The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 01, 1969, Image 3

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I or more tins of sardines,
according to number of
portions desired. (Most
Norway sardines are
packed in 3%;-0z. cans).
For dinner portions, al-
low 1 tin per person.
Dry mustard
Bread Crumbs
Drain the oil from sardines
and prepare a paste of the
oil and dry mustard. Remove
sardines from tin and spread
the paste evenly over each
sardine. Roll in bread crumbs
Place in a wire basket and
French-fry in deep fat until
sardines turn golden brown.
Drain off the excess fat.
Serve hot in a covered casse-
Two Freshmen
Enter Messiah
The following students
from the Mount Joy area
have enrolled in the fresh-
man class at Messiah College
at Grantham, Pa.
They are: Benjamin Horst,
157 Manheim St., Mount Joy;
Nancy Heisey, Mount Joy RI.
The liberal arts college is
located ten miles southwest
of Harrisburg, the state capi-
tol. This year Messiah Col-
lege has a total enrollment
of 582, including 19 at its
urban campus adjacent to
Temple University in Phila-
delphia. This enrollment fig-
ure is 16.4 per cent above
one year -ago. The freshmen
class, largest in the college's
60 year history, numbers 195.
Susan Ann Hostetter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James G. Hostetter, of 207
Park Ave., has been elected
vice-president of the Univer-
sity Apartments at Millers-
ville State College.
Miss Hostetter is a senior
majoring in elementary edu-
The Landisville - Salunga
Auxiliary to the Lancaster
General Hospital planned a
program featuring “Lady On
The Rocks”, a dramatic pre-
sentation by the Lancaster
County Council on Alcohol-
ism for its first meeting on
Monday, Sept. 22.
All meetings of the year
will be held in Zion Luther-
an Church, Landisville, in
the meeting rooms. Mrs.
Jack Bidding and Mrs. Char-
les Ellicott were chairmen of
the first program. Mrs. Rich-
ard Bryson, is auxiliary pres-
*® W *
Lutheran Church women
of Zion Lutheran Church,
East Petersburg, held a cov-
ered dish supper recently in
the church. Dr. John Kreid-
er presented the mission stu-
dy, “The American Indian’.
The meeting was open to
members and their husbands.
* * *
The East Hempfield Guild
of the Lancaster Osteopathic
hospital met recently at the
home of the Rev,-and Mrs. S.
Clyde Weaver, 2342 Lea-
brook Road. Husbands were
3 * *
Ray Brubaker, 17, of 206
Rohrerstown Rd., was named
a state 4-H livestock conser-
vation demonstration winner
in the 1969 4-H National
Awards program. Ray, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Brubaker, is a senior
at Hempfield High School.
(A 5-question quiz on traffic safety from the Pennsylvania
Bureau of Traffic Safety published through the cooperation
N of this newspaper)
1. A review of statistics for the period 1958 through
1967 reveals that during this ten year period there were
Seeerees ..highway fatalities recorded in Pennsylvania,
(a) 10,507 (b) 16,761
(c) 18,368 (d) 20,201
2. Injuries resulting from highway accidents during the
(a) 560,981 (b) 781,603
(c) 831,980 (d) 950,724
3. In the year 1958 automobiles. traveled a total of
approximately 38.6 billion miles. In 1967 travel on
Pennsylvania highways increased to...... .billion miles.
(a) 44.1 (b) 49.3
(c) 53.3 (d) 55.1
4, Pennsylvania’s new inspection system is underway,
If your passenger vehicle bears a number 3 inspection
sticker it is necessary for you to have your car inspected
next during the.......... period.
(a) February-March-April (1970)
(b) May-June-July (1970)
(c) August-September-October (1969)
He. suvivini period.
(b) May-June-July (1970)
(a) February-March-April (1970)
: ®
: :
$ LJ
y »
: »
: .
: »
: .
: »
: *
y ®
: .
: .
: .
: period 1958 through 1967 were...... vas .
: .
: *
: .
. :
' .
: .
: *
$ »
: :
: .
: ®
: *
(c) August-September-October (1969)
(d) November-December-January (1969/70)
P-S “ep O-¢ ‘p-z 0-1 :s10MSUY
P00 ere 000000 sess ass eres esses ae
(d) November-December-January (1969/70)
5. If your passenger vehicle bears a number 2 inspec:
tion sticker you will have your car inspected next during
He has been a 4-H member
four years. He is a member
of the Red Rose 4-H Baby
Beef and Lamb Club. Ray
will have an opportunity to
compete for honors at the
national level.
* * %
Theodore Risser, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Risser,
365 Stony Battery Road, Lan-
disville, is a freshman at the
Elizabethtown College this
* * *
The East Hempfield Ex.
change Club was presented
the National Exchange Clubs’
Big ‘E” award for excellence
recently. The presentation
was made by Paul Mocent,
District 5 director.
The award is presented to
Exchange Clubs meeting high
standards of eciciency, com-
munity service and growth.
* * *
The marriage of Miss Lin.
da Ann Bender to Leonard
Weidler, took place Satur-
day, Sept. 20 in the First
Church of God, Landisville,
with the grandfather of the
bride, Rev. R. H. Daihl offic-
iating and the Rev. Harry
Mumper assisting. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Bender Jr., of
620 Stony Battery Rd., Lan-
disville; the bridegroom’s
parents and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy E. Weidler, Orange St.
The reception was held in
the church social room. The
couple will live in East
The bride is a graduate
of Hempfield Union H. S.
and Cen-Penn Beauty School-
Harrisburg. She is employed
by Judy McKonly Wig nnd
Hair Fashion, Columbia.
The bridegroom attended
Warwick high school and
served three years in the U.
S. Army. He is employed by
Alcoa Co.
= * *
State Rep. John C. Pitten-
ger was the guest speaker at
the Wednesday, Sept. 24th
meeting of the Hempfield
Sertoma Club held at the
Mount Joy American Legion
Post Girl Scout Troop 65, of
East Petersburg, were hon-
ored guests.
® *® *
Miss Stephanie Quay, 18,a
June graduate of Hempfield
high school who will enter
Penn State University this
The daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Quay, of Ridge-
view Ave. and Miss Krista
Durdock 18, daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs. Bernard Dur-
dock, East Petersburg, a
graduate of Hempfield high
school and a sophomore ma-
thematics major at Millers
ville State College, are con-
testants for the Miss Lan-
caster County Scholarship
Pageant in Ephrata high
school auditorium. Hiss Quay
is sponsored by the Lancas-
ter JayCees and Miss Dur-
dock by the Greater Millers-
ville Jaycees.
* ® *®
John W. Hawthorne Jr.
21, whose parents live at 30
Naomi Ave., Lancaster, re-
ceived the silver wings of
an Army aviator recently
and was appointed warrant
officer upon graduation from
the Army Aviation School,
Ft. Rucker, Ala.
During the 16-week course
he was taught various fire
Donegal Schools Menus
Friday, Oct. 3
Barbecue pork on buttered
heated roll
Peas in butter sauce
Chef salad
Fruit cup with orange
\J * *
Monday, Oct. 8
Grilled frank on buttered
heated roll
Celery stuffed with
peanut butter
Chilled apricots
* * *
Tuesday, Oct. 9
Grilled ham & cheese
Lettuce & tomato salad
Wax beans/butter sauce
Apple crisp
* % *
Wednesday, Oct. 10
Donegal Meat loaf with
brown gravy
Steamed buttered potatoes
Lettuce/cream dressing
Roll and butter
Autumn Cake
* * »
Thursday, Oct. 11
Tuna salad sandwich
or egg salad
Peas & carrots/butter
Celery sticks
Fresh fruit
* * *
Friday, Oct. 3
Barbecue Pork on buttered
heated roll
Peas in butter sauce
Celery & carrot strips
Fruit cup with orange
* * *
Monday, Oct. 8
Grilled frank on buttered
heated roll
Celery stuffed with
techniques and technical ma
neuvers for helicopters sup-
porting ground troops in
peanut butter
Chilled apricots
* * *
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Homemade vegetable soup
Grilled meat sandwich
Wax beans/butter sauce
Apple crisp
* * *
Wednesday, Oct. 10
Donegal Meat loaf with
brown gravy
Steamed buttered potatoes
Lettuce/cream dressing
Roll and butter
Autumn Cake
% * *®
Thursday, Oct. 11
Tuna salad sandwich
or egg salad
Peas & carrots/butter
Celery sticks
Fresh fruit
Only boys of noble birth
could become eligible for
knighthood. He began his
training at the age of seven
and served as a page until
his teens. After serving as a
page, the boy became a
squire and, when a squire
was about 21, he took the
solemn vows making him a
To repair rusted spots in
roof gutters, first sand the
spots and prime with a rust-
preventive paint. If the spot
has rusted through, clean a-
way any dirt and rusted
metal, then coat with roof
cement. Press a piece of
heavy aluminum foil, canvas
or fiberglass patching on the
spot them coat with more
When in need of printing
remember The Bulletin.
Freterick J. Marsh
Tips from a Pro