Lancaster County Government is Efficient Government. KEEP IT THAT WAY. ABRAM D. DOMBACH RAYMOND G. HERR Vote DOMBACH-HERR for County Commissioners Best qualified on all counts! This is no time to settle for anyone less than the best. REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE OF LANCASTER COUNTY PAUL F. PAES, CHAIRMAN JOHN R. GIBBEL, TREASURER nearly ad- the Tennessee was’ mitted to the Union as state of Franklin! NEWCOMER MOTORS OUR WHEELS MAKE BETTER.DEALS! SAVE § § ‘71 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4-Door. Auto, Trans, 8 Cyl, P.S.. Ofie Owner 70 Chevy Belair 4-Door, Auto, Trans, 8 Cyl., Power Steering "70 Chevy Biscayne 4-Door, Auto. Trans, 8 Cyl., Power Steering ‘50 Olds Cutlass 4-Door, Auto, Trans, 8 Cyl. P. S., Air, WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. TIT 3 eddie PART ee tied TITRL20 00S WANTED PRINTER Work Two Or Three Days Per Week Setting Ads APPLY Mount Joy Bulletin 11 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY. PENNA. PHONE 653-4400 The Worry Clinic by Dr. Geo. W. Crane Mort’s wife belongs to cient Eve started! For wives ping boy” for high strung the same sorority that an- have been the usual “whip- husbands who then come home and pass the buck. But such husbands will live longer and be less likely to attacks! So don’t take such have peptic ulcers or heart verbtl explosions too much to heart. Just use more perfume and ‘‘cheesecake” in your boudoir! CASE N-591: Mort G., aged 28, is typical of many hus- bands. “Dr. Crane’ disposition. “For he blows up suddenly over trivial matter and bawls me out unmercifully. “Yet I may not be 10 per cent at fault! “Sometimes he even chews me out when I am not at all involved! “It seems that he takes out his ill will on me for many irritations that occur at the office. “Is this typical of husbands for we have not been married but one year?” Wives, the usual husband his wife pr TIME otested, “Mort has a volatile tends to be a chronic buck- passer! And you faithful wives are generally the ‘‘goat.” But don’t grow unduly al- armed or upset, for Adam started this buck-passing de- vice when he blamed Eve for having fed him the forbidden apple, So buck-passing has been the favorite sport of hus- bands ever since the Garden of Eden. Some men are geared to be more volatile than others, probably because of their glandular make-up, plus a stressful job where they get irritated more often than oth- er husbands. But emotional explosions on thé part of your husband are often a good type of in- surance agaist peptic ulcers. For the person who blows up and vents his inner ten- sions quickly via words, will thereby experience what we psychiatrists call an “‘emo- tional catharsis.” : The fellow who keeps his gripes to himself and broods in sullen anger for several days, may thus be in more danger of a perfarated pep- tic ulcer, as well as spastic colitis, angina pectoris and several other neurotic upsets. If your husband will just apologise afterwards, then you wives can gladly serve as a splendid medical buffer by calmly being the “whipping boy” or scapegoat. Indeed, you Bible scholars will remember that Abraham thus used a scapegoat to take the place of his son Isaac when God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac as proof of his devotion proof of his devotion. Remember, men differ from each other rauch as horses do, for the high Suns Arabian. eer III I ceca Tere Charles W. Ricedorf EAST WARD Lito Councilman Pledges to give the citizens a voice in the Local Gov- ernment, alll e tt oree 2 I wish to ask for your suport in the November 2, 1971 General Election, II: III III 23 I a renee TITTY LOCAL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE tet et ett I II I IT III ITI IIIT RR race horse responds to minor slaps of the whip whereas the sluggish draft horse ig- nores them, If your husband is also an executive, trying to handle the many responsibilities of management or salesmanship or meeting newspaper dead- lines and other crucial prob- lems, then teach your kiddies to be tolerant when their daddy ‘blows his top.” And remind them his “bark is worse than his bite.” But if he is already bother- ed with a peptic ulcer, be sure you have cheese and crackers ready the very in- stant he gets home so he will not need to wait an ex- tra 30 minutes for your fancy frills in preparation of din- ner! And serve him plenty of “cheesecake” in the boudoir, for this is one of the world’s best tranquilizers! Be sure you girls also use perfume, since it even beats rouge and lipstick in excit- ing a man’s romatic emotions Send for my “Tests for Husband and Wife,” enclos- ing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 25c, and rate each other thereon. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 25c to cover typing “and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) SMALL GAME SEASON TO OPEN OCTOBER 30 Pennsylvania's regular small game season will open on Saturday, Oct. 30 at 9 a m. All hunters are cautioned by the Game Commssion to observe the opening hour. The entire state will be oper- AMF Ski-daddier SNOWMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES SALES & SERVICE NEW & USED TRAILERS Nauman’s Repair Shop 872 Mount Jovy Road MANHEIM Phones: Shop - 665-2070 Residence - 665-4401 Mon. & Wed - 6 to 9:30 p.m. Tues & Thurs. - 6:30 to 10 pm, Saturday - 8:00 a.m, toc 3 p.m. CLOSED FRIDAY, SUNDAY 31-tfe ating on Eastern Daylight Saving Time, so there should be no confusion on the start- ing time, Species which will become legal targets on Oct. 30 in- clude cottontail rabbits, male ringneck pheasants, wild tur- keys and bobwhite quail. The early small game season for grouse and squirrels opcned Oct. 16. The seasons for all of these species, except turkeys, will continue thru Nov. 27. Tur- key season ends on Nov. 20 in all of the state except the northcentral area, where the season resumes on Nov, 24 (following the two-day bear season) and then closes on November 27. The name ‘witch hazel” probably comes from the faet that the forked twigs were . once thought to have magie power in pointing out hidden springs of water. 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