WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 EDNA M. BROWN Edna M. Brown, 79, form- erly of 12 N. Mary St., Lan- caster died at 5:30 p.m. Satur- day, Dec. 13 at Lancashire Hall, Neftsville, after a short illness. She was the widow ‘of Charles P. Brown, who died in 1968. Mrs. Brown was born in Lancaster, a daughter of the late John A. and Anna Neff. She retired as an employe of Stehli Silk Mill fifteen years ago. She was the last of her im- mediate family. Mrs. Brown is survived only by nieces and nephews. Services were held. Tues- day afternoon from the Nis- % Washington (From page 2) spend’ considerable time com- ing up with a version ‘that provides a balance of relief and reform but with the most weight on the reform side. House Ways and Means Chairman Wilbur Mills is go- irg to have a good bil to say about the way the compro- mise legislution shapes up ard he is interested primarily in doing away with tax in- cuitities. ® CHURCH NOTES (From page 6) 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve meeting followed by Christ- mas Caroling. Cross Roads Brethren In Christ Church Mount Joy B. E. Thuma, Pastor Robert Sentz, Supt. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Adults and Juniors Christmas Program 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. Message by the pastor. 7:00 p. m. Christ’s Crusad- ers Christmas Program. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer meeting and Bible Study Good News Club for children the God’s Missionary Church Salunga, Pa. Rev. John F. White, Pastor Sunday 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Mount Joy Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass St. John's Lutheran Church Mayiown, Pa. Ronald E. Peirson, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:45 a.m. Worship service Luke's Episcopal Church Mount Joy Rev. Donald M. Whitesel "Thanksgiving Day 10:00 a.m. Holy Commun- ion. IV Sunday In Advent 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Morning Prayer and Sermon. Church School. 5:00. p.m. Church Christ- mas party. Christmas Eve 7:00 p.m. Service of Car- cls and Candles. 11:30 p.m. Restival Choral Eucharist and Sermon. Christmas Day 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion Sti. ’ sley funeral home and burial was made in Cedar Lawn cemetery. KATHRYN M. SHANK Mrs. Kathryn WM. Shank, 74, of York, died early Sun- day, Dec. 13, at the York Memorial Osteopathic hospit- al. A native of Philipsburg, she was the daughter of the late J. Frank and Amanda Bair and the widow of John Landis Shank who died in 1960. A former resident of Mari- etta, Mrs. Shank was a mem- ber of the First Presbyterian church there. Surviving are a son, John Robert with whom she lived at York; two grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Rudy Ziling and Ina, wife of Clifford Smock, both of Cape May, N. J. and Mrs. Mary Test, Philipsburg. Services were held Wednes- day afternoon, Dec. 17, from the Sheetz funeral home and burial was made in the Mari- etta cemetery. BAND MEMBER : A member of the band at Geneva college, Beaver Falls, Pa., is Cindy Roland, a 1969 graduate of Donegal high school. She plays first clarinet. Patronize Our Advertisers THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS (—— A Christmas bazaar table at the entrance to the Farm- dale Elementary school was furnished by the Parents club at a recent meeting prior to their regular 7:30 meeting. The music department was in charge of the program. Par- capita tax at $5.00. The 1970 budget is up a- bout $6,000 over the current one, The supervisors also accep- ted the offer of a free flag pole to be erected in front of the township offices. The East ents were asked to registerflempfield Citizens Associa- when entering. w * * The auxiliary of Walter S. Ebersole Post 185, American Legion, voted donations to a number of organizations at its recent meeting. Included were $5 to the patients’ Christmas party; $25 to the Post for Christmas for needy families; $5 to the Salvation Army; $15 to the Santa Claus fund; $15 to the Coates- ville VA hospital; and $10 to the Lebanon VA hospital. The next meeting will ‘be held the first Thursday in January. %* %® * Doug Nauman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Nauman of 5924 Pine street, East Peters- burg, was elected as the per- manent co-captain of the Bucknell University fresh- man football squad. Nauman, a 69 Hempfield graduate, played offensive and defensive tackle for the Bisons’ frosh who finished the season with a 5 - 1 record. While at Hempfield, this all- county tackle selection cap- tained football, swimming & track. * * * The East Hempfield Twp. supervisors adopted a $142- 700 budget at a recent meet- ing, but held the line on tax- es at five mills and the per 365 days of driving pleasure THE IDEAL GIFT EASY TO BUY —SURE TO PLEASE tion will foot the bill, The building permits for November were valued at $795,365. . * * * A one-act play, “Santa Goes To Town” was the en- tertainment for the East Pe- tersburg Women’s Club at a recent meeting in the Trinity United Church of Christ. The program also included a chor- al group of club members singing Christmas Carols and a gift exchange. Mrs. Roy Howard president. * * ” is the The annual free public af- ternoon ‘Christmas Concert’ presented by the Hempfield School District music depart- ment, was held-at 3 pm. on Sunday, Dec. 7 in the Center- ville Jr. High School audi- torium. W. Steven Nolt conducted the boys chorus and the girls choral club. William Stine directed the 8th grade chorus and David E. Leithmann was at the podium for the Junior Strings and Junior orchestra. A special feature of the Jr. High School Concert was the finale number combining the three choruses and junior or- chestra. Concert accompanists were David Getz, Sandra Arnold, Sandra Buckhart, Jeanne For Christmas, give a membership in the _ ee tm Lancaster Automobile_Club PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX During the month of December, a handsome new AAA | front end plate will be awarded to the proposer for each new member he proposes. PAGE THREE Wine and Robin Hauenstine. * * - Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Esh- elman, Manheim R 1, an- nounce the enagement of their daughter, Miss Peggy Eshelman to Gary L. Longe- necker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Linn Longenecker, 227 East High street, Manheim. * * * Interested town folk of the Hempfield School District entertained the Hempfield H. S. cross country and girls field hockey squad at a cham- pionship Award banquet re- cently in the Landisville fire hall. The featured speaker for the honored occasion was H. Grant “Tick” Hurst, athletic director at McCaskey high school. Master of ceremonies was Carlton Shindler, prin- cipal at the Quarryville Jr. High School of the Solanco School District. Each varsity team member was awarded a trophy and the coaches were given appropriate me- mentos of the occasion. . ® * * Student Council officers for the 1969-70 school year at Centerville are: President, Ann Risser; Vice president, Jackie Martin; Secretary, Mike Rodkey; Treasurer, Hol- ly Winger. * * * A new club at Centerville this year is the Slide Rule and Abacus Club. The teach- er is Mr. McLanachan. It has ten members and they are now learning to add and sub- stract on the abacus. Later on in the year they will be using the Slide Rule. To receive a present hand- somely and in the right spir- it, even when you have none to return, is to give one in return. —Leigh Hunt a PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE SCHOOL PATROLS LEGISLATION ORIVER EDUCATION GOOD ROADS AND MANY OTHERS COAST TO COAST LEGAL ADVISORY SERVICE Dues: ..........s eee: 350 Entrance Fee ,,......$ 2.50 LANCASTER AUTOMGCBILE CLUB 34 N. Prince St., Please send a CHRISTMAS GIFT membership ° -r To Lancaster, Pa. Address This application fo be used for NEW MEMBERS ONLY MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY 2 INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE Send gift package direct DO Sender's Name Send to ma O Address No entrance fee for a per- son residing with a present | member, FEE Saanune
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