PAGE EIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ~ Subject: PEOPLE! NANCY NEWCOMER as DY The annual Christmas ban- quet of the Union National Mount Joy Bank was held on Thursday evening, Dec. 17, at Hostetter’s dining hall. Seventy five attended, includ- ing directors and their wives, employees and their wives, and guests. . A commemorative watch was presented to Miss Ruth E. Shenk for 25 years of ser- vice. Entertainment was by Miss Mary Atzinger on the cordavox and organ. Dennis Fackler was master of cere- monies. —— * * * A Christmas party was held jointly on Saturday evening, Dec. 19, by two former Mt. Joy couples, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moore. The party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Neffsville. Fourteen couples enjoyed a buffet style supper games and good visit- ing. Those attendng from Mount Joy were: Mrs. Barb- ara Bair, Mrs. Ron Haw- thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yingst, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reymer, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lesher, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. John Harnish, Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Bitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ro- binson and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Newcomer. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ron McClellan and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Skiles of Lebanon. *® * * Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNiff and sons Jimmy and Tommy spent three days over the weekend enjoying the Christ- mas festivities at Williams- burg, Va. Among the many sights was a beautiful candle- light tour of the Capitol. For two nights they were guests of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Retires From E'town Hospital Known as “Nan” by her fellow employees, Miss Anna Barto, switch-board operator at the State Hospital for Crippled Children, Elizabeth- town, has been given recogni- tion at a ceremony in honor of her retirement after eleven years of service at the hospit- al. Miss Barto was presented a gift by her co-workers. Miss Barto, a native of Mt. Joy, will return here for her retirement and will live at 106 Fairvew St. the best recipe to MOUNT JOY Take one phone call (or coupon below), add hostess with baskets of gifts and information about the city, stir in genuine hospitality, and you'll have a generous and delightful welcome. Just phone 3 Welcome Ann He'rick 653.4147 > CE REE WES WEEE WES Se. SS SS SS WELCOME NEWCOMERS! 1 fi this coupon to let us ere. Name. i IOS neers i Clty. i [] Please have the Welcome Wagon || Hostess call on me [J 1 would like to subscribe te the i [J | already subscribe to the i Fill out coupon and mall te Circulation 3 Dept., know you're i Michael James and daughter, Kelly, at their summer home near Burgess, Va., an hour’s drive from Williamsburg. The other night they spent in Colonial Williamsburg. The weather was ideal for sight- seeing, with, the temperature in the high 50s. * $ * If you have been on a vacation, a week end trip entertained out of town friends or had a party, call me with the information at 653-5701. Deadline for each week's paper is Monday noon. Emergency Medical Calls Christmas Day AND Sunday Dr. Thomas O'Connor NEW ARRIVALS Gerald E. and Joan (Helm) Scotland, a Dienoon, Tuesday, Dec. Blatt, daughter, 15. Mrs. Blatt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Helm of Mount Joy R2. Richard and Sarah (Brown) Martin, 127 Delta street, a daughter, Friday, Decc. 18 at General hospital. James and Janet (Witmer) Kreider, 15 Donegal Springs Road, a son, at St. Joseph's hospital. Robert and Kathy (Grey) Derr, 252 W. Market street, Marietta, a daughter, Mon- day, Dec. 21, at Columbia hospital. Prior to 1889, all clarinets were made of wood! = Weddings -- GENSLER — GOOD The marriage of Miss Glor- ia Ann Good, daughter of Mrs. Pauline Good, Mt. Joy R2, to Richard A. Gensler, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arth- ur Gensler of Dillsburg R3, took place at 2 p. m. Satur- day, Dec. 19 in Calvary Inde- pendent church, with the Rev. Eric Crichton officiat- ing. The bride was marriage by her Glenn Good. Mrs. Nancy Richwine, Do- ver and Mrs. Sandra Kling- ler, Lebanon, attended her as matrons of honor. Her sister, Miss Jo Lynette Good, was bridemaid. David Dise, Perkasie, serv- given in brother, ed as best man. » Ushers were Larry Ever- hart, Elverson, and Daniel Mitchel, Camp LeJeune, N.C. The bride wore a white velvet gown with Venise lace trim, and a matching mantil- la edged in lace. She carried a rose on a white Bible. The reception was held in the church social room.’ The bride, a graduate of Manheim Central high school, is a senior at Millersville State College. The bridegroom graduated from Northern York County Joint high school and Millers- ville State College. He is a teacher at Central Dauphin East Junier high school. The couple reside at Dills- burg R3. Matmen in Tournament To sharpen themselves for the coming wrestling season, whch begins with, its first scheduled match on January 5, the Donegal high school matman will participate in the big, 16-team Eastern Leb- anon County high school wrestling tournament on Dec. 28 and 29. Called the Richland Lions club meet ,the tourney begins with eliminations on Monday afternoon and will include 96 bouts. Finals come Tuesday night, starting at 7 o’clock. There will be 12 championship mat- ches. There will be 54 trophies presented. Competition is approved by PIAA Districts #1 and #4 and by the association itself. Besides Donzgal, led by Coach Walter Price, the tour- ney will include defending champion Hempfield, Boyer- town, Annville-Cleona, Cen- tral Dauphin East, Eastern Lebanon County, Eastern York, Lampeter - Strasburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, Northern Lebanon, Octorara, Palmyra, Penn Manor, Tulpehocken and Wyomissing. Rheems Firemen Elect Officers Robert B. Kready was elec- ted president of the Rheems Fire company at their annual organization meeting held re- cently. Robert E. Ricedorf was elected fire chief. Other officers elected at the meeting were Harry H. Floyd, vice president; Robert H. Becker, secretary; George W. Cunnard, assistant secre- tary; Robert R. Seiders, treas- urer; Philip E. Wagner, asst. treasurer; and Robert H. Bec- ker, Christ S.. Miller and Sherman W. Smith, trustees. Elmer J. Murphy was elect- ed chief engineer; George H. Weaver, chaplain; David Charles, steward; Raymond S. Witmer and Jay A. Dupler delegates; Gary Swartz. and Robert E. Ricedorf, alternate delegates. Membzars of the entertainment committee are R.- Wayne Ko=2ck, Philip E. Wagner, Christ .S. Miller, Da- vid M. Longenecker and Frank L. Hoover. Keep a calendar handy showing the birthday of ev- ervone you like and send cards. In The 1970's 1.—A borough manager. system. ~ MOUNT JOY NEEDS 2.—A greatly increased supply of water. 3.—A fluoridated water supply. 4 —An improved remainder of Main street. 5.—Reduction in the number of borough councilmen from nine to seven. 6.— Participation in the construction and use of a new, total destruction - non-pollution refuse 7.—Integration.of Mount Joy’s two fire companies. 8.—A community center for all ages. 9.—A “Howard Johnson Holiday Inn” type motel in Mount Joy or nearby. 10.—A medical center in the immediate area to serve the healing arts needs for people in a wide area of northwestern Lancaster county. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1970 NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Ball four Nebula Award stories five The Americans Gideon’s sport The dark passage Illegal tender Riders of Rife Range A campaign for Pam Alice comes home Night-duty nurse Once upon a time is enough Bouton Blish Frost Marric Covert Devine Hamilton Holloway Judson McComb Stanton Everything you always wanted to know about sex Reuben Marietta Pastors Elect Officers Officers have been re-elect- ed for the Marietta Minister- ium. Serving for the 1971 term will be Rev. Thomas Howard, Pastor of the United Metho- dist church and Bainbridge Ludwig Methodist church. Secretary-treasurer - will be the Rev. W. R. May, Pastor of the host church. Fire Auxiliary Holds Yule Party The Ladies Auxiliary to the Mount Joy Fire company held its Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 17, at the Keystone Diner. Twenty-five members attended. Carols were sung, were played and gifts exchanged. A family-style turkey din- ner was served and birthday greetings were extended to Grace Geltmacher, Thelma Heisey and Helen Rice. A Stanley party will be held at the January meeting, which also will be instalia- tion night for officers. Dues for 1971 are due. games were ® CHURCH NOTES (From page 7) 9-12 p.m. Youth New Year's Eve Party and Watch-Night Service. Trinity Evangelical Congregationat Church Earl A. Troup, Pastor Myron Weber, S.S. Supt. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Mission Band 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Teen meeting. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting 8:40 p.m. Choir rehearsal. Thursday, Dec. 31 10:45 p.m. Watch Night Service and Communion. 3%. Mark's United Methodist Church Mount Joy W. Richard Kohler, Pastor Thursday 7:15 - Christmas Eve. Candlelight Service for Tamily Recital by Gerald Miller, organist) In 1792 in Newburyport, Mass., Theodore Pearson op- ened America’s first Cracker Bakery! the In ARE YOU LETTERHEADS eo ENVELOPES STATEMENTS TICKETS POSTERS «ENENNNER IER SEES NNN ANAAEN ERE AN ERENEREDER ® a = un nm = = B® nm - » mn ® #® = " - " om = uw wh WM es =m m wm “ = ww w wm mn wu » a ) m 3 wo. PRINTING DONE? Do An Excellent Job On:— ® SALE BILLS ® HANDBILLS ® ORDER BOOKS ® LETTERS And Our Prices Are Very Reasonable Home of the Red Rose Valley FARM & HOME NEWS” 1 NEEDING PROGRAM BOOKS 4
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