RR HR RR A RS SRA HAR Cf : and easily gathered at shoulder and wrist. In snowy § 872 Mount Joy Road 2 § Sendereps, 75% Dacron® Polyester, 25% Cotton. 4 MANHEIM ji FREE COFFEE AND CHRISTMAS CANDY 5 izes 30-38. 1 Residence - 665-4401 38-2c 5 STORE HOURS: Open every nite “fil 8 except Dec. 11, j Mon. & Wed - 6 to 9:30 p.m. ES EE BB ES BS Bp pal Saturday - 8:00 a.m, to 3 p.m. : § SLOSS vray. sunbay SHOP THE CLASSIFIED WAY % 3 Phones: Shop - 665-2070 J 63 SOUTH MAIN STREET, MANHEIM, PENNA. ¥ RS Sa # PHONE 665-2310 8 S & H GREEN STAMPS Located on Ri. 72—1 Mile N. of East Petersburg FREE PARKING PHONE 898-0041 OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 8:00 AM, TO 9:00 P.M. Closed Sunday The Wore Clinic by Dr. Geo. W. Crane Matilda's question should interest everybody! Why do the days pass slowly to an older person, though the years zoom by? But to a child, time passes swiftly as it is lived but it seems an eternity between one Christmas and the next. This is the law of relativity, applied to psychology! CASE 0546: Matilda ,Z, aged 58, is a widow, “Dr. Crane,” she began, “why it it that as we grow old- er, the years seem to fly? “Indeed, it doesn’t seem like more than a few weeks from one Christmas to another. AR Ra) 2 R78 PNR FR Ok SNR RE, SNR TR Rh INR FRA RS RR RA SNA RA NA Members of The American Association of Nurserymen; Pa’s Nurserymen’s Assn, Beautiful Douglas Fir White Pine-Norway Spruce Live Christmas Trees In Planters READY TO PLANT LOVELY CUT TREES - AS LOW AS $1.98 SCOTCH PINE, DOUGLAS FIR, NORWAY & BLUE SPRUCE CHRISTMAS 1DEAS! Candles and Rings Flocking Kits, Lights, Wreaths, Door Sprays, Tinsel & Many Other Decorating Items DON‘T FORGET THE BIRDS NO - FREEZE BIRD BATHS Approved Bird Feeders and Food GARDEN TOOLS STANLEY FLOWER SHEARS ........... $3.09 CORDLESS ELECTRIC GRASS AND HEDGE SHEARS — GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE — Created for the most discriminating clientele, the timeless elegance of Daneker clocks of solid wood cases reflect the craftsmanship and integrity of the people who are dedicated to the making of fine clocks. The Danekers take pride in offering a most complete line of grandfather, grandmother, wall and mantel clocks to those who appreciate the ultimate in craftsmanship. PICK UP YOUR 1972 GARDEN CALENDER PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS —PLUS A SURPRISE GIFT 1, PRICE SALE Mistletoe Bells were 75¢ - NOW 37c¢ : Poinsettias were ¢3.25 - NOW $1.59 ER PR PI A ES PS TS Sa A Se ES EA nl SS A DS 5 ES ES a I My er's Fursiture ad Upholstery “Thrifty Buyers Shop at Mpyer’s” - : ROUE 72 — I MILE SOUTH OF ®notes be MANHEIM., PENNA. 38-2¢ ES os TA PR EAS SY A 5K YR A ES ES A A MS ES Ms 0 SR TS SR To NT NS TS To ST SI NT FI ST J TWiT YE ET WT YE WHET WET BT PAC BACT CE CE CE WHE CT Cr Er CT er er ear eer weer re. §
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