TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1970 E. Pete Citizens Pick Candidates A slate of four Borough Council candidates was ap- proved last week by the East Petersburg Citizens Organiza- tion, a group formed original- ly to oppose the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority plan. Although the chairman of EPCO’'s political action com- mittee Cal Fountain, raid the candidates would prove to be “sewer busters,” three of them present at the meeting stopped short of opposing sewers as such. The fourth candidate was not in attend- ance. Those endorsed to fill the four seats on the eight-man council that are up for elec- tion next year include: Mrs. Janet L. Stephenson, THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE SEVEN registered Democrat who is self-employed in the book- keeping and accounting field. Mrs. Stephenson to'd the group she favors sewers but feels LASA’s price is too high for the Borough to accept. John H. Lane, 26, of 6361 High St. A Democrat, he ex- pressed views similar to those of Mrs. Stephenson, indicat- ing a willingness to work for lower sewer costs. Lane is 34, of 6340 Jeanette Drive, aemployment manager at the m— Kerr Glass company. James E. Maxwell, 45, of 6310 Jackson Drive., a Repub- lican currently employed by RCA. Maxwell insisted he will answer to no one special group if elected, but will pur- sue his duties as a concerned citizen. Robert Bryden, 37, of 1974 Larch Ave. Bryden did not attend the meeting and re- portedly is not a member of the organization. A Republic- an, he works ior Warner- Lambert! Pharmaceutical Corp. The four Borough Council- men whose terms expire next year are: David Anderson, Donald C. Emich, John Hipp and Jay M. Siegrist. In Bowling 1t is 60 feet from the foul line to the head pin! Patronize our Advertisers “It isn’t how much you give that counts, help solve our problems, you'll give more than a token. it’s the spi 2499 1. ‘Baloney: Too many people make a token contribution to the United Way Campaign, and sit back and figure they've done all they should. They haven't. A token contribution isn’t ‘enough. Our community doesn’t have token problems. If you really care, if you really want to You'll give your Fair Share. ‘much you really care: look into the problems that plague There’s only one good way to find out how our community. Then see what’s being done about them. Visit one or two of our United Way agencies and discover what they are doing to help solve these growing problems. You'll realize why the need for new money is growing too. You'll realize why the spirit of giving just isn’t enough anymore. And you’ll probably give more yourself this year because you'll know, and care about, how much - there is to do. If you don’t do it, it won't get done.
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