The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 23, 1968, Image 7
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, BUSINESS DIRECTORY ~— 1968 Convenient Reference To Firms Servimg Community ®¢ AUTO REPAIR STALEY'S GARAGE General Repairs Used Cars - Inspections MOUNT JOY 653-5951 CHARLEY'S PAINT & BODY SHOP COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED 234 S. Market Ave. 653-5828 MOUNT JOY, PA. oe e DAIRY PRODUCTS ELWOOD MARTIN PENSUPREME PRODUCTS “MILK & ICE CREAM RD.2 Ph Mt. Joy 653-4891 e DRUG STORES PRESCRIPTIONS WHEEL CHAIRS -WALKERS Sale or Rent ~ Kreamer Pharmacy Elizabethtown 367-1262 ® EXCAVATING C. ROBERT FRY GENERAL EXCAVATING ® Residential ® Industrial ‘R.D.2, MANHEIM, PA. Phone Mount Joy 653-1253 e FURNITURE : Eberly Furniture & Floor Covering ELIZABETHTOWN R.D.3 115 Mi. East along Manheim Road Call 367-5468 e HOME IMPROVEMENT OOFING — SIDING SBOUTING — AWNINGS RALPH F. KLINE Over 20 yrs. experience Mount Joy 653-5771 Lititz 626-7474 Ephrata 733-1224 We're particular about our work i Inc. nstalment Loan Service ! (LOANS TO $600) Instalment Consumer Discount Co. (LOANS TO $3500) ent. Sqr., Elizabethtown Bx PHONE 367-1185 © MASONRY LESTER P. ESHELMAN MASONRY Brick - Block - Stone Silicone Masonry Waterproofing Donegal Springs Road © 653-5325 e OIL SERVICE HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE MOUNT JOY 653-4484 TLANTIC PFTROLEUM ATLA propuCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service e PAINT & BODY WORK Carriger Paint & Body Shop Cars painted. Wrecks rebuilt Wheel Alignment Service RHEEMS 367-6450 ® PLUMBING H. S. MECKLEY & SON PLUMBING - HEATING OIL BURNERS Sales & Service 15 W. Main St. Ph. 653-5981 LEO KOB, INC. Heating — Plumbing Air Conditioning “Since 1904” 24 South Market Etreet Elizabethtown, Pa. ® SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOL CLEANING OLIVER SAGER & SON INC. SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL CLEANING Phone 367-1256 : 11 Sager Rd., Elizabethtown LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX c.t.a. NOTICE E<tate of John K. Witmer, deceased, late of East Done- gal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Letters testamentary on said estate having been gran- ted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those hav- ing claims or demands a- Zainst the same will present them without delay for set- tlement to the undersigned MARY F. WITMER, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. Administratrix Henry J. Rutherford Attorney 28-3c ® CHURCH NEWS (From page 6) School . 9:45 am. Mount Joy First Presbyterian Church School 11:00 am. Mount Joy Wor- ship Service. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass John’s Lutheran Church Maytown, Pennsylvania Ronald E. Peirson, pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:45 a.m. Worship service. St. God's Missionary Church Salunga, Penna. Rev. John F. White, Pastor 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour luesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Church of the Brethren Salunga, Pa. Rev. Russell Beahm, Pastor Moderator, Paul Cope S.S. Supt., Elam Haldeman Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church School. 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor: ship Service. Friday Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Friday 6:45 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Mount Joy Rev, Donald M. Whitesel Rector Sunday XX Sunday After Trinity 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Morning Prayer and Sermon. Church School. : 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. The members of the Eastern Star organiza tions of Marietta and Eliza- bethtown will worship in St. Luke's. Thursday THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES Miss Grace Henderson Mrs. Leslie Blake returned last Friday from Scott Air Force Base, Ill. where she visited her daughter, Airman Carol Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Arn- old spent last week at Lin- coln, Maine, enjoying the fall foliage. Linda Houseal, a student at Millersville state college, spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. Minnie Mann, Coates- ville, visited Mrs. Margaret Brandt and the Greers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram May- ers, Mrs. Margaret Brand{ and her sister, Mrs. Minnie Mann accompanied the Retir- ed Citizens of Columbia on a bus trip to the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania last Saturday There were three buses that transported the group. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morris visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Morris Jr. and children at Pittsburgh last weekend. Mrs. Robert Loury, Pitts- burgh, spent last weekend with the Ray Frybergers. Mrs. Florence Barnhart re- turned from the hospital last week and is convalescing at her home. Mrs. Alberta Waller, a pa- tient in St. Joseph's hospital, expects to return home this week. The annual Halloween pa- rade and parties at the May- town elementary school will be held Thursday, October 31. The American Legion Aux- iliary meeting was held last Monday evening at the home of Nellie Blake. It was re- ported that 106 members have joined thus far. Two more are needed for quota. Plans for a Ward party: at Coatesville hospital were completed Mrs. Ruth New- comer is the chairman and the party will be held on Wednesday evening. The bud- get for the ensuing year was @ Of This and That (From page 1) home on numerous occasions, always delightfully. The home is on a hign ridge overlooking Akron and a wide valley. It is of con- temporary siyiing, with four or five levels, but it is liter- ally “filled” with priceless antiques! The young people began collecting old pieces as soon as they were married, long before the current ‘rage’ for antiques began, so they got “first choice” of many desir- able items! There is a gleaming wal- nut drop leaf table, a school- master's desk, a spinning wheel, a gorgeous Dutch cup- board, settees made from buggy seats, with wrought iron bases, a collection of German steins, another of Toby mugs, a coffee table made from a huge plank and set on wrought iron legs. There are water colors and oils by artist-friends. There is an unusual piece in the family room — an old post office sorting cabinet — paint- ed an attractive antique green, and full of such things as blue spatter bowls and other Pennsylvania Dutch _ treasures. It is a warm, friendly, at- tractive, fascinating home — and quite worthy of being included some year on the Tour of Homes! * ® * Speaking of “Tour of Homes’ homes — the Donald H. Bettys bought the Oliver 7:00 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Re- hearsal Friday, All Saint’s Day 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion read by Grace Henderson, = chrm., and approved. The other members of the budget committee are Mrs. Goldie Yordy and Mrs. Mary Sarver., Mrs. Blake, the president thanked all who helped at the reception and rummage sale. A family style roast beef dinner will be served at the Fire Hall, Sunday, Oct. 27th from 11 to 2. Harvest Home was celebra- ted in St. John’s Lutheran chureh Sunday. The Chancel Memorials were also dedicat- ed. %* Face Playground (From page 1) mum effort toward keeping the playground program rol- ling in 1969, the school will employ a recreation director. Employment of a director would provide the beginning of a skeletal structure around which to work. Such a director would, at least, then be able to contact organizations of the area which are interested in keep- ing the program alive. One of the facets of the problem pointed out to the school by Rotary is that de. lays in decisions now can lead only to confusion, lack of leadership and a stalled program as the time for play- grounds arrives next spring and summer. Wendell Holmes home on Donegal Springs road not long ago. (The Holmes home was included on Mount Joy's home tour a few years ago.) Mr. Betty is manager for Armstrong of the new ceiling insulation plant at Marietta. He and his family seem io eb enjoying the lovely hill- side home as much as did the lively Holmes family, who are now living in Calii- ornia. item: Mr. O. Groff “home” Charles Another and Mrs. and little daughter will be moving into their beautiful new home in Donegal Heights soon, And Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaeffer, west Donegal St., hope to see ground broken soon for the new home they will build on Park Avenue, next door to Mr. and Mrs. John Day III * #* i Yet another ‘“hpme” bit of news: The 1968 Chrysan- PAGE SEVEN STEVEN E. BRIGHTBILL Airman Steven E. Bright- bill, son of Mr. and Mis. Earl M. Brightbill, 406 S. Market Ave., has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been as- signed to the Air Force Tech- nical Training Center at Lowry AFB, Colo., for spec- ialized schooling as an intel. ligence specialist. Airman Brightbill, a 1965 graduate of Donegal high school, at- tended Shippensburg State College. His wife is the for- mer Vicki M. Scott of Lan- caster. ® Main Street - (From page 1) the old trolley line, which at one time ran along that street between Mount Joy & Elizabethtown. Rails them- selves were removed many years ago. @® ? ® The high schoolers are having fun this week with politics. They have created a new party, apparently, for they have a candidate whose name is NOXIN. @ ® ® They wear campaign but- tone displaying the. name, all the while grinning im- pishly. ee o ® And, their campaign but. tons are rapidly availabie. All one need to do is to get himself a Republican cam- paign button bearing the name of Nixon and turn it upside down. It doesn't take a financial wizard to suggest that this is a good time to pay debts and hold on to the balance of your money, if you have any left. Our Advertisers ~atronize themum Show at the Paul Hipple home, west Main street, is in full swing. The color in the masses of bios- soms around the home is at its peak, and is a lovely sight. Visitors are invited to walk or drive around in the back, where most of the flowers are located. Tosi roots tories toni? P60 00640000300800440604054 SSSI bree ee IIIT ITI IIIT YP 0 Sere 3 $0400 9e0s0506 0d Stereo oi os BE READY HUNTING SEASON WILL BE HERE SOON ® “No Hunting” ® “No Trespassing” ® “Safety Zone” Signs pPOOS050004 SE De mg POOP D PIPPI tt a LTT IIT ITI IIIT IY PIO SE00000000000600000040000000000 The Mount Joy Bulletin 11 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE MOUNT JOY 653-4400