The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 15, 1970, Image 8

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me ————————— |
~The three third grade clas-
ses. at Seiler Elementary
school attended the Zembo
Shrine Circus in Harrisburg
last Friday. They traveled by
bus with the following teach-
ers-in charge: Mrs. Margaret
Hart, Miss Anna Mae Eby
and Miss Dorothy Kaylor.
Also accompanying the group
were two mothers from each
room, Mrs. John Stauffer,
Mrs. Kenneth Newcomer,
Mrs. Harold Zimmerman,
Mrs. Charles Zeller, Mrs.
Robert McMullen and Mrs.
James Boulton.
A bit of neighborhood fun
was enjoyed last Saturday
morning at <Chiques creek
when the day finally arrived
that Tim and Tom Bair
launched their seven foot
row boat that they received
for Christmas. Those friends
on hand to share the occas-
sion were Joey Coover, Kel-
ley Lesher and Brian Lesher,
Bradley Brooks and Johnny
Day. Supervising the event
were Mrs. Ray Bair and Mrs.
Catherine Bennett.
* *® *
Mr. and Mrs. John Weid-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Bern-
erd Grissinger were enter-
tained Thursday evening by
Fred Waring and his Penn-
sylvanians at the Hershey
Community Theatre. They re-
port the music was beautiful
and the chorus members en-
tertainers themselves.
* * *®
A kite flying contest was
held last Wednesday at Seiler
School under the direction
of Mrs. Charles Drace,
teacher's aide. An instruction
sheet was sent home with
each child in grades one thru
six the end of February with
kite flying rules, and contest
regulations, and complete in-
structions on how to assem-
ble a kite. In order to win
one of six prizes, the Kite
had to be completely home-
made, and fly in the wind.
Those awarded prizes were:
Keith Mateer, 6th grade, for
the best workmanship, which
was one of two box Kites;
highest flying kite approxi-
mately 1,000 feet ended in a
tie between John Sheets, 5th
grade, Brad Newcomer, 4th
grade and Eric Gotwalt, 3rd
grade; smallest kite was flown
by Joe Coover, 4th grade,
most comical was Bill Dom-
mel, and Mark Divet, both
4th grade and best invention
prize went to Timothy Kel-
ler, 2nd grade, which was a
box kite. Judges were teach-
ers Ed Miller and James Sar-
baugh and principal, Charles
* * *
John A. Gantz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur B. Gantz,
left Monday, April 6 for bas-
ic training at Fort Dix, New
Jersey. He enlisted in the
Army just two days before
he received his draft notice.
He is planning to attend el-
ectronics school at Ft. Mon-
mouth, near Ft. Dix. John
graduated from Donegal high
school in '68 and has been
employed at the Weis Mar-
ket in Mount Joy since grad-
TED * * *
- Mrs. Barbara Fellenbaum
returned Saturday after a de-
‘hHghtful one-month trip to
California. She flew from
Baltimore to Los Anglese
and then on to Torrence, to
-wisit her cousin, Mrs. Eunice
Cook. She also visited her
~grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bacon in Canoga
Park, California. For five
days she traveled with a good
friend, Mrs. Anna Knapp, a-
long the coast north to Ft.
‘Brogg. Of particular inter-
est were the magnificent red-
wood trees. The highlight of
her trip, was the abundance
of beauty abounding every-
where in California. She
‘spent a week in. Valparaiso,
Indiana visiting her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Jennings and traveled
to Davenport, Iowa and
Downers Grove, Ill.
* » »
Jerry Rutt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Titus Rutt, visited his
parents for one week after
returning from a year’s duty
in Viet Nam. On Saturday
he left from Kennedy Air-
port for Saigon by way of
Paris, Rome and New Delhi
Jerry works in Saigon and
is an employee of IBM.
Ld * *
If you have been on a
vacation, a week end firip
entertained out of town
friends or had a party, call
me with the information at
653-5701. Deadline for each
week's paper is Monday
(From page 6)
St. Mary's
Roman Catholic Church
Mount Joy
9:00 a.m. Mass
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Maytiown, Pa.
Ronald E. Peirson, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Church school.
10:45 a.m. Worship service
God's Missionary Churc
Salunga, Pa.
Rev. John F. White, Pastor
10:45 am. Morning Wor-
7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting
7:30 p.m. Revival hour
7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting
and Bible Study.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Mount Joy
Rev. Donald M. Whitesel
1iI Sunday after Easter
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. Family Euchar-
ist and Sermon
Church School.
7:00 p.m. Junior Choir
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir
Friday - Saturday
Youth Conference, Hersh-
ey, Pa.
Trinity Evangelical
Congregational Church
Earl A. Troup, Pastor _
Myron Weber, S.S. Supt.
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Mission Band
10:30 a.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. Teen-Meeting
7:00 p.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. Girl Scouts
7:30 p.m. Teacher
ing Class.
7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting
8:40 p.m. Sr. Choir rehear-
7:30 p.m. Trinity Bible Class
Salunga Church of Brethren
Salunga, Pa.
Rev. Wm. Longenecker
Moderator, Norman Bowers
S.S. Supt., Jay Rohrer
9:00 a.m. Church School.
10:00 a. m. Morning Wor-
chip Service.
7:15 p.m. Midweek service
8 - 9 p.m. Senior Choir re-
6:45 p.m. Junior Choir re
St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Maytown, Penna.
Ronald E. Peirson, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday Church
10:45 a. m. Morning Wor-
The world situation, judg-
ing from our present tax
structure, is not isolated.
Emergency Medical
Noon Saturday
Midnight Sunday
Dr. Thomas O'Connor
® Main Street
(From page 1)
tire, too.
® © ©
From “The Mount Joy
Sporter,” edited by Earl Ko-
ser, we reprint the following:
“Several weeks ago, El-
wood Martin went to a pub-
lic auction on a Saturday af-
ternoon and ended up buying
a spring and mattress. He
bought it for his camp in
Perry County. This was all
well and good but the prob-
lem came the next day when
he and Brady Hess took it
up to camp.
“They unloaded it and real-
ized it would not go up the
stairway, they hoisted it up
on the porch roof with the
intention of going in the
bedroom window. Here is
where the problem arose.
Would you believe, the win-
dow was too small. First
they removed the sash and
strips, but it would still not
go in. In desperation they
took the entire frame out,
down to the logs, of which
the building is constructed.
Then, only with much ingen-
uity as they could muster did
it go in.
“They later replaced the
frame and sash, only tempor-
arily, for Elwood said he in-
tends to install a larger win-
dow so he does not have this
problem again.”
‘The Mount Joy Lions Club
will hold a Pancake Break-
fst Saturday morning, April
18, from 6 a.m. until 12:00
noon. As always, the cus-
tomers will get all the pan-
cakes they can eat.
The breakfast will be held
at the activity building loca-
ted on the pool parking lot.
Vic “Sketch” Erickson
will be presented by the
Lancaster County inter-
church youth in a series of
“Rally for Decency” lectures,
“Trends in our Pop Culture”
April 20-25 in the Donegal
high school auditorium, The
public is invited.
Sponsoring churches are
the Word of Life Chapel,
Bainbridge; the Congrega-
tional Mennonite church,
Marietta; the Christian and
Missionary Alliance and the
Grace Baptist, Lancaster; the
Calvary Bible church, Mount
Joy; Columbia Bible church;
Faith Calvary church, Baus-
man; and the Mount Calvary
church, Elizabethtown.
Donald and Joan (Shaef-
fer) Eby, Red Hill, Pa, a
9 1b. 12 oz. son, Joseph Char-
les,. at 6.30 a.m. Friday, Ap-
ril 10, at Abington Memor-
ial hospital, Abington, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaef-
fer, Park avenue, are the
maternal grandparents and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eby,
Walnut street, are the pater-
nal grandparents.
James L. and Karen (Aley-
ers) Widener, 116 East Alain
street, a son, Monday, April
13, at St. Joseph’s hospital.
Barry and Mary (Craw-
ford) Germer, Rheems, a son,
Thursday, April 9, at the St.
Joseph's hospital.
One of the hardest words
for most of us to manage is
.Patronize Our Advertisers
In The 1970s
1.—A borough manager.
2.—A greatly increased supply of water.
3.—A fluoridated water supply.
4—An improved remainder of Main street.
5.—Reduction in the number of borough councilmen
from nine to seven.
6.—Participation in the construction and use of a
new, total destruction - non-pollution refuse
7 —Integration of Mount Joy's two fire companies.
8.—A community center for all ages.
9.-—A “Howard Johnson-Holiday Inn” type motel
in Mount Joy or nearby.
10.—A medical center in the immediate area to serve
the healing arts needs for people in a wide area
of northwestern Lancaster county.
BPW District 7 Meeting
The District 7 spring meet-
ing of the Pannsylvania Bus-
iness and Professional Wom-
Clubs will be held at
Evans’ Restaurant in Man-
heim Saturday, April 132
with the Mount Joy club as
Approximately 200 wom-
en are expected to attend.
In addition to the Mount
Joy Club, 14 other clubs
make up the district—Colum-
bia, Chambersburg, Dallas-
town, Elizabethtown, Gettys-
burg, Harrisburg, Hershey,
Lancaster, New Holland, Red
Lion, Shippensburg, Stewarts-
town, Waynesboro and York.
The one-day event will
start with registration and
tea from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.
The genaral business meet-
ing will begin at 2 p.m. with
Miss Elizabeth Troxell, direc-
tor of the district, presiding.
The banquet will be held
at 6:30 p.m. with Mrs. Benj.
Horst, Jr. of the Mount Joy
Club as mistress of ceremon-
ies. Dr. David E. Schlosser
of Mount Joy and Mrs. Geo.
Broske, charter member and
past president of the Mount
Joy Club, (1955-57), will pro-
vide special music.
The District 7 officers are:
Miss Elizabeth Troxell, Di-
rector - New Holland Club;
Mrs. Dorothy Mowery, Assis-
tant Director - Shippensburg
Club; Mrs. Anna Buchart, Re-
cording Secretary - Harris-
burg Club; Miss Helen Good,
Corresponding Secretary -
New Holland Club; Miss
Frances Welty, Treasurer ——
Waynesboro Club; Phyllis A.
Mengel, Parliamentarian -
Hershey Club.
The Mount Joy officers are:
Miss Anna Mae Eby, presi-
dent; Mrs. Benjamin Horst,
Jr., 1st vice-president; Mrs.
Gerald Sheetz, 2nd vice-pres-
ident; Mrs. James Baker, re-
cording secretary; Mrs. Les-
ter Koder, corresponding sec-
ratary; Mrs. A. P. Mitzka-
vich, treasurer; Mrs. George
Broske, parliamentarian; Mrs.
Glenn Forney, historian; Miss ~
Mildred Way, Bulletin Edit-
Mrs. Eugene Eicherly and
Mrs. Marlin Sinegar, co-
chairmen for the meeting
are being assisted by the fol-
lowing chairmen: Mrs. Jos-
eph Germer and Mrs. Edward
Grimsey, co-chairman of
tea; Mrs. Gerald Sheetz -
Memorial service; Mrs. Jay
Meckley and Mrs. Ray Hol-
linger - co-chairmen of ban-
quet; Mrs. James Heilig
Public Relations.
Mount Joy members elect-
ed delegates are Miss Anna
Mae Eby, Mrs. Banjamin
Horst, Jr. and Mrs. Gerald
Sheetz. Alternates elected
are Mrs. Lester Kcder, Mrs.
Jamas Baker and Mrs. A. P.
Sponsor Youth Parley
The Pennsylvania Federa-
tion of Business and Profes-
sional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
will sponsor its fourth state-
wide Youth Conference at
the Holiday Inntown,, in Har-
risburg, on Friday and Sat-
urday, April 24-25.
Miss Carol Zimmerman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Zimmerman, Jr., 122
South Barbara Street, Mount
Joy, has been selected by
the Mount Joy B.P.W. Club
to be a representative to
the conference.
Carol is a junior in the
college preparatory course
at Donegal high school and
racently was inducted into
the National Honor Society.
Soma of her high school act-
ivities include: band, chorus,
Dramatic club, F.T.A. (his-
torian). Booster club, cheer-
leading, office aide, Junior
class steering committee and
Junior Prom committee. She
was a Science Fair winner
at Donegal high school her
freshman and sophomore
vears and was a winner at
the County Science Fair her
freshman year. She attends
St. Mary’s Catholic church in
Mount Joy and lists her hob-
bies as reading, sewing and
swimming (Red Cross swim-
ming aide). Carol will be
chaperoned by Mrs. Lou
Herr from the Columbia B.
P.W. Club.
The objectives of the Con-
ference are (1) to enlighten
youth on the contribution
they will be expected to bring
to business, industry, public
service and professions and
(2) to davelop leadership
methods and techniques.
The theme for this year’s
conference, ‘Helping Youth
Build, Plan and Work For
aTheir Future’, will be de-
veloped by outstanding
speakers in the business and
professional worlds.
A standard balanced house
plant fertilizer, applied ac-
cording to manufacturer’s
directions, is usually more
dependable in producing
healthy house plants than
unproven mystery ingredients
reminds James O. Dutt, ex-
tension home horticulturist
at Penn State.
Opportunity never knocks
loud enough for the fellow
who's asleep on the job. .
Pliny records a popular
cure for kicking mules—fre-
quent drinks of Wine!
I —_—