The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 17, 1969, Image 8

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A" eorrection from last
week: Also camping at Ocean
“City, ‘Maryland over the La-
‘bor Day weekend with the
Stahl, Gibble and Brubaker
families ‘were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Divet and sons Gary
and Mark.
3H Ted * * *
Mr, and Mrs. John Weid-
man and sons John and
Mark recently combined
business with pleasure, flying
to the state of Indiana over
a week end.
Bs ned ® * *
Mr. and Mrs. James Phil-
lips have returned home af-
ter spending a two-week va-
cation at their cottage in
Avalon, N. J. where they
enjoyed beach combing am-
ong a tremendous number of
horseshoe crabs, jogging,
sailing, and swimming with
one too many dives. While
there, they were visited by
their son Steve and his house
guests, Miss Alice Kleiner,
Barry Meckley and Gordon
Ney. Also visiting them dur-
ing their stay were Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Garber, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Walter, Dr.
and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor
and Mr. and Mrs. James
Schatz, and son Jamie and
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eshel-
man spent last week end en-
joying the sun at Atlantic
City. ; :
The local Joycee-ettes en-
tertained their families Sun-
day evening at the Boro park
in the form of a family pic-
nic. There were many good
things to eat and fun for
their 34 children. Those at-
tending were: Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Gingrich and Stacy, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Bair, Tim and
Tom, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bitzer, Bonnie and Bill, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Skiles, Kel-
ly, Scott, Shelly, Mindi and
Mandi, Mrs. Pat Moran and
Beth Ann, Mrs. Helen Bend-
er and Fred, Mrs. Bonnie
Wise and Paula, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Martin and Sharon, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Grove, Leslie
and Melissa, Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Hawthorne and Allison,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lutz,
Darryl, Audrey, Denise, Syl-
via, Jerome and Eric, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lesher
Brian and Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Hallgren and
Rick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Eshleman, Scott and Sherri,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoft-
man, Teresa and Jeffrey, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hikok, Tina
and Danny, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Newcamer, Brad and
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Herneis-
en and son Antonio, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ebersole and
Mrs. Grover Winters spent
the week end at Bowers
Beach, Delaware. They also
did some shopping in Dover,
* * %*
A corn roast was held at
Locust Grove last week end
by the Haldeman Historical
Society for benefit of the res-
toration of Locust Grove.
The menu included of course
roast corn on the cob, chick-
en corn soup, baked beans,
hot dogs, applesauce and
many delicious baked goods.
A special painting of Loc-
ust Grove was painted and
donated by Mrs. Ron Stein-
metz. The picture was then
sold by taking field bids. Al-
so a handmade afghan and a
ham were chanced off. This
enjoyable out-of-doors event
was planned by Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ginder and the fol-
lowing worked very hard to
make the project a success:
Mrs. James Roberts, Mrs.
Bud Mohr, Mrs. Sonja For-
rey, and Mrs. Pauline Long-
.is * - »
A surprise going away par
: ‘Subject:
ty was given in the honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben-
nett and Wilbur Stark on
Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard M. Stark. The Bennetts
are leaving for Germany to
visit their son, Jim, and do
some sightseeing. Mr. Stark,
a former resident of Mt. Joy,
is now residing in New Hav-
en. Conn. Those attending
were: Mr. and Mrs. James
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Eu-
gene Eicherly, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
John Toppin, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Pricio, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Zink, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Gerberich, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Hurst, Dr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Carroll, Harry
Stark, William Reuter, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Russell,
Miss Alice Hunter, Miss Jane
Desher, Steve Johnson, Mich-
ael Kolbeck and Sue and
Rick Stark.
* # *
If you have been on a
vacation, a week end trip .
entertained out of town
friends or had a party, call
me with the information at
653-5701. Deadline for each
week's paper is Monday
+ It Might Be
(From page 1)
pounds per square inch. The
water will be pumped under
as much as double or more
that pressure. If the line is
weak or needs repair, water
will escape and come to the
surface of the ground, indica-
ting the location of trouble.
When, and if, it does, that
will be what appears to be
a new water spring, or per-
haps a gusher.
The two lines will be test-
ed at different times to main-
tain the flow of gas at all
times. They actually serve to
transport gas to wholesale
customers in the Philadel-
phia-New Jersey area.
Tests begin at the Marietta
pumping installation, located
near the new Armstrong de-
velopment, and the lines
stretch northward and east-
ward and lie north of Lan-
Winter Schedule
At Armstrong
Public tours through the
Armstrong Cork Company's
Floor Plant in Lancaster
have returned to a winter
The tour times now are
10 am. and 2 p.m.,, Monday
through Friday.
Visitors are asked to re-
port to the receptionist’s desk
at the Company's main office
on West Liberty Street at
least 15 minutes before the
tour is scheduled to begin.
The company will continue
its policy of requesting two-
week advance reservations
for tours by groups of more
than 10 persons.
The medullary rays of a
tree, located in the sapwood,
conduct food and water radi-
ally and serve as a food stor-
age area.
The more we know, the
more we know we don’t
Emergency Medical
Dr. David Schlosser
New Arrivals
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W.
Wittle of Coral Gables, Fla,
are the parents of a daugh-
ter, Beth Lynn, born Satur-
day, Sept. 12 in South Miami
hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John
K.- Wittle of Mount Joy are
the paternal grandparents.
Gary R. and Shirley E.
(Wright) Cook, 437 N. Plum
St., a son, Friday, Sept. 12,
at the General hospital.
Jr. High Pushes
Fitness Project
Physical Fitness tests have
begun at the W. I. Beahm Jr.
High School.
Winners for this week are
as follows:
Fooiball Throw
1. Gary Fitzkee, 42 yds.
2. Stan Frey, 34 yds.
3. Jim Nagle, 28 yds.
Soccer Kick
1. Paul Hinkle, 230 ft.
2. Ken Byle, 190 ft.
3. Dave Schlosser, 175 ft.
Softball Throw
1. Stan Frey, 177 ft.
2. Richard Tillman, 163 ft.
3. Mike Reidy, 147 ft.
For the remainder of the
year, - varied tests will be
given so that each boy can
evaluate his own fitness lev-
el. Other areas of testing
will be sit-ups, push-ups, pull-
ups, squat thrusts, rope climb
still dips, 300 yd. shuttle run-
50 yd. dash, foul shooting,
basketball dribble, soccer
dribble plus many others.
The Junior high boys are
setting out to publish a
Health newsletter three time
during the year. Material
will be gathered in 7th and
8th grade Health classes.
Many types of interesting
topics will be included, such
as: vocabulary words, comic
strip, jokes, riddles, school
iniuries, fire drill reports,
caieteria report, cross word
puzzles, and others. Each boy
is asked to be a health re-
porter throughout the year.
An advisor from each section
will meet and work to put
the news together.
Jaycees Sponsor
Blitz Spree
The Mount Joy Jaycees
are sponsoring a Blitz Spree
at Stehman’s I. G. A. Food
Store, 732 West Main St.
First prize is a 5 minute
shopping spree at the store.
Second prize is $25 worth
of food. ;
Third and fourth prizes are
$10 worth of food.
Fifth prize is $5 worth of
Tickets can be purchased
for $1. from any Jaycee or
at the store.
The 21st Annual Webb Re-
union will be held Sunday
Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. at the Sa-
lunga ‘Pavilion, rain or shine.
There will be games for chil-
Nothing great was ever
achieved without enthusiasm
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
15 THE
2} FRESH eu 27
MEMO » Mount Joy - 1969
1—Seriously consider
the installation of curbs
on West Main street through the Florin ward.
2.—Continue improvements
of Wood Street, re-
constructing one or two of the sections re-
maining after the 1968 project.
3.—Buy and
street sweeper.
regularly use a borough-owned
4.—Press for completion of the codification of
borough ordinances.
5.—Enlarge the “Music in the Park” project.
6.—Start now to provide more water for our
and participating
with any agency which is interested in such
a project.
7—Improve the quality of water supplied by the
municipal water system.
8.—Press for improvement on Manheim street
between Mount Joy
230 Bypass interchange,
and the site of the new
including the drain-
age problems in the area of the Little Chiques
creek bridge.
9_Take steps to insure
that property within the
borough has fire plugs located within reason-
able protection ranges.
10.—Encourage public
launch a tourist
and/or private capital to
attraction which will put
Mount Joy “on the map.”
Churches to Help
Fund Drive
Nearly 100 clergy have re-
sponded to the ofter of John
R. Baldyin, General Chair-
man of the 1969 Lancaster
County United Campaign. He
alerted all clergy to the open-
ing of the United Campaign
on September 29 and sug-
gesting that reference be
made to the campaign theme
“Because you Care, SHARE"
on Sunday, Sept. 28.
He offered church bulletin
covers or inserts with the Na-
tional Poster theme printed
on the cover. These were
printed and contributed by
one of the County’s larger in-
More than 30,000 have been
requested to be used in wor-
ship on United Campaign
Sunday, Sept. 28.
Solicitation will begin on
the following Monday morn-
ing in all areas for the total
of $1,668,156.
This total is needed by the
26 health, youth, hospitals,
family and child care servic-
es for 1970.
The first meeting of the
Mastersonville P.T.A. for the
1969-70 school year will be
held Tuesday evening, Sept.
23 at the school. The topic
will be “Our Father Planned
It All,” by Glen Eshelman.
Moderator will be Layser
Shank. Invocation will be
given by the Rev. Ellis Lea-
man. There will be room vis-
itation. Child care will be
Nearly everyone who tries
to manage the business of
somebody else -neglects his
Al eB 0 Rel Mr By
Manheim Cent. 8, Columbia 0
E-town 40, Cocalico 14
Conestoga Valley 28,
heim Twp. 0
Ephrata 38, Donegal 14
Warwick 34, Solanco 6
Friday, Sepi. 19
Manheim Twp. at Ephrata N
Saturday, Sept. 20
Elizabethtown at Columbia
Hempfield at Warwick
Manheim Cent. at Solanco
Manheim Central ... 2 0
Warwick .......... 2 0
Conestoga Valley ... 1 0
Donegal .........+» 1 1
Elizabethtown ...... 3 1
Columbia. ........: 1 1
Manheim Township . 1 1
Fphrata ........... 1 1
Hempfield ......... 0 1
Coealico. ..... ie ds 0 2
Solanco ... «i. sav, 0 2
Donegal Grid Card
Sept. 20—Open
Sept. 27—Conestoga Valley,
Away ;
Oct. 4—Cocalico, Home
Oct. 11—Columbia, Home
Oct. 18—Solanco, Away
Oct. 25—Warwick, Home
Nov. 1—Manheim Central
Nov. 8-—E-town, Home
Nov. 15—Manheim Twp.
* . 8:00 p.m. game
All other games are at
That carbon supplied by
air and the principal food of
a tree, is taken in on the
underside of the leaves.
Boro Ticket For Fall Election
For Mayor
Henry Zerphey John Matoney
For Council
East Ward
George Groff j Sam Dock
West Ward :
Elmer Zerphey Donald Waser
Simeon Horton
Florin Ward
Albert Kleiner
Ammon Smith
Norman Linton
For Tax Collector
Steve E. Leatherman
Harry Farmer