] ed dei Sh. Sg 0 DN ee BST Te WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 (From page 1) THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. PAGE FIVE The lot slopes steeply uphill threatened to refuse to ac- voted to build the street as who attended Keystone Boys + School Named to the north toward (he cept the street as a public planned. site. In a distance of 200 ft. thoroughfare after it is com- In other business ikl day night, the board of direc- The school district several In a letter to the school One alternative discussed tors heard a departmental months ago purchased a lot board, Marietta borough indi. was cutting down the grade report from the high school on the north side of the cated that the grade will be at a cost which is estimated language teachers: street, razed a house and too steep for safety particul- would be $10,000. the level rises 17 feet. pleted. —Heard a report from the now will build the street. ary in bad weather, and The school board, however, Donegal high school ra on SY TA p— ay ~ a ON YOUR NEW DRYER i this gift certificate - r—— ee wa ~~ Be GIFT CERTIFICATE This Certificate is redeemable on the purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer from a Participating Appliance Retailer. Fill in your name, address and PP&L Customer Number (it appears above your name on your electric service bill) and take certificate to the Participating Appliance Retailer and he will give you a $10.00 : gradi toward your purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer, \ FOR CUSTOMER USE: ' FOR RETAILER USE: STORE NAME STORE ADDRESS, “NAME ADDRESS DATE OF PURCHASE MAKE OFFER GOOD BETWEEN OCT. 21 & NOV. 16, 1968 VOLTAGE: Cov Cav PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PP&L CUSTOMER NO. With wintery weather on its way, it's time to think of | protecting yourself and your laundry from rain, mud, wind, sleet and snow. And, as an extra incentive, PP&L | is going to pay $10.00 of the cost of any automatic | electric clothes dryer you select. \- All you have to do is clip this certificate (above) and give it to any participating electric appliance dealer (he'll be displaying the red and blue *‘Pick a Winner” banner) after you select the electric dryer best suited to your family’s needs. He'll deduct the $10.00 from the cost and bill PP&L., Best of all, you'll have the convenience and comfort of drying the family laundry indoors without one weather worry in the world. So... save $10, See your \ dealer today. v OFFER GOOD FROM OCT. 21 TO NOV. 16 AT ANY IPARTICIPATING ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER, AN INVESTOR-OWNED TFB ELECTRIC UTILITY /4 IN THE SERVICE OF THE PUBLIC State camp and the Rotary Leaders camp this past sum- mer, —Confirmed the employ- ment of Fred Hashinger of Millersville as project super- visor of the Rivervicw school and —Heard a report that the state reaffirmed its approvel of Donegal’'s annexation of the area on which the NCR plant is situated. a Needlecraft Speaker Mrs. Alfred Halm, past National president of - the Needlework Guild of Ameri- : ca, will be the guest speaker at a dinner meeting of the Mount Joy Chapter Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 6:30 p.m. As moderator,” Mrs. Halm - will use as her topic, “What is Needlework Guild”. Par- ticipating in the panel discus- sion will be representatives from three local agencies whose patients are recipients of garments contributed by the local chapter: Mrs. J. Buckwalter from Messiah Or- phanage; Mrs. Leslie Blake, a member of the county nur- ses association and Anna Mummau from the Family and Children’s services. Miss Margaret Hower, Na- tional Executive of Junior Needlework Guild, also will be present to suggest articles of clothing simple enough for Girl Scouts and teenagers to construct for the charity. Mrs. Samuel Balsbaugh will preside at the business meeting when a slate of of- ficers will be presented by the nominating committee— Mrs. Adam Greer and Mrs. Simeon Horton. The annual ingathering will be held on the above date with distribution on Oc- tober 30. New Enterprise Shaping Up Mount Joy has another new enterprise shaping up-— the private art lessons being given at the Phillips Art Stu- dio in the small white build- ing in the middle of the pub. lic parking lot, behind the Presbyterian home. Susan Phillips is teaching basic and advanced drawing in charcoal and pastel, as well as painting in oils and acrylic. The current subjects being stressed are still life and landscape. Later there will be lessons in block print- ing and tray painting. Child- ren’s classes will start in No- v_mber on Wednesday after- roons from 3:30 to 5:30, by epnointment with Mrs. Phil- li 5s. Age limit will be from 1¢ to 18 years. T.ese local classes give an cpportunity for personalized attention and provide an out- let for emotional energy and creative expression. To quote Mrs. Phillips, “To be an ar- tist means to sharpen one’s eyes, mind and feelings and interpret nature in a highly personal manner with any media.” There will be a number of exhibitions to display stu- dens’ work in the spring. Anniversary Observe 45th Mr. and Mrs. Monroe M. Snavely, 312 north Barbara sireet were guests at a sur- prise anniversary dinner Sat- urday evening, Oct. 18. The dinner was held at the Little Duchess Restaurant, in New Holland. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Monroe M. Snavely, Harold Snavely, Verna Mae Snavely, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Snavely and fam- ily, all of Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Shelly and fam- ily, Manheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Wenger Groff of New Holland who were their at- tendants.
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