The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1971, Image 10
I a It's that time cf the year «again to have that Carpet A Professionally Cleaned for Fall house cleaning So Our cleaning prices remain the Same but to give our Customers More Value for the Dollar, We are now giving JA’ GREEN| STAMPS with i cleaning work | GRUBE’S CARPET SHOP SALES and SERVICE CARPET CLEANING — PICK-UP & DELIVERY (Discount If Brought To Shop) — Wall To Wall Carpet Cleaned In Your Home — Monday to Wednesday - 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fri. - 8 am. to 9 p.m.—Thurs, & Sat. - 8 a.m. to Noon [J EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 661 PARK HILL DRIVE (Rear) MANHEIM 665-5222 | (Enter from Sun Hill Rd. at Pearl Ave.) Don't Dusen money! Agway will give You're burning up money every winter if your oil burner won't hold its tune, needs your oil heating system a new heart for only constant repairs, frequent service. For only $169.95 plus tax Agway's ex- pert servicemen can install a 16 gd it new Model 40) burner, including a new primary control in just a couple of hours. ‘And this is a quality burner that's generous with heat and miserly with fuel. It quickly pays for itself with what it saves \ \ you on fuel, repairs, service calls. ; Call Agway today and modernize with a new oil burner package. You'll bring down the cost of winter. Call Agway Petroleum today. And bring down the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. Dillerviile Rd. (Between Manheim & Harrisburg Pikes) Lanc., Pa. PHONE 397-4954 come the other three — size, shape, and hue. Naturally, the larger the pearl, the more expensive, but a better luster, cleanliness and ecolor-quality can make a smaller pearl cost more than a less perfect @ Pennsylvania record for but guests do have the right to leave when they think the time has come. The duration continuous clapping is 14 hrs, 6 minutes by two English Supreme Court Judge Robert N. C. Nix, Jr. | VOTE DEMOCRATIC NOVEMBER 2 Judge Louis L. Manderino (1A) (2A) Bai a large one. In shapes, the nearer to a pure round, the more expen- sive, is the rule, In hues, de- mand has made whites more expensive than tinted pearls, but this factor could change with fashion. Pearls, therefore, can’t be bought on price alone, and the advice of a good jeweler is essential. TO BAKE hem i“ boys in 1968. They sustained an average of 140 claps per minute and an audibility range of at least 100 yards. When guests start to leave, all of us say, “Oh no, must you? its still early.” Even if it isn’t, But don’t press the point. If you are really anx- ious for guests to stay, and they really want to, they will, FRESH SELECT 19 Sometimes the joint of two pieces of metal welded solid- ly together is stronger than the metal itself. In London a policeman is often called a ‘“bobby.”’ This nickname comes from the name of Sir Robert Peel, the British statesman who organ- ized the London police force, SIRLOIN & ROUND STEAK 1 RIB ROUND BONELESS Rump Roasts Sq 10 HOMECURED Sliced Bacon First and foremost is the lus- TO RATE PEARLS ter and quality of the nacre . which the oyste de its, Cultured pearls, like other The more oon Ere DOs: gems, may vary in quality. have been deposited around Can a purchaser tell anything the nucleus, the better the at all about quality? luster. Second, the "surface The Cultured Pearl Associ- must be free of blotches, ations of America and Japan cracks or holes. Third, wheth- (most are produced in Japan) er the pearl is white, green, says that six factors are con- pink, gray or black, the color sidered in determining a must be clean and evenly dis- a pearl’s value, tributed throughout. Three of these are basic. After these three basics mn. 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