: HUSKY BOY 2 ; 3 : | 3 : WANTED 5 3 § NOT OVER 17 YEARS OF AGE ¢ : X : ® : + bo? ® High school junior or senior living in or near & Re es ® Mount Joy for after-school work in print shop X 8 doing odd jobs of all kinds. Needed 5 afternoons ® per week. 3 y 3 ; © ; A 3 3 APPLY X T JOY BULLETIN | 11 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY & + i § ga vi dN 5 3 ERR I I OOOOOOOOO0 2 O0000000000000000000000000000O0OOOOCOCOONC: ¢® FOOTBALL o po {Results Columbia 34, Donegal 0 Manheim Twp. 35, Cocalico 0 Hempfield 27, Garden Spot 18 Conestoga Valley 53, War- wick 6 Solanco 22, 20 Bphrata 21, E-town 8 * "% = Manheim Central Standing Columbia Manheim Twp ... QOomestoga Valley .. Bphrata Hempfield Warwick . . Wlirabethtown .. ®eolanco Danegal Manheim Central .. Q©eocalico “es ee eee seis wes ain nee «oe eu ee ‘elie iene ww eke SquaaUURARN-=o or CoO MOOHHOOROM Schedule : Saturday, November 6 Bphrata at Donegal ®-town at Manheim: Twp. Cocalico at Warwisk Columbia at Conestoga Calley Hempfield at Solanco Manheim Central at Garden Spot. No matter where you live, you can count on us to service LP- Gas needs fast and efficiently. LP-GAS Agway Petroleum CORP. DILLERVILLE ROAD (Between Manheim-Harrisburg Pike) LANCASTER "Phone 397-4354 1f ~ ER SSS EE | - 3 2A ro ’ > yl Double Electric Use in Penna. Pennsylvania householders are using twice as much elec- tricity today as they did ten years ago . During the first six months of '71, household use of elec- tricity in Pennsylvania was 11 billion kilowatt hours — more than for the entire year of 1962 according to the fig- ures released today by the Pennsylvania Electric Associ- ation (PEA), “Population growth, ad- vancing technology, and a ‘Swartz said that rising stan-come in Pennsylvania, he no- rising standard of living ex: dards of living are directly re-ted, has increased more than . lated to the amount of elect-75 percent over the past ten plain the dramatic increase, said Howard M., Schwartz, PEA President, Pennsylvania's population grew to 11, 879,000 in 1971 from 11,382,000 in 1962. “New families mean mors homes, washers, dryers, and other important appliances, All this requires additional electric power,” Swartz said. “Technology has also con- tributed to the increase by introducing products ranging from new appliances to mic- ro-wave ovens & heat pumps for heating and cooling,” he added. SEA VEGETARIAN The abalone is strictly a vegetarian and crawls slowly about in forests of seaweeds, filling itself with large quan- tities of sea lettuce and kelp. NEWCOMER MOTORS OUR WHEELS MAKE BETTER DEALS! SAVE $ $ ’63 Chevy Caprice 4-Door, Automatic 8 Cylinder, Power Steering 6 Chevy Caprice 4-Door, Automatic 8 Cylinder, Power Steering '64 Chevy Belair 4-Door, Automatic 8 Cylinder '62 Chevy Impala 4-Door, Automatic 8 Cylinder WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA, ricity used. fetid N12 Je oo a “t Rel a Ly Ki 7 ~ TR s&H Green Stamps On Cash and Carry Only Per capita in- years. LOCATED ON RT 72 - | Mile N of Eest Petersburg EREE PARKING 838-0041 Tues, & Fri. 8-9, Mon., Wed, & Thurs, 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Closed Sunday Nature’s Air | Conditioners Select Your Shade Trees In Our Nurseries While In Lovely Fall Color, COMPLETE SELECTION IN SIZES AND VARIETIES. TOP QUALITY. No Extra Charge For Personal Selection \ DUTCH BULBS FINE SELECTION LARGE LANDSCAPE SIZE Beautiful Mums $1.29-3 for $3.49 Order Your Dwarf Fruit Trees Now We will advise you When To Pick Them Up Big 25% Discount On Dutch Bulbs Scott's Lawn Products | Me mbdtint ts® } Year End Sales 259, OFF On All Scotts Lawn Products FREE SPREADER RENTAL FOR ONE DAY AND @D wibulder on ffi Fm | 'ROUND the cLock"TROPICAL PUNCH 3 Booz ; O- "VLASIC” KOSHER DILL PICKLES mild-RindlessLonghornCheese Lb. Lean - Tender T-Bone Steak Lb. ‘1 19 32-0z JAR 47 "JOAN of ARC" red KIDNEY BEANS 4 #303 Cans 4% RED — CRISP — JUICY — WINESAP APPLES % tb, 49 CRACKIN’ GOOD OUR OWN HOMEMADE FRESH SAUSAGE Lb. *9- CENTER SLICES DRIED BEEF FRESH SLICED AT MOSEMANN'S! QUARTER POUND 65 OPEN =~ THURSDAY and FRIDAY till 9P.M. - SATURDAY til .6P.M. MOSEMANN'S FOOD MARKET 37 MARREY SQUARE - A iglvi “ + . = a \ yo 101 boli MANHEIM, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers