1969 — Y l i SC | ® All WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1969 THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE THRER Donegal Schools Menus Former Resident Qnan House At Two Farms ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL & JR. HIGH Invited to Play Friday, March 21 Grilled cheese sandwich - French fries Carrots in butter sauce Celery stuffed with Peanut butter Apple crisp Milk * * ¥ Monday, Mar. 24 Sliced Cold meat & cheese Vegetable soup Celery & carrot strips Cornbread, butter & honey Orange fruit cup Milk * * *%* Tuesday, Mar. 25 Donegal Meat Loaf and gravy Buttered rice Green beans in butter sauce Finger vegetable salad Roll & butter Chilled pears Milk * * ¥ Wednesday, Mar. 26 Spaghetti/meat sauce and cheese Peas & carrots/butter sauce . Lettuce/French dressing Bread & butter Rosy apple slices Milk * ® * Thursday, Mar. 27 Hoagie sandwich Orange juice Broccoli butter sauce Fruited jello Milk Friday, March 21 Grilled cheese sandwich French fries Glazed carrots Celery stuffed with Peanut butter Apple crisp Milk * * * Monday, Mar. 24 Weiner Wink/pickled ‘relish Corn in butter sauce Celery & carrot strips Cornbread, butter & honey Orange fruit cup Milk * * * Tuesday, Mar. 25 Donegal Meat Loaf and gravy Buttered rice Green beans in butter cauce Creamed cole slaw Roll & butter Marble cake (homemade) with vanilla icing Milk * * * Wednesday, Mar. 26 Spaghetti/meat sauce and cheese Peas & carrots/butter sauce Lettuce/French dressing Bread & butter Rosy apple slices Milk * ® %* Thursday, Mar. 27 Hoagie sandwich Orange juice Broccoli butter sauce Fruited jello Milk Miss Doris Gorrecht, talen- fed harpist of Zephyrhills, Florida, was invited back for the consecutive year to participate in the Eighteenth Annual Jeanie Ball at the Stephen Foster Memorial at WhiteSprings, Florida. The Jeanie Ball is sponsor- ed by the Stephen Foster Memorial Commission and Florida Federation of Music Clubs and is held in Febru- ary .of each year. There were 19 Jeanie can- didates. Miss Gorrecht play- ed Foster Melodies for the audition in the afternoon and for the Promenade at the Ball. The finalist who was crow- ned Jeanie received a one thousand dollar scholarship to further her music educa- tion. The four runners up each received a five hundred dollar scholarship to be used for advancement in mu- sic. Miss Gorrecht is a form- er resident of Mount Joy. She is a music teacher and organist at the Episcopal Church in Zephyrhills, TEEN TALENT SEARCH WINNER Phillip Nissley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin K. Nis- sley, 584 West Main Street, Mount Joy, participated in the instrumental division for the Christ Ambassadors of The Dial Comes to You—Lights Up Too! Trendline” The High-Fashion Telephone! It's an easy-to-hold lightweight handset. Dialing is so easy, even when you're streched out in a chair or lying in bed. The disconnect button near the dial sets the dial tone for your next call without replacing the handset. The fashionable pacesetter is available in wall and desk models and in your choice of smart decorator colors. Why not order yours today? Call the telephone business office. COLUMBIA — UNITED mez] ELEPHONE COMPANY £8 Member UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM, Operated by UNITED UTILITIES, INCORPORATED A ance sessions is On Tuesday, March 25, a combination Open House will be held for Lancaster county farmers on the John Nissley and J. Harold Mus- ser Farms near Mount Joy. The two farms are located about 1% miles apart. The purpose of the open house will be {o show area farmers the recent mechan- ization installed which en- abled them to expand their operation. Nissley feeds out of 400-500 head of prime cattle while Musser has a 90 milk cow dairy operation. The Nissley farm of 165 acres utilizes two 100 ft. non- auger type feeders to’ distri- bute a ration of corn silage, crimped corn or barley and protein concentrates. Corn silage is stored in a 24’ x 80’ concrete silo. Nissley buys 750 lb. feeders and finishes them out to prime (1100 - 1300 1bs.). His total invest- ment in his feeding system is approximately $75.00 per head. The Musser farm of 150 acres recently expanded its operation through remodel- ing. Sixteen stalls were add- ed to the existing barn along with a 600 gallon bulk tank, pipeline milker and new barn cleaner. A 60 ft. non- auger feeder is used to feed corn silage to 50 milk cows and 35 heifers. The herd av- erage is approximately 15,- 000 lbs, with 535 B. F. The Nissley and Musser farms are located about two miles southeast of Mount Joy on Eby Chiques Road, South of Highway 230. They also can be reached by tak- ing Prospect Road south off Highway 230, through Salun- ga to Eby Chiques Road. the First Assembly of God, of Lancaster. The competi- tion was held in First As- sembly of God Church in York, on Monday evening. Philip, the winner for the instrumental division, play- ed a trombong solo of the “Battle Hymn of the Repub- lic.” He will next enter dis- trict for the church at their annual Youth Rally at the Zembo Mosque over Easter weekend at Harrisburg, College Night At McCaskey The eighth annual Area College Night will be held at McCaskey high school in Lancaster on Tuesday even- ing, April 27, Donegal high school’s guidance office has announced to local pupils and their parents. Sponsored by the Lancast- er County Guidance Counsel- ors’ association, the meeting will bring together admis- sions officers representing 62 institutions of higher learn- ing. The representatives will be present to discuss their colleges and the programs which are offered. There will be three ses- 8:10 to 8:40 and 8:50 to 9:20 — at . which students planning to . attend college and their par- ents may attend, Registrations for the guid- due this week. Letters concerning the opportunity have been distri- buted to Donegal pupils by the D.H.S. guidance office. Forest Fire Crew Answers Call Eight members of the Eliz- abethtown-Mount Joy Forest Fire Crew responded to a Forest Fire call two miles south of Highville on March 14, at about 5:30 p. m. The initial call came from the Lancaster Forest Fire Crew, who responded to the fire earlier. The local crew sent one truck with men and tools to help fight the forest fire which consumed about 25 acres of timber and brush in an area near the Flames res- taurant, south of Highville. The crew traveled a total of 50 miles round trip to help protect a part of the 91- 000 acres of forests in Lan- caster county. Being a volunteer organization, crew will respond wherever self supporting and whenever they are need- | ed to protect the forests of Pennsylvania. The E-town-Mount Joy for- est fire crew has responded to five calls during the past two weeks. Many of these fires are still under investigation by H. Eugene Altland, local Pa. Forest Fire Warden of Mount Joy. Patronize Our Advertisers the | oe 2 23 Er IN UNIFORM TWO ABOARD CARRIER Fireman Apprentice Har- ry D, Connor III, USN, son of Mr. Harry D. Connor Jr. of 160 W. High St., May- town and Clarence E. Wag- ner Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Wag- ner, 715 East Wood St, and husband of the former Miss Minerva J. Buller of Square Street are serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga during its fifth tour of duty in the Western Pacific. On its tenth deployment off the coast of Vietnam, the Ticonderoga will act as a floating air field for Carrier Air Wing pilots flying strike missions against enemy tar- gets in the South. The ship’s history includes the winning of five Battle Stars for campaigns during the Second World War, and, on her last cruise in South- east Asian waters—the Navy Unit Commendation. New Ambulance The Maytown Fire Com- pany has begun operation of its new ambulance. The new vehicle is a 1963 Cadillac painted bright red, which is all paid for. Fire company officials have cred- ited a $500 donation by the Ladies Auxiliary with aiding heavily in the purchase. Ambulance association of- ficials announced that a mem- bership drive will be con- ducted in the East Donegal Township area between now and May 1. ITCHING LIKE MAD? Get this doctor's formula! Zemo speedily stops torment of externally caused itching...of eczema, minor skin irritations, non- poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur- face germs. ‘‘De-itch” skin with Zemo—Liquid or Ointment. PAINFUL CORNS?, AMAZING LIQUID © _~ RELIEVES PAIN AS €C3% IT DISSOLVES CORNS AWAY Now remove corns the fast, easy way with Freezone®. Liquid Freezone re- lieves pain instantly, works below the | skin line to dissolve corns away in just | days. Get Freezone...at all drug counters. ARTHRITIS-RHEUMATISM Do claims and double talk make you doubt you can get any relief from arthritic and rheumatic pains? Get 100 STANBACK tablets or 50 STANBACK powders, use as direct- ed. If you do not get relief, return the unused part and your purchase price. will be refunded. Stanback Company, Salisbury, N. C.
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