WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1969 @® CHURCH NOTES (From page 6) Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church J. Earl Martin, Jr,, Pastor Sunday 9:00 am. Sunday School James Kreider, Supt. 10:15 a. m. Morning Wor ship. Message ‘“‘Study from Ii “ Peter” Mr. Stephen Fisher. 7:30 p.m. The Fishers will speak and show pictures of their experiences while in Voluntary Service in Africa. They plan to return to Africa as missionaries. Evangelist. 7:30 p.m. Missionary Pray- er Meeting Rev, and Mrs. Carl Ginder will speak in this service. ~ Cross Roads Brethren In Christ Church B. E. Thuma, Pastor Lloyd S. Myers, Supt. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Adults and Juniors 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. Message by the pastor. 7:00 pm. Christ's Crusad- ers Hour. Children’s Bible Hour. Message from the Word. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Good News Club for the boys and girls. 8:45 p.m. Choir Practice. Florin Church of Brethren Mount Joy. Pa. Jacob F. Replogle, Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. “That Strange Man on the Cross”. 7:30 pm. Evening Lenten Service, Rev. Robert O. Hess, large Your Tent’ Monday 7:30 p.m. Church Commis- sions. " ‘Wednesday a 7:30 p.m. Cooperative Len- ten Midweek Service in the Florin Church. Speaker, Rev. Charles D. Whittaker, Chiqg- nes U. M. Church, “Jesus and the Secular Rulers” Thursday 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir 7:45 p.m. Senior Choir “En- Mount Joy Menncaite Church Henry W. Frank, Pastor Sunday 9:00 am Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Frayer Meeting and Bible Study First Presbyterian Church Donegal Presbyterian Church Herbert E. Moyer Interim Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship at Donegal 10:10 a.m. Church School at Donegal 9:45 am. Church School at Mount Joy 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship at Mount Joy 5:00 p. m. Communicant’s Class for: both churches at Mount Joy. Rev. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass God's Missionary Church Salunga, Penna. Rev. John F. White, Pastor 10:45 am: Morning Wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. 8t. John's Luil.-zra.:. Church Maytown. P vnsyvlvania Ronald E. Peirson, pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:45 a.m. Worship service St. Luke's Episcopal Church Mount Jov Rev, Donald M. Whitesel Rector Passion Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Morning Prayer and Sermon Church School. 7:00 pm. Episcopal Young Churchmen ~~ Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion wednesday 7:00 p.u, Holy Communion Vhursday 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal - 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal 8 Letter to the Editor March 5, '69 The Bulletin Dear Sir: Enclosed is my check for a 3-year subscription. I look forward to receiv- ing the Bulletin each week. It helps to keep in touch with Mount Joy. There are many names I do not recog- nize, but I am able to see the progress being made af- ter ‘19 years away from town. Keep up the good work. Very truly yours, James B. Workman Piscataway, N. J. March 17, 1969 The Mount Joy Bulletin, Mount Joy, Penna. Dear Mr. Rainbolt: As a newcomer to the Mt. Joy community, I certainly appreciate the services and the coverage of the Mt. Joy Bulletin, However, I was par- ticularly concerned with the editorial appearing on Pages 1 and 7 of the first section of last Wednesday's March 12, 1969, edition. In many ways I could un- derstand and somewhat agree with the possible intent or generalization, however, it was particularly interesting since you ‘also published (Sec. II, Page 1) the account of the tragic death of a 19- year old soldier, killed in action in Vietnam. These two items struck me as a terrible paradox. In keeping with the thought of the editorial our youth un- der 21 are too young and im- mature to vote. Yet the ac- count of the 19-year old's death seemed to say to me “But they are old enough to die”. This I protest. If young people are old enough to be drafted and go out to fight and die, then they ought to be old enough to vote. If young men and young wom- en are allowed (with parents consent) to take on the res- ponsibilities of marriage and homemaking, . should they not be allowed the right of franchise (even if needs be by parental consent)? There is much to be desir- ed on the part of some youth this I will admit, even if our generation kicked up our heels at their age. It is like- wise true of many ‘‘adults”. In fact, I am not entirely convinced that we adults have always done the kind of job in voting and in poli- tics for which we can always be proud. Much of the so-cal- led delinquency must be placed at our own adult feet in our permissive, indulgent and materialistic attitudes. I must confess, your two items in last week’s paper disturb me with both a sense of guilt and with a stronger conviction that we must be more honest with “our youth. If they are old enough to die for us, they ought to be old enough to vote with us, In fact, election polls in schools and colleges frequently indi- cate a pretty accurate baro- meter of ‘adult’ results when they do vote. With all best wishes, I am Most sincerely, Jacob F, Replogle MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson celebrated anniver- Vickie Blake her 14th birthday sary, March 9. Mrs. Michael Kanoff and Mrs Kenneth Bradley, twin sisters, celebrated their birthday anniversary on Mar, 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Arn- old spent last weekend at Williamsport with the Rev. Merle Arnolds. Mrs. Clair Cochran, Quar- ryville, and Mrs. Richard Albright and daughters Kim and Katherine, Philadelphia, called on the Ray Fryberg- ers last Monday afternoon. Robert Huntzinger, Her- shey and Mrs. Jean Lowery, Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Huntzinger last Sunday. Miss Marie Harter spent last Sunday at the Henry Earharts, Elizabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith of MecAlisterville, spent last weekend with Mrs. Mabel Haverstick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fel- ty, Millersville, were in town last Saturday. Mrs. Goldie Yordy return- ed from the hospital and is convalescing. One hundred fifty mem- bers and guests were served at the American Legion ban- quet last Saturday evening, The monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxili- ary was held last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Nellie Blake. Mrs. Blake an- nounced that essays were submitted from the Donegal Junior & ‘Senior high school and that the Americanism meeting will be held Mon- day evening, April 14, at the Legion Home. A very in- teresting program is being planned by Mrs. Henry Haines, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cle- ments and sons, Newcastle, Del., spent Sunday with Mrs. Mildred Wolfe. Revival Services are be- ing held in the Church of God this week, The Rev. Terry Frederick, Lancaster is the guest minister and the various Sunday School clas- ses, the Sunday School board, the Choir and the Church Council will be in charge of devotions. Community Easter Dawn Service will be held in the United Church of Christ at 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Grauber- ger are visiting in Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks and children, Lititz, spent Sunday with Mrs. May Hicks. Mr, and Mrs, Adam Greer were feted with a surprise drop-in last Sunday to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Their son David and wife of Mac- on, Geo., also surprised them by dropping in on Sunday. The actual date of their an- niversary was March 12. This is one time they really pull- ed one over on Ad. A Family Communion Ser- vice and hymn sing was held at the United Church of Christ last Sunday evening. A covered dish luncheon was served at 6 p.m. followed by the hymn sing and the com- munion service. Approxima- {ely 40 persons attended. To Register New Pupils Registration of children who will enter kindergarten classes in the Donegal School District for the school year 1969-70 will be held accord- ing to the following schedule: Marietta — Monday, Mar. 31, from 9 am. to 12:00 and THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY. PA. 1 to 3 p.m. Washington — Tuesday, April 1, trom 9 a.m. to 12:00 and 1 to 3 p.m. ; Maytown —— Wednesday, April 2, from 9 to 3 p.m. Children must be five years old on or before Dec. 81,69 to be eligible to enter the kindergarten in September. When registering their child, parents must have with them the following: Birt certificates; Permanent vac- cination certificate or certifi- cate of immunity; A list of the pupil's childhood diseas- es, and a list of immuniza tions. Each child, when he is reg- istered will be given a School Readiness Test. Its major purpose is to provide infor- mation to help parents know what is best for their child and how to help him. PAGE SEVEN There would be ably less ‘‘waiting in line”, if children whose last name begin with the letter A thru I would report to register in the morning, and those whose name begin with J thru Z would report to regis- ter in the afternoon. Parents who plan to enter their children in first grade for the 1969-70 school year, and who have not had their children enrolled in Kinder- garten classes during the present term, are asked to register them in the element- consider- ary school office nearest their home. The date, time, and place of registration is the same as that for kindergart- en. Parents are asked to take the child, his birth and vac- cination certificates to the registration. LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS Donegal Chapter, Daugh- ters of the American Revolu- tion, presented Good Citiz- ens awards to 14 city and county high school senior girls on March 13 at the Iris Club. Selection of the award recipients is based on quali- ties of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Miss Sue Ellen Snavely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jere Snavely of 50 Brandt Blvd., Landisville, was the recipient from Hempfield IH, S. Miss Snavely is secretary of Student Council, photo- graphy editor of the year- book, and co-captain of the varsity cheerleaders. She is also a member of the Nation: al Honor Society, Varsity club, Math club, Senior Sing- ers, and the photography club. She is a member of the Landisville Church of Gad, where she is president of the Sunday School Class. She is a Voice of Democ- racy Contest winner. = = * Miss Gretchen Louise Kranch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kranch, 1625 A Columbia Ave: is one of the founding members of Ome- ga Alpha Tau, a new social sorority on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Miss Kranch, who gratuated from East Hempfield Twp. high school in 1967 is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh. The Varsity cheerleading squad of Hempfield high school placed third at the annual cheerleading contest held at Ephrata. * » * Len Ray and Joe Cambell of Hempfield high school par- ticipated in “Youth in Gov- ernment,” Mar. 7 - 12, held in Harrisburg, * * * The Lancaster County or- chestra held its annual con- cert on Mar. 15 at the Man- heim Central high school auditorium. Guest conductor for the festival was Laurence Perkins, Conductor of the University Symphony at In- diana University of Penna. and head of the String Divi: sion of the Music department Participants from Hemp- field are: Bev Krow, Bruce Kuehne, Becky Bushong, Ju- dy Buch, Rhonda Schappell, Sharon Brubaker, Donna Royer, Missy Kresge, Jeanne Herr, Karen Martin, Sherry Russell, Dale Kraybill, Den- ise Nauman, Becky Glatfelt- er, Sue Sieptietowski, Kathy Evans, Donna Shaub, Lorene Gottshall, Linda Gard, Nan- cy Graham, Cara Brehn, Gal- en Graham, Sheryl Fortne, Dan Mekeel, Janis Ziegler, James Enders, Jay Miller, Brenda Hess, Brian Snyder, Teresa Riden, Cindy Ansal- vish, Nancy Hollinger, Tere- sa Amand, Lisa Huffman, Brenda Siegrist, Andrea Herr, Carol Keck, Robin Hy- nicka, Sheree Becker. %* ® a *® The Hempfield School Board received the resigna- tions effective at the end of the school year of Mrs. Lin- da Kirby, 7th grade English and Mathematics teacher at Centerville Jr. high school, and Mrs. Joanne Kuhrman, 3rd grade teacher at Mount- ville Elementary school, at a recent meeting. In other action, the board elected W. Steven Nolt, 939 Raymond Drive, to teach vo- cal music at Centerville Jr. high next year and approved a sabbatical leave for Mrs. Eula Mae Kline, Hempfield high school social studies teacher and librarian for tra- vel and education in the ’69- '70 school year. The board also gave per- mission for the senior class ip to Washington, DC. on March 21. Mrs. Nancy J. Shinton, 355 Barbara Street, Landisville, was hired to work in the business office at the high school. #® #* The seventh grade English class section 7TTM, at Center- ville Jr. high school was con- ducting a discussion on whe- ther to keep or to change our National Anthem. Under the direction of Mrs. Linda Kirby, the teach- er, they had a debate in their class on Friday, Mar. 14 and Monday, Mar. 17. The panel members were as follows to change: Sharon Elslager, Debbie Neff, Heath- er Hapner; Chris Brookshire; and Randy Groff. To keep: Sue Sangrey, San- dy Sheetz; Ann Risser; Nel- son Craige; and Dennis Rent- schler. GOCOD FRIDAY SERVICE The Mount Joy Ministerial Association is sponsoring the Annual Good Friday service at St. Mark’s United Metho- dist church, Mount Joy, Apr. 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. Local pastors are conduct- ing the service and will preach on the theme, ‘The Seven Last Words.” Special music will be provided by several local choirs. The pub- lic is invited to attend, Important Addresses U. S. SENATORS RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D. C. HUGH SCOTT Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D. C. U. S. REPRESENTATIVES EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN House Office Bldg. Washington, D. C. STATE SENATOR RICHARD A. SNYDER Box 21 State Senate Harrisburg, Penna. 17120 STATE REPRESENTATIVE JACK B. HORNER 23-A S. Market Street Elizabethtown, Penna. 17022
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