The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 13, 1970, Image 4

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~- Weddings -:-
Miss Linda Lee Will, daugh-
© ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.
Will, Mount Joy R2, became
the bride of Kenneth P. My-
ers, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry E. Myers, 9 Spencer
Avenue, Lancaster, Saturday,
May 9, at 4 p.m. n St. Mark’s
Methodist church Mount Joy,
“with thi Rev. Richard Kohler
officiating. ;
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was attend-
ed by Miss Joan Louise Mil-
ler, Manheim, as maid of hon-
or. Bridesmaids were Mrs.
William Jones, sister of the
- bridegroom, Gricenbelt, Md.,
and Mrs. James Mueller, of
State College.
Junior bridesmaids were
Miss Tamara Lee Adams, of
Landisville, and Miss Debra
Karen Will, Bainbridge.
- Phil Myers, Landisville,
served his brother as best
man. Ushers were Arthur
Supplee, West Chester, and
John Rightnour, York.
" The bride is a graduate of
Manheim Central high schoo)
~ and Thompson Institute, Har
risburg. She is employed as :
medical secretary. Her hus
band, a graduatz of McCas:
key high school, attended the
Mount Alto branch of Penn
State university. He is serving
in the U. S. Army.
The couple will live at Mi.
Joy R2.
The marriage of Miss Sally
Ann Barnhart, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Barn-
hart, 146 N. High St., to Rich-
ard Dale Parmer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert H. Parmer,
Bainbridge R1, took place on
Saturday, May 9, at 2 p. m.
in the Church of God, Mount
Joy, with the Rev. Ralph C.
Warner officiating.
Given in marriage by her
parents, the bride was attend-
ed by Miss Patricia Thomp-
Forest Fire Crew
Answers Alarm
Members of the Mount Joy
Forest Fir Crew were busy
Saturday evening, May 9, for
four hours fighting five acres
of woodland along Ironville
Road, northeast of Ironville.
H. Eugene Altland, a state
fire warden, said the property
is owned by Moses Shirk, of
Columbia R2.
Altland said he could not
place a value on the trees de-
son, York, as maid of honor. | stroyed at this time. It is be-
Mrs. Michael Myers, Chico-
pee, Mass., and Mrs. Gardnier
Parmer, Lititz, were brides-
K panies also fought the blaze.
‘lieved the fire may have been
started by children. Silver
{Spring and Ironville fire com-
Miss Elizabeth Ann Moran}, Because the fiire weather
and Patrick Moran, both of
Mount Joy were flower girl
and ring bearer.
“year, Warden Altland
li anyone going near any woods
“danger is high at this time of
Ronald Parmer, brother ofyshould be very careful with
the bridegroom, served as
best man. Ushers wera Gani
nier Parmer, brother of the
bridegroom, Lititz, and Thom-
as Pennell, Mount Joy.
Following the ceremony a
reception was hicld at the Fire
Hall in Rheems. :
The bride is a graduate of
Donegal high school and the
Lancaster School of Practical
Nursing. She was employed
by the State hospital for Crip-
pled Children, Elizabethtown.
Thie bridegroom is a gradu-
ate of
school and is employed by the
Milton Hershey School, farm
division. He served two years
in the U. S. Army, with a
year’s duty in Vietnam.
The couple will live in Her-
Fire Crew Aux. Meets
Elizabethtown high:
The E-town-Mt. Joy Forest Waters.
Fire Crew Auxiliary held its The Crew picnic will be
monthly meeting Wednesday, held Sunday, Aug. 2, at the
May 6, at the home of the Elizabethtown Community
president, Mrs. H. Eugene Alt- Park, pavilion #2. Each fam-
land. The auxiliary is selling ily will take its own lunch.
artificial flowers and plastic Soft drinks will be provided.
On May 30, the Crew and
auxiliary will hold a food
stand in front of Murphy's 5
& 10. There will be hot dogs.
hamburger barbecue, and soft
drinks for sale at this time.
The Crew will participate
in the Memorial Day parade
that day.
The auxiliary has decided
to purchase two waterproof
Johnson & Johnson General
first aid kits which will be
placed in the two Forest Fire
Crew trucks. The auxiliary
also will purchase a 234-1b.
dry chemical fire extinguish-
er for use in the pickup truck to
There will
course started in June.
course, under the direction of
Mrs. Altland, is sponsored by
the Auxiliary and any girl in®.
any nearby town, in grades
3 to 6 may participate. There
will be no charge for this
course. Each girl must have
her own scissors, needles, and
a shoe box. Registrations are
now open and must be in no
later than June 1. Theseé clas-
ses will be held at 139 North
Market stret, Mount Joy.
Transportation will not be
provided. Any child interest-
ed may contact Mrs. Altland.
Asst. Warden George Dan-
nelley, a registered first aid
man, will be the speaker at
the next meeting, which will
be held at 139 Market street,
Mount Joy on June 3. He will
inform the women about some
of the accidents and prob-
lems that could arise, if and
when the auxiliary is needed
in emergency and how to
cope with them 2
It was noted that the fire
weather danger station, loca-
ted at Warden Altland’s home
js in full operation and fire
weather is taped daily for the
Department of Forests and
An ouptstanding film ore-
sentation entitled “No .Time
To Wait” will be shown at
St. Mark’s United Methodist
church Sundav evening. Mav
17, at. 7 p.m.
It is a 42-minute film in col-
or and deals with “Personal
Evangelism and Personal nn
Commitment.” All are wel- Advertising. Doesn't Cost —
rome, It Pays! : :
Given Detailr Of
PREP Program
An insight into how the
PREP program at Franklin &
Marshall college is being con-
ducted was given Mount Joy
Rotarians Tuesday noon at
their wicekly luncheon meet
ing, held at Rotary.
The director of the pro-
gram, Richard Schneider, whe
is director of special pro-
grams at F&M, was speaker.
Prep, he said, is an effort
give bright young black
be a sewing ys and girls an opportunity
This to
help themselves education-
The program, begun in ’64
is now part of the “Upward
Bound” program, sponsored
by the federal government.
One of the first aims of the
program is to instill self-con-
fidence in thle youngsters. The
heart of the program operates
during the summer, when
these boys and girls are giv-
en specific help in building
their learning and study skills
Schrizider had with him
Miss Essie Date, a McCaskey
high school student who is
part of the program. She
talked briefly.
The speaker was introduec-
by first vice-president,
Charles O:. Groff.
One of seven candidates
will be chosen to reign as the
Queen of May at. the annual
May Day Dance of the Wilbur
I Beahm Junior high school,
Friday night.
The contestants, all stu-
dents in the eighth grade, rep-
resent one candidate from
each section. They are: Beth
Becker, Cindy Miller, Elaine
Smith, Debra Kelley, Holly
Arnold, Colette Vogel and
Debra Piatugus.
Norman Ebersole. 39 Hone-
well street. is a patient in St.
Joseph’s hospital. in room 335.
He has been there since Mav
'‘OpenSwim Team
Registration for the 1970
swim team season will be
held on Tuesday, May 19 at
4:15 p.m. at the Mount Joy
Lions pool.
# All children who are mem-
bers of the Mount Joy Lions
pool from Mount Joy and vi-
cinity are eligible to become
‘members of the swim team
and are invited to participate
in the swim team program.
$4 The first meeting of the
| the Mount Joy Swim Team
(Parents Club for the 1970
{ season will be held on Mon-
\ day, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. at
{the Mount Joy Lions Club Ac-
{ tivity building. All parents of
swim team members are
urged to attend.
Will Give Two
Puppet Shows
A puppet show will be held
Sunday, May 31, at 2 p.m.,
rain or shne, at Phillips’ Art
Studio, located behind Schock
Presbyterian home.
Two performances will be
given: “Cinderella” and
“Snow White and the Seven
The cast for “Cinderalla”
includes: Susie Schlosser, Pat
Keller, Cheryl Heaps, Emmy
Greiner, Beth Backer, Patsy
Keller, Lou Foley, Teri Shire-
man and Ann Spangler.
The cast for “Snow White”
includes: Brent Becker, Mark
Wieidman, Charles Grimsey,
keith Beach and Kevin Brad-
There will be an admission
fee of 25c.
® Trackmen
(From page 1 )
Winner of the meet was
Hempfield with a strong 47,
topping out Columbia’s 38.
Coach Charles Portger III,
took six boys to the meet to
compete. The sixth man was
Phil Nissley, who ran in the
440-yard dash.
All Donegal men are elig-
ible to compete Saturday in
the section met, to be held
at McCaskey high school.
Coach Portser clocked Bet-
ty at 10.6 for his third place,
as the pack finished close to
the tape. Heisey, who has
made a remarkable start in
track for a sophomore, did 6.0
Saturday, setting himself up
for better days ahead.
Heisey, who is gifted with
tremendous spring in his
legs, made good progress as a
sand-lot jumper, but now has
changed his style and has im-
proved his poential, his coach
Coach Portser has been
working with what essential-
ly is a gang of sophomores
and the hope that
this group can be built into
some exceptional track poten-
tial within the next 2 years.
Every state in the United
States has laws making it
compulsory for mentally com-
petent deaf children to atten
‘schools ‘for the deaf. i:
Fete DHS Honor Students
The 13th annual Honor Ban-
quet was held in the Donegal
high school cafeteria Friday,
May 8.
Members of the Donegal
high school Chapter of the
National Honor Society serv-
ed as hosts and hostesses for
tha event.
Scott Penwell was toast-
master and Charles Waser
gave the invocation.
H. Grant Hurst, Lancaster
county educator, currently
teaching French and German
at McCaskey high school, in
Lancaster, spoke on ‘“Develop-
ing A Sense of Humor”.
Special awards for scholar-
ship were given.
Seniors receiving gold pins
for four years of attendance
were Craig Gainer, Dennis
Hay, Jane Heilig, Stanley
Heisey, Deborah L. Hostetter,
Patricia Longenecker, Donald
Musser, Charles Waser and
Mary Elizabeth Watto.
Silver pens for three years
of attendance went to seniors
Eilean Buchanan, Mary Engle
Marilyn Harbold, Susan
Hurst, Suzanne O’Connor ang
Scott Penwell.
Bronze pins for seniors
with two years of attendance
went to William Bowers
Laura Cross, Deborah Eichler
Barry Foreman, Dennis Frank
Roxanne Heisey, Sandra Hii.
sey, Steven Hess, Debra R
Hostetter, Stephen Irvin
Sheryl Mahan, Evonne Neid.
igh, Carol Newcomer, Victor.
ia Reinhold, R2becca Shoe.
maker, Dean Shope, Kathleen
Simmons, Vicki Westafer and
Roxlyn Wolgemuth.
Letters, which are awarded
for two years of attendance
not counting ninth grade,
werlz given to Brenda Bates,
Jacqueline Bish, Merle Bru.
baker, Mary Jane Eshleman,
Brenda Gainer, Gail Geib,
Joyce Gift, Patricia Greiner,
Elizabeth Hallgren, Carol
Houseal, Nancy Kopp, Ken-
neth Kraybill, Conniz Mec.
Naughton, Roxanne Russell,
Stephanie Shank, Suzette
Smith, Jane Stol{p:r, Mary
Lou Troutwine and Carol
Golfers Set Five Tourneys
Five golf tourneys are slat-
ed for 1970 by the Mount Joy
Golf Association, beginning
its seventh year of activity in
the community.
Last year there were 73
members of the organization
and an average of 68 partici-
pated in the tourneys.
The 1970 schedule is as fol-
lows: .
May 24, Scotch-Foursome,
sponsored by the Washington
House and the association;
June 21, Point quota tourney,
sponsored by the association;
July 26, Best Ball of Partners
tourney, sponsored by the
association; Aug. 23, Full
Handicap tourney, sponsored
by the Jaycees and the asso-
ciation, and Sept. 20, Best ball
of Foursome, full handicap,
sponsored by the Lancaster
County Farm Diner.
All tourneys will be play-
ed over the Cool Creek course
at Wrightsville. :
The association has engaged
the basement room of the Mt.
Joy Legion for use after each
tournament. After finishing
play, golfers will take their
cards to that location, where
prizes will be scored, prizes
awarded and a buffet lunch
Dues for the year are $10.
Those interested in joining
should contact Ragnar Hall-
gren, Gerald Hostetter, Bax-
ter Wells or Len Safko. Mem-
bership is frozen at 73 and
brand new members will be
accepted only when there are
Members in 1969 and their
handicap included: :
Jerry Allen, 7; Dale Arn-
old, 20; A. Beamenderfer, 22:
C. Bell, 20; R. Berkley, 10:
G. Berryhill, 14; C. Brandt.
20; J. Breneman, 16; J. Char-
les, 22; R. Condon, 18; E.
Crawl, 30; Len Cybulski, 21:
J. Dietz, 7; B. De Paurentis.
15; J. Dolon, 19; C. Ebersole,
21; Lee Ellis, 13; Robert Esh-
leman, 16; Harold Eshleman.
33; R. Flick, 9; Eugene Funk.
27; Jack Funk, 24; Ken Funk.
33; Ken Gainer, 20; C. Ger-
berich, 22; Ed Ginder, 31: Jas.
Gingrich, 26; Stan Gingrich,
17; John Good, 26; B. Greiner
22; B. Grissinger, 26; Dick
Hallgren, 13; R. F. Hallgren,
17; Don Hatt, 19; Dan Henny
25; G. Hetrick, 20; Geo. Hoff-
man, 24; Jerry Hostetter, 6;
Joe Hostetter, 7; Irvin Hostet-
ter, 12; R. Hurst, 12; R. Keen-
er, 25; Sam Keller, 10; W.
Kretzing, 36; Lamar Lehigh,
20; Elias Lindemuth, 9; Chas.
Lucabaugh, 24; Art Mayer, 19
Wm. Martin. 19; Pat McKain,
15; Harold Milligan, 34; Jim
Mumma, 17; Asher Neiss,
32; Gene Newcomer, 18; Roy
Packer, 6; Geo. Page, 23; Bill
Pennell, 17; Mike Pricio, 24;
Mack Rupard, 18; Len Safko,
16; Jerry Sheetz, 16; Robert
Slade, 22; Paul Sload, 8; Ken
Smith, 12; Wm. Snyder, 17;
R. Stark, 14; C. H. Stites, 12;
Tom Swingler, 20; Baxter
Wells, 11; C. Witmer, 12; G.
Wolgemuth, 21; Wm. Young,
1; Lloyd Zwally, 5.
Hurry up and brag of your
accomplishment before some-
one finds something wrong
with it.
“Abandon ship! Do-it-Yourself Simpson has. just torpedoed
FY Sa nay
141 -the, water main)”