The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 06, 1968, Image 2
PAGE TWO MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson The annual Halloween par’ ade of the Maytown Element- ary Schools was held last Thursday afternoon. Before the parade four masquerad- ers were chosen from each room to compete in the four categories—prettiest, funniest ugliest and most original. The grand prizes in grades 1, 2, 3 and Sp. Ed. were won by Robin Gerber, prettiest, rooml; Judy Kirchner, rm. 3A and Timothy Roaten, rm. 6B the funniest; Patty Shank, room 2. the ugliest and Kev. in McKain, room 2 the most original. In grades 4, 5, and 6 the following won: Debbie Bosick, room 5, the prettiest; Janet Sauder, Wendy Beam- enderfer, room 3 and Phyllis Shope, room 10 the funniest; Ramona Sell, room 4 the ugliest; Tina Goodling, room 10. Robert Roaten, room 7 & We Can Also Give Stan's Auto Body Shop Painting, State Inspection | If you Scratch, Dent or Wreck your car, come direct to Stan's Auto Body Shop and get a FREE | Estimate for your Insurance Co, While Body Work Is Being Done At A Small Cost You A Car To Use PRICES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 148 NORTH HAZEL PHONE 665-2809 MANHEIM, PA. * most original. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 William Landis, room 4. the After the assemblies and parade, parties were held in the various rooms. Judges were: Mrs. Kenneth Depoe, Mrs. Ruth Fahringer and Miss Grace Henderson. Mrs. Emerson Stehman was master of ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fryber- ger and Jane Fryberger visit- ed Dr. and Mrs. Richard Al- bright and Kim last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Leslie Blake and Mrs. Chester Yordy attended the Testimonial Dinner honoring Mrs. Raymond Heald, Depart- ment President of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary at the Dutch Town & Country Din- ing Room last Saturday even- ing. The Golden Age Club will meet Tuesday afternoon, No- vember 19, at 1:30. Miss Mary Rose, Lancaster, will enter- tain with an illustrated talk on her mitten creations. The American Legion Aux- iliary will meet Monday eve- ning, Nov. 11, at 8 at the home of Mrs. Leslie Blake. The annual Community Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Church of Christ. Pastor Ronald Pierson will bring the message. The time is 7:30, Nov. 27. Miss Marie Harter spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Henry Earhart and son at Elizabethtown. The Brownie Troop 272 has begun its annual pro ect of raking leaves for folks who are unable to do so. They meet each week after school. Mrs. Marlin Miller is the leader and Mrs. Clarence Lynch is the assistant. The senior leader is Norma Gut- shall. % The Fire Company Auxil- jary met last Thursday even- Mrs. Vernon Mayers pre- sided. She appointed a nomi- nating committee. Members will contribute to the Colum- bia hospital Bazaar Nov. 14- 15-16. They will serve the Christmas dinner for the Golden Age Club at the Fire ing. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1968 Hall—date to be announced later. The auxiliary Christ. mas party will be held Dec. 3 at the Fire Hall and Bill's Restaurant from Columbia will cater. Wallace Brought was taken by ambulance to the Colum- bia hospital last Saturday. He was injured when he fell from a truck. LANDISVILLE - SALUNGA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd Musser, 725 Harper Ave. Lancasier, announce the en- gagement of their, daughter, Miss Nancy Musser to Sam- uel E. Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne, Columbia R2. Miss Musser is a gracuate of Hempfield Union high school and Lancaster Prac- tical Nursing Program. Her fiance is a graduate of Hemp- field high school, and is at- PARTS TO FIT erfERENO Send UBER NNERREY ANEUNBORERNLAN NRE ELECTROLUX - GE. HOOVER — EUREKA ALL OTHERS Over 50 New and Reconditioned Cleaners To Choose From tending Thompson Institute, Harrisburg. #® w * J. Kenneth Bender, Salun- ga was elected director for a one-year term, of the Associ- ated Wholesalers, Inc. at a recent annual stockholders meeting. * * E. F. Oettel, Landisville, vice president of the Lancas- ter Chapter of the National (Turn to page 3) COMPACT ROUTE 72 SOUTH OF HENNE EEE EEN EERE Ristenhatt Vacuum Cleaner Service EERE YRESC EVAN ERIE IER EENE TEE RERES 665-5126 EEEEEEASNEEENEENEERNEES NEE NER" MANHEIM “4 t L When you purchase a flameless Electric Clothes Dryer. ~ LAST CHANCE TO SAVE 10 —————— ~~ op + SE 9 § § $ § § 9 d 3 : § ! NAME FOR CUSTOMER USE: STORE NAME GIFT CERTIFICATE This Certificate is redeemable on the purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer from a Participating Appliance Retailer. Fill in your name, address and PP&L Customer Number (it appears above your name on your electric service bill) and take certificate to the Participating Appliance Retailer and he will gi give you a $10.0 credit toward your purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes oo 0 FOR RETAILER USE: : 9 ADDRESS PP&L CUSTOMER NO. STORE ADDRESS DATE OF PURCHASE OFFER GOOD BETWEEN OCT. 21 & NOV. 16, 1968 MAKE VOLTAGE: Caov PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY x {J 200.v 9 With wintery weather on its way, it’s time to think of protecting yourself and your laundry from rain, mud, wind, sleet and snow. And, as an extra incentive, PP&L is going to pay $10.00 of the cost of any automatic electric clothes dryer you select. All you have to do is clip this certificate (above) and give it to any participating elec- tric appliance dealer (he’ll be displaying the Remember— Offer Ends Saturday, Nov. 16 Give this Certificate To Your Dealer—He’ll Reduce the Price $10.00—-PP&L’s Gift To You! ‘red and blue “Pick a Winner” banner) after you select the electric dryer best suited to your family’s needs. He’ll deduct the $10.00 from the cost and bill PP&L.. Best of all, you’ll have the convenience and comfort of drying the family laundry indoors without one weather worry in the world. So . . . save $10. See your dealer today. t atl AN INVESTOR-OWNED 3 3 ELECTRIC UTILITY /; J IN THE SERVICE R B® OF THE PUBLIC * 5