The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1971, Image 6
£7 %%1 Boy and Girl of the Month e Deaths JOHN KRAYBILL John Kraybill, 82, of Wash- ington Boro R1, a former Mt. Joy resident, died Sunday morning, Oct. 31, at his home He was the husband of El- la G. Young Kraybill to whom he had been married for 59 years. A retired farmer, he was a buyer for the American To- bacco Co. for several years and ran a produce stand in Columbia with his wife, He was a member of the Mountville Church of the Brethren. In adlition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Emile J., wife of Dr. J. L. Eshleman, East Berlin, Penna. and Frances V., wife of Char- les Weatherholtz, Washington Boro Rl; a son, John L., of Landisville; 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, Services were held Tues- day afternoon from the Nis- sley funeral home and burial was made in Graybill’s ceme- tery, East Petersburg. ® This and That (From page 1) The witch? It was Mrs. Joan Betty, Donegal Springs road, the night the children of Mount Joy went “trick or treat’’ing. To enliven things at the Betty home when the young- sters came for their treats, Mrs. Betty dressed in a witch outfit and positioned herself outside near the front door. When the children rang the doorbell, she would ap- pear, making appropriate witch noises and motions, and give them a real thrill! After assuring them that she was a kindly witch, that she meant them no harm, and that she would not turn them into sugar cookies, she gave them their expected treat. . The word soon spread! “Don’t miss going to the Bet- tys! There's a real for sure- enough witch over there!” All of the neighborhood children participated in the fun, as well as others from farther away. In this day of needles in candy and razor blades in’ apples, it is reassuring to hear of an ‘understanding heart” willing to take the time and the trouble to add a bit of “spice” to the child- ren’s Halloween! ® om * And the cockroaches? Joan Hassinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Has- singer, Birchland Avenue, is a Donegal high school stu- dent. She was working on a bug collection for Biology class when she read in a Lancaster newspaper about a United States Navy vessel oft the Atlantic ' coast that was having major trouble with cockroaches, “Cockroaches!” she thought “I could use a few for my Biology project!” So she wrote to the captain of the ship, whese name had been mentioned in the story, asking him if he thought “some of his beys” would mind catching her a few cockroaches, being “careful not to squash them!” Days passed. Then a letter and a box came from the captain. He said that ‘some of his boys” had graciously agreed to catch some cock- roaches, which he was send- ing ‘“‘under separate cover.” And in the box were four or five fine cockroach speci- mens, definitely not ‘‘squash- ed’—for they had been care- fully labeled and imbedded in clear plastic molds about the size of paper weights! BOROUGH COUNCIL Mount’ Joy Borough Coun- cil. will * hold ~ its monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 8, gins in the sanctuary at 7.p. beginning at 7:30 p.m. BEVERLY SHANK Beverly Shank is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Shank, 448 Orchard Road, Mount Joy. She is a senior in the college preparatory course at Donegal high school. Her high school activities include; Cheerleading 9, 10, 11, 12; Track manager 10; Booster Club 9, 10, 11, 12 (President); Club “21” 11, 12 (President; Gym Club 9; May Day 9; Chorus 9; Class. Treas- urer 9; Student Council 9, 11; Junior Class Executive Com- mittee 11; Junior Prom Com- mittee 11; Baccalaureate Mar- shal 11; Junior Class Play Committee 11; General Sales Manager - Yearbook Staff 12; National Educational De- velopment Test Certificate of Achievement 10. She is a member of Trinity church of Mount Joy. Beverly plans a career in cosmetology following gradu- ation from Donegal H. S. When in need of printing remember The Bulletin, ROCKNEY FEEMAN Rockney Feeman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Feeman, 176 South River St, Maytown, and is following the college preparatory course at Donegal high school where he is a senior. His high school activities include: Wrestling 9; Football 10; Football manager 11;Gym- nastics 10, 11, 12; Track 10; Varsity Club 11, 12; Sports Editor Tribe News 12; Photo- graphy Editor Yearbook 12; Jr. Class Play; Senior Class Play; Jr. Class Executive Committee, Moderator, Veter- ans Day Program 12; Student Council 12; Library Assistant 11, 12; Cross Country Club 11: Junior Prom Committee 11. Other activities include: Keystone Boys State 11; Member of Youth Group at St. John’s Lutheran church, Maytown; Serves as usher at same church. He would like to attend either the Naval academy or the Coast Guard Academy. Donegal Braves Football “A” Game Although the rain came down in the form of a heavy drizzle the Braves A team had little trouble holding on- to the ball and outmaneuver- ing the Garden Spot team. Kevin Miller helped keep the opponents off-balance as he intercepted a Garden Spot pass on the 35. In #$he second quarter an Al Brooks to Craig Waters pass put the ball on the 50-yd. line. Kev- in Bradley showed some power as he picked his way to the 15. Another Brooks to Waters pass into the end zone put the Braves on the score- board. The point-after failed and the score at half-time was Donegal 6 to 0. All the scoring done in the second half took place on the kickoff as the Braves block- ers showed their skill and Bradley his power by run- ning the ball back up the field for a second Braves TD. Again the point after failed. Garden Spot really could not get a scoring threat together and the visitors from Donegal got themselves a well deserv- ed 12 to 0 victory. “B” Game The drizzle in the A contest was nothing compared to the rain the “B” squad had to play in. But then they have been in so many wet games some of the linemen may be growing gills. At any rate they Syed in the mud and came up with 3 touchdowns. Doug Hopwood scored the 1st by crashing over from the 2 yard line, The point after failed. Scott Mowrer helped Three Churches Set Sing Service An unusual evening of mus- ic will take jlace on Sunday, Nov. 7 at St. Mark’s United Methodist church. Sponsored by the three United Methodist churches of Mount Joy—Glossbrenner, St. Mark's and Chiques—the eve- ning: program will feature congregational hymnsinging, choral and instrumental mus- ic. : A combined choir from the three churches, under the direction of Mrs. Elinor Nich- olas, will perform several works, The organist will be Gerald Miller who will rend- er special selections and play improvisations for . a number of hymns. Although this event is. be- ing sponsored by United Methodist churches, it is op- ened to the community in hope that it may become a _ great’ evening” “of Christian YsitigingO The pasthes of the three churches, Clair Wagner, Jr., Woodrow Kern, -and W. Richard Kohler, will partici- pate in the service, which be- m. himself to the second TD by breaking loose for the long- run and 6 points. To show that he wasn't vnded Mow- rer then carried the ball ov- er for the extra point. The halftime score was Donegal 13 to 0. The third Braves score was picked up as Pete Splain blasted his way thru fron the five. A Hopwood keeper made it 20 to 0. The reserve squad for Donegal got some experi- ence the rest of the game. They were unable to add to the score but only allowed one Garden Spot score, a fine touchdown pass play. The fin- al score was Braves 20, Gar- den Spot 6. : “C"” Game The C squad redeemed themselves for the squeaker they lost to the Elks on Sat- urday’ morning by showing outstanding defensive stanima and enough offensive punch to win their game 6 to 0. The defensive team of the Braves team must be congratulated for not losing the will to win even in the face of 5 or 6 nearly consecutive fumbles, nearly all of which gave the ball back to Garden Spot. For a while the defense was gaining more yardage than the offense. Darryl Shank and Scott Jones finally got the of- fense moving with Jones go- ing through for a long scor- ing run. Braves won 6 to 0. Next Sunday, Nov. 7, the Braves will host Ephrata at the Donegal high school field. Come out Sunday afternoon and cheer them to victory. HALLOWEEN PARTY The Mount Joy Boy Scouts Troop 39 held a Halloween party on Wednesday, Oct. 27. The boys invited guests. There was a total of 19 boys plus troop leaders. The boys came in costume. Win- ners were: Dale Boyer, most original; Brian Lesher, fun- niest; Brad Newcomer, ugli- est. A number of games were played and refreshments ser- ved. Any boys 11 years old who would like to. become a Boy Scout can do so by con- tacting Dean Buchenauer - 653-4473. “AROUND THE HORN" Navy Petty Officer Third Class Douglas H. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Longenecker of 7 Fairview Ave.,, Marietta, has sailed 14,500 miles from San Diego, “around the horn” of South America to Bath, Maine a- board the guided missile fri- gate USS Halsey. His ship left San Diego on Sept. 1, and visited Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bra- zil, Puerto Rico and Norfolk, Va, Oct. for yard modernization. When in need. of printing remember The Bulletin. Patronize our Advertisers nd arrived ip Bath pagArp extensvie ship- try, ) He reeeived instruction in, Cub Scout Pack 136, spon- sored by the Seiler School & Home Association, held a re- organization meeting and Halloween party Wednesday, Oct. 27. The following boys were taken into the pack as new members: Duane Chapin, Joel Sherk, Brian Newcom- er, Barry Geltmacher, Pat Moran, Scott Hoover, Robert Godshall, Tim Griffith, Jeff Freed, William Hall, Tim Meckley, William and Lonnie Brown, Fred Straub, Curtis Heller. Jeff Duke and Sam Weber. Pack officers include Edwin Miller, cubmaster; John Rogers, chairman of the pack committee: Myron Web- er, treasurer; Charles Heaps, institutional representative; Mrs. Ronald Gotwalt and Mrs. John Rogers, committee members; Returning Den Leaders are: Mrs. Harold Keller and Mrs. Edwin Mil- ler, new den Leaders are: Mrs. David Chapin, Mrs. Jere Duke, Mrs. Gene Newcomer and William Brown. Follow- ing the meeting refreshments were served. This group won first- prize in the Mount Joy Halloween parade on Satur- day evening for the larges§ group in costume. Eadh den used feed bags as a base and emerged as smiling faces, bluebirds, teeth with tooth- brushes and Indians. gi pe Curvin Martin, Jr., former resident of Mount Joy and son of Curvin Martin, Mariet- ta Avenue, has been the guest of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin and daughter Sharon for two weeks. A family luncheon was held in his honor Sunday” in the home of his brother with the following attending: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bowers and son David, Mrs. Helen Wivell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bixler and Curvin Martin Sr. Two Promoted By Armstrong R. W. Myers, 222 N. Mar- ket St., and W. D. Hoffman of Columbia R2, have been promoted to positions of fore- men at Armstrong’s Marietta Carpet Plant. Announcement was made by R. A. Grafi, manager of the 600 employee carpet manufacturing facility. Myers, who was named Foreman, Tile and Samples, Cutting Operations, began his career with Armstrong in 1968 and as a production em- ployee. Prior to his recent promo- tion, he had been Production Leader, Samples Operation. W. D. Hoffman was pro- moted to the position of Fore- man, Finishing Operations. Hoffman's career with Arm- strong began in 1967 shortly after production operations were started at the facility. - Prior to his recent promeo- tion, he had been Production Leader, Foam Backing Line. LANDISVILLE LIBRARY The = Landisville Library Center, 116 Cooper Ave. is open to the public Monday through Friday, 3 te 5 p.m. and Monday through Thurs- day, 7 to 9 p.m. and Satur- day 9 to 11 am, All library services are available through this center. Persons interested in volun- teering two hours a month to this library may contact Mrs. R. L. Beard. COMPLETES COURSE. Army Private William G. Breinich, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs, William R. Breinich, of Donegal Heights, Route 1, re-- cently completed eight weeks of basic training at the U. S. drill and ceremonies, weap- ons, map reading, combat tac- tics, military courtesy, mili- tary justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions. Subject: PEOPLE! | NANCY NEWCOMER Mr. Martin is currently living with his wife, Margie, in Cle- wiston, Fla. + * * The Mount Joy Joycee-ettes were hostesses Saturday eve- - ning for a Halloween Party held in the Gantz barn on Fairview street. Several priz- es were awarded to the peo- ple in costume. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served. Eleven couples atten- ded: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reymer and guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoop of Wall- wick, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gainer, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Gene Newcomer. The fifth grade students of Miss Diane Rice at Seiler spent an entire day last week studying pollution. The class was divided into five buzz groups with catchy names such as The €ool Clean-up Kids, Pollution Clean-up Crew, Pol- lution Preventus, and Pollu- thon Solistion, They experi- mented on air, water & earth pollution. The most interest- ing experiment for the child- ren was testing three differ- ent cars to find out the am- ount of pollution in their ex- haust system. Mrs. Nettie Germer, school nurse, discus- sed the effects of pollution on todprys health. The child- ren made pollution and lists of pollukion resolu- tions which will be sent home with the rest of the school children, It was a true in-depth study into eco- logy which the following 9 and 10 year olds will remem- ber and put to use for the rest of their lives: Jenelle Brubaker, Penny Hendrix, Jacklyn Zeller, Sharon Cox, Anita Erb, Cindy Dssinger, Beth Barton, Tom Weber, Steve Nye, Ron Meckley, Er- ic Gotwalt, Craig Myers, Rob- ert Gebhart, Scott Stauffer, Doug Rinehart, Sam Frey, John Day, Mike Ross, John Meyers, John Winsett, Randy Velez, Chris Vogel, Beth Newcomer, Tammy Frick, Donna Sumpter, Sandra Her- nandez, Pam Ruhl and Ther- esa Husband. S— ——— LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of Magdalene Shoup, dec’d., late of Mount Joy Bor- ough, Pa. Letters: testamentary Oi. said estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted theréto are requested to make immedi ate payment and those hav ing claims or demands -a cainst the same will present them without delay for set” tlement to the undersigred. ESTHER M. JOHNSON 2 10834 N. 35th Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. 85029 PEARL A. MARTIN 91 East Main Street Mount Joy, Pa., 17552 HARRY G. SHOUP R.D. 2, Hellam Branels, Pa. 17406 Newcomer, Roda and Morgan, Atty’s : 760 N. Duke St.. Lancaster, Pa. 17603 33-3¢ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Sadie M. ‘Rice, dec’d., late of West Donegal = Township, Lane. Co., Pa. Leiters testamentary on said estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav: ing claims or demands a gainst the same will present ‘them without delay for set: tlement ‘to the nndersigned CLARENCE ARTHUR RICE § YSN Gonter. If9- 3 RALPH WILLIAM RICE RUTH IRENE WAGNER «©/0 “Newcomer, ‘Roda .and Morgan i700 :N.. Duke Street. Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Newcomer, Roda & Morgan, Attys 33-3¢ The Gas Mask Gang, - slogans il