The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 15
® More Classified (From Preceding Page) working for a small, progres- sive business. Duties inciude order receiving and packing. ' Time and half ever 40 hours, Regular work week 47% hrs, 5-day week. Paid company hospitalization, life insurance paid holidays and paid vaca- tion. Apply in person to Nolt’s Ponds, Inc., Silver Spring, Pa. 31-2¢ Part-time printer. Two or three days per week setting ads. Apply Mount Joy Bul- letin, 11 east Main street, Mt, Joy. Phone 653-4400, 26-tfc Will ‘do’ babysifting' in my home day, or night. Experi- enced.’ Call' 665-4410, . 32-1c Residential, Commercial E and R Window Cleaning Service - Cali 653 5544. 32-1p Would like to do baby sitting In my home. Experienced, Phone 665-3475. 32-2¢ SEWING AND MENDING PHONE 665-3475 32-2c Small concrete jobs done in Manheim - Lititz - East Peters- burg area. Call 665-6654 or 665-4997. 29-8¢ Services Offered Interior Painting and Paper- hanging. Call 665-5644. 32-2¢ NOTICES : NOTICE ! Qualified TV and Stereo and Radio Service. Evenings and Saturdays. G. R. Strack, 113 S. Charlotte, Manheim. Call 665-4837. 45-tfc COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED HELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance tin ———— Miscellaneous — Rummage Sale on Saturday, Oct, 30 at 72 South Charlotte street, Manheim, 32-1¢ rodents Prairie dogs are not dogs. Read the Classifieds REAL ESTATE MOUNT JOY S GERALD R. LOTS FOR SALE Florin Heights, Terrace Av- enue extended. $45 front foot, Water & sewer, Incl., First 2 lois are choice loca- iions. Bushong-Boyd home builders, Many floor plans and designs to choose from f I ——— — _. = ®¢ ANTENNAS ® OIL SERVICE Pe _.. TUSCAN TV and ANTENNA SERVICE INSTALLATION & REPAIR 72 North Grant Street MANHEIM, PA. Phone 665-5321 ® AUTO SALES ARNOLD'S PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE New & Used Car Sales & Service MAYTOWN, PENNA. ® DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D. 2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 ® EXCAVATIN C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R.D. 2 MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 I —— HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® EXTERMINATING P.J. PEST CONTROL CO. Professional Exterminator Reasonable Rates TERMITES ee ROACHES ANTS @ WATERBUGS RODENTS ee ETC. Phone 569-2838 ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL: BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-598? * LOANS ‘Instalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ®¢ MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone « ~ Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Denegal Springs Road 653-5325 John C. Winpenny flew 90 vards at an average altitude of 5 feet in 1962 at Hatfield, England, pedal-cranking a propeller-driven plane! Your best friend won’t bo- ther to announce that fact Lo you, « The girl who knows she is cute is not as cute as she thinks she is. (2 Rea You Can't Tell "Em Like This 2 Use A Want Ad ® SPORTING GOODS RAY KNORR’'S SPORTING GOODS MOUNT JOY ® Hunting Licenses ® Equipment! HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri.'3-9 pm. Sat. 9am 5 pm, ® TV and RADIO SALES & SERVICE a RB 1 —STEREO | Browning & Johnson Communications Gear Motorola Radios and — Tape Players Police & Fire Monitors Sales — Service FLINCHBAUGH'S Since 1928 72 N. Wolf Street n Manheim Phone: 665-2293 e WATCH REPAIRING \ NF 7 WATCH : REPAIR Ly Bruce Myers ta 68 S. Linden St. \ Manhgim FARM 63 acres, 12 mile north of Mount Joy. 2'2-Story, Old Stone, Brick - veneered Home. Modern kitchen, living room, 4 bedrooms, Large bank barn, silo. to- bacco shed and corn barn. Geared for steers. Asking $80,000. Land potential for building development. Mount Joy Township. RHEEMS FOUR BEDROOM 215-STORY BRICK large living room, wall-to- wall carpet, dining room and kitchen. House offers lots of living space for large family, 4-car garage. Immediate Possession. $23,900 47 West Donegal Street 3 BEDROOM FRAME DWELLING Oil Hot Air Heat $13,500 Immediate possession MARIETTA INVESTMENT PROPERTY 217 West Market Street 3 units; net income $1,400 Historical value Reduced to $11,000 COMMERCIAL LAND ROUTE 283 Milton Grove-Rheems Interchange — North and South sdes of road. RAY N. WILEY AGENCY, Inc. INSURANCE OFFICE Mount Joy For salesman Call 653-1481 t — (— Card of Thanks — We deeply appreciate and thank all our relatives, neigh- bors and other friends for their kindness and sympathy to us at this time of our ber- eavement. The family of Mrs. Blanche Graveno. 42-1¢ We want tothank all our rel- atives, our neighbors and our other kind friends for their expressions of sympathy and other kindnesses extended to all of us at the death of our dear mother and sister. The family of Mrs. Dorothy Spangler Brown. 32-1¢ Pamela Nissley and her par- ents thank everyone for their special prayers, cards, gifts, visits and acts of kindness and helpfulness during Pam- ela’s illness and recovery. May God’s blessing be wiih all of you. In 17th Century England ba- bies were often taken to see the king or queen for medic- inal purposes because it was commonly believed that the royal touch had the power to cure rash! VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS Bernice M, Houck, formers- ly of Mount Joy ® * * BIRTHS A son to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wisler, East Petersburg Ason to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Coover, Mount Joy R1 A son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Struck, Manheim A son to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmerman, Manheim R4 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanna, Manheim R4 A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Bradley, Landisville A daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Donahue, Bainbridge A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Marbury, Marietta The first electric vehicle appeared bzfore a startled British public in 1837 and was a primitive form of elect- ric car. PRE EL0000000000000XPS $0004 HENNY'S 43 MARKET SQUARE $90006000400004 ELECTRIC MANHEIM > 1990000000060 064 )900006068060000004 ZENITH - MAYTAG-GIBSON SALES & SERVICE IN YOUR AREA SPECIAL ON FREEZERS THIS WEEK! W HAVE OUR OWN REVOLVING CHARGE PLAN JIM and MARY NORTON. OWNERS NORGE $ 6233132 3333532322233 30329 Pr beret sted Teno iol lot HEPIEPIII IIR IIR III I IRE ivi hes set ss SEIS 0 0300000 aisles CESSES ER EERE Es dEERAREACA ANNNREEDEAR EY WEAVER’S “52. Corner Mt. Joy Road & Hossler Road MANHEIM, PA. FREE PARKING Monday, Wednesday & Saturday — 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday — 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. a Phone 665-5303 THE HOLIDAY MAGIC PRODUCTS Skin Care & Home Care INFCRMATIVE COSMETIC Center Try Before You Buy! Vitamin °C’ A EAN EEN ER ANE REESE EERE RSE NEE E ERD | hh 1 Bottle $5.80 Second Bottle 1c ROSE HIPS 665-2401 Look Familiar? I BUYING or SELLING | | ManueEmM ReaLty Co. MULTI-LIST RICK HERSHEY (CALL ME PERSONALLY) 665-3797 Ils% REALTY CO. SPEC STE PA 3: W310 397-8174