WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 a — ® CHURCH NOTES (From page 6) Calvary Bible Church Rev. Ronald Gibson, Pastor Sunday 9:15 am. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- ship Service A choral group from Grand Rapids Sshool of Music and Bible, Grand Rapids, Mich. will be presenting a concert. 6:30 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Wednesday 6:20 p.m. Ladies Ensemble 6:50 j.m. Choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible Study Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church Earl A. Troup, Pastor Cloy Risser, S. S. Supt. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Combined Sunday School and Worship Service, 7:00 p.m. Evening Service, Evangelist Dick Christman will be speaking at both ser- vices. Monday 6:00. p.m. Girl Scouts 7:00 pm. S. S. Board 8:00 p.m. Official Board Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Steward Board meeting 6:45 p.m. Ladies Aid Socie- ty 7.05 pm. W.M.S. Business meeting 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting 8:40 p.m. Sr. Choir Rehear- sal. Thursday 6:30 p.m. Youth choirs 7:30 p.m, Trinity Bible class meeting Saturday 7:30 p.m, Dramatic presen- tation, ‘Lucifer Goes on Trial’ by a cast from Bunker Hill E. C. church. First Presbyterian Church Mount Joy, Pa. Rev. Stephen W. Getty, Pastor Good Friday THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 1:00 - 3:00 Community service at St, Mark's U. M. Sunday 6:00 a.m, Sunrise service at Florin Church of the Breth- ren, 9:45 a.m. School with clas ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m. Worship service Tuesday 7:30 p.m, Teacher training class. Wednesday ..9:30 am, Circles meet to prepare for Rummage Sale. Thursday 8:00 p.m. Choir practice Friday 8:30 a.m, Rummage Sale Saturday 10:00 am. Young adults work around the church. Everyday Strength for Today, Dial 653-5888. Florin Church of the Brethren 815 Bruce Avenue Mount Joy Jacob F. Replogle, Pastor Thursday \ 7:00 p.m., Love Feast an Communion, Rev, James Esh- elman in charge Good Friday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., St. Mark's U. M. church, Community Good Friday Service. Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m., Community Sun- rise Service, Florin church 9:00 am. Church School 10:00 a.m. Easter Morning Worship, Men’s chorus and Senior choir singing. Monday 7:30 p.m. Church Board Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Family Night, Connie Lehman showing Ken- tucky Mission work Thursday 7:30 p.m. Pastor’s church membership class 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir 7:00 p.m. Men’s Chorus 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir The only kind of borrow- ing always paid back instant- er is trouble. Wins Second On Saturday, Agril 3, more than 250 boys from the states of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania converged on Cheltenham high school in Montgomery county. These boys began this pilgrimage in hopes of winning a wrestling championship in the A A.U. Middle Atlantic Wrestling Tournament, Donegal school District was represented by 55-lb. Steve Nye. On Saturday, March 27, at Manheim Twp., Steve had pinned five opponents and de- cisioned another, 9 to 0, to became a Pennsylvania Re- gion champion of the A.A.U, tournament. - The champion- ship advanced Steve to Chelt- enham tourney, Steve, a 4th grader at Seil- er, began his wrestling at 9:30 a.m. and after 10 hours of competition, he received a second place medal for his ac- complishments. To win this award, Steve defeated Dan Whitehouse from Springfield, Pa., in the quarter finals by a Place Honor 5-4 decision. In the afternoon he decis- ioned Mike Samuel of Warr- ington, Pa, This victory put Steve into the finals, matched against Mike Turpin from Warren, Pa. After three min- utes of exciting wrestling, Turpin won 4 to 0 to become the champion. However the Donegal Area Wrestling Club and the Don. egal high school Wrestling Staff are very proud of Steve and his accomplishments and hope that a great number of elementary students try to follow in Steve’s foot steps next year, Steve was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ha- old Nye, Donegal Area Wrest- ling Club members, John Wagner, Don Musser, Ron Lutz, and Walt Price. Those people would like to thank all interested parents, elementary wrestlers, people in the com- munity, and especially Steve, who helped to make wrestling season a great success. Set Americanism Meet The annual Americanism meeting sponsored by Done- gal Unit 809, American Le- gion Auxiliary will bz held Monday, April 19 at 8 p.m. at the Legion Home in May- town. This meeting is open to the public and Benjamin Weaver, chairman of the board of Lancaster county Commission- will be the speaker. He will present problems of interest to citizens of Lancas- ter county and an opportun- ity will be given for those attending to join in an open discussion following the ad- dress. Music will be furnished by an instrumental group from Donegal high school presented by Glen Leib, supervisor of Music at Donegal H. S. Featured will be the read- ing of the winning essay in the Americanism Essay Con- test sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary. The winning essay was written by Kenneth H. Kray- bill, a senior at Donegal high school on the subject—‘‘This Land Is Mine.” This promises to be an in- teresting and informative pro- gram and will afford an op- portunity for an exchange of ideas on subjects of vital in- terest to citizens. Mrs. Henry L. Haines, Am- ericanism chairman of Unit 809 has arranged the pro- gram. Mrs. Chester Yordy is president of the sponsoring Unit. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Servimg Community —— ® DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R®.D.2, Ph. Mt. Joy 633-4891 ® EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ® FURNITURE Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 il. Mi. East along Manheun Road Call 367-5468 e¢ HOME IMPROVEMENI ROOFING — SIDING SPOU.i..G — AWNINGS RAL. H F. KLINE Over 20 yis. experience Mount Joy 933-3771 Lititz 026-7474 Eplirata 733-1224 We're particuiar about our work ® LOANS [nstalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) $3 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ®¢ MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN' MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 ® OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Qil Burner Sales & Service e PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5981 LEO KOB, INC. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Etreet Elizabethtown. Pa. The best way to save time is to do things right in the first place. 653-4484 Cubs Hold Blu and Gold Cub Scout Pack 263 of Mt. Joy held its Blue and Gold banquet Saturday, March 27 at Glossbrenner United Meth- odist church with 150 in at- tendance. James E. Weaver, who is 4-H CLUB The first meeting of the Mount Joy 4-H Sewing Club was held Monday evening, Mar. 29, in the St. Mark's United Methodist church. Officers were elected with Julie Garber in charge. Other officers are: vice- president, Linda Stoltzfus; secretary, Geraldine Kaufl- man; treasurer, Judy Stoltz- fus; song leader, Wendy Hos- tetter; game leaders, Lucille Hess and Mary Ann Yuning- er; news reporter, Christine Erb. The County Council Repre- sentatives are: Nancy Yuning- er, Nancy Sauder, Julie Gar- ber, Linda Stoltzfus. The next meéting will be held June 21, from 9 to 11 a. m., in the St. Mark's U. M. church. CLUB POSTPONED The Donegal Area Wrestling Club will not meet on Sunday April 11, because of the Easter Holiday. The club will continue its Sunday meetings on April 18. The “Mayflower” was only 100 feet long and 25 feet wide STAY sur [TCHING? Let doctor’s formula stop it. Zemo speeds soothing relief to ex- ternally caused itching of eczema, minor rashes, skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs, aids healing. “De-itch” skin with Zemo, Liquid or Ointment. Quick relief, or your money back! leaving the Pack after serving as a committee chairman and later as a Cubmaster for ap- proximately nine years, was presented with an award and also a gift from the Pack. Also leaving the Pack and given recognition were Mary Ann Condon, serving as Den mother, and Richard Ruhl as treasurer. Special guest included Earl W. Meisenhelter, president of the Hempfield Sertoma club and Glenn Kaylor, Pack rep- resentative to the Sertoma club. The Hempfield Sertoma club is the sponsoring institu- tion for the Pack. Other awards were present- ed to the Cub Scouts for ach- ievements completed. Food was provided by the parents in the form of a cover ed dish. Entertainment was provided by Chipso the clown. PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Mount Joy Lions club will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 17, at the Lions Activity buil- ding, south of the swimming pool. Serving will be from 6 a.m. until 12 o'clock noon. Cooks will be Jake Aument and Ken Roth, Others aszisting in the cooking and serving will include Paul Gingrich, Jay Barnhart, Lloyd Myers, James Hollinger, Alvin 'Bigler and Bob Eshleman. PLAN HAM SUPPER Plans are being made by the Mount Joy Joycee-ettes and Seiler School & Home Association for a ham supper on Saturday, April 24 from 4 to 8 p.m. Proceeds will bene- fit the cub scout charter, the Seiler safety patrol, and the Donegal senior high school scholarship fund. Congress authorized an ap- propriation for postage stamp glue for the first time on July 1, 1847! PAGE SEVEN LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Florence W. Work- man, dec’d.,, late of Mount Joy, Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned WILLIAN WORKMAN, JR. an UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK, East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Arnold, Bricker, Beyer and Barnes, Attorneys 110 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa., 17602 2-3¢ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of J. Robert Keller, also known as James Robert, dec’'d., late of Mount Joy Township, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi ate payment and those hav ing claims or demands a Zainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Arnold, Bricker, Beyer and Barnes, Attorneys. 110 E. K'ng Street, Lancaster, Pa,, 17602. 4-3¢ SEALED PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Donegal School Board for Metal Shop, Wood Shop, Lumber Supplies, and Medical Supplies for the schools of the Donegal School District for the school year 1971-72. Sealed bids will be received until 4:30 pm. on May 10, 1971, and awarded at the School Board meeting on May 20, 1971. Copies of the specifications, conditions and instructions to bidders are on file in the of- fice of the Assistant Supervis- ing Principal in the Business Office located in the Washing- ton Elementary School, South Market Avenue, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, and may be se- cured there; (P. O. Box 297, Mount Joy, Penna.) Sealed proposals must be returned to the Assistant Su- pervising Principal's Office as stated in the instructions. The board reserves the right to waive informalities and reject any or all bids. Donegal School Board (Mrs.) Dorothy J. Meade Secretary of the Board, 4-3¢ ORDINANCE NO. 349 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 334 regulating traffic and parking within tha Borough of Mount Joy; pre- scribing penalties for viola- tions; and repealing certain prior ordinances. The Borough of Mount Joy hereby ordains: Article III, Section 4 of Or- dinance No. 334 is amended as follows: Section 4. Parking Prohib- ited on Certain Locations. Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following lo- cations: 1. North Barbara Street (a) east side between East Main Street and Detwiler Avenue, and east side between 50 feet south of Alley D: and (b) west side between Detwiler Ave- nue and the north Borough line. 2. South Barbara Street, east side between East Main Street & East Donegal Street: : 3. Fairview Street, both sides between East Main treet and Birchland Avenus=: 4. Lumber Street west side between Marietta Avenue and David Street: 5. West Main Street. north sid= between 50 feet cast and west of Fairview Street: _ 6. Marietta Street, north side between Main Street and New Haven Street. Ordained and enacted this 5th day of April. 1971 ELMER L. ZERPHEY. President of Council Attest pproved this 5th da 0 April, 1971. y i HENRY R. ZERPHEY Mayor 4-1¢ in RI rl ag iy 2 Te TE Te A et API Be
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