WEDNESDAY,, OCTOBER 1, @® CHURCH NOTES (From page 6) S.S. Supt, Jerome Davis 9:00 a.m. Church Schooi. 10:00 a. m., Morning Wor- ship Service. Wednesday 7:00 p.m, Senior Choir re- hearsal Friday 6:45 p.m. Junior Choir re- hearsal- St. Luke's Episcopal Church Mount Joy Rev. Donald M. Whitesel XVIII Sunday After Trinity 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Holy Communion and Sermon. Church School. 12:00 Noon. Sacrament of Baptism Monday 7:30 p.m. Vestry Meeting. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir re- hearsal 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir re- hearsal God's Missionary Church Salunga, Pa. Rev. John F. White, Pastor Sunday 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. 1969 St. John’s Lutheran Church Maytown, Pa, Ronald E. Peirson, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church school, 10:45 a.m. Worship seivice Church of the Brethren Mount Joy & Cedar Sts. Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. C, Wayne Zunkel, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church School classes for all ages and elec tives for adults, and Extend- ed Sessions for all children through Grade 3. 10:30 am. Morning Wor- ship Service; Sermon, “When Life is Worth Celebration”, by Rev. Zunkel. 6:00 p.m. Love Feast and Communion 7:00 p.m. Church School Teacher’s Class. Florin Church of the Brethren Mount Joy Jacob F. Replogle, Sunday 9:00 am. Church School 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. 11:30 a.m. Congregation- al Fellowship Meal 1:45 p. m. Afternoon Pre- Communion Service Rev. James Eshelman Rev. William Longenecker Rev. Henry T. Becker 6:10 p.m. Love Feast and Communion Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Teachers’ Demon- Pastor MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ney, Marietta Rl, celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary last Sunday. Daniel Gruberger return- ed home from Central Am- erica last Thursday. He was one of the group from F&M Seminar attending a five week’s seminar sponsored by the Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fryberg- er and daughter Jane, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clair - Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albright and children at Quarryville last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weist, Michigan, spent last Sunday with the Michael Kanoffs. Miss Lillian Sload; Reams- town, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Haines. Herbert Smith returned from the hospital September 20 and. is convalescing at his home. Judy and Joey Henderson returned: from the hospital last Thursday. They each un- derwent a tonsilectomy last Wednesday. Mrs. Betty Lutze is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's hospital. The October meeting of the American Legion Auxili- ary will be held at the home of Mrs. Judy White on the Square. Monday evening, Oc- tober 13 at 8 p.m. The following have re- sumed their studies for 1969 - 1970: Paul Hossler and Lois Shenk at Penn State univer- sity; Gary Drace at Eliza- bethtowm College; David Gallo and Phil Hossler at West Chester College; Mich- ael Bonham at Williamsport Community College; Kathy Ney and John Hay at Junia- ta College. About 70 persons attended the covered dish luncheon at the Fire House last Sunday. World Wide Communion will be celebrated in the Church of God at 7:30 p.m. and in the St. John’s Luther- an Church and the United Church of Christ on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. A week of Revival Service is being planned in the Church of God from October 19 to Oct. 26. Marcia Strominger is in the nurse’s training class at York hospital. RUMMAGE SALE The Women’s association of the Mount Joy Presbyter- ian church will hold a rum- mage sale on Friday, October 17 in the church basement from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p. m. One way to make a small boy behave when visiting friends: Shake well before taking. Be w C71 SHOOTING 3 r= = KEENEYE'S TIPS nunca In many states it is illegal to carry sed or loaded firearm in a car or truck. Distributed as a public service by National Rifle Association stration Class Thursday 7:00 p.m. Children’s Choir 7:00 p.m. Jr. High Choir 7:45 p.m. Senior Choir LEGAL NOTICES THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE SEVEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Serving Communily ® EXCAVATING ® DAIRY PRODUCTS EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Sarah A. Mohr, dec’d., late of Conoy Town- ship, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant ad to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned HAROLD A. MOHR, SR. Bainbridge, Penna. FLOYD A. MOHR Marietta, Pa. Henry J. Rutherford, Attorney 27-3¢ ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Estate of Madeline J. Ed- ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D.2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 gett, dec’d., late of Mount Joy Borough, Penna. Letters testamentary on caid estate having been grant- ed to the undersigned, ail persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- gainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned, CARL R. HALLGREN 700 North Duke Street Lancaster, Pa., 17602 Administrator Newcomer, Roda & Morgan, Attorneys 28-3¢ LEGAL NOTICES DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CONCISE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE SCHOOL YEA We have examined the R ENDED JUNE, 30 1969 financial documents and ac- counting records of each of the several funds of DONEGAL! SCHOOL DISTRICT, as of June 30, 1969, and for the year then ended. with the requirements of the Our examination was made in accordance School Laws of Pennsylvania, and with instructions provided for conducting the audit, and accordingly included suc h tests of the accounting rec- ords and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the cireumstances. As required by Section 2431 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended a report ber 3, of the audit was filed Septen- 1969 in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and the said report will be confirmed taken therefrom w#hin thirty In our opinion, absolutely unless appeal is days after the filing thereof. the balance sheets and related state- ments of revenues, expenditures, and fund equities as pre- sented below present fairly the financial position of each of the several funds of DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT on June 30, 1969, and the results of their operation for the year then ended, in conformity with the principles and procedures legally established systems. GENERAL FUND for Pennsylvania school BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1969 ASSETS: Cash in bank Petty cash Investment STATEMENT OF $ 105,024 200 174 36,113 7,500 s 149,011 GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Year ended June 30, 1969 CASH IN BANK—July 1, 1968 REVENUE: Local sources State sources Federal sources Refund of prior years expenditures TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL NET RESOURCES EXPENDITURES: Administration Instruction Attendance services Health services Pupil transportation Operation of plant Maintenance of plant Fixed charges Food services Community services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL EXPENDITURES Net decrease in liabilities TOTAL NET OBLIGATIONS . CASH in BANK—June 30, 1969 $1,130,713 1,082,192 57,208 50 2.270.163 2,271,136 100,738 1,242 364 2.076 28,766 76.955 158,691 30,580 113.029 10,090 6.909 26.065 261.516 26,333 2.084.112 2,166,112 C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential @® Industrial R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ®¢ FURNITURE Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 112 Mi. East along Manhe.n Road Call 367-5468 e¢ HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING SIDING SPOUTING -— AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work ® LOANS Instalment Loan Service Inc. (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) 23 Cent. Sqr., Elizabethtown PHONE 367-1185 ® MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 © MEMORIALS KEENER MEMORIALS MAYTOWN, PA. A large selection to choose from PHONE: 426-3531 e OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Qil Burner Sales & Service ® PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367.6450 $ 105,024 © PLUMBING OTHFR INFORMATION LIABILITIES & DEBTS--pay Bonds—Ilast maturity date 7/1/73 ........... $ Interest Authority rentals—last maturity date 12/15/91 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land and land improvements Buildings Furniture and equipment OTHER FUNDS: Ralance 7/1/68 $11.870 S$ 27,597 849 455 28.229 Cafeteria Activities Payroll Petty cash Sinking funds ASSESSED VALUATION of the DISTRICT ... Revenues 1.424.589 able in future years 53.000 2.940 6.637,400 © $6.693.340 $ 231.000 4.943.360 903.658 $6.078,018 Balance 6/30/69 $15.090 33,937 O- Expend’t’s 146.012 97.766 $ 142.792 91.426 1,425.438 1.896 301, 12,580 31.812 $10,844,720 1.742 16.163 POLLOCK 2nd GROFF Certified Public Accountants Auditors H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5881 LEO KOB. INC. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Etreet Elizabethtown, Pa. When In need of printing remember The Bulletin. STAINLESS STEEL An estimated 285 million pounds of nickel went into 26-3¢ the manufacture of stainless steel during 1966.
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