y Mrs. ville Mrs. ASR ERR EE SR TN SERRE Cn #EET ® REFRIGERATORS ® RANGES © DRYERS ® WASHERS ® GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES All by Famous Brands Maytag - Tappan — Caloric Gibson — Whirlpool GAS or ELECTRIC APPLIANCES MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. 12 Mile East of Manheim Square Phone ses-o82 30-4c The Worry Clinic by Dr. Geo. W. Crane Hardy is so irate that I'll reproduce his entire mon- ologue. Heed it carefully! For far too many tax-eaters are now on the bent backs of the hard working taxpay- ers! And Uncle Sam is eroding our creative energies by making men like Hardy spend too much time on petty bookkeeping and tax collecting for the government re and without salary or even a “Thank you.’ CASE N-586: Hardy M., aged 54, is discouraged. “Dr. Crane,” he began, “I am being forced out of busi- ness. “For politicians are zooming inflation and then ham- stringing us employers by excessive forms and red tape and tax questionnaires, “For example, we must serve as collectors for Uncle Sam’s income tax. “Thus, we must make de- ductions from every worker's pay check and then forward that money to headquarters. “Though we thus serve as IRS men, do we get paid a salary for thus nursemaiding our employees and remitting their taxes for them? “You know doggone well we only don’t get paid but we never even receive a ‘Thank you,” though the offi- cial IRS men get good salar- ies. “But the IRS collectors are not even under the strain we suffer, for they haven't any dough invested in a busi ROUND AND SIRLOIN STEAK HAM BUTTS FRESH Loose or Link SAUSAGE CHICKEN CENTER CUT HAM SLICES LONGHORN JERSEY YELLOW Sweet Potatoes 3 Ibs 59: | : 5 a Roi —— ep BEE ETAT RN: Legs & Breasts Cream CHEESE ib ness, which may go bankrupt by taking so much executive time doing Uncle Sam’s paper work. “But then we often must handle the state income tax forms for all our employees, too. “Plus unemployment in- surance deposits, which now we must make quarterly and in advance! “Yet Congressmen at Wash- ington jumped their own sal- aries from $30,000 to $42,500 annually (41%), though they accuse us employers of caus- ing inflation! Imagine! “And they employ the tricky ‘mark-up’ deception on our gullible voters. “They demand constantly increased budgets, though they have ample taxes alrea- 11 69 79 99 99 89 RED DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Ibs 49 Ib Ib SHAY HOURS ~ 8:00 t to 1:00 HAW'S MARKET . Main St. —MANHE] + == Phone 665-2025 dy coming in, “For example, a hospital in my state thus was due to be visited by a committee from our state legislature, tb see about its future budget needs. “So what happened? Well, the Superintendent ordered ALL doctors and residents on the staff not to release any patients during the 30- days prior to the legislators’ visit! “Meanwhile, he also had the doctors call back all the patients who had been releas- ed the previous month. “Then he brought in Army cots, which were set up in the corridors to show the terrific congestion and urgent need for "higher appropria- tions. “And this actually worked on the legislators! Yet it was plain trickery. “It’s exactly what the Pres- ident does when he demands $10 billion more, though he knows he doesn’t need even one billion extra taxes. “But this is a subterfuge by which he wins friends am- ong the Congressmen, “For they rise up and bray loudly that they are not going to be rubber stamps and thus succumb to the pressure from the White House. “So they cut his $10 bil- lion in half; then go home and brag to us voters about how they have looked after our interests by thus cutting the president’s demand by 50 percent “Yet they still gave him $5 billion more than he needed or maybe even expected. “It is high time we inject- ed more business in govern- ment and less government in business! “Our former great Chief Justice Marshall said. ‘The power to tax is the power to destroy’ and that is causing 25,000 bankruptcies every year in the U.S.A.” (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 25c¢ to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) FROZEN ~~ PIG STOMACHS ea ce SELECT OYSTERS | 79 EXTRA SELECT OYSTERS doz ec FROZEN BREADED FISH FILETS 2 Ib pk J. FROZEN CHICKEN BACKS — WINGS NECKS Ib 10- 2 8 2 Q 2 : | BE a Mi 8 « PHONE €55:2490 of | }/39-414MARKET SQ. MANHES # % 2 32 v oS ARE OT 0 5 OT OO 0 OT Have Those Roofs Repaired and Replaced ROOFING SIDING SPOUTING Before Bad Winter Months Set In! TED MILLER Roofing and Siding Contractor 146 SOUTH GRANT STREET PHONE 665-6591 MANHEIM 12-tfe (NOP SEERNEEEYEEES NEE RE I EANRO RENE vsmurmEnY ARTE CENTRAL HOTEL 102 North Market Sireet MOUNT JOY PA, Something New and Unique For This Area Our Fabulous Buffet EVERY SUNDAY 11 am. io 7 p.m, ALL YCU CAN EAT Help yourself to a delightful dinner 9 Prime Steamship CHILD DISCIPLINE WHILE DRIVING IS UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE When you're taking a trip in the family car and your children become unruly, stop the car, Settle the problem on the side of the road. That is James Van Horn's advice on child discipline in a moving vehicle. Van Horn is Extension family life spec- ialist at Penn State. When the car is moving, it’s unsafe, seldom effective and could cause even more commotion to try to correct your child- ren’s behaviour. Instead, pull over to the side of the road and get Round Roast things straightened out firm- ly. You might have to make Of Beef a few extra stops on your POULTRY — MEATS trip this way. But a few ex- SEAFOOD tra delays at first may make Salads, Desserts Included your trip a safer one, Children can’t really under- stand what trouble they may cause if they throw things, scream suddenly or argue loudly. They can’t know that such behavior distracts the driver and may cause him to lose control of the car. So, pull over to the side of the road FACTORY : BARGAIN : DAYS : Buffet served in Deluxe Banquet Hall Hotel second floor @® Children $2.25 - Adulis$3.95 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 653-2056 Patronize our Advertisers FILTER-FLO' WASHER 2 SPEEDS 3 CYCLES ® Filter-Flo wash system -—ends lint-fuzz! ® 3 wash, 2 rinse temperatures, ® Permanent Press Cycle with “Cooldown, ® Cold water wash and rinse, ® Extra wash selection. ® 3 water-level selections. 199 EASY TERMS Fine Performance ses dectic dow wit for d LOW, fabric oo. Swed a special LOW PRICE! = = mm a = - . nm = - = - = = un - - - 3 ] = ® 1 = - n =" = 3 1] | m ” - wu w 1 Ww = = De-Wrinkle cycle that tumbles WR out wrinkles with a gentle, DR even heat. Electronically tested w= to assure you years of depend- n .able service. Fine drying per- gg formance at a low, low price = «.. can you really afford not to n buy GE? os = = mn = re. 4 | = wm - tec i“ Hi mo 1 ® 1 » = = = A - a H = w " = = u w = = - = = a ATE 8 8 = 5 a 2 8 a Rn » a = a Ww » 8 8 B * # w u a wu » 8 a un a 8 n » n 4] a wu a = w u a 8 a 8 8 z a 8 o wn n $ a 8 u n = # # » 8 8 e ? a 8 § » 2 # u a a % 3 " OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS ‘TIL 9:00 CURENESEAR: SCAN ANANAREAENNRNdde ENT FREER ERRY 2
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