= 3 4 ~~ y= 3 THE 3s MOUNT Ty Joy Ww 2, , © a re J giten ¢« LOL "“/ By R.A.R. We've mentioned it before. But, now that Nancy and Dave Martin have done a ren- ovation on the outside of their business building on Marietta street, we take op- Mount Joy's ONLY VOL. 71. NO, 23 Name Winners In Halloween Parade Newspaper MOUNT JOY, PA.,, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1971 Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy TEN CENTS Voters Give Republicans Local Offices Republican candidates in Mount Joy were favored on total for the general election a year ago when 1,375 voted. votes. The only other strictly lo- portunity to point it out Tuesday in the climax of a Dr. Newton Kendi i : oe 3 : : g, al- cal office be 1 »sda Vv again. With the weatherman coop- political campaign which though running on the coun- was tei ea 99 9 erating completely, Mt. Joy's lacked luster but which turn- ty ticket for coroner, led the ‘mer Forwood, south Market Main street Mount Joy has annual Halloween parade was ed out surprisingly more vo- Mount Joy voting, oppi > i ‘as adopted an architectural style staged Saturday night, Oct. ters than had been expected. all three ye as tonpins Ro Beputlican, was which features pent roofs. A 30, and prizes were awarded All G.O.P, candidates for getter. In the west he had For coroner, the b I similar treatment used local- at the W. I. Beahm Jr. high borough council were elected 328 votes, in Florin, 225 and voted as follows: DYousn ly is the short canopy. school. . ® IMMioe r= three as incum- in the east, 366. Franklin ®e © © > : ants and one as a newcomer Although his campaign did Kendi ose Notice how many of ilies pe patggs Seengorel to Big local governing body. not carry him into office, West ward 328 Ca - attrastive fronts have -been By corals 4 total of 1,256 people Jack Matoney’s campaign for East ward 366 63 . cast their ballots in the three borough council in the Florin Florin ward 226 506 installed on Main street. ® @® @ Four divisions, five bands Mount Joy voting districts— ward was probably the most For Borough Councilmen and hundreds of marchers in ; ye : ! Elsewhere in this issue is a costume took part. 2 athe Wes ward 569 vigorous local effort. It did West Ward general statement about what Flori Sa on 5 in carry him to the top of the Warren Foley (R) 227 pollution control is doing -and It took 40 minutes for all orin ward. Actually, that Democrat ticket in his home Walter Derr (D) 131 will continue to do as con- parts of the parade to pass was only 119 short of the ward of Florin with 110 East Ward trols tighten on all kinds of the reviewing stand at Main Omar Groff (R) 337 situations around us. and Market Shreens i rom ; Charles Ricedorf (R) 338 ®e © © _ of the National Central bank. T b R d bh Tid Arthur Shaud Jr. (D) 95 One foundry in the imme- YriZe winners included: ribe appe Y ae Florin Ward First Division James Madara (R) 175 re me, nas en Most comical —Debbie Ross, No one has stoppered up which, despite the admitted Jack Matoney (D) 110 years, is now ready to discon- first; Pori Picconi, 2nd; Tracy the power of the Columbia power of the opposition, is New to the Mount Joy Bor- tinue that part of its opera- Ross, 3rd; and Alice Haw- Tide this fall on the gridiron. the fourth best effort of the ough Council will be Rice- thorne, 4th, And, Donegal was not able season. Columbia went only dorf, making his first appear- tion. Work will continue with other kinds of metal, but the grey iron foundry emissions into the air are too expensive to handle, ® ® © One of our good this week brought Bulletin office a readers into the yellowing Most original Brandi Shearer, 1st; Tris Bishop, 2nd Dwane Zimmerman, third, and Cindy Bailey, fourth. Fanciest — Amy Kulp 1st; Jon Hall, 2nd; Trilby Bishop, 3rd, and Steven Waltz, 4th. Second Division Best appearing float—non- to do it Saturday. But, the Indians did play a possession-type ball game at Columbia and although shut off the scoreboard, were downed only 34 - 0. The raw power of the Col- 193 on the ground. Saturday of this week the Indians host the Ephrata Mountaineers, who last week measured E-town 21 to 8, and now stands just behing Col- umbia, Manheim Twp., and Conestoga Valley in the coun- ance for elective public office He will replace James Spang- ler. In the school board Republican candidates were winners, Jay C. Musser and Lewis Bixler were returned to of fice - while William Landis race, all lippi i : - % umbians h i ig . a I commercial — First, unclaim- p.g4 A BS Be 2 ty league race. : was named for the first time. HE. Kaylor, clerked back in ed (no. 221); Elizabethtown 4 there appears not The season closes the next They defeated Charles Eshel- 1890. y Jaycees & Jaycettes, second; much possibility that anyone week as the Tribe takes on man, C. Donald Waser and « on and Brownie Troop 1123, 3rd. is capable of keeping the Cocalico, currently 1-7-0. Mary Pittenturf. Held on Washington's birth ,, Best appearing float, Jur Tide from an undefeated '71 day—Feb. 22—the entire sale Sy Na Whi county championship. . including nine full clerk : : ‘1197 Columbia was off to a big A M C 1 sheets, brought $7231. But oid and Brownie Troop HZ oF oh a touchdown on IACCEO pts arietta Ca look at the prices the items was § nd. d. Divisi the first series of plays the were being knocked off for Sasi ar Le men Tide ran, moving 95 yards The Rev. James Arnold has announced. more than 81 vears ago: ingle lults. in 14 plays. accepted the pastorate of the The Rev. Mr. Arnold re- - 0 6 Most comical — John and That was the first of five English United Presbyterian ceived a bachelor’s degree Wood plafies, 1 cent to 25; Clits Shee on umcyeles), goal-line crossings for the af- church, Marietta, it has been from Randolph-Macon Col- double trees 0c whip, 86; rst; Pam ih secon Pci ternoon—one in the first per- lege, Ashland; Va., and a Most original — Mrs. Paul j,q two in the second and master of divinity degree a hoo iy Shearer, firsy; one each in the third an d . : from Yale Divinity School. ’ PC nen, panciest — Dale Swarr and : S ; | Eff t Prior t Ki ors 10¢; gun, 20c; bag wagon, lc: pr: : fourth, Three were on pass JPE€CIA or rior to working 11 years Michele Denise Shoemaker. 1 2 i OO he corn sheller, $1.75; wheelbar- Fourtls Division plays, one a returned punt . as an insurance agent, the row, $1; wood chisel (up to 3 and the other a three-yard By United Fund Rew Arnold Served 8 era : " rooper in the U. S. Army. in.) 10c; brass kettle, 15c; spike tooth harrow, 30c; wag- on $5; carriage, $8; bedsteads 1c to 5c; 28 posts at 25c each; Couples all ages. Most original Ronald Underhoffler,, 1st; Rick Funk and Kim Funk, second, and Mark Shearer and Russy, 3rd. scrimmage attempt. Donegal, on the other hand, fought it out chiefly on the ground, working a ball pos- session game which slowed In an effort to help every- one have an opportunity to voluntarily contribute to this year’s Lancaster County Unit- The Baltimore native gradu- ated from Severna H. S., Sev- erna Park, Md. He and his wife, the form fat lamp, lc. : : . ; : D ee 6 +o Most comical == Mons & the Tide’s onward roll. Coach ed Campaign ‘and, therefore, er Virginia Burvell and their And so it went. The sale Erica Nissley, first; arles A} Brooks’ Indians managed have a part In the United two daughters, Sarah and McGalliger, second, and Jas. , i.) 139 yards by rushing Way Services, the seven vo’ Leslie, have moved into the was cried by Philip Singer. Owner was Jacob Kaylor, 1 mile south of Milton Grove. Also sold were ‘six good draught horses, 2 and 4-horse bobsleighs, 2-horsé sleigh, 1- horse sleigh and one Sun- shine cook stove.” ® @® @ Because the show has play- ed twice in Mount Joy and because a local boy, Steve Phillips, has been a member of the troupe, readers will be interested to know that Cir- cus Kirk will be part of two television shows this fall — “Street People” and “To Tell the Truth.” Johnson and Kim Wilkinson, third. Groups all Ages. Fanciest — James, Kathy and Scott Buckius, first; and Donna Lloyd & Doris Shank, second. Most comical — Janis Eck- roth, Donny Mourer, Debbie Morris, Nadine Bailey, Pam Mathiot and. Janie Gruber, first, and Columbia Senior Girl Scout Troop 608, third. Largest group in costume— Cub Scouts, Pack 139, Mount Joy, first; Girl Scouts Troop 43, Elizabethtown, and Done- gal Midgets cheerleaders, Mt. Joy, third. ‘Of This and That’ Wrestling Tourney Donegal high schools wrest- ling team will be one of 15 . to participate on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 28 and 29, in the 5th annual Invitation- al Wrestling Tournament at Lebanon Valley college, Ann- ville, Pa. Approved by Districts 1 & 3 of the PIAA, the meet will bring together Annville-Cleo- na high schools, Boyertown, Central Dauphin East. Conrad Weiser, Eastern Lebanon Co., Eastern York, Lampeter-Stras- burg, Lebanon, Northern Lebanon, Octorara, Palmyra, Penn Manor, Tulpehocken & Wyomissing. One additional high school unteers who are directing the Lancaster County United Campaign solicitation in the Donegal Union Area are mak- ing special contacts. This group includes Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Vander- slice, Marietta; Andrew Rey- mer and Albert C. Newlin, Sr., Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin V. Gainer, of East Donegal Twp. “A”, and Mrs. Hazel S. Crankshaw, of East Donegal “B”. They will be contacting by mail those busi- nesses and selected residents who have not been solicited through any of the United Campaign Divisions. In urging support for the 37 county-wide Family and Child Care, Health, Youth and Group Work, Community and Emergency United Way that area, Mrs. Arnold attended Vir- ginia Commonwealth Univer- sity where she majored in art. She is also a commercial artist, Rotary Governor William Granger, Annville, Rotary district governor will address the Mount Joy Ro- tary Club, Tuesday Nov. 23, and will confer with R. F. Hallgren, presilent of the club, and with other club of ficials concerning the group's plans for service activities. A member and past presi dent of the Rotary Club of Annville, Granger was c¢lect- ed to office at the Rotary con- vention in Sydney, Australia, ditor's wife still is to be named to fill the Services, they stressed by the edi} i A Se > : their efforts were not design- in May 1971 and will serve, What does a gourd, a witch that his grandmother used to First rounds begin at 1 p. ed to result in any double until June 30, 1972. and a cockroach have in com- grow squash in her garden i. on Dec. 28 and the finals solicitations. “Those persons tom =e who are employed and have The Mount Joy Leisure mon? They are all three subjects for this week’s column! that looked just like that. “When it got to be about that size, Grandmother would are booked for Wedneslay night, Dec. 29. The event is sponsored by an opportunity to contribute at work, particularly through a payroll deduction system, Club will meet Monday, Nov. 8, at the Sports Farm at 12 o'clock noon. The men will ¥ go out to the garden, cut off the Richland Lions club. The gourd was brought to about 12 inches of the squash ; are not being asked to give serve a luncheon to the ladies the Bulletin office about two and take it in the hguse to UNICEF twice,” they stated. “Howev- weeks ago by Mrs. Benjamin cook for dinner. She would ; er, we hope that all persons Because of the inclement who can help will do so gen- Nissley, 127 Coral St. Lan- caster, an aunt of Gerald R. Sheetz of Mount Joy. It was four feet long, weig- hed eight pounds, and lookel fasten a piece of wax paper carefully around the cut end of the squash on the vine, wait a few days, and then go out and cut off another 12 weather last Sunday, the UN- ICEF drive by the youth and children of Mount Joy will be concluded this coming erously and give now.” Emergency Medical Calls a lot like an oversized base- inches to cook! The squash LR ¥ deiadR ball bat! It wasbright green, weuld ‘keep growing, and ! BNICEF is-the Uni ed Na- and attracted a lot of atten- supply us’ with tasty ‘meals tions Childrens di gus SATURBAY 2 TEBROCN tion while it lay on display until frost!” =~ helps needy children = an - L : = : their mothers areund the “SUNDAY in the Bulletin window. One man, wha swore = he was telling the truth, said — Quite an intriguing tale! w ke * (Turn to page 11) world. The drive will be con- ducted from 2:30 until 5 p.m. <> re Thy, ww E syns™ Dr. Thomas O'Connor
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