i a boc AR a TR TT e§™hpop By R.A.R. One of the “hot” items in the community right now— and it might get hotter — is the fact that the Donegal high school band will not be appearing in the Mount Joy Memorial Day parade ® 0 eo Marietta and Maytown also have parades scheduled for that same day and parents of bandsmen are of the opinion that the boys and girls should not b> obliged to make three (or even two appearances in one day. Actually, a School Board policy established sev- eral years ago states that there shall be only ONE of- ficial band appearance any one day. ®e © o Some past y'2ars, Mount Joy has not held its Memorial Day parade on the 30th, ra- ther, choosing the nearest @ ® © Saturday. In those cases, there was no conflict and the band was available. # ® ® However, with Memorial Day falling on Saturday this year, Mount Joy, Marietta and Maytown all have activi- ties scheduled and all three communities have requested the appearance of the D.H.S. band. ® © o Thus, the band will follow an alphabetical ’‘routine” for appearances and will partici- pate only at Maytown. ® © o As a result, there are peo- ple in both Mount Joy and Marietta who are considerab- ly disturbed. ® o © The hubub has become so heated “that people who nor- mally ‘would contribute to the financial pot for staging the celebrations hove withdrawn their support—justifyable or not justifiably. ® © © Perhaps it should be said that it«is possibl> that some Donegal ‘bandsmen—p=rticipa- ting as individuals—may form some kind of marching units and take part in the parade. However, they will NOT be participating as the D. H. S. Band. ® © o Parents feel that too rjuch is too much. They, too, have family plans and for their youngstiers to be obliged from early to late on a holiday is not acceptable. ® © o Mount Joy, generally, is making a big effort to get is- self swept and polished, cleaned and shined and shav- ed and dressed in its best for its big day on May 30. @® ® © Despite the late season, flower beds are being plant- ed, paint jobs are beginning done and general outdoor maintenance jobs are begin- ning. ee © © Memorial Day is a good “deadline” against which to work to accomplish a num- ber of jobs which are part of community improvement. ®e © o For instance. there was a certain amount of urgency about getting arrangements made for installing a flag on the Mount Joy Borough Buil- ding. The fact that Memorial Day offers a good time for first use is a good incentive. ® ® © Incidentally, because of a mixup, it was reported that the Lions Club will pay for the flag pole installation. The flag and the installation both are to be financed by the Am- erican Legion post. ®e © © Because some men of the community who happen to be- (Turn to page 8) THE er, i MOUNT ca 02 JOY , vw ov Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper VOL. 69. NO. 49 Begins Term As President Of Jaycees Andy R:2ymer began the new Jaycee year Tuesday night, May 12 at the Mount Joy fire house. Twenty-seven members and five guests wiere present. The “1970” chapter is the largest group in the last five years. In addition to the Memorial Day Festival activities, the Jaycees are planning to at- tend the next County meeting on May 27, at the Elizabeth- town L'2gion. Discussion to re- vise the by-laws by Pat Mor- an, and plans for the new Spark-A-Rama program by John Harnish and Dan Fack- ler highlighted the meeting. The men also expressed an interest in attending local meetings such as borough council, community council, school board, etc. Lions to Give Broadway Show “Call Me Madam,” the Broadway musical comedy made famous by Ethel Mer- man, will be presented in Mt. Joy in the fall by the Mount Joy Lions, it was announced this week. The show, to be directed by James R. Green, will be stagled at the W. I. Beahm Jr. high school. Auditions for more than 20 parts will be held on Sunday, May 24, at 2 p.m. and Mon- day and Tuesday, May 25 and 26, at 7:30 p.m. at the Beahm building. Rehearsals ~ will begin in mid-June with one per week for the first few weeks. Cop- ilas of the score and script are available for perusal at the desk of the libraries in Mount Joy, Elizabethtown and Lan- caster. Anyone interested in a maj- or or supporting role, or a chorus position, is invited to audition on any one of the dates. It will be hizlpful if singers will be prepared to offer one or two numbers — one ballad or blues and one uptempo, not necessarily from “Call Me Madam.” Accom- panists will be provided. In addition, the show needs dancers, back-stage people, scenery, costumes, properties, stage and lighting crews. Further information may be had from H. Morrell Shields. — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1970 TEN CENTS Indians Near Basehall Title With only three games remaining on the 1970 sched- ule, Donegal moved within a whisper of a Section I base- ball championship Tuesday night, May 12 by clipping Hempfield 6 to 3. It was win number 11 in what has been a perfect sea- son, to date. Thursday afternoon the In- dians go to Penn Manor for what could b= the crucial game in the race for the flag: Next week, the schedule calls for the Indians to take on Ephrata at Donegal on Tuesday and then finish the slsason at Elizabethtown on Thursday with a make-up game postponed from April 2. Playoffs are booked for Saturday, May 23 and Tues- day, May 26—when and if necessary. The Tuesday afternoon win, at Hempfield, went to Tom Hous2al, who hurled a four- hitter as he worked five in- nings. He fanned two and walked only one. Bruce Sut- ter came on for two innings and gave a hit and struck out two. Three Knight pitchers were banged for six hits, Fultinzer being charged with the loss after chucking for 22: innings Pitcher Houseal was two for three at the plate, includ- ing a homer and a double to brighten the lust of his fifth win of the season. The Trikz salted away the game in the fourth as Don Musser clouted a three-run (Turn to page 8) 200-Acre Annexation Final As of now, Mount Joy is 200-acres larger than it was only a few weeks ago! By final and official order of the Court of Quarter ses- sions, three tracts of land ad- joining the borough have been annexed into the bor- ough for all purposes. The tracts include two at the east edge of town and one large one owned by several different persons at the south- west edge. On the east the areas are indentified as the Hostetter land and the Brene- man land. In the other area, the parcels belong to Stoltz- fus, Greider and Newcomer, all located south and west of the Messiah Home. Ordinances for annexation were filed with the court the middle of March and accept- ed. However, a 30-day waiting period provides for com- plaints against the action to be filed. Borough Attorney Edgar Barnes, Jr., this week said that the full waiting period has expired and that final pa- pers have been signed by the court, bringing the entire ar- eas petitioned into Mount Joy limits. The eastern tracts front on Route 230 and were located in Rapho township. They are owned by: J. Roy and Nora M. Brene- man, 39 acres, located on the south side of Route 230 with (Turn to page 8) pprove “Oh, boy,” bubbled a mem- ber: of Friendship Fire Com- pany this week, “This time next year we'll have a brand new fire truck to put in the Memorial Day parade!” And that’s just about the way it will be if plans map- ped Thursday night, May 7%, by the fitomen come true. Subject to a couple of “ifs”, the company approved the purchase of a brand new pumper which will be the la- New Fire Pumper test. and most modern piece of fire equipment of its kind. In fact, it will ke of a capa- city and kind which as far as any member of Friendship knows will surpass pumpers of any oither volunteer com- pany in the county. Fire Chief Frank Good Jr., this week said that the piece of equipment will cost $40.- 467. However, if an on- the-site engineering inspection indicates that it is necessary there may be some mnor changes in specifications which will alter the final price. Following final approval, a firm order will be signed with the Hahn company of Ham- burg, Pa., and building of the pumper will begin at once. However, it probably will be May of 1971 before deliv- ery is made. Tki2 Hamburg company will (Turn to page 8) Memori Arrangements for holding the annual Memorial Day par- ade in Mount Joy are virtual- ly completed. About the only person who has not agreed to cooperate is the Weatherman and no one has indicated yetthat he will ‘Of This and That’ Is it strange that this col- umn should concern itself this week with flowers? Lan- caster County is “just on big bouquet’ right now! The lilacs are in full bloom; so are the pinks and the tul- ips; the azaleas are close to their peak, the spirea is begin- ning to show white, the pink and whitle dogwood trees are lovely, and the pink cherry trees are only a little past their prime. The grass, the wheat and alfalfa fields are green, and the countryside couldn’t bk2 more beautiful. Even freshly- turned brown furrows are at- tractive; so are the fields worked down and ready for planting. It is truly that time of the year whien-“life is com- ing back to the earth, abund- antly, and “all things seem . 7 . by the editor's wife possible’! Taking the place this week in the front office of the Bul- letin of the long pussywillow branches brought in a month ago by David Eby, Dor'2gal Springs Road, are some ‘fern peonies” picked and shared with us by Mrs. Irvin Kaylor. Planted and cared for by her husband, the late ‘““Spook™ Kaylor, the flowers have bril- liant red blossoms and fern- like foliage. They look old- fashioned and somewhat fra- gile, but seem to be lasting pretty well! A lovely spot we discover- ed somewhat by accident in * * Ed going the “back road” to Lan- caster this we2k is a hillside on the Marietta Pike, just (Turn to page 5) not. Parade Chairman George Nauman said this week that parade units have been con- tacted and personnel arrang- ed for to handle details on the day of the big event. In a meeting last week with representatives of the Com- munity Council, which an- nually sponsors the parade and other activities associated with the Memorial Day ob- servance in Mount Joy, Chair- man Nauman explained how the parade is shaping up and the plans were approvid. The parade annually is one of the highlights of the com- | Day Plans Made munity’s activities and hun- dreds and thousands of people are visitors in the town that day. In fact, many people of the community tak’> ‘advantage of the big entertainment feature to invite guests from out of town and have them here for the fun of the day. The day is one which many people use as a ‘deadline’ a- gainst which to work to ac- complish some of their pro- jects. : For instance, last spring a number of roses were lost from the big, circular bed in (Turn to page 2) Trackmen Place Although Donegal high school’s track and field team is a relative newcomer to the spring outdoor sport, the In- dian Thinlies scored seven points in Saturday’s big coun- ty meet at Franklin & Mar- shall. Cliff Betty and Martin Hei- sey both turned in third places, the former in the 100- vard dash and thiz latter in the high jump. The 100 went in 10.5 sec- onds and the high jump at 6 ft. 3% in., both respectable schoolboy marks. The four-man team of Lar- ry Priester, Mike Lehman. John Helmstaedter and Cliff Betty won a fifth in tki> 880- yard relay to add the sev- enth point to Donegal’s total, which was two ahead of last- place finisher Lampeter-Stras- (Turn to page 4)
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