PAGE 12 THE BULLETIN: MOUNT JOY, PA. .: WEDDINGS : - McKown — Beamenderfer : The marriage of Miss Joyce A. Beamenderfer, 1038 Mif- flin Avenue, Pittsburgh, to James J. McKown, 5120 Earlsdale Road Pittsburgh, took place at 2 p.m, on Satur- day, Oct. 16, at the Heinz Memorial Chapel of the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asher W, Beamenderfer, 210 Birchland Ave,, Mount Joy. She was graduated from Donegal high school in 1965 and the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh in 1969 with a B.S. degree in Nurs- ing. She is employed by Ma- gee-Women’s hospital in Pitts- burgh, The bridegroom is the son fo Mr. and Mrs, John C. Me- Kown, 5120 Earlsdale Road, Pittsburgh. He was’ graduat- ed from Baldwin high school in 1966 (Pittsburgh) and the University of Pittsburgh. He is attending graduate school at the University of Pitt- sburgh. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a floor-length gown of nylon or- ganza trimmed with venice lace. She carried a bouquet of five yellow long-stemmed roses. Mrs, James McCormick of Pittsburgh was matron of honor, Bridesmaids were Mrs. Stephen Benedict, Pitts- burgh and Mrs. Daniel Arv- ieux of Texas. Serving as best man was Bruce C. Hoskins of Pittsburgh. Ushers were Ken- neth Wise of Carlisle and George Wenick of Pittsburgh. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Fdirfax in Pittsburgh. The couple will be at home at Pittsburgh. - SCHOOL Grade 6, room 8, at Grand- view school has organized a 4-H Club. The project is En- tomology, a study of insects. The club meets on Thursday. At th e first meeting officer NOTES - were elected as follows: President, Donna Germer: vice-president, Lisa Johnson; secretay, Sue Brooks; song leader, Mimi Ginder; game leader, Jeany Lauver; news reporter, Kim Underkoffer. Attend BPW District Meet Twelve members of the Mount Joy Business & Pro- fessional Women’s Club at- tended the fall District 7 meeting, held at Shippens- burg State college, Shippens- burg, Pa., Oct. 30 - 31, with the Shippensburg club as hostess. Approximately 203 mem- bers from the 15 clubs in the district attended the ses- sions. Representing the Mt. Joy club were Mrs. Benj. Horst, Jr., Mrs. Gerald Sheetz ani Mrs. W. Richard Kohler, del- egates and Mrs. Marlin Sine- gar, Mrs, Paul Little and Mrs. James Heilig, alternates. Oth- er members attending were: Mrs. Jay Meckley, Mrs. Earl Koser, Mrs. Rachael Reynolds Mrs. Herbert Sarver, Anna Mae Eby and Ruth Eby. Elections were held for the district nominating commit- tee. Named to serve as one of three was Mrs. Sinegar, The banquet on Saturday evening was held at Reisner Hall,. Shippensburg State col- lege with Rita Prescott,” first Vice President of the Penna. Federation. of Business and Professional Women's - Clubs. Inc. -and the State Represen- tative to the District. 7- Fall Meeting, as the speaker ‘for the evening. Entertainment ‘was - provided by Wayne and ‘Jane -Mowrey, singing “Folk Songs old and new.” - : : The New. Holland B.P.W. “club won the - “Travelgong” - presented to the club : with the most members traveling the greatest distance to at- tend the. district meeting, Mt. Joy club was first runner up for. this coveted award. : Concluding meeting was a breakfast held at University Lodge, Ship- pensburg, Sunday morning. Miss Dorothy Harpster, Pro- In Honor Society Donald J. Snyder, 637 West Main street, has been azctept- ed into the Millersville Indus- trial Arts Honor Society, for academic achievement and technical competence. He was required to main- tain a minimum 3.0 average in his major field, and a mini- mum of 2.5 total average. He was also required to go be- fore a board, which reviewed his quality of work and phil- osophy of industrial arts edu- cation. He also is a membler of the Millersville State College In- dustrial Arts Society, the Pennkylvania Arts tion. He presentiy is enrolled as a junior at the coilege. the district Associa- fessor of English at Shippens- burg State college, gave an inspirational talk titled “Sun and Rain.” Henry Carpenter Talks to Rotary Henry G. Carpenter spoke to his fellow Rotarians Tues- lay noon as the club held its weekly luncheon meeting at Hostetters. Entitling his talk, “Nostal- gia,” he turned his attention backwards in time, saying that “today everything is so serious and time is so valu- able.” In a humerous approach with homespun philosephy, he re- called some of the home tal- ent shows of other years, spoke of the medicine shows, remembered about bugs and wondered “what has happened to toads?” He recalled that years ago cattle were driven loose through the streets. “People had fen- ces around their yards to keep the cattle out and the children in, Now people don’t keep their children ‘in.and we Som need fences,” he reflect- ed. : Wak The speaker was introduc- ed by Dr. Robert Brackbill, © Saturday: morning, the best recipe for \ folks -newly =—"% | moved to MOUNT JOY Take one phone eall (or coupos below), add hostess with baskets of gifts-and Information about the city, stir In genuine hospitality, and you'll have a generous and delightful welcome. Just phone Le Louise Mu WELCOME NEWCOMERS! Hse this counos ta let us know you're ere. Nama. E% Add i City. [3 Perse have the Welcome Vr Hostess call on me [J 1 would like to subscribe te the | i [J | already aubscribe te the i Fill out coupon and mail te Circulation i Dept., potato RAGER—ALEXANDER Mr. and Mrs. William F, Rager, Greenville, R 5, Box 350, Penna., announce the marriage of their daughter, Francine Marie, to Sgt. L. Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Alexander, Greenville R2. The bride is a graduate of Reynold’s high school, Green- ville and a former employee of Donegal Industries, Mount Joy. She presently is employ- ed as a nurses aide at White Cliff Convalescent Home in Greenville, The bridegroom is also a graduate of Reynolds high school. He is serving with the U. S. Army as a radio repair- man, stationed in Da Nang, S. VietNam. The marriage took place Tuesday evening, Oct. 26, at the Maysville Community church, Greenville. The bride is the sister of Mrs, Steve E. Leatherman, Mount Joy. Plan Annual Meeting The first annual meeting of the new Auxiliary to Luther- an Social Services-East Reg- ion will be held at Trinity Lutheran church, Mount Joy at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 1st. Guest speaker will be Dr. Granger E. Westberg of Sgringfield, Ohio, who heads up a new kind of health cen- ter, called a ‘Neighborhood Church Clinic”, which com- bines the resources of physic- ians, clergymen, seminarians and lay volunteers. Dr. Westbery is a Lutheran clergyman, a Professor at Hamma School of Theology at Wittenberg University, and has served as chaplain of the Chicago hospitals and on the teaching staff of the Univer- sity of Chicago and Baylor University College of Medi- cine. He has been instrumen- tal in pioneering efforts for the inter-relation of medicine and religion and will speak on, “Healing Body & Spirit”, He has lectured widely to both professions and has writ- ten numerous articles for medical and theological jour- nals, as well as five books re- lated to both professions. Guest soloist will be Ro- maine Bridgett, contralto, of Mount “Joy, accompanied by Miss Beulah Smith, Trinity Lutheran organist. Miss Elsie Lefever, a mem ber. of the Executive Commit- tee, will be one of the hos- tesses. Refreshments will be serv- ed in Fellowship Hall by the women -of » Trinity church, The public is invited to at- tend. Clearview Fire . Florin Fire company was called shortly after midnight Oct. 30, when grease in a broiler at the Clearview Diner ig- nited. Also answering the call was the - Rheems com- pany. _ The restaurant, located on Route 230 between Mount Joy and Elizabethtown, had just closed for the day but - several employes still were on the premises. POLITICAL WORKSHOP, By popular demand. the Women’s Republican Club of Lancaster County will repeat its political workshop for all interested Republicans at Hol-- iday Inn East on Saturday, Nov. 15. The session will last from 9 a.m. until noon and prominent Republicans will be the guest speakers. There is no charge for the workshop and refreshments will be served. Reservations are not necessary but would be appreciated. For reserva- tions call the Women’s Re- publican Club, 29 N. Prince street, Lancaster. LE PehasylWania » Pewer and Light company has.announc- ed that earnings per share for the 12 months ended Stp- tember 30, 1971 were $2.36. This is 36 cents above the de- pressed earnings of last year. Lay Witness Weekend From Friday evening, Nov. 5 until Sunday afternoon, Nov, 7, St. Mark’s church congregation will be holding a special Lay Witness week- end, Christians from other congregations and denomina- tions, representing every age group, will participate. At table, in small groups. in homes, at church and un- der a variety of circumstanc- es the witness will share with the church members, exchan- ging insights and inspirations, The weekend will be pre- ceded by a 24-hour Prayer Vigil in the sanctuary of the church. Much planning and detailed preparations have gone into this evangelistic thrust. Richard Martin is the committee chairman. Congregation Dinner Three hundred and sixty friends and members have made reservations for the congregational dinner of Glossbrenner United Metho- dist church, Thursday, Nov. 4 at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be held in the Friend- ship hall of the church, Ladies from Florin Church of the Brethren will prepare and serve the meal and per- sons. from Chiques United Methodist church will staff the nursery. The annual Church Confer- ence will be held in connec- tion with the dinner, at which time election of sever- al officers will take place. The program of the evening also will include a solo by Miss Sandra L. Heisey and will feature a devotional film entitled “The Lord’s Prayer.” Thirty-two ladies from ‘the Glossbrenner church will serve as hostesses. Landisville Troop Boy Scout Troop 41, of Landisville, sponsored by the East Hempfield Twp. Junior Charmer of Commerce, will hold a hoagie sale for the benefit of the Jo Lowry Kid- ney Fund, Tickets may be purchased from any scout until Nov. 15 or from the IGA food store in Landisville or Bender's store in Salunga. ’ Hoagies will be distributed by the Boy Scouts or picked up at Benders and IGA store on Saturday, Nov. 20. Cub Pack Party Cub Pack 263 held its an- nual Halloween party Tues- day, Oct. 2. Three categories of prizes were given for the best cos- tume, Winners were: Bruce Wagner, most original, a mail box; David Hart, funniest, a hillbilly; and Steve Davies, ‘the ugliest, a cave man. The party concluded with games & homemade refresh- ments, ——————————— a] Drive Carefully ‘WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1971 **° 40 JAYCEES Bill Brimmer and his local orientation team will visit the Mount Joy Jaycee chapter on Tuesday, Nov. 9 at the Jaycee building. Beef sand- wiches will be served to the members:and guests prior to the meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. Each Mount Joy Jaycee is encouraged to bring a guest to the meeting. The local club is planning the Christmas lighting project, Santa photos, Shopping tour, Sounds from Home, Basket of Joy, and Jaycee week celebration. Jr. High Program On Thursday, Oct. 28, four Donegal high seniors present- ed the 8th grade L.G.I. Class at W. I. Beahm J. high with a program based on the U.S. court systems. Martin Heisey, who served as coordinator, was assisted by classmates Les Engle, Ca- sey Kraus, and Deb Tyndall. Les and Casey discussed sep- arate cases in which they sat in at our local judici- ary building in Lancaster. Deb presented facts about the seniors’ visit to the Sup- reme Court building in Wash- ington, D.C. Martin exhibited several photographs taken in Washington while the senior class visited the Capital. At the end of the program a short question and answer period was held. Neighborhood Scouts The November 9th meeeing of the Donegal Neighborhood of Girl Scouts will be held Tuesday at St. John's Episci- ral church parish house, in Marietta, at 7:30 p.m. Cadette Troop 47 will seve as hostesses for the social hour, An Investiture Ceremony will be conducted for new personnel and for the rededi- cation of other members. A calendar report and level discussions and a craft shar- ing period will complete the program. All leaders, troop commit- tees and troop representa- tives are urged to attend. - FBL Meeting The Future Business Lead- ers of America state project for the 1971-72 school year is entitled “Hope for the Hopeless.” Betty Crocker coupons will be collected and then redeem- ed by General Mills. The money from the refund will be donated to Teen Challenge Centers in - Pennsylvania. These Centers are used as a refuge for troubled teens. The Teen Challenge Centers were first started by David ‘Wilkerson, a minister and author of the book, “The Cross and the Switchblade.” Cans for -the deposit of coupons will be placed in various stores scattered thru- out the Donegal area., : NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Mary McCarty Birds of America The adventure of being a wife Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale Penmarric The memoirs of Chief Red Fox God in an Englishman Living well is the best revenge The dwelling place Madame Wheels Susan Howatch Chief Red Fox R. F. Delderfield Calvin Tomkins Catherine Cookson Patrick O'Higgins Arthur Hailey Life and death in a coral sea Jacques-Yves Cousteau The bell jar Sylvia Plath Support your local library TRUCK AND AUTO ker Sti yw INSPECTIONS 2 g 3 A = 8 - Expires October 31 January-31-- April 31 July 31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers