The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 3
We have reduced the infant eggs! eee eee ay, ne 0.5 Ventrdoquisin Wak mention- w FOOTBALL é SHOP THE CLASSIFIED WAY births in 1915 to well under by Confucius 500 years be mss = 25 per thousand in the 1960's fore the time of Christ, SCHEDULE Ea i i Friday, October 29 STAYMAN - McINTOSH - SMOKEHOUSE . Frogs often lay up to 8,000 Patronize our Advertisers Epharai at Elizelotbions RED AND YELLOW DELICIOUS APPLES Saiurday, October 30 Donegal at Columbia CIDER SALE ® REFRIGERATORS ® RANGES ® DRYERS J Manheim Twp. at Cocalico 83c GALLON , 2 GALLONS $1.75 . We To oy 2 GALS. IN CUSTOMER'S CONTAINER $1.55 WASHERS Garden Spot at Hempfield Lower Prices for Larger Quantities Solanco at Manheim Central (night) LETTUCE — BLEACHED CELERY SWEET POTATOES - HOMEGROWN WATERMELONS EGG SALE: Lg. 2doz, 90c; 2 dog not classified 75¢c 3 doz. Crax 85c NECK PUMPKINS IRISH COBBLER POTATOES — 50 lbs, $2.15 CHOCOLATE BITS 2 lbs, $1.05 WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Open Daily 8 - 8; Saturday 8 - 6; Closed Sunday % MILE WEST OF FLORIN, PHONE 653-5661 ® GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES All by Famous Brands Maytag — Tappan — Caloric Results Donegal 21, Garden Spot 12 . Ephrata 28, Manheim Cen, 15 Gibson — Whirlpool Manheim Twp. 40, Hempfield 0 GAS or ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Columbia 17, Warwick 6 Elizabethtown 8 Cocalico 6 ‘MYER'S METERED GAS |“ ">=" - SERVICE, INC 508 5 . Columbia ~........ 7 0 0 & x Manheim Twp, .... 6 0. 1 g " V2 Mile East of Manheim Square Phone 665-3588 Conestoga Valley .. 6 1 0 B a 30-4c Ephrata. .c.e0..... 5:20 " Hempfield ........ 3 318% N » - " Warwick ......... 331m = AEREEAEL SEERSRANADS AREER ANERNS HaBCARRARNL 4 Elizabethtown ..... 3 408 x a B Donegal .......... 2.4 1m DA Y & ® n ad Solanco ..........: 2 508 2 - BR Manheim Central .. 1 6 0 ® BE mn a Cocalico .:.... >... 1 690 3 re fn RS ; » x ® Garden Spot ...... 1 60 a = = " Rl ——— = TE ® -] a Before Louis Pasteur’s re- “ IL R-F LO WASHER = - a $o8rch on germs, if you saw gg sma , = aby with a goose quill stui- @ TL E 8 fed with spiders hanging a- 3 e : 2 SP EEDS = = i = , i Te 3 CYCLES » b .® k! ae 1a cg - % = There & Never A Tric + @ certainty that it was under- 8 e Filter-Flo wash = " m going treatment - for whoop ® system —ends x a : ® ing cough! : lint-fuzz! = " BUT A rim —— » _® 3 wash, 2 rinse = - ® When you cook, make sure g temperatures. = = m all pot handles are turned in- 8 ® Permanent Press - = ® ward. A handle hanging over 2 Li Eyele win & : m the edge is an irresistable m | | . Cons a aa md 3 : - magnet for fingers of little = Siice, © x £ children if they can reach it. » * Exird wash selection = B - ® 3 water-level - n = selections. = a +] = - : | CENTRAL HOTEL |: 5 ® = n 8 | 102 North Market Street a = a MOUNT JOY PA. » u ; : Something New and - = 8 | Unique For This Area | § = = = = 8 | Our Fabulous Buffet | ® - : EVERY SUNDAY - « = 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. - = h 2 | ALL YOU CAN EAT | 3 » WwW i qq : Help yourself to a " 3 itches and 3 delightful dinner x 5 ; i . ob & Goblins Meet! 8 | Prime Steamship | 3 = = = i Round Roast a H s Of Beef : 5 * a « Solid State Amplifier = » POULTRY — MEATS | = « AM/FM/FM Stereo tuner wm AN : SEAFOOD " e Jam-resistant Tonal 1 u - = ded a ® 14.7 cu. ft. No Frost changer wo al. y as | Salads, Desserts Include - Refrigerator f - ’ : 1 e Six Speaker Sound System . = 2 Buffet served in Deluxe 8 Freezer holds up to 147 Ibs, + Two 0” Woolers and - 1 Banquet Hall - » Four Cabinet Shelves, one Four 3” Tweeters - : Hotel second floor 1 slides out e Auxiliary Speaker Control x x k i P P E R 8 i i a ® a ° Yuin voystable bins hold Center mw A a : | . 3 bushe 46” wide, 25'%s” high, 8 | Children $2.25 - Adulis$3.95 | 4 Yoo » ™ : 24 South Main Street MANHEIM, PA. 17545 # | pop RESERVATIONS | 1 o Separale lemperalui 16%" deep = 5 PHONE 665.2033 2 CALL 653-2056 We Only 30%" wide, 64" high = AENEAN AE Seas SRS EN EC ESS SESENEREE: ¥ | i" EASY $22 ~ : : i EASY $2 TERMS AUSEER SEEN NNEEEEN SCEEERSEENRINEGNSANGAD NERERcsARCA RINSURSaSGR enews in TERMS a 1 nu " mY Pho. ” x . Nn Fine Per OIMAaNRC@ Heavy-duty electric dryer with = = 8 . » a ; 3 - WHITEWALL or BLACKWALL - y ¥ porcsisia op snd dru fos f9D = : a CAR Ti R E VALU ES ! a 8 . for d LOW, De-Wrinkle cycle that tumbles = = 1 3 a LOW PRICE! out wrinkles with : gentle, 5 = f i even heat. Electronically teste - : A 8 resto n e - : » : to assure you years of depend- - Bm ' an NN .able service. Fine drying per- pgm = crn &, ® . . formance at a low, low price = = a 2 ... can you really afford not to 8 i = Le - i NEW TREADS : : | 'E B a RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE CASINGS a Nu = = OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES 13 a = k i 2 : 2 ° 00 : : 3 Pius 32¢ to a : x = : FO R Dn arine 3 2 5 = ANY SIZE LISTED Toueadabla 2 ‘3 3 7.75 > 14 6.95 - 14 casings 0 gs 8 = 5 7.75 - 15 7.00 - 17 Jone ueoh 3H = 5 7.35 - 14 6.50 - 13 g® a & - 7.35 - 15 s 2 n = ee - = = f a 8 & = g 8 RS — Eas = 3 © You oe : f zm1 SW 3 : 0 ® a " BANKAMERICARD 329 WEST HIGH STREET ’ ; ] 2 MANHEIM, PENNA. 3? - x PHONE 665-2258 : ’ = X OPEN TUESDAY EVENING UNTIL 8:00 FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 : : OPEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS “TIL 9:00 - ] i * wo ' ® eENIssRseNcIENESSEARSscIENASSANAa Es? SRREEEEERS av “um — inn — te SEEN SEER ERARA - coaNBRERESEDAcSscccaESanERs sossaseSliSfsoascasacaBlaDa we ’ C—O SS TORN Fro L