ws oD 2 di Early Central Pacific luxu- pianos—for communal sing: cars TY carried organs RS Ree : a S&H Green Stamps Cash and Carry Only PLANT NOW PLUCK LATER ell Lai: la be nt no Sy Conditioners Plant your sturdy Holland bulbs now and gather arn? yads of beau- tiful flowers in spring. Sure to bloom. Priced d to ‘please, Lovely Orange Berries. Now, White. Flowers Spring AS LOW AS $1.95 Winter Green Feed Your Hungry Lawn Now! oodoede 0 Xa) * & 200304 Xa) 9, @ XD \¢ * oo%- 5% o% 2 od eileaeddesds 020020620420 eZee o +e bo o% o%e 4% of. oa 9. 0. XE \/ * 0 0.0. 5 0 reifrededodedodded |) WK ¥ and ing by the passengers! LOCATED ON RT 72 - | Mile N of East Petersburg EREE PARKING 898-7941 Tues, & Fri. 8-9, Mon., Wed & Thurs, 8-6, Sat. 8-5 Closed Sunday Nature's Air Pin, Red & Scarlet Oaks - Sug ar Maple - Sweet Gum - Shade master Clump Birch . and many others. Al Sizes - Na- ture’s Air Fresheners - Oxygen Generators, Dust Traps -— No extra. charge for personal sel- ection. POLLUTION SOLUTION — PLANT TREES GourmetHerbGarden Book with your own Herbs" only $3.49 Ground Cotoneaster . (Cot. Hor. Persusilla) Low, Spreading Red Flowers Spring - Red berries Fall sale $6.95 $495 Bsautiful Mums | Perennial Seeds 51; 29-3 for $3.49 FORESTRY CONSORTIUM DESIGNED FOR CHOLOSTROL CONVERSION Forest-related environmen- tal research in the Northeast ern states is being stimulated and coordinated by a group called the Consortium for Environmental Forestry Stu- dies. Composed of scientists from Penn State university and nine other cooperating universities, . the Consortium uses grant funds provided by the Forest Service of the U, S. Dept. of Agriculture, The organization is design- ed to develop information & technology’ needed to solve problems of policy formula- tion, regional planning, and land management related to environmental forestry in and around eastern popula- tion centers, One of the goals is to help determine how research ef- forts can best serve the needs of urban people by utilizing more fully the forests of the densely populated Northeast. As recommended by the Consortium, research grants are funded by the Pinchot Institute for Environmental Forestry Research, another agency of the Forest Service. Penn State's on the Consortium is Dr. Wil- ber W. Ward, Director of the | ‘School of Forest Resources in the College of Agriculture. The Pincrot Institute pro- vided $16,200 recently for Penn State to study the long- range effects of using sewage effluent to irrigate and fertil- ize forested areas.” Termed the “living filter” and under- representative The Police Commission at Mount Joy is taking applications for Patrolman. All appli- cants must pass a physical examination by a local physician before completing the appli- cation and must be between twenty-one and thirty years of age. Starting wage to be cpen pending the lifting of the wage freeze, a work week of 44 hours per week, vacation leave and sick leave with pay. hospitalization and major medical protection. and life insurance and police pension. AE Written examinations will be given to each applicant. Applications may be received from Lester G. Hostetter, Secretary, Union National Mount Joy Bank, Mount Joy. Penna. any- time between now and October 25. 1971. If accepted, the patrolman must become a resi- dent of Mount Joy Borough, six months after beginning active duty. : 9 9.5 0.0.0 4 te Don’ t Forget The Birds HYDE FEEDERS. & FOOD NO-FREEZE BIRD BATHS Thermos atically Controlled Fircthorn(Pyracantha g way for nine years, the Penn. State studies utilize soil and crops. . to remove excessive nutrient elements and impur- ities while recharging the groundwater reservoirs with purified water. The new studies will seek to determine what long-range effects, deie LR Be OR, FOR SIX MONTHS, WE PAY SCSI vie ol PAID ON Tr 8900050070 070070070070 030; », SO eee Ct’ ONE YEAR CERTIFICATES ‘OF DEPOSIT % OUR INTEREST RATE ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1971 2 don 9 +% Pee aa UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY — MAYTOWN ‘ ° oo 0 0306500304302 - »>a%e% OR JP Ca ad ve ee re eee *, >. » 29-3c mcm on. x ————————————— ar might have on the total en- nate to the Consortium is Dr. vironment of the forest com- if any, this practice munity. Penn State’s alter- - ment Station in the Coilege Walter I. Thomas, Associate Dean and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experi- of Agriculture. Suita eles © FOOTBALL eo Resul!s Manheim Twp. 28, Donegal 0 Warwick 34, Manheim Sen- tral 16 Columbia 55,, 14 Solanco 20, Cocalico 0 Conestoga Valley 22, Hemp- field 0. Elizabethtown The first automotive parts business was established in St. Louis in 1899. STILL WATCHING % BLACK & WHITE? ES Fr ] a oe i nS °, 0, Sa. ee \J 9. ro? ©, * @, A > > » > ® eas, e® ¥% N. _® a® 96% 9! oo 00 0 ®. 0. 0 0... ORISA a Xa X 8 X Makes It A Whole New Ball Same! The SUFFOLK Model GQ-709 25” diagonal picture 100% SOLID STATE FOR EXTRA LIFE! TUNING'S A SNAP! PRICE IS RIGHT! See us about easy terms! Barshinger & Beam Electronics, Inc. Phone 665-4757 56 South Wolf Street MANHEIM, PA. Open Daily 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Friday Til 9:00
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