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HR vl TY 1 Tie \v \# By R.A.R, The “Whens”, the “Whats” and the “Hows” are not all answered, but the begin- nings of a long-needed road improvement in the Mount Joy area were under way this week. ® © ¢ A state highway depart- ment survey crew was here taking readings in the area of the Manheim road bridge over Little Chiques creek. ® © ® The bridge and the water problem have been a nuis- ance as well as dangerous for a long long time and anything that the state can do to improve the situation —including a new bridge and adequate approaches are very much in order. ® ® ® And—with the new bypass scheduled to open late this year, every improvement which can be made along the Manheim road to the new interchange at the for- mer Locust grove are very much in place. ® © @ While Mount Joy people may not be using that par- ticular interchange in great numbers, on the map, that exit will appear to be Mount Joy’s “front door.” ®e @ ® Anything which will im- prove the Mount Joy image in that direction should be done. ® © @ Again, according to statis- tics to be released this week by the F.B.I. Lancaster area is one of the lowest crime rated communities in the country. ® ® oe Lancaster will be among the five lowest. FIVE DAY Weather Forecast From The Harrisburg Weather Bureau Thursday through Monday August 14 - 18 Temperatures for the 3- day period from Thursday through Monday are expec- ted to average near nor- mal. Daytime highs will be 80 - 85; nighttime lows in the upper 60’s. It will be warm during the first half of the period, and cooler in the latter half. Precipitation may total 1,” tols” occuring as scat- tered showers Friday and Saturday. Showers over the coastal section on Sun- day. THE MOUNT JOY Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy VOL. 69. NO. 11 MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1969 TEN CENTS \ \ xtra Water Lighted Football Field? --N Entering Sewers L1SNEC ootball Field? - - Not for ’69 nftering Sewers ip of the “hot” sports it appears that there will be costs, apparently, were just Burden System os in Mount Joy and no lighted football field at too great for an immediate, . Donegal school area in re- Donegal this fall. “forced draft“ speed fund Mount Joy Borough has a cent days and weeks has Promoters of the plan had raising drive. pair of problems which been wrapped around a pro- been pushing hard for a School officials, in explor- might sound contradictory. But, both are vital to the total functioning of the com- munity water and sewer fa- cilities. At the same time the Bor- ough Council is seeking to have all property owners connect sewers to the estab- lished lines throughout the borough. And — the Authority, at the same time is seeking ways to have people discon- nect from the sewer lines; Yet, the problems are en- tirely compatable. The Council is making a methodical effort to have all properties connect their sani- tary sewers and is carefully checking to be sure such steps are taken. In fact, the legal aspects of the conneci- ions are in the hands of at- torneys. At the August meeting of the council, names of all property owners known to be in violation were read and each case discussed. The Authority, on the oth- er hand, is bucking into a problem which needs to have certain connections removed. These connections are cases in which surface water drains are hooked into the sanitary sewers. Down spouts from roofs, particularly, are known {to be hooked into the system illegally. Although the pinpointing of very illegal connection is not known at this time, proof that surface water is entering the system can be measured by the Authority. At the sewage disposal plant and at the pumping stations, the flow gives plain evidence that there are unauthorized drain connections. During the past few weeks, during the times of heavy rains, the sewer system has been clogged with an abnor- mal amount of flow which officials point out could not be possible unless there is drainage water entering the system. This problem is not new. In fact, during the winter, those in charge of the sewer system make observations which are positive proof. They say that if there is a nighttime snow, followed (Turn to page 8; ‘Of This and That’ Voyage into yesterday! It wasn’t much of a voyv- age, really — only about a mile and a half—and it be- gan very unauspiciously about 1 o'clock Sunday af- ternoon in New Hope, Pa. But before the hour-long trip was over, we had left the Twentieth Century far behind and gone floating a- long through a world of more than a hundred years ago! How did that happen? The “voyage” was a ride on a canal barge towed by two mules walking a ‘‘tow-path” beside the old Delaware Canal As we left the dock, the world of 1969 was all about us. Cars were everywhere; “hippies” were much in evi- dence; so were “mini” skirts, by the editor's wife pants dresses, and all the paraphrenalia of the present age. As we crossed under three street and highway bridges, we were quite con- scious of people watching the barge, laughing, milling about everywhere. But then, as the barge moved slowly along, with a small boy riding one of the mules and an older boy walking alongside to make sure that the tow ropes did not become entangled, we left civilization behind. The banks of the canal became overgrown, and we Saw nothing except the water, the tow-path, the mules, the boys, and the sky. It was quiet, the lapping of the water, tinkle of the bells on (Turn to page 5) except tor the the posal that high school have lights for night football. The idea has been “kicked” around unofficially, semi-of- ficially and restrained official sanction. But, as of this week lighted field for the 1969 sea- son. One of the hard core reas- ons is that explorations into the cost aspect virtually sty- mied the plan. Construction atory talks, had made it crvs- tal clear that the school will not foot the bill for lighting the field. Thus, funds would need to (Turn to page 3) Playground Mount Joy The final week of play- ground ended with nice wea- ther and many projects. Tournaments were held Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Jacque Jo Zeller was the winner in the Troub- le tournament, Susan God- shall in the creckers tourna- ment, Bill Zimmerman in the ping-pong tournament and Carol Fackler in horse- shoes. Betty Godshall won in the ‘Pin the Nose on the Clown’ contest, followed by Randy Frede and Susan Godshall. A stuffed Animal Show took place Wednesday after- noon. Winners in this affair were Gary Graybill, Carol Fackler, Joi Shearer, Bill Zimmerman, Donna Sumpter Debbie Thomas and John Hayman. Another popular event was the Hippie Show where everyone came dres sed in his version of a Hip- Announces School Registration Dates Registration dates for stu- dents new to the Donegal School District this 1969-70 school year will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 25 and 26, in the office of the building where the stu- dent expects to attend school For this registration the parent should accompany the student, if at all pos- sible, and take along birth certificate, vaccination -certi- lcate, report card from last year, and other useful infor- mation. This is important to allow the school to prepare for the proper number of stu- dents in each classroom. Leisure Club The Mount Joy Leisure club meeting was held at the Mount Joy Sports Farm on Monday, August 11, with 40 members present. A box luncheon and coffee were served. The meeting was opened with pledging allegiance to the American flag. The next meeting will be held at the Cove. A box luncheon has been planned. Members are asked to bring their own coffee or drinks. Anyone desiring transportation should call 653-4982. Bingo and cards were play- ed and enjoyed by all. BARBECUE The Florin Fire company will have a chicken barbecue on Saturday, August 16 from 4 to 6 pm. at the fire com- pany grounds. Proceeds will be: used to rebuild the tank truck. THIS ISSUE -- Two Sections 20 PAGES ' Ends Summer Program New Assn. to Meef On Tuesday, August 19, at 8 p.m. there will be a meeting of the newly- formed Mount Joy Athlelic- Association, at the Mount Joy Fire Hall. All interested members are welcome to attend. pie. Winners were Keith Barninger, Sherri Good, Jacquee Jo Zeller, Gary Graybill, Aaron Secrest, Jui Shearer and Linda Kaull- man. Thursday all playgrounds in the district went to Sico Park for an all-day picnic On Thursday night Awards Night was held from 6:30 to 8:30. Point leaders for the season were announced by Mrs. Hayman and Mr. Sar- baugh. Trophies and ‘loving cups will be awarded to the following persons: Leading the Beginner Girls was Joi Shearer who took the lead for the third consecutive year. In second place was Donna Sumpter. Dean Zini- merman and Jon Ruhl led the Beginner Boys. Leaders for Intermediate Girls were Carol Fackler and Sherry Sumpter. Intermediate Boys who won were John Hayman and Keith Barninger. Senior girl winners were Susan Godshall and Julie Thomas and Senior Boys were led by John Gary Graybill and Thomas. F3 *® *® Marietta This past week, August 4, was the concluding week of the playground for this year. Winners of the Batting Contest held on Tuesday were as follows: Intermedi- ates, Scott Cranford (first), Dan Strohm and Brian Smith (Second); Seniors, Ken Mc- Kain (first), Dan Hess (Sec ond), Cheryl Smith (Third). Wednesday's ‘Decorate Any- thing on Wheels Day’® pro- duced the following winners: most unusual, Lori Shellen- berger; biggest, Teddy Shei- lenberger; and cutest, Terri Rhone. That afternoon a bike rodeo was held. The winners were: Beginner, Steve Mes- Zaros; Intermediate, Dan Strohm; Senior, tie between Dave Tucker and Geo. Jenk- ins. Thursday evening was awards night, whereby chii- dren with the most points for attendance and for participa- tion in events were given trophies. The first and sec: ond place winners in each category are as follows: De- ginner Boys, Steve Meszaros (first), Bill Myers (second): Beginner Girls, Tammy Porit- ner (first), Gwen Adams (sce- ond); Intermediate Boys, Brian Smith (first), Scott Cranford (second); Interme- diate Girls, Kathy McKain (first), Sue Pickle (second): Senior Boys, Dan Hess (first) George Jenkins (second); Senior Girls, Cheryl Smith (first), Lori Shellenberger (second). The winner of the music award given by Mr. Shields, was Ramona Sell. Maytown The last week of play- ground was a busy one with every one trying to gather as many points as possible. Activities were varied and three tournaments were played. The winner of the Ping Pong tournaments were completed Friday morning. Winner of shuffleboard was Joe McLain and winner of horseshoes was Skip Nell Several Mini Football games were held this week with the older boys participating. It is a rough sport which the boys enjoyed playing very very much. An Obstacle base ball game was played by the beginners and intermediates also. The object of the game is to hit the ball and run the bases, but between home and first the children must jump over a barrel and be tween first and second run backwards, from second to third bounce a ball and fron third to home ride a bike. On Thursday the play- ground picnic was held at Sico Park. Ball games, bas ketball and games for each (Turn to page 3) AN EDITORIAL Attend Council Meeting Years ago a mayor who was an astute politician, a strong administrator and careful craftsman of gcv- ernment told me, “When no one comes to city coun- cil, we're (the city government) doing a good job. But. when people begin attending council, look out.” That man was a sufficiently good politician to make a place for himself and to serve capably in the state administration of his state. ~~ In Mount Joy these days, we are and more people attend the council. having more meetings . of borough Usually a few people attend who have no official duty nor any particular reason to be sitting in the ‘council chambers. aor ee (Turn to page 2)
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