The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 6
NOW COMPOUNDED Installment Savings Plan AVAILABLE DURING OCTOBER PAYING SEMI-ANNUALLY Ask About Our Installment Way to Save MOUNT JOY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 30-3¢ FARMERS? Large international company in agricultural field has open- ings in this area for men with farming. experience to act as representatives. Apply in confidence, giving full particulars, to NA-CHURS PLANT FOOD CO. P. O. Box 322 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 31-2p "TAXICAB ARMY” The famous “taxicab army’ of Paris in World War I was organized by Gen. Gallieni to move troops to the Marne River to halt the Germans, (3 RA (Ha OR [gl E s E EIT WET] YL LATTE MINI MAC 6 Weighs only 62 Ibs.* Now only 123%... 12” bar and chain eo Easy to use. Handles like an electric knife. ® Zips thru 6” logs in 5 sec- onds, fells 2-foot trees! oe Clear brush, trim trees, cut firewood, build outdoor furniture. Save money! * Less cutting attachments And For Only $10 More! Mini Mac 6 Automatic # Oils its own bar and chain as you cut » Easier to use, extends bar and chain life, saves money e Longer bar and chain — 14 inches eo Deluxe Master Grip Han- dle for extra comfort Now 139% complete only Always insist on McCulloch chain, bars and sprockets J. B. Hostetter and Sons 35 West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Phone 553-1841 L DRIVERS SHOULD WATCH FOR DEER in Pennsylvania Motorists are reminded by the Game Commission that more deer will be killed on the state's highways during the hunting seasons than at any other time of year. White tails will be partic- ularly active during the per- iod. Hunters’ movements dur- ing small and big game sea- sons stir up spooky white tails which head for other hi- ding places, often crossing highways to reach their des- tination. Drivers should be constant- ly alert for whitetails which may suddenly bound onto the road in front of vehicles. The danger can be as great in the daytime as at night. And, while the problem is generally more acute in the ‘deer country,” drivers should know that vehicles killed deer last year in every coun- ty of the state, including Philadelphia. Reduced speed lessens the danger. Deer, like most forms of wildlife, are creatures of hab- it and often follow the same trails and cross highways at the same locations. Warning signs have been placed along whitetails fre- These signs, if save lives of both wildlife and motorists. However, whitetails can be expected to cross highways at any location, And watch for roads where quently cross, heeded, can the second Last year our nation’s elec- tric utilities spent more than $250 million on air pollution, control equipment — more than any other industry allo- cated for air and water quali- ty controls combined. Advertising Doesn't Cost — It Pays! Often a driver misses a deer, whitetail, relaxes, and then hits another deer, og fr igeedaadsafeedss Tooled eee $28 Gore § *0 OFF oe & fy 0 & og oe $s Scotts I A Lawn Products % —— $Lohgenacker Hdw.% & Market St. MANHEIM \/ » 3 ‘Qededferiledeeddeoddodded VOTE FOR WALTER H. DERR for WEST WARD COUNCILMAN (MOUNT JOY NATIVE BORN) Let’s Have A Two Party Council! ® GRADUATED FROM MOUNT JOY HIGH SCHOOL ® GRADUATED FROM FRANKLIN & MARSHALL ACADEMY ® GRADUATED FROM FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE WITH B.S. DEGR EE IN ECONOMICS ® Self Employed For 25 Years Member Mount Joy Friendship Fire Company No. 1 Life Member Mount Joy Sportsmen’s Association L.O.0.M. #556, Elizabethtown (AD PAID FOR BY MYSELF) 32-1p . v7 HEARTS DELIGHT halves P E A R S y #2, Cans 83 ~«COUPON > MARGARINE " twith this coupon) Limit 1 Coupon Per Redeemable only at MOSEMANN'S Expires 10-30-71 Without Coupon 2/95c impenal 3/99- Purchased CRISP FRESH HOMEGROWN C F L EF R Y LB. 37 MARTIN'S Skinless FRANKS L3. cores CORN <5 Ce wesrers CHOCOLATE SYRUP PD : 2 FRESH GROUND HAMBURG TENDER - T-BONE STEAK LB. dS | 19- TENDER — BONELESS RIB RO AST 5. $ J 05 OPEN = THURSDAY and FRIDAY till 9P.M. - SATURDAY till 6P.M. MOSEMANN'S FOOD MARKET 37 MARKET SQUARE MANNHEIM, PA.