THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1970 ii PAGE EIGHT ee ——————— — A number of people from this area attended the Christ- mas dinner dance of the Na- tional Central Bank Saturday evening at the Lancaster Country Club. Prime rib of beef was the piece de resist- ance for the dinner, after which music for dancing was provided by a combo, in a holiday setting. Those attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown, Mrs. Ethel Beamen- derfer, Mrs. Betty Mitzkavich Miss Elsie Nissley, Miss Lois Miller, Miss Donna Ebersole, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pricio, Mr. and Mrs. James Holling- er, Mr, and Mrs. Clair Gibble, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kline, Mr. and Mrs. James Gar- ber, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. John Melhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Zink, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard A. Rainbolt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Summy. LJ * Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Hor- ton were among several coup- les Saturday evening enjoy- ing a delicious dinner at the Conestoga Motor Inn. The women are all past Matrons, since 1955, of the order of Eastern Star and have cele- brated an annual Christmas party for the past 14 years. They were the only couple from Mount Joy and the rest were from Lancaster County. * * * Mrs. William Batzel, 337 West Donegal street, sustain- ed a broken arm in a fall on Monday. * * * Mrs. Paul A. Martin, Don- egal Springs Road, is hospital ized following surgery. * * * J. Terry Zeller, who is working on his doctorate at the University of Minnesota, will arrive Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zeller, Pinkerton Road. * * * If you have been on a vacation, a week end trip entertained out of town friends or had a party, call me with the information at 653-5701. Deadline for each week's paper is Monday noon. @® Musser Establishes (From page 1) sylvania Manufacturing Con- fectioners’ Association. Recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the industry, he was sing- ularly honored in 1967 at Chicago with the Stroud Jor- dan Medal of the American Association of Candy Tech- nologists, a coveted award in the world of confectioners. The honor was based upon his contributions in the field of education and training of chocolate technology. He also holds patents for certain pro- duct developments. He attended Lebanon Val- ley and Elizabethtown colleg- es and in 1953 eceived the M. S. degree in chemistry from Franklin and Mrashall college. As a resident of Mount Joy Musser has served appoximat- ely ten years on the Donegal School District Board of Edu- cation, one year as president. This past year he has been vice-president. ® This and That (From page 1) this year is that there seem to be fewer shiny, silver or gold artificial trees in homes. The look of the trees is “na- tural” and instead of a mod- ernistic glow of all-blue or ‘all-red lights, the bulbs are :many-hued, giving the trees ‘an old-fashioned look. ~~ » ® * #* * Christmas music is _one of sour favorite parts of this sea- 4 Subject: PEOPLE! NANCY NEWCOMER . Co —————————————————————————— son of the year. We only wish we were twins or trip- lets, so that we could attend two or three times as many programs! As it is, we have enjoyed three already this year—ithe Baltimore Choral group pre- senting “The Messiah” at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lancaster, the Seiler element- ary school program at Beahm junior high, and the Christ- mas concert of the Elizabeth- town College Concert Choir at the Elizabethtown high school auditorium. The Baltimore group sang Handel's beautiful music to a full house. The 4th, 5th and 6th graders of Seiler, with their fresh, young voices and their responsiveness to their director, Mrs. Ethel Broske, pleased their audience, too. At Elizabethtown, the choir sang a Christmas cantata ac- companied by a brass ensem- ble, and it was very effective. Rotary Hears Attorney Eaby A story about Rotary mem- bership development was giv- en Mount Joy Rotarians Tues- day noon at the club’s week- ly luncheon meeting, held at Hostetters. The speaker was Attorney David Eaby of Ephrata, who has undertaken a district wide membership project. He expects to talk with perhaps 20 clubs in District #739. He told of a membership plan which has worked very successfully in his home Ro- tary club in Ephrata, increas- ing membership by 70 per- cent within the past year. He said that Rotarians have a goal of 200 new members in the district this club year. The speaker was introduc- ed by R. F. Hallgren, pro- gram chairman. Choirs to Give Sunday Concert The combined adult and youth choirs will present a Christmas program on Sun- day, Dec. 20, in the sanctuary of the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren, at 7 p. m. The program, under the di- rection of Charles Millard, will include two major works which represent quite differ- ent approaches to the telling of the Christmas Story. The Christmas Oratorio, by Saint-Saens, is done in a form similar to that of Handel's Messiah. Members of the ad- ult choir will be featured as soloists. They include sopran- os, Mrs. Da. Paul Rice, and Mrs. John Gerber; mezzo so- prano, Mrs. Wayne Eberly; tenor, John Grace; and bari- tone, Robert E. Ziegler. The Song of Christmas, by Roy Ringwald, presents the story of the nativity through original Christmas songs, fa- miliar carols, and Biblical passages. The narrator will be the Rev. George Snavely. Vida Sue Snavely and Jean Reist will be in charge of staging. The youth and other members of the congregation will be called upon to help dramatize the familiar story in the chancel. Pat Sherfy, church organist, will accempany both works. She will also present addi- tional organ compositions. Interested persons are in- vited to join the choir and the congregation for caroling through the streets of Eliza- bethtown following the pro- gram. The carolers will re- turn to the church for hot chocolate and chile. Siberia is named after a small village! Storks are voiceless! Emergency Medical Calls “Sunday Dr. Newton Kendig NEW ARRIVALS Richard and Trudy (Gantz) Houck, Mount Joy Rl, a daughter, Friday, Dec. 11, at the General hospital. Harold and Mary (Shearer) Keener, Mount Joy R2, a daughter, Friday, Dec. 4, at the General hospital. Jaycee of Month Named for Dec. _ Larry Gainer, 727 Church street has been named Mount Joy Jaycee of the month. Larry has been a Jaycee for but contributed much time to the chapter. He is presently the chair- man of the winter fund—rais- only a short time has ing ticket sales, and is co- chairman of the shopping tour, and Jaycee Ad for Jan- uary. Since he is a director, he assumes responsibility on the headquarters committee. Two weeks ago Larry spent several hours in the Sounds from Home project. Larry works at Caterpillar Tractor Co., York, Pa. and is married with one child, a daughter. Calvary Bible Church of Donegal Heights, Mount Joy, will present a Christmas pro- gram Sunday, Dec. 20 at 7:30 p.m. A play entitled "Why Christmas?” by Elinor Brown will be enacted. Music will be entwined throughout the play. The main cast of char- acters will include, Miss Mary Metzler, Chris Gerber, David Gerber, Mrs. Sandra Peters, and Mrs. Nancy Gelt- macher. The program will be direc- ted by Mrs. Carol Gockley, with Mrs. Bernita Shelly as accompanist. Reverend Gib- son will be bringing a short message followng the play. Sunday morning at 9:15 the younger children of the church will present a pro- gram with songs and recita- tions. Clarinet Choir Gives Programs A clarinet choir from the Donegal elementary school is performing at each of the Donegal eliementary school Christmas programs. They are playing an original arrange- ment of ‘The Christmas Song’ and ‘Let it snow, Let is snow’ by H. Morrell Shields. Members of the choir are: Suzanne Frey, Maytown; Cin- dy Emenheiser, Grandview; Raeann Parker, Riverview; Joan De Vitry, Riverview; Ei- leen Jones, Grandview; Ann Studho!m, Riverview; Susie Meszaros, Riverview; alto clarinet, Pamela Wivell, May- town; snare drum, Barbara Hallgren, Seiler. They have played at May- town. Dec. 7; Seiler program at Beahm, Dec. 8; Grandview program at Beahm on Dec. 15 and will be-at Riverview, on Dec. 22. In The 1970s 1.—A borough manager. trom nine to seven. system. MOUNT JOY NEED 2.—A greatly increased supply of water. 3.—A fluoridated water supply. ° 4 —An improved remainder of Main street. 5. Reduction in the number of borough councilmen 6.— Participation in the construction and use of a new, total destruction - non-pollution refuse 7.—Integration of Mount Joy's two: fire companies. 8.—A community center for all ages. 9—A “Howard Johnson-Holiday Inn” type motel in Mount Joy or nearby. 10.—A medical center in the immediate area to serve the healing arts needs for people in a wide area of northwestern Lancaster county. 4 NEW BOOKS AT MOUNT JOY LIBRARY Sex in human loving The cheetahs The supermarket trap The Pennsylvania Dutch cookbook The making of a surgeon Invisible residents Vanishing air Pick up sticks The sisterhood is powerful How to master your nerves Berne Caillou Cross Lenstz Nolen Sanderson Esposito Lathen Morgan Steincrohn THe Prayer of the Week The prayer this week is by John Knox: “Honour and praise be unto Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy tender mercies throughout another week. again bestowed upon us “Continual thanks be unto Thee for creating us in Thine own likeness; for redeeming us by the precious blood of Thy dear Son when we were lost; and for sanctifying us with the Holy Spirit. : For Thy help and succour in our necessities, Thy protection in many dangers of body and soul; Thy com- fort in our sorrows, and for sparing us in life, and giv- ing us so large a time to repent. For all the benefits, O most merciful Father, that we have received of Thy goodness alone, we thank Thee; and we beseech Thee to grant us always Thy Holy Spirit, that we may grow in grace, in steadfast faith, and perseverence in all goed works. through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.” Jaycees Discuss Projects The Mount Joy Jaycees met last Tuesday, Dec. 8, to dis- cuss club activities for Dec. and January. The project, “Sounds From Home”, was just completed with excellent cooperation from 15 local Jaycees and men from Spring Grove and Northeastern Jaycees. The Christmas Shopping Tour is arranged and sched- uled for Saturday, Dec. 19, at the Mount Joy Fire House. Bob Eshleman and Larry Gainer are organizing the ac- tivities. Larry Gainer and Ron Hawthorne are chairing pro- jects concerning fund raising activities for the many pro- jects for 1971. Mount Joy residents who have not pur- chased wrapping paper can The Christmas Lighting project will be - droppd for do so from any local Jaycee. this year. Plans already. are set for the Jaycee Week in January. Activities will include library night, flags up, Bosses night, church visitation and the an- nual DSA banquet. ARE YOU We ® LETTERHEADS eo ® ENVELOPES ® ® STATEMENTS eo ® TICKETS : # ® POSTERS * RAREENEANEENANERREARRRNEUUEREERERENANRREER RTE ARINEERR IRR C NPA IEEE EERE EE REAR NARBER, PRINTING DONE? Do An Excellent Job On:— And Our Prices Are Very Reasonable Home of the Red Rose Valley FARM & HOME NEWS” NEEDING PROGRAM BOOKS SALE BILLS HANDBILLS ORDER BOOKS LETTERS AEREEEEVENRENNNNEEN ENGR ENERNEREERANERERRERREE 4