PAGE TWELVE THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Christmas 1971 in the Churches DONEGAL CHURCH One of the final features of the year-long observance by Donegal Presbyterian church of its 250th anniversary will be held Sunday evening, Dec, 19. The evening will include two portions—a half-hour re- cital and the traditional cand- lelighting .service. Beginning at 7 o'clock, Dr. Paul G. Fisher, Millersville State college music professor and his son, Paul S. Fisher, will give a French horn reci- tal and Dr. Carl Schull, head of Elizabethtown college mus- ic department, will be at the organ. They will play music appropriate to the celebration theme. The Donegal choir, in cos- tume, will sing, “A Child My Choice.” CALVARY CANTATA The Adult Choir of Calvary Independent church, Pleasure and Esbenshade Roads, Lan- caster will present the Christ- mas cantata, ‘Arise, Shine!” by Gilbert M. Martin on Sun- day evening, Dec. 19. The time of the service is 7 p.m. This cantata is a recent publication with texts taken from Scripture, Christmas hymns, carols, and some orig- inal settings by the composer. The narrative traces the ev- ents from the prophecy of Ad- vent, the manger, the Wise Men, to present-day worship. The work is at times gentle and fiery, massive and tender, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN On Sunday, Dec. 19 at 11 am. the choir of the First Presbyterian church of Mount Joy will perform the Christ- mas cantata by David Wil- liams entitled ‘Let All To- gether Praise Our God”. Sol- oistz will be Warren Foley and James Roberts. The or- ganist and choir director is Mrs. D. Kenneth Ober. The Christmas meditation, ‘Fairy Tale Christmas” will be giv- en by the Rev. Stephen Get- ty. A coffee hour will follow the service at 12:00. The service on Christmas Eve will begin at 7:30 p.m. The message will be especial- ly for the children. Those at- tending may dress informal- ly. Special music wil be pro- vided by vioinist Glen Irwin. Everyone is welcome at both these services, MARIETTA CHURCH Annual Christmas programs of the Congregational Bible church, Marietta, will be giv- en Sunday morning and eve- ning, Dec. 19. “Home and Christmas” will be the theme of the morning presentation by the Sunday School at 9:30 o'clock, concluded by the Worship service, which would normally be at 10:30 a.m. “Glory to God,” Christmas cantata, is to be sung at 7:30 p.m. by the Adult Choir. “Home and Christmas” will feature recitations by the children, and selections by the Melodyaires Children’s Choir, and the Teen Choir. The Rev. Leonard C. Ander- son, pastor, will deliver the Christmas message to con- clude the morning program. “Glory to God’ by J. T. Adams, is directed by Robert E. Heistand and narrated by The Mount Joy BULLETIN 11 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY. PA, 17552 Published Weekly on Wednesdays xcept Fourth of July Week and Christmas Week (50 Issues Per Year) Richard A. Rainbolt ay Editor Es and 2 A Publisher “me Advertising rates upon request. Entered at the post office at Mount Joy, Penna., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Dennis Hollinger. Soloists are Mrs. Ralph Garber, soprano; Mrs. Melvin Shenk, alto; Ben Kraybill and Robert Hiestand tenors; and James Gish, bari- tone, Instrumental accompani- ment will be provided by a trumpet trio: Darrel Holling- er, Steven Hostetter, and Tom Miller; violin: Mrs, Harold Forry; and piano: Mrs. Ralph Garber. A candlelight service will be part of the evening's program, concluded by a full chorus rendition of Handel's “Hallelujah Chorus.” The church invites the pub- lic to share its Christmas joys by attending these services. JOINT SERVICE Four area churches will join in presenting a special Christ- mas program Sunday night, Dec. 19, at 7:30 o’clock in Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ church, The churches are Master- sonville, Manheim, Speedwell Heights and Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ. Mrs. Maxine Swartz will direct the Children’s Choir and Mrs. Helen Martin will direct the Youth Choir. The Young Adult choir will be di- rected by Rev. Jesse Doute while Menno Brubaker will direct the Senior Adult Choir. Persons from each church will participate in each choir. The public is invited to this service. Rev. Harry D. Bert is pastor. There are more than half a million hymns in existence. front end plate will FLORIN CHURCH TO GIVE CHRISTMAS CANTATA The celebrated Christmas Carol Cantata, “Night of the Star”, will be presented in the Florin Church Brethren on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m. Both the Senior Mixed Choir and the Children’s choir of the church will take part in the traditional Chistmas choral program. Featured will be carols from Poland, Eng- land and France as well as those of America and Germ- any. Directing the cantata will be James M. Eshelman, direc- tor of the senior choir and the men’s chorus, Mrs, Effie Eshelman will direct the chil- dren’s choir. Organist is Miss Florence Geib and the trum- peters will be Donald Wit- man and Timothy Eshelman. The Christmas program will include a number of solo and group numbers as well as unison readings by a speaking group. The service will be cli- maxed by a candle-lighting experience in the beautifully- decorated sanctuary. The public is invited to share in this Christmas tradi- tional service. 6TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE The young people of Cal- vary Independent church, Es- benshade and Pleasure roads, Lancaster, again will present traditional carols using vari- ous choirs and instrumental- ists. Participants will range Tor Christmas, give a membership in of the ) from third graders through college-age young people. En- sembles and groups of junior andolder include special brass ensembles as well as three different handbell choirs, A three-octave set of Schul- merich handbells recently had been acquired by the church and will be a colorful addi- tion to the service, At pres- ent these bells are played ex- clusively by junior high age young people of the church. GLOSSBRENNER A special Christmas service will be held Sunday, Dee. 19, at 9:30 a.m., at Glossbrenner United Methodist church. The Junior & Senior choirs under the direction of Mrs. David Nicholas, will present the first portion of the pro- gram. Miss Sandra Heisey will sing “Winds Through the Olive Trees.” The Junior choir will sing a number en- titled “A Christmas Lullaby.” The Senior choir will offer three anthems: “Sing Gloria”, “A Star is Moving Through the Sky”, and “Now Let All the Earth Adore Thee.” A play in two parts, “Time of the Stranger,” by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, will be per- formed in the chancel. Parti- cipants in the play will be Mrs, Gerald Grove, Robert Reheard, Miss Jody Ney, and Rev. Clair L. Wagner, Jr. The Children’s Christmas program will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m. Children of the various Sun- day School classes will parti- cipate. A film entitled “The Candlemaker’” will be shown. The public is invited to share both of these special Christmas programs, Lancaster Automobile Club 365 days of driving pleasure each new member he proposes. During the month of December, a handsome, new AAA the "WEDNESDAY, DECMBER ‘15, 1971 ST, MARK'S There will be two separate worship opportunities Christ- mas Eve at St. Mark’s United Methodist church, this year, A 7:30 pm, service is de- signed with families in mind. The 11 o'clock celebration is for those who like the tradi- tional late hour service. At the earlier program the choirs of the church will par- ticipate, singing Gordon Young's cantata, “The Holy Child,” and several other sel- ections, The congregation will join in singing favorite carols. The later service will con- sist lagely of scripture and carol, with a sermonetite by Rev. Richard Kohler, Both services will have candlelighting . ceremonies, and on both occasions the congregation will have an op- portunity to hear organ reci- tals by St. Mark’s = organist, Gerald Miller. The community is invited. ——— Marietta Church Installs Pastor The ordination and install- ation service for James G. Arnold, pastor of the English United Presbyter- ian church, Marietta, was held Sunday, Dec. 12, at 8 p. m. in the church. The Rev. Dr. Ian Wilson, minister of the Brown Mem- orial Presbyterian church, Baltimore, Md. was guest speaker. Presiding was the Rev, John R. Maisch, Beogue, Pa., moderator of the presby- tery of Donegal. A reception followed. When in need of printing remember The Bulletin. THE IDEAL GIFT, EASY TO BUY—SURE TO PLEASE PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX Over 60,000 Members in Lancaster County enjoy these services. . . EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE SCHOOL PATROLS LEGISLATION ORIVER EDUCATION GOOD ROADS AND MANY OTHERS COAST TO COAST onl} MAPS LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB 34 NORTH PRINCE ST. LANCASTER, PA, Please send a CHRISTMAS GIFT membership To | This application to be used for NEW MEMBERS ONLY Address MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE Send gift package direct O Send to me OJ ; be awarded to the proposer for ; | | 3 | LEGAL | Aovisorv service Sender's. Norte ; En I Aideoss en oor ORAL: rie $10.00 i | i i i | i i : 0 i i i : v i 0 i ; i i ; i 8 i g 0 i i i : i i i i i i i 8 : son residing witha ‘present 1 member. . FEE ,...... $7.50 5B PS EA PA A PA PA Po EA A A A A i A MS A PA A nk PAR Aa A YS PS Pe A And mn PS PA a PA PS 70 no TP YP Aa A Tm the Rev." 1
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