ui a {Ter mount Lo ca W = ~ Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy x % By R.A.R. VOL. 71. NO, 24 MOUNT JOY, PA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1971 TEN CENTS : ® Several months ago we mentioned that ‘coming’ is a new mail handling system which will take the burden of sorting and casing outgo- ing mail off the backs of the local post office. Trash and Garbage Dispos al are Constant Problems Disposal of trash, garbage and other cast off materials from households, business & and larger as the aiiluent so- ciety discards morc and more used materials of all kinds. service, In Mount Joy, for years, the borough itseif has collected and disposed oi al- In Mount Joy, cost of sim ply putting the material in a landfill (located south of the © oo o industry is one of the big ~ How to handle the situa- most all solid wastes as a ser- borough near Marietta) is ¢ on i {ation big problems of modern man. tion is a constant thorn in vice and as a function of approximately $6,000 a year omething of a revolu - And, it is not only coun- the flesh for the municipali- government operating with That doesn’t include payment ary change in the proceedure of handling mail, the change is coming to the Mount Joy office later this month. ® © o Work which was done in Mount Joy by hand will now be done in Lancaster by auto- mated machinery. Already the equipment is installed & working. It will service most post offices in the county. e 6 eo The full use is being “pha- sed” in, a few offices at a time. Some offices are begin- ning soon. Mount Joy begins try wide and world wide. It is a Mount Joy problem. And, in Mount Joy, like al- most every other community, the problem is getting larger ties. In most communities, it is the local government which Lakes the init'ative iu provid ing some kind of disposal tax dollars provided by the community, But, the problem cont.nues to soar in its magnitude and In its =xp=nse, of wages to a crew of men. the purchase, operation and maintenance of an expensive special type equipment. (Turn to page 16) 2,284 Items For Needlework Ingatheriing A total of 2.284 items have been presented to the Mount Joy Chapter, Needlework Borough Council Passes Pay Change Members of the Mount Joy Borough Authority are to be paid their whether they attend regular meetings or not. monthly salaries ds Guild of America by mem- At its Novembe ceti bout the end of November. ovember meeting, : ®e oo o bers who are contacted by held Monday night, Borough et 1 2 Parade Date The 18-year-olds who be- the 35 directors. Girl Scout Council voted to change a came new Voters this fall did. T7o00s of the Donegal Neigh previous ruling that: pay Mount Joy is a two-parade-a-year town! not have much of an impact upon the local balloting this fall. In some localities they did, making themselves very much felt by sheer numbers voting in blocks. ® © © This 18-year-old registra- tion in a college town and voting there has other impli- cations besides walking into the ballot booth. For in- stance,, we are told by local insurance people, that a man who has a home owner poli- borhood contributed 283 ar- ticles and were invited to at- tend a tea in their honor at St. Mark’s Methodist church. 215 scouts were able to at- tend the event. Memorials were placed in honor of two deceased mem- bers, Mrs. Ann Warta and Mrs. Frances Frank, who pas- sed away this year. Addition- al memorials were in mem- ory of Miss Martha Stauffer, Mrs. Caroline Walters, Mrs. would be given only when members aitend meetings. At its Ociober meeting, council voted the same ar- rangements for its own salar- ies. The change was made on he basis that much of the work of both groups is done at times other than stated meetings. It was felt that it is unfair for a member to at- tend several meetings each month, and carry on his du- And, with the 1971 Halloween parade still fresh in mind, date for the next similar event has been scheduled. At its monthly meeting, held Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, the Community Council has set Saturday. May 27, as the time for the annual Memorial Day parade. James Buehler and Lee Ellis have been named co-chairmen. : Clarence Schock, Mr. and ties and then be penalized if cy automatically has COVET- np. Harry Hess, Raymand he is unable to attend the age for certain hazards for Gilbert, Mrs. Isaac Morris regular meeting. cover parking meters Dec. 2, the bell tower of the Friend members of his household, ,.4 Christian Brandt. A cov- In other business, council: 3 and 4 and again from Dec. ship Fire company building even when they are students ered dish supper was held at —Gave provisional approv- 13 thru 25—both dates inclu- ded; last summer during an elect- at school. But, not so when pn. ah5ve church Tuesday al of final plans for develop- rical storm; that student becomes a regis- night and the annual business ment in the Florin Heights Heard a report that an esti- —Instructed that “Peddler tered resident at some other . ooting was held, conducted area; mate of $930 has been given Warning” notices be erected location, some other toWRm, pu the coesident, Mrs. Sam —Gave permission for the by a Lancaster steeple jack along highways entering Mt. other county, some other p,q, ,0h Mrs. Bruce Grein- merchants’ organization to for repairing damage done to Joy, informing people that state, er, presented a demonstra- there is a local ordinance 9.0.9 tion on Christmas crafts for controlling such activity: Likewise, a man who has a “car which his youngster drives and takes to school with him, usually enjoys fam- ily ‘benefits in case of claims those present. Current officers in addition te the president are: Mrs, Adam Greer, vice president, Mrs. James Baker, secretary, List Fashion Show Models The ettes will Mount Joy Joycee- “put it all togeth- General chairmen for the show are Mrs. Joseph Heck- —Instructed the manager to check the park- ing meter and parking stalls at Main and Barbara; —Were informed that 1900 feet of snow fence has been borough for theft etc. a : € in er’ in a Fanfare of Fashion ert, Mrs. Ronald Ober and . But hd : es dorit Des and Mrs. Melvin Saves, for Moms and Pops and Teens Mrs. Jay Kretzing. Sororis installed and that about 300 Id; wien iad su treasurer. Mrs. Gera 1€€1Z nd Tots” in the most excit- ., more is to go up soon. comes a legal resident away and Mrs. Clyde Eshleman are them as committee chairmen from home — away and sep- co-chairmen of investigating ing fashion Sow they have 10 Mrs Robart Eshelman; rate from the family’s home and distribution, Mrs. Adam : p : 2 s Ars. Pat Moran; Mrs. Ron ' . “Fanfare of Fashion will Hawthorne; Mrs. Carl Hern- Music In the Park — the claim benefits, as per- haps the insurance premiums, change. : ® © oo Better that the 18-year-old register at home, returning for the voting, or using an absent ballot. ® oe © The truth of the matter is that the lower voting age has opened up a whole new Pan- dora’s box—if, in fact, not an entirely new can of worms; Greer and Miss Esther Wal- ter, co-chairmen of the mem- orial table, Mrs. George Het- rick, Mrs. Walter Brandt and Mrs. John Weidman, co-chair- men of Junior Needlework, Mrs. Maurice Bailey and Mrs. John Roth, co-chairmen of marked garments, and Mrs. Clinton Eby, Mrs. Vera New- comer and Miss Lois Miller a food committee for the tea. Three new directors have (Turn to- page 16% be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 17 at 8 o'clock at the W. 1. Beahm Jr. high school. For the first time in seven years of bringing a fashion show to Mount Joy, the event will feature clothes for the young man, Fashions for the teenagers, youngsters, young and mature women will also be shown. The fashions this year will be from Gimbels of Park City with Mrs. Sue Vogel as fash- ion co-ordinator and com- mentator. eisen; and Mrs. Dennis Fack- ler, * In addition to the fashions, the show will include refresh- ments, prizes (which will fea- ture children’s toys and men’s items) and the awarding of three shopping sprees. Proceeds. will be used for the Donegal scholarship fund. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. Leisure Club Holds Meeting Set for Dec. 22 Plans are being made for Mount Joy's first Comm: # ity Christmas Carol Sing, to be held at War Memoral Park on Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 p.m. Choir directors have been asked to alert their members for volunteers to sing in a community chorus under the direction of Miss Dorothy Schock, Anyone interested in sing- ing in the chorus may con- Also, this year the club is | ‘Of 1 his an at’ pleased to present the Gene The Mount Joy Leisure tact Miss Schock. Rehearsals Newcomers, Pennsylvania's club met Nov. 8th at the will be ‘held at the Presby- Take an October Saturday. Add a dash of sunlight, some Indian Summer warmth, two by the editor's wife “short side trip from “I” 80 into Hickory Run state park. We drove along narrow little All-American Family, model- ing fashions for the entire family. Included this year will be colorful fashions for the holiday season. Models for this year’s pre- Srortsmen’s Farm with 85 present with three new mem- bers. Mr. and Mrs. A. Land- vater and Miss Anna Mae Eby. After a luncheon was terian churzh at 3 p.m. Dec. 5th, 12th, and 19th. Jaycee WinPrize beautiful new Interstate roads through the woods, ! ) ) served by the men, there was Highways, and what do you with the colored leaves on ail sentation will be—Children: , hort meeting. Birthday & For Parade Float get? four sides of us—on the road, Melissa Grove; Sharon Mar- ,,niversaries were rememb- : An unforgetteble trip into close along each side of it. tin, Stacey Gingrich, Joel q.o4 also Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Mount Joy Jaycees were Carbaugh; Trudy Rafferty; winners of first place in the the gorgeous color of the Po- and im the branches of the : ) ter Sheffler celebrating their 1 rst conos! trees meeting over our heads! Ronnie Ober; Brian Newcom- G,jden Wedding. $10.00 was est appearing” float cate- For the “Interstates” were In the large campground of €r and Bradley Newcomer. gonated to the Sportsmen for gory of the 1971 Halloween «1781 and “I"80, and they the park, which in summer- J. High model: Bonnie Bit- the use of - their hall. A Parade, held Saturday night. took us eventually to East time is no doubt a beehive of Z€T. : _ Christmas party is planned ct. 30. : Stroudsburg and the Dela- activity, there were only 20 Guest models: Miss Debbie fo. Dec. 21 at the Rheems Lhe float carried the ad- : ° monition, “Don’t Mix Tricks ware Water Gap. But before we got there, we had done considerable “pokin’ around in the Poco- nos,” and had soaked up more than a little warmth of the October sun, and had stored away countless vistas of unbelievably brilliant col- or in the mountains, to enjoy in retrospect during the long winter months just ahead. At one point, we took a or 30 camping outfits enjoy- ing the pleasant day. At another point, we took an interesting-looking little side road back through the trees, and at the end of the lane came unexpectedly upon a small, white church’ sitting lonesomely but with dignity against its lovely autumn background. It was a Lutheran church, (Turn to page 6) Kelly; Miss Bonnie Arnold; Mrs. W. Richard Kohler; and Mrs. Benjamin Horst. Joycee-ette models: Mrs. Gene Newcomer; Mrs. Tom Moran: Mrs. Mike Aument; Mrs. Wm. Bitzer; Mrs. Paul Brady; Mrs. Robert Koser; Miss Vickie Brown; Mrs. Wm. Grove; Mrs. Robert Eshel- man; and Mrs, Leo Moore. Men models: Gene Newcom- er and James Gingrich. Fire Hall, also gifts will be exchanged and new officers will be installed for the new year of 1972. SOCCER DINNER The annual soccer dinner for Lancaster County is sch- eduled for Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the Mount Joy American - Legion home, beginning at 7 p-m. With Treats” and characters from the strip “Peanuts”. ‘ Men . taking various parts were: Lucy — John Harnish:; Snoopy—Jeff Brown; Linus—- Joe Hackett; Schroeder—Bob Koser; Pig Pen—Larry Gain- er; Scarecrow — Ron Haw- thorne, and Charlie- Brown— Clair L. Snook. The prize was $75 in cash. featured comic
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