WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1968 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Convenient Reference To Firms Serviwe Community ®¢ AUTO REPAIR ® PLUMBING STALEY'S GARAGE General Repairs Used Cars - Inspections MOUNT JOY 653-5951 15 W. Main St. H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service Ph. 653-5981 CHARLEY'S PAINT & BODY SHOP COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED 234 S. Market Ave. 653-5828 LEO KOB, INC. Heating -—— Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Etreet Elizabethtown, Pa. MOUNT JOY, PA. e DAIRY PRODUCTS ® SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOL. CLEANING ELWQOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS MILK & ICE CREAM R.D. 2, Ph. Mt. Joy 653-4891 OLIVER SAGER & SON INC. SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL CLEANING Phone 367-1256 11 Sager Rd., Elizabethtown e DRUG STORES PRESCRIPTIONS WHEEL CHAIRS -WALKERS Sale or Rent LEGAL NOTICES Kreamer Pharmacy Elizabethtown 367-1262 e EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential @® Industrial R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 ® FURNITURE Obligations of States & REPORT OF CONDITION UF THE UNION NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK OF MOUNT JOY, IN THE STATE OF PENNSYL- VANIA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON OCTOBER 30, 1968. (Published in Response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under section b211, U. S. Revised Statutes) ASSETS Cash, balances with oth- er banks, including re- serve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 1,090,695.35 U. S. Government obliga- tions 2,401,093. 14 1 1,8 poiitical subdivisions 1.92 Other Securities “e 0.00 Federal funds sold & Securities purchased under agreements o 4,71 7, no -~1 b resell. ii aiaivaniss 400,000.00 Loans and discounts S,858,499.11 Eberly Bank premises, fringe and fixtures, and other Furniture & Floor assets representing : wi . : bank premises ..... 227,580.99 Covering Other: assets: .......... 3,210.01 ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 114 Mi. East along Manheun Road Call 367-5468 © HOME IMPROVEMENT OFING — SIDING SBOUTING — AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work S— e LOANS Total Deposits $13,533,555.35 Other Total Assets ..... $14,886,389.58 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of in- dividuals, partnerships, and corporations .. 4,015,629.21 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and 3 : corporations ...... 8, 788,161.58 Deposits of U. S. Gov- . 273,567.43 ernment Deposits of States and political subdivisions ,..231,670.3L Certified and officers’ checks, etc. or (a) Total demand deposits $4,670,393.47 (b) Total time and savings deposits $8,863,161.88 liabilities ey 138,574.05 Total® Liabilities 13.,672,129.38 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common Sstock—par value per share $10.00 No. shares outstand- ing, 12,500 19% 00D 0G SUrplus revs 800,000.00 Instal ¢ Loan Service Inc Undivided profits 259,260.50 stalment 1 . : i (LOANS TO $600) . Total Capital a Cc mes Accounts: ......... 1,214,260.20 Instalment Consu NS reer seer % Total Liabilities and Discount Co. rota ning Capital Accounts ... $14,886,380.58 (LOANS. TO $3500) : MEMORANDA lizabethtown | I J. H. Hoffman Jr, Cash- 23 Cent. Ty SEhiza oot jer, of the above-named bank dao PHO hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to - NRY the best of my knowledge and be- $ lief. MASO J. H. HOFFMAN JR, _— Cashier We. the undersigned directors LESTER P. ESHELMAN attest the correctness of this re. MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road 653-5325 e OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 ATLANTIC »"TROLEUM PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service na ————— e PAINT & BODY WORK TEE Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted: Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Al gnment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 port of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. ALVIN 1. REIST ROBERT SCHROLL W. CC. HIESTAND EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Mary Haller, de- ceased, late of Mount Joy Borough, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grant- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- sainst the same will present them without delay for set- {lement to the undersigned, Mrs. Kathryn Sheaffer 70 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Mrs. Miria Gochenaur 2318 Chestnut View Dr. Lancaster, Pa. Paul C. Haller Quarryville R. D. 1, Pa. Executors Clarence C. Newcomer, Attorney Newcomer, Roda & Morgan 700 Noith Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. 34.3¢ NOTICE! There will be a public hearing of the Mount Joy Zoning Board of Ad ustment on Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mount Joy fire hall con- cerning the proposed beauty salon to be established at 228 South Delta Street, Mount Joy, . Pa. Zoning Board of Adjustment 34.1¢c ® CHURCH NEWS (From page 6) Presbyterian _ Morning Wor- ship. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass 1 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. St. John's Lutheran Church Maytown, Pennsylvania Ronald E. Peiyson, pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:45 a.m. Worship service, — God's Missionary Church Salunga, Penna. Rev. John F. White, Pastor 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Mount Joy Mennonite Church Henry W. Frank, Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Worship Scrvice Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. Timely Tips for Women by Doris W. Thomas Proper Care Of Steam Iron Will Make Appliance Last. Two items increase the cost of an iron. One is the pray attachment and the other the special soleplate, either with a nonstick surface or stainless steel. Both make iron- ing easier. So if you do much ironing these features may be worth the extra dollars because an iron, well cared for, lasts a long time. The spray gives a fine mist, and because of the fineness there’s little danger of water spotting. Starch or synthetic fibers melted from too much heat when ironing a synthe- tic garment, are easily re- moved from a soleplate with a nonstick surface. Proper care of an iron is important. Always store an iron on its heel to avoid scratching the soleplate. If you have an un- coated soleplate, you can re- starch with a nonabras- move ive household cleaner, and remove scratches with fine steel wool. But don’t use any cleaner or steel wool on a nonstick surface. When you fill or empty an’ iron be sure it’s unpiugged. A few drops of water in the electrical parts can shock you. Use distilled water or demineralize your tap wa- ter. You can buy demineraliz- ing cartridges at hardware stores, supermarkets, and from mail-order houses for about fifty cents. The com- plete demineralizing unit with one cartridge costs a- round a dollar. A change in color of the cartridge tells You you when to replace it. may wish to compare the cost of using demineralized water or buying distilled water. When you shop for an iron be sure the handle feels com- fortable. If you are left hand- ed get one that’s made with a reversible cord. Controls should be at the front. Com- pare guarantees. Well-known manufacturers usually stand behind guarantees. Some pay for parts only, others for la- bor and parts. The time the guarantee is in effect varies with manufacturers. * * ® Teens’ Eating Habits Related To Availability of Prepared Meals Teenagers say meals are important and it’s mother’s job to have meals prepared and ready on time. If mothers balance meals, teenagers eat more of the right foods. These and other teen eating practices were revealed in a recent survey of teen eating habits. Teens expect parents to set examples of good eat- ing habits so children learn indirectly to make sound food choices. While some teenag- ers eat the foods their peers choose, they thing parents set the stage for their eating practices. Snack items, teens say, are limited in variety because teenagers gather a- round vending machines, short-order type eating spots, or public places inviting to the small spender and person with a lot of leisure time. Some reasons teens give for eating no breakfast include: staying up late and oversleep- ing; girls choose to spend the time grooming; they aren’t hungry; mother doesn't have breakfast ready for them; school bus comes very early; and some girls say eating breakfast makes them gain weight. Mothers .can provide the right foods but teenagers themselves choose what they eat. According to the survey of teens, pep and vigor are usually reliable indicators of what teenage boys eat; girls’ proper food habits are evid- enced in good posture, heal- thy skin, silky hair, and beautiful teeth. ® Florin Church (From page 1) Bethany Theological Semin- ary, the graduate seminary of the Church of the Breth- ren, Chicago, Ill He has taken graduate work at Gettysburg Seminary and Boston Univer- sity School of Theology. The Rev. and Mrs. Replog- le will reside at 226 Delta St. The Service of Installation will be at the 10:00 a. m. worship service and: will be conducted by the Rever- end Joseph Long. Execu- tive Secretary of the Eastern Distriet of | Penna., of the Church of the Brethren, who will present the charge and lead in the service of dedi- cation. A reception, in the form of an ‘Introduction Night,” will be held to honor the Replog- les. An informal program starting at 7 p.m. is planned, followed by a social sour. Advertising Doesn't Cost — It Pays! PAGE SEVEN 2 Too Late To Classify FOR RENT Mount Joy. Newly-decorated sleeping quarters for 1 or 2 persons. Pvt. bath, entrance and T.V. 210 E. Main after 11 a.m. 34-tf ® Worry Clinic (From page 4 mean soup, coffee or tea, wa- ter, milk, etc. But this low fluid intake helps your stomach hunger £0 you can then stay on your daily 800-.calorie food intake without much strain. Include a lot of protein in your menu, such as cottage cheese and lean meat. One full cup of cottage cheese counts only 200 calor- ies, and with a teaspoonful of jelly, honey or jam on top it is but 225, yet you wili feel full! The first day or two, you may get a mild headache from reduction of your heavy caffine intake, so swallow an aspirin, plus your vitamin capsules. And ladel your rationed food on your plate in the kitchen so you don’t face ad- ditional food at the dinner table! Send for my booklet “How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days” enclosing a long stamped, re- turn envelope, plus 20c and streamline your figure. It al- sO gives you a calorie chart. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- ciosing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 20c to cover typing -and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) Mobile X-Ray Unit Coming A community x-ray pro- gram for the borough of Mit. Joy will be held Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 81 East Main St. by the mobile x-ray unit of the Tuberculosis and Health Society of Lancaster County. Hours far the program will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. and from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The usual fee of $1 for the x-ray service will be asked, but those unable- to pay will be given the service through Christmas Seal funds of the Society. In addition, a free diabetes test will be given by Pennsyl- vania Department of Health, Division of Chronic Diseases. Those planning to take this test should do so as close to two hours after eating as possible. When in need of printing remember The Bulletin. See Us For Your WINTER TIRES MANY MAKES AVAILABLE PRICES RIGHT WINTERIZE YOUR CAR BEFORE BUYING YOUR WINTER TIRES STOP AND SEE US AND GET PRICES. SEE US FOR YOUR NEXT CAR OR TRUCK GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW Wissler Motors 323 E. MAIN ST.. MOUNT JOY PH. 653-4181