LEGAL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 NOTICES ms — ORPHANS COURT AUDITING NOTICES To all Ciaimants, Beneficiar- ies, and Heirs and Next of Kin, other persons interested: NOTICE IS given that the 22. following accounts in deced- ents’ incompetents’, and minors’ trust estates have been filed in the office of the Reg- ister of Wills or Clerk of Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County and will be presented to said Orphans’ Court audit for 23. and confirmation and for distribution of the balanc- es shown therein to the par- ties on legally entitled thereto JANUARY 5, 1970 24. at ten o'clock a. m., Eastern Standard Time, in the court- room of the Orphans’ Court Division af the Court of Com mon Pleas of Lancaster Coun- ty on the 3rd floor of Courthouse in the 95 the City of Lancaster, Pa. 1. ADAMS, BERTHA MAY, dec’'d, 566 of 1969. 1st & final acct., Charles J. Ad- 26. ams, exor. McKinsey, At- torneys. 2. 10. 31. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. BAUSMAN, LOUISE M,, dec’d, 438 of 1969. 1st & final acct., Lous S. May, on exar. M. G. S. & R. Al- BENNETCH, JENNIE D., dec’'d, 892 of 1968. 1st & final acct., Daniel Ben- netch, exor. Harr, Atty. BOOK, ABBIE C., dec'd, 08 491 of 1969. 1st & final acct., S. Emma Rynear, extx. Wiker, Atty. BULLER, HAROLD W., dec’'d, 955 of 1965. 1st & final acct., Maude Buller, Corll, and the Lancaster 29. County Farmers National Bank, exors. Z. Z. M. & G., Attys. BUTZER, ANNIE B., de- ceased, 139 of 1969. 1st 30. & final acct., Miriam But- zer, extx. Shirk & Reist, Attys. CALDAS, ISIDORO, JR. 177 of 1969. 1st & final 31. acct., Olga E. Castillo- Caldas, extx. G. P. & G,, Attys. CLARK, F. LAMAR, a’k’/a FRANK LAMAR 32. CLARK, FRANK L. CLARK, LAMAR CLARK and LEMAR CLARK, de- ceased; 553 of 1969. Ist & final acct., Jane M. Coventry, admrx, c.ta. 33. R M. & S. Attys. CLERICO, GEORGE D., dec'd, 359 of 1954, 1st & final acct., The Conestoga National Bank, Trustee for Benito Jo Baxter (al- so known as Bonita Jo Baxter). M. G. S. & R,, Attys. DELLINGER., SAMUEL M., dec’d. 522 of 1969. 1st & final acct., Blanche 34. W. R chardson, extx. Bu- cher, Atty. DONOHOE, BERTHA M., dec’d, 1161 of 1968. 1st & final acct., J. Lewis Northeimer, admr. c.t.a. Harr, Atty. 35. EBY, FRANKLIN W., a’k/a FRANK W. EBY, dec’d, 1258 of 1968. 1st & final acct. Mary W. Eby, admrx. Wentz & Weaver, 36. Attys. EICHLER. ADAH N., de- ceased, 470 of 1069. 1st & final account, L ancaster County Farmers National 37. Bank, exor. M. G. S. & R. Attys. ESBENSHADE. CLARIS- SA R.. dec’d, 304 of 1968. 1st. & final Aacct.. High and The Conestoga Mational Rank. exors. M. GS. &R. Atlvs. FRTDY, PARIS N.. dec'd, 442 of 1969. acet., Minerva E. Fridy, ext HaAarna»r A 4t4xr FURLOW, ELMER H., de- ceased, 304 of 1965. Sup- plement acct., Lancaster County Farmers National 40. Bank and Austin M. Be t- tel. exors. A. R. H. & A, Attys. GIBBLE “AMUFT, S de. 41. 12098 ~f 1968. 1st John S. Hie- Rutherford, ceased. & final acet,, stand, exor. Atty HAFFFNER. CYARLES, dec’d. 534 of 1969. 1st & final acct. ctand, admrs. Rutherford, Attv, FESS. WAROLD M., de. ceased. 1107 of 1967. 1st & final Lancaster Connty Farmers Natonal Pank. axor. B. SC. and PM A¢ts KING, DAVID P., dec’d, nect,, Pauline 38. 1st & final 39. John S. Hie- 42. 418 of 1969. 1st & final acct.,, Ephraim K. King and Enos K. King, exors. Reese, Atty. ' LEVY, HARRY H., dec'd 144 of 1964. 1st & final acet., Lancaster Coun.y Farmers National Bank, Trustee for the use of Stella C. Levy, decd. (Marital Trust). W. B. & H., Attys. LEVY, HARRY H., dec'd, 144 of 1964. 1st and final acct., Lancaster County Farmers National Bank, Trustee for the use of Stella C. Levy, decd. (Residuary Trust). W. B. & H, Attys. LIPP, CATHERINE E, dec’d, 1332 of 1968. 1st & final accet., Grace K. Eshelman and Harry W. Lipp, exors. ABB. & B, Attys. LLOYD, SAMUEL RUS- SELL, a/k/a G. RUS. SELL LLOYD and G. RUSSELL LLOYD, JR, dec’d, 326 of 1969. 1st & final . acct., Verna M. Lloyd, extx. W ker. Atty. MARKS, HERBERT E, an Incompetent. 10131% of 1968. 1st acct., Gladys Ruth Marks, Guardian. Cohen, Atty. MFLLINGER, ELIZA- BETH K., decd, 1179 of 1968. 1st & final account, Richard B. Mellinger, admr. Shirk & Reist, At- torneys. . MILLER, SOPHIE, an In- competent. 1013 of 1966. 1st & final acct., Fulton National Bank of Lan. caster, Guardian. A. B. B. & B., Attys. . NESBITT, THOMAS K,, dec’d, 1239 of 1968. 1st & final acct., - Margaret N. Aichele, Hannah E. Kun- zler, and Hazel T. Halde- man, extces. B. S. C. & M., Attys. OLDHAM, ALBERT W., SR., decd, 447 of 1969. 1st & final acct.,, Frank. Ha S. Dyrness, eXor, Reese, Atty. REYNOLDS, SIMON S., dec’d, 979 of 1967. 1st & fina] acct., Stanley L. Reynolds, admr. Shirk & Reist, Attys. RUTT, AMOS M., JR. de- ceased, 230 of 1969. 1st & final Acct., Nancy Lou Rutt, admrx. Eaby & Eaby Attys. SCHWARTZ, HARRY A. dec’d, 420 of 1969. 1st & final acct., - Lancaster County Farmers National Bank. exor. B. S. C. and M., Attys. SENER, J. FREDK., dec'd, No. 38, September Term 1920. 1st & final princip- al acct., Elizabeth S. Lud- gate and The Fulton Na- tional Bank of Lancaster, exors. of the last Will & Testament of Rosa A. S. Stauffer, dec’d surviving trustee of Residuary Trust Trust. B: S. C. & M., At- torneys. SHERMAN, LENORE G., dec’d, 1016 of 1958. 1st & final acct. toga National Bank, trus. tee for the use of Mary A. Steager, M. G. S. & R,, Attys. SHIRK, PAUL E., decd, 279 of 1960. 1st & final acet., Bertha M. Shirk, admrx. Wenger & Byler, Attys. SPRINGER, GLADYS E, dec’d, 508 of 1969. 1st & final acct., Edward E,. Springer, admr. Bucher, Atty dec’d, 20 of 1969. Nat onal Bank, exor. Kinsey, Atty. STOLTZFUS, torneys. SWARTZ, ministrator, B. & B.. Attys. 448 of 1969 Flizabeth B. Urlass, extx W. B. & H., Attys. USNER. MARY AGNES dec’d, 528 of 1969. final acct.. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, The Cones- STEFFY. AMANDA M., 1st & final acct.. The Conestoga Mec- URLASS. HARRY. decd, 1st acct., y 1st & The Farmers National Bank and Trust NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the ttockholders of the Marietta Gravity Water Company will be held in the office of the PA. PAGE SEVEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Servimg Community company, Route 441 By-Pass Mar.etta, Pa. 17547, AE day, January 13, 1970, from ® DAIRY PRODUCTS 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock A. M. at which time there shall be elected by ballot three di. rectors, each for a term of three years or until their successors are elected and qualified, and there shall be transacted such other busi. ness as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. GEORGE R. MILLER President Attest: J. Edw. Charles Secretary-Treasurer 38-3¢ EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Margaret T. Mil. ler, dec’d. late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Penna. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned WILLIAM R. HOWARD 206 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. 17602 JOHN H. MILLER 261 Lumber Street, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Co-Executors William R. Howard, Attorney 38-3c¢ NOTICE Notice is given under the Penna. Local Tax Enabling Act of the intent of the Bor- ough of Mount Joy, Lancast- er County, Pa. to levy an occupation privilege tax in the amount of $10.00 per an- num, ~ This tax is needed to pay increased expenses of operat- ing the borough and to avoid the necessity of additional taxes on real estate. The es- timated amount of revenue from this proposed tax in 1970 is $15,000.00. The ordinance to adopt the tax will be acted on at a special meeting of borough council to be held at the bor- ough offices, 21 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa., on December 29, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. Frank F. Walter, Jr., Secretary Mount Joy Borough Council Per A.J. Kleiner, Pres. 39-2¢ NOTICE The East Donegal Town- ship Board of Zoning Adjust- ment will hold a public hear- ing at the East Donegal Town- ship Supervisor's Office at Maytown, Penna., Thursday, December 18, 1969, at 7:30 P. M. The hearing will be on the application of Joseph and Robert M. Wolgemuth, Mount Joy, R.D. 1, to place a mob- ile home on property along Musser Road for purpose to have a man to tend pouliry and help on farm. Any objection to the above may be voiced at this hear- ing,. 39-1c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REL- ATIVE TO PROPOSED MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the Mount Joy Township Planning Commission shall hold two (2) public meetings upon a proposed zoning ordi- JOHN F., dec’d, 406 of 1969. 1st & final acct.. Louis S. May, exor.-M. GS. & R.; Atl ESTHER G,, dec’d, 355 of 1969. 1st & final acect., Union Nation. al Mount Joy Bank, ad- ¢/t/a. A. B. nance and zoning map for Mount Joy Township, Lan- caster County, Penna. The public meetings will be held in the auditorium of the Fair- view Elementary School. Eli- zabethtown - Manheim Road, also known as Leg. Roule No. 36001. in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County, Cormpany of New Hol. Pennsylvania, on Wednesday land. exor. Wentz & Wea. evening, January 14, 1970 ver, Attvs. and Tuesday evening, Janu- WWFAVER, WILLIAM ary 20. 1970, both at 8:00 o’- WIT,EY. dec'd. 118 of clock P. M. The public is in- 1968. 1st & final acct. vited to attend. ; Walter J. Freitag, exor. The zoning ordinance un- Levy, Attv. der consideration is ‘The PAUL F. PAES Pogister of Wills & Clerk of Orphans’ Court, D’vision Court of Common 38-4c nf the Pleas. Zoning Ordinance of Mount Joy Township”. It contains a stated purpose clause and outlines the application of the ordinance. Certain applic- ® EXCAVATING ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM RD.2, Ph Mt. Joy 653-4891 able words and phrases are defined and the Township is divided into the following districts: Rural District; Resi- dential District R-1; Residen- tial District R-2; Commercial District; and Industrial dis- trict The areas of the Town- ship encompassed by each dis- trict are shown and reflected on the official Mount Joy Township Zoning Map which 1s made a part of the ordin- ance. Each of the respective districts allows permitted uses of land and buildings as a matter of right and other uses by special exceptions; in addition, in each district mirimum lot areas, widths and depths and yard require- ments are designated. Certain articles of the ordinance per- tain to sign regulations, park- ing regulations and conform- ity and non-conformity regul- ations. Certain specific uses of land are prohibited by the Ordinance. Article XV enti- tled “General Regulations” establishes standards for lot size reduction, the conver- sion of existing buildings, ac- cess to buildings mobile homes for agricultural use and building set back lines, and public utility corpora- tions. The duties and responsibil- ities of the Zoning officer are provided in the article entill- ed “Administration and En- forcement’ ahd the enforce- ment, penalties and remedies available in the event of vio- lation are a'so set forth and designated. Article XVII pro- vides for the creation of a Zoning Hearing Board and establishes the requirements for hearings and appeals per- taining thereto. The procedure and require- ments for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance are estab- lished under Article XVIII entitled ‘Amendments’. Copies of the complete Zoning map of Mount Joy Township may be obtained at the office of Huth Engineers Inc., 37 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; at the Mount Joy Township Headquarters, R. D. #3, Eli- zabethtown, Penna.; Lancast- er County Farmers National Bank, Mount Joy and Florin Branch offices; Union Nation- al Mount Joy Bank, Mount Joy, Penna.; The Harrisburg National ‘Bank and Trust Company, Elizabethtown, Penna.,; Elizabethtown Trust Company. Elizabethtown, Pa. MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION By Roy B. Kaylor, Secretary 39-2¢ ELECTRIC BLANKET Look for a dual control on a double or special size electric blanket, suggests Mrs. Helen T. Pusker, Penn Stater extension home furn- ishings specialist. Dual con- trol allows warmth on each side to be regulated individ- uval'y and one side may be used while the other is turn- ed off. ; a 4 a CABIN SUCCOTASH SKILLET SUPPER 1 pound bulk, spicy, pork sausage 1 can (1 pound) tomatoes, drained 1 can (13% ounces) _ succotash, seasoned’ with butter 1 cup cheese croutons Thoroughly brown sausage in skillet; drain off fat. Stir in drained tomatoes and suc- cotash. Smmer 1 to 2 min- vtes to heat through and blend flavors. . Stir in crou. tons. Serve at once. C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential @® Industrial R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ® FURNITURE Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 116 Mi. East along Manheun Road Call 367-5468 et ¢ HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING — SIDING SPOUTING — AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work ®» LOANS [nstalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 3 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ® MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 ¢ MEMORIALS — KEENER MEMORIALS MAYTOWN, PA. A large selection to choose from PHONE: 426-3531 ¢ OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Qil Burner Sales & Service e PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5981 mmm LEO KOB, INC. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “S:nce. 1904” 24 South Market Etreet Elizabethtown, Pa. You give but little when vou give of your possessions. It is when you give of your- self that you truly give. Four servings. —XKahlil Gibran WLC A
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