The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 9
AENEAN EERE NEA NANR ISIN AER REREAD RENEE Enter Your Child In Our Annual BOYS’ and GIRLS’ CHRISTMAS CONTEST aa The word “atlas” to des- decoration for the maps the eribe a collection of maps or- figure of the giant Atlas; sup- : iginated when one of the porting the world on his ® early collections included as shoulders. LOCATED ONRT 72-1 Mila N of East Petersburg EREE PARKING 898-0041 Tues, & Fri. 8-9, Mon., Wed, S&H Green Stamps & Thurs, 8-6, Sat. 8.5, On Cash and Carry Only Closed Sunday See The Prizes and Enter Today at Our Rexall Drug Store : NAMES TAKEN THRU NOV. 3rd : Voting Starts Nov. 4th - Voting Ends Dec. 22nd Conditioners J&B |i ~ 11 BIG PRIZES = =i GRAND PRIZE - Bicycle Bui for Two Nature's Air Conditioners Select your Shade Trees in ANNAN NEE E EEE E EEN EE REE NEESAEENEEAREASENRREEERENAREREEREENARRESEES Sur nyseries while in lovely BOYS’ PRIZES GIRLS’ PRIZES . 1st—ARVIN (CASSETTE) TAPE I1st—KODAK INSTAMATIC X15 ~ Beautiful Zaneco RECORDER CAMERA OUTFIT Stoneware — Handcrafted Paragon Pots - Potting Soil 2nd—AMF DUNE BUGGY 29nd—MAGNUS CHORD ORGAN Propagating Materials 3rd—AURORA “SKITTLE POOL” (TABLE MODEL) GAME 3rd—G.E. PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER 4th— MICROSCOPE & BIOLOGY | ‘A SET 4th—BABY “SO SOFT” LIFE SIZE LANDSCAPE SIZE : DOLL _ BULBS 5th—TIMEX WRIST WATCH 5th—MUSICAL MERRYGOROUND SPECIA i ; 25 MIXED ’ CROCUS We Give RUHL S DRUG STORE Free Parking only 8 ° S&H JOSEPH A. YOUNG, OWNER Rear of : ; Stamps 73 SOUTH MAIN STREET MANHEIM, PA. Store ORDER YOUR Year End Sales ostinato toes sbeebs ot FRUIT TREES 259% OFF 1 . NOw! On All Scot: Lawn Products Gnaw Bone, Indiana, has of a man’s body is water. =~ HUNTERS SHOULD MAKE when to call for them. FOR ONE DAY ————— In Turkey, a sweater is a Hunters: who shisks. thelr About two-thirds the weightsveter! presence known to other hun- ters may be saving their own lives, the Game Commission says. Every year someone is shot in mistake for game, but a number of precautions can be taken by potential victims to avert tragedy. If a hunter knows that another sports- man is in the vicinity, he is apt to be a little more cau- tious, a little more. hesitant to shoot, a little more con- cerned that another person s not in the line of fire. Perhaps the hunter makes his presence known with a friendly, spoken greeting, or a noisy exchange should it be necessary. Possibly a discreet cough will suffice, At any rate, there should be some communication, A rustle in the leaves or brush cannot be recommended, since game can be expected to do this normally, too. Scme archers learn to cam- ouflage attire for deer hunt- irz, but they should be aware of the dangers involved. The warm weather has produced fall woodchuck hunting op- portunities this year, and with migratory bird seasons in progress and the early small game season already having openéd, an archer can now expect to encounter a ® number of gunners. While the burden is always on the shooter to make sure of his target before he fires, hunters who take some sens- ible precautions can avoid becoming likely targets. save A Little something every payday Always keep ammonia and bleach tucked away on high 8 shelves. (And in case of an accident, the first thing you should do is to flush the ex- posed skin with plenty of cold water). You'll be amazed how fast those painless amcunts will grow into substantial savings — up fo several extra “paychecks” per year. If you do it regularly, you hardly know the diifer- ence . ... until the day your nest egg is a necessity. For unexpected bills or taxes .... education . . . . to take advantage of a special bargain .... or to treat the family to a firs:- Then, you'll find a pleasant h~nus, too: the generous interest we pay on class vacation. Ary dollar you save. FOR Moving Storage CALL Charies KE. Groff 653-1357 MOUNT JOY So, start saving soon .... and often .... and watch your nest egg grow! UNION NATIONAL MOURT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY — MAY 'N Mh sl vey 4 el " i in gar i