The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 14
The reason a dollar doesn’t In 1943, Dr. Alexander 80 far these.days is that peo- Gordon Lyle was appointed ple won't do as much to earn the first admiral in the U, S. Everybody a dollar anymore. Navy Dental Corps, Reads The PUBLIC SALE == F==== Trumpet. Case & stand jai ded. Reasonable, Ph, 653-579 Ranch Type House i One cook stove, one 5-burn- er coaloil stove, both in good condition, Call 665-3776. 32-1c Two Minnich tobacco presses, 1 old corn sheller, 2 Fergus- on cultivators, 1 wood-burn- ing range. Call 665-4907. 32-1¢ Household Goods and Tools SATURDAY, NOV. 13, "71 AT 11:00 AM, Located 6 miles Northwest of Manheim, along the Allis Chalmers B Tractor & Colebrook Road, near Mastersonville, Rapho Township, cultivator, in good gape, Ph. Lancaster County, Penna. after 5 p.m. 898-7060 c BRICK RANCHER HOME &i bse * 7 5 Call 1-272-8942. 32-2¢ with 1-CAR GARAGE and BREEZEWAY attached, 2 1955 2-Dr. Chevrolet, Stick shift, 64,000 actual miles. In good cond. Phone 665-5707. bedrooms, laundry, living room, kitchen with built-in 32 tfc stove & oven. Full basement, large attic, oil baseboard - - hot water heat. Living room has hardwood oak floor. Small refrigerator, suitable for office or small home. Good well of water. This home is only 11 years old. Used 3 months. Call 653-1026. Good location in country—close to school, church and 32-1p store. Anyone interested in viewing this home call 665- Suber Sift! Sure uf! That's A ; uper stuff! Sure nuf! a 2801 or 665-4136 for an appointment. Dray ar or lemming rugs & upholstery $1. elect- ric shampooer $1. Graham’s, 20 Market Square, Manheim, Pa, 32-1c Seasoned, mixed fire place wood. Delivered. Phone 665- Kelvinator refrigerator and freezer (used 1 yr.), 12 cu. ft. chest-type freezer, Hot Point automatic washer, twin wash tubs, 1 wood & coal stove, 4-chair breakfast set, kitchen cabinet, metal utility cabinet, high chair, studio couch, gun cabinet, Windex sewing machine, 2- pe. living room suite, 6-pc. old bedroom suite, 1 box goss 30-3¢ spring, 2 mattresses, 3-pc. bedroom suite, 9x12 & 9x18 poses. iin 4 rugs, wardrobe, plank bottom chair, end tables, Hoover 1 point, 69- carat, beautiful lady’s diamond ring in plat- inum setting, To settle estate. Can be seen at Union Nation- al Mount Joy Bank. Contact Mr. Lester Hostetter at 653- 1441. 30-2¢ elect. sweeper, 21 in. RCA TV, Ingraham 7-day mantel elock, chairs, small tables, mixer, toaster, wood box, 2 blanket chests, porch furniture, dishes, some antiques, pots and pans. Wheel-Horse 7 h.p. riding lawn mower, roto lawn mower, push lawn mower, lawn sweeper, rubber tire wheelbarrow, Scott lawn seeder, 20-ft. aluminum lad- der, fishing equip., 35-1b. bow — arrows & target, lots of tools, garden tools, and other items. SHAVINGS Bagged, Bulk, Blown-in. Lanco Bedding, Ph. 285-4506 fluids with Reduce excess Fluidex, $1.69—Lose weight Sale to begin at 11 am. and Real Estate at 2 PM. Cfely with Dex-A-Diet, $1.98 Sale by: . At your drugstore. 28-12p Elmer F. & Lizzie Shelly We print ANYTHING — ‘etterheads, envelopes, bill RUFUS GEIB & RAYMOND MILLER, AUCTS. aeads, posters, tickets, sales ROBERT HESS & JAY FAUS, CLERKS books, i postcards, programs, ; t ; Food stand by Mastersonville Fire Company 32-3c i og : Seg ars, Bulletin A PUBLIC Je 12 AUCTION OF Antiques and Household Goods SAT., NOY. 6, 71 10:30 A. M, LOCATED 298 MAIN STREET, LANDISVILLE Bavarian dishes, Spatter saucer, Cock Robin mug, cups and saucers, creamers, pressed glass, Lancas- ter County p.ate, Intercourse Centennial plate, sherberts, silverware, silver on copper cream & sug- ar and coffee pot, pots and pans, crocks, baskets, tin ware, flat iron, min. Swan flat iron with trivet, iron dog bank, cookie cutters, min. meat grinder, tin A, B.C; pl late e, wooden spoons, tin cups, Carni- val glass, Ni ippon china, small tables, old toys, ani- mals, etc, 1919 Herr & Co. catalogue, other old books, 1892 family Bible, mirrors, double window fan, clothes tree, sled, trunks, coal bucket, hand- made miniature jelly cupboard, doll house, cradle and double. bed, min. iron stove, toys & games, records, childs’ chairs, scrapbooks, wicker doll coach, iron pot, cheese case , bird cage, desk lamps, linens, bedding; old dolls, jewelry box, dress orna- ments, beaded pocketbooks, old Amer.can Flyer trains. Metal office desk and swivel chair, sofa bed, child’s roll-top desk, crib, blanket chest, sectional book case, slant-front desk, chest of drawers, lib- rary table, stuffed chair, recliner chair, 2 single beds, pictures, frames, shadow boxes, 9x12 & 12x 12 rug, hanging lights, Hershey Stoker furnace, 2 sump pumps, GE. electric stove, 2 years old; din- ette set, metal cabinet. .Extension ladder, wooden wheelbarrow, porch swing, school bench, garden tools. Sale by and Farm & Home News, 11 E. Main, St., Mount Joy, Call 653-4400. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Five-room apart- ment, Main St., Mount Joy. Heat and water furnished. DEPENDABLY 5 YOURS No matter where you live, you can count on us to service LP- Gas needs fast and siislemiy. LP- CAS Agway Petroieum Earl N. and Alta G. Stauffer PILLFRUTT T= BAAD CONDUCTED BY Boiwecd J. OMAR LAND'S AUCTION SERVICE Hoot R. D. 1, MANFEIM. PA. Manhei Hansieg LANDIS & G'RVIN BROS.. AUCTIONEERS LANCASTER PHONES: 665-4806 - 665-5054 - 569-9492 Food by Landisville Mennonite Church 32-2¢ Phone J4s5/-4.54 NOCOCOOOGOCOOOSO0O00O0000NOOCOLOODDODOIHANNN Classifieds No children or pets. Call 653- 4400 days; 653-1114 everlings. C HELP WANTED EE — Salesman wanted to sell world’s finest organs. For York County’s leading music store. Full or part time. Key- day, Oct. 29 from 10 am. to 6 6 pa 32- 1c a —— Morning dishwasher. Male or or female. Apply in person at Mount Joy Restaurant, 32 2c Waitress wanted. Apply at Mount Joy Restaurant, 32-2¢ Woman for general ~ office work, Should enjoy working with figures and have typing experience. Paid vacation, holidays and hospitalization. Apply in person to Nolt's Ponds, Inc,, Silver Spring, Pa. : 31-2¢ — Woman for filling orders in tropical fish hatcheries. Full or part time, Apply in person to Nolt’s Ponds, Ine., Silver J i ug AER en We ow board experience helpful. Spring, Pa. : 31-2¢ Good, steady income with . 5 bright future, Apply Middle- Warehouseman interested in town Merchandise Mart Fri- (Continued on next page) AUCTIONS make the ufference | marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND axes the difference in auctions MONDAY 10:30 AAM.—FAT H: nd SHOA i; 2:30 PM.—FAT STEERS, BULI IWS & VEA HORSE SALE—MONDAY 00 AM. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDA 12:30 P.Vv FAT STEERS. BULLS, CC # VEAL THURSDAY at 12:3n PM, New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager oro (717) 854-2: § TEI an MANHEIM REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES and HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., OCT. ; 30, 1971 10:30 A.M, Real Estate located at 61 South Main Street, Manheim, Pa. Includes a 2-Story Frame Dwelling with living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry & office on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second floor, oil hot water heat, CEMENT BLOCK GARAGE. ‘Lot is approximately 30’x257’, fronting on Main Street and east to Wolf Street. Inspection Monday, Oct. 25 or Tuesday, Oct. 26 from 9 am. to 1 p.m. or by calling the auctioneer. Terms 10% down, balance by Dec. 13. Real Estate Sale at -61 South Main Street at 1:30 p.m.. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES Sold at Spahr’s Garage, North Wolf St., start- ing at 10:30 a.m. Inspection morning of sale only. Birdseye maple bedroom suite, Waterfall bed- § room suite, dining room suite, maple chest, Em- } pire bureau, one-drawer wash stand, several blan- ket chests, one with two drawers, very nice old § ice box, cedar chest, music caes, bedroom furni- § ture, drop-leaf table mahog. corner table, living § room suite, 2 platform rockers, GE stereo, 2 kitch- } en cabinets, GE washer & dryer, GE wide-oven § range, GE refrigerator-freezer, 23° Color TV Con- } so'e, 24” fan, 400-day clock, Noritake china dinner § set, service for 12, handpainted Nippon chocolate § pot, cups and saucers, Adams cups and saucers, § Bi lustre cup, Palestine plate 1891 linen towel § (Phares Ober), auilts, spreads. postcards, picture frames, books, small appliances. "ots of kitchen § utensils, cookware. floor fan, Cosco stool, luggage, ¥ folding chairs. tools, stepladder, 12’ x 20’ living | room rug, 9° x 15’ rug, hundreds of other items. § Sale by Kati~ T Fisher (MARION E. THUMA, power of attorney) CONDUCTED RV J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE R. D. 1, MANHEIM, PA. J. OMAR LANDIS & GIRVIN BROS., AUCTS. PHONE 665-4806 — 665-5054 — 5 9 9492 Food by Manheim Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary 31-2¢