he h- Jaycees Plan For Santa Claus At October Meet At the October meeting of the Mount Joy Jaycees, a special character visited the club to announce a project for December, Local Jaycees hope to have a Santa Claus for Mount Joy. The men plan to take pictures of youngsters visiting the local Santa. After a short business meet- ing, conducted by Leo Moore and Larry Gainer, the men hosted the Columbia Jaycees as they rolled the barrel to Mount Joy after Columbia's presentation, Ken Myer, the Regional vice president for the local Jaycees, presented John Harnish with a plaque rewarding the Mount Joy Chapter for its attendance at a recent county meeting. Richard Harclerode was the main speaker and he spoke about their enthusiasm, and responsibilities to their com- munity, At the next meeting on No- vember 9, an orientation will be held for new members be- ginning at 8 p.m. Beef sand- witches will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. prior to the meet- ing. Childrento Make ‘UNICEF Drive On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31st from 2:30 until 6, child- ren and youths in Mount Joy will be collecting for UNI- CEF, the United Nation’s Children’s Fund. 1971 marks the 25th year of the existence of UNICEF, The program began at the close of World War II to aid the post-war emergency needs of children in many parts of the world. In the 25 years of existence, UNICEF has made an impressive list of accom- plishments. UNICEF has equipped close to 12,000 main rural health centers and 38,- 000 sub-centers in 132 coun- tries, along with several thousand hospital. pediatric and maternity wards. Among the program is an $18 million emergency assist- ance fund to assist refugee children and their mothers in India and East Pakistan. Wherever there are child- ren in need, you will find UNICEF. New Mt. Pleasant Church Dedicated The Mt. Pleasant Brethren _in Christ church experienced large crowds and good offer- ings for the Dedication Ser- vices of the new church over last weekend. The attendance averaged 217 for the three evenings, Friday through Sunday. On Sunday afternoon attendance was 382. Offerings totaled $15,0001.79, including $5,600 in pledges. The people and pastor of the church thank the visitors and neighbors for the good interest, attendance, and par- ticipation for these services. Rev. Harry D. Bert is pastor. THE BULLETINS Cheer Club Listed below is the name of a shut-in, an elderly person, or some other member of our community to whom a card or a message of any kind would mean much. Your thoughtful- ness will be deeply appreciat- ed by them and their famil- ies. Mrs. Ralph Kretzing Lehman Nusing Home Rheems, Pa. Mrs. Kretzing, who former- ly lived on south Barbara St. and has been living with her son, Wayne Kretzing, Done- gal Heights, suffered a brok- en hip and recently was mov- ed to Rheems, She is a mem- ber of Mount Joy Trinity Lutheran church. moun T VOL. 71. NO, 22 Halloween Parade Saturday Night = BULLETIN * Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1971 Trick or Treat Night! 29, will be “Trick or Treat” Friday night, Oct. night in Mount Joy! Announcement of Monday night at the the annual date was made October meeting of the Bor- ough Council by Mayor Henry Zerphey. Indians Win This is hunting season and Donegal has been doing rath- er well in the October foot- ball woods! Two weeks ago it was a win over Elizabethtown. Saturday, Oct. 23, it was victory No. 2 of the season as the Indians grabbed a - Homecoming Homecoming triumph Garden Spot, 21-12. And, the win boosted the Tribe into eighth place in the 12-team County league with a 2-4-1 count, The Spartans were buster in the first half as the Indians counted 14 against 6 before intermission, over Tuesday is Election Day Mount Joy voters, along with others across the Com- monwealth, will go to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 2 for the off-year general elections. Principal offices to be filled locally are four seats on the Mount Joy Borough Council — one in the Florin Ward, one in the “West Ward and two in the East Ward. James Madara, Republican 4 \ In ‘Who's Who David Hostetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Hostetter of 315 north Barbara street, is to be included with nine- teen other students from Leb- anon Valley college in the 1971-'72 edition of “Who's Who Among Students in Am- erican Universities and Col- leges.” Candidates for inclusion in the list. are nominated by students and members of the faculty and administration. A 1968 graduate of Done- gal high school, Hostetter is majoring in English. On cam- pus he participated in dram- atic productions and is a member of the Knights of the Valley Fraternity. He al- so is on the Dean’s List: Alumni Band The All-New 1971 Donegal high school = fighting Indian Alumni Band, featured in last week’s DHS Civil War homecoming halftime show, will get together one more time before putting their in- struments back in mothballs. The Alumni musicians have agreed to march in the Mt. Joy Lions Halloween parade Saturday night, Oct. 31. The Alumni will perform to the. stirring strains of “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,” “More,” and ‘‘“Watermelon Man.’ just as they did years ago. Any band alumnus who did not participate in the Home- coming show but would like to march in ‘the parade should meet with instrument and in casual dress) at 6:30 p: m. Saturday night at the Del- ta Street side of the War Memorial Park. incumbant, is seeking reelec- tion, running as a represen- tative from Florin Ward against Jack Matoney, Demo- crat. Warren Foley, also Repub- lican incumbent, is from the West Ward as is Walter H. Derr, Democrat. Omar G. Groff, sitting on the council from the East Ward, a Republican, opposes Arthur Shaud, Jr. Democrat. A newcomer to the bor- ough council area is Charles W. Ricedorf, Republican, who seeks the seat now held by Republican James Spangler, who is not a candidate, Elected Director Ray N. Wiley, Mount Joy, an insurance agent since 1949 has been elected to the board of directors of .- Old. Guard Mutual Insurance Co., 18 S. Duke St., Lancaster, Wiley is president of the Ray N. Wiley Agency,Inc., and has represented Old Guard since 1955. Old Guard was founded in 1896 and this year is observing its 75th an- niversary. Wiley is a past president of the Tri-State Mutual Agents Association of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware, a member of the National Asso- ciationof Mutual Insurance Agents and past president of the Lancaster County Agents Association. He also is a past president of the Mount Joy Rotary Club. The spooks will walk—as will the ghosts, the goblins, the hobos and even the witch- es, who are supposed to fly! On Saturday night, Octob- er 30, Mount Joy will host its annual Halloween parade, sponsored by the Lions club and the entire community. Scheduled to step off at 7 p.m., the parade will form in the area west and south of Memorial park and will snake through the streets of ... the borough and finally dis- “. band at the W.I. Beahm Jr. Game, 21-12 Donegal had its best day of the season with its ground game, pushing 189 yards a- gainst Garden Spot's 54. Pas- sing gains, too, stacked up better than in most previous games this fall. The Tribe went on the board shortly after the game opened, Jerry Hess carrying in from the one yard line. The ball had been moved 75 yards following the opening kick off. Coach Al Brooks’ Big Green counted again in the second period, marching 74 yards. Buzz Yohe tossed a pass to Mark Gainer, who scored from the 34. The third and final TD came in the third after Done- gal recovered a loose ball. Seven plays later Hess scored again, moving into the end zone from the one. All three Donegal touch- downs were converted as Ry- der did the kicking. Saturday afternoon of this week the Tribe goes to Col- umbia in a “Jack the Giant Killer” attempt. The Tide, always strong in football, is undefeated in 71 and appears on its way to a county championship behind the power of Mike Wolfgang. At 5-9 and weighing 180 lbs. the senior ball carrier alrea- dy is an all-county player, named both as a sophomore and as a junior, He has scor- ed eight touchdowns for Co- lumbia this year. Last week, the Tide rolled to victory No. 7, undefeated for the season, clipping War- wick, 17 - 6. Fire Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary to the Mount Joy Friendship Fire company held their mon- thly meeting in the fire hall on Thursday, Oct. 21. There were 15 members present. Chicken corn soup will be sold by the quart at the Fire Hall on Nov. 6. = Turn Clocks Back Sohirdiy Night Saturday night. if you work it right, you can get an hour’s extra sleep! Sometime Saturday night, the entire commu- nity, along with the rest of this part of the coun- try. will switch its clocks from daylight saying time to Eastern Standard time, turning back an hour from the summer schedule. The exact time for the change is relatively unimportant for most people, but sometime before Sunday the time pieces should all be corrected. Beginning Sunday morning and on Monday for the business community, everyone swings into the six-months of winter timekeeping. ‘businesses, homes, Schools, banks, post offices — everyone —will make the switch. IRI TENE -high school cafeteria. TEN CENTS high school, where prizes will be awarded to winners in: various categories of compe- tition, The parade route will be: West on Marietta avenue to New Haven: north to Main: east to Barbara: south to Columbia: west to Poplar: south to Beahm school to disband, In addition to masked mar- chers of all kinds, including singles, couples and groups, there will, be bands, floats and other parade pieces, in- cluding the Donegal high school Hallowen King and Queen. The two DHS young peo- ple are: Todd Wolgemuth and Beth Hess. Todd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolgemuth, Don- cgal Springs Road. He is a junior in the business course. Beth is the daughter of Mrs. Benjamin B. Hess of Mariet- ta Rl. She, too, is a junior in the college preparatory course, Included will be several “Queens” from Elizabethtown high school, Thre will be prizes for all ages, including commercial & non-commercial floats. All kids participating will receive a prize, James E. Hollinger and Paul E. Shearer are acting as parade marshals for the Lions club, assisted by divis- to and sub-marshals for ali sections, Marchers and paraders are to form at 6:30 p.m. and the line will step off at 7 p.m. The parade will be formed into four divisions with at least one band for each. Residents along the parade route are being urged to have their porch lights burning during the time of the par- ade. Homecoming Queen Cindy Walter, daughter of Frank Walter Jr., south Mar- ket street, was crowned Homecoming Queen Saturday Oct. 23, at the Donegal-Gar- den Spot football game. A senior, she was crowned by Sue Gerberich, '70 Queen. Cindy was elected by Don- egal seniors. Members of her court were Christie Watto, Anne Stoner. Deb Tyndall, Peg Hess and Jessie Mateer. PRESIDENT Carl L. Greiner, son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jay B. Greiner. Donegal Heights, is serving this year as president of the Inter - Varsity Christian Fel- lowship at Elizabethtown col- lege. It is an inter - denomin- ational organization which meets for study and fellow: ship. Greiner is a junior major- ing in religion and philoso- phy. BAND CLUB TO MEET The Donegal Parent Band Club will meet Monday. No- vember 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the DONT FORGET
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